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this will make guys with measuring tape fetish very happy
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So cute, shame her new album is mid.
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Yeah but the promo pics made up for it
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gonna be sore by the end of today
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>tfw no qt Dua gf with a flaccid little girlcock
what the fuck is going on with her lower lip here
What about her philtrum here >>4859346? It's weird desu, maybe she answered the call
a daily dose of my cum would fix her face forever
she has gotten a lot more manly as she aged. her earlier pictures, like the one you posted here, are her at her prime.
She always looks great.
i also think she looks her best in video, because she's got such a nice smile and voice ._.
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I'd rub those lobes
Does anyone have her new TIME magazine photos?
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wow her hair like that is actually really hot
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The best hairstyle I've seen her with is either that or this one
I'd make her pretend she was Ashley Judd and that I was Harvey Weinstein.
Elaborate please, I didn't read the People of California Vs Harvey Weinstein trial documentation to know what are you referring to
Literally manufactured for Big Serbian Cocks
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pls give Dua wife
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>POV: you're a serbian flag when Dua is really desperate to go to the toilet
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I wish I was that flag desu...
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Dressed like that, she could do anything she wanted to me.
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Not into that, but I'd love to look at her while she marks her territory. Based on that yellow bikini photo series on the beach it looks that given the need she's used to do her business anywhere
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Too bad she doesn't record it for us like Miley does
>Based on that yellow bikini photo series on the beach it looks that given the need she's used to do her business anywhere
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This set with her sitting next to a bunch of empty glasses acting like she's desperate and then rushing to the sea.
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In this one you can really see how full her bladder was
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That must've felt good
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Ready for the second round of drinks
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>ywn be Dua's toilet
>ywn be killed by Dua
dude not sure how to break this to you but resorts have bathrooms. her friend has a 10/10 ass though so thanks for that set
>dude not sure how to break this to you but resorts have bathrooms
Of course, but Dua didn't bother to use them, and pissed into the sea instead
>me on the right
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Do you think she wears her moon boots without socks?
dewy lulu
>enter thread
>type "dewy lulu"
>click post
>leave thread
This version seems to have been born male, but the preceding pics seem to have been born female. If only one of the people playing Dua Lipa's role is male, then that's better than most female celebs.
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I wish Dua was male, it would be so hot.
I did nut to her
she'd be proud of you anon
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please kill yourself
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pure sex goddess
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and hot damn her sister too
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not really
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Now that her new album flopped and she'll inevitably be knocked back down to B list status, what's next for her career?
she should keep showing off her nipples
>what's next for her career?
shitting in my mouth daily for 2 years until she drops a new log/album in my mouth
the tattoo is so much worse because its a crackhead job
Probably back to being an escort for old Jewish men in NY
Why? Because I want Dua to be a feminine guy who has a cute femboy cock tucked away under his clothes?
>look up the training season video
>dua surrounded by dudes that mog me
Is there a story/blind item to this or are you just going off of her general Eastern European whore vibe?
Please don't bring back that schizo with his celebrity trap house orgy cringe
smooching dua on the forehead
She definitely gets bad BO when performing.
This is a hot picture, but a bulge would make it even hotter.
Yes, my bulge rubbing over her wet crotch
>Is there a story/blind item
yes, the rumor is that she was "discovered" while she was a high class escort in NY, specifically favored by local mob bosses and city politicians
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>albanian londoner posting her songs on youtube since she was 14 and discovered by Simon Cowell was... LE HIGH CLASS ESCORT IN NY!!!! TRUST ME!
At least try something with Prince Andrew next time, your fan fiction story is utterly cringe to say the least

some 1 please tell Dua' to take OFF that fucking trash bag, she's using as "dress" lol
its repulsive, Not fashion.
i swear; every time. fucking hollyweird !

she was an escort. don't deny this anon.
its ok.
she was born a woman, and she was doing her part for society. now that her "talents" have been discovered more closely. she'll return to her swap wit the rest of her ilk' where they belong
>she was an escort
Maybe, but not in NY you fucking slug
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You think any cum ever got in there?
hit myself in the eye once. it stings.
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for me it was on my chin and beard. might make you appreciate the job more when someone else is taking it. I mostly just felt embarrassment. luckily I was alone. now I treat it like a gun and make sure to only point it at things that need shooting. sucks because sometimes that extra angle really hits the spot.
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i didn't mind it i was just happy i could still coom that hard. rarely happens.
I'd use her brown iris as a shooting target if I had the chance. Since both of us had the same thought it's obvious that she sexually met someone like-minded irl
just came to this picture
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Imagine tying her arms and taking her holes right there
Changed my opinion, the album is solid and emotional
it was pretty straightforward, anon, i was horny, masturbated, and my penis exploded while i was looking at the dua lipa picture
Now imagine Dua luring you under the stage, tying your arms, teasing you until precum and then leaving to do her show over your head. Then coming back after hours all sweaty and horny to finish the job
a sex worker who happens to sing well
A real sex worker would be able to dance better than that
i doubt it
Its the constant deep-throating. Really loosens those vocal cords.
I bet she could fart a symphony then if that trick works for shincters too
who's the friend?
thats her sister, Rina
>hey sis, let's go take a piss in the sea like when we were kids!
Even hotter
She would look hot in diapers

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