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anyone got


in full size?
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mhhhh so fuzzy
also I love her big front teeth.
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Gonna name my new EP "The Phoebe Larson EP." Hope you guys like it. Just look it up next month. To be honest, I haven't written the lyrics yet, but I guess the main single will be inspired by that character or something. I just really like that KStew character.
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I'm more of a Lisa Budwing kind of guy.
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for me it's small town LawyerStew
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ding ding ding we have a winner
and pic is runnerup
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she looked heartmelting but idk if I like her character
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i got excited for a second that someone finally made a good 3D model of her

but it looks pretty natural compared to dalle which exaggerates her features
Yeah I cannot stand anything that dalle produces anymore.
SDXL captures her quiet well. Adding a LoRA on top to get the face right.
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I've yet to watch any of her SNL stuff: how cringe is it?
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I don't watch that shit, just like I dont watch her awful flicks, Pinterest just led me to a great galery with rare redhead stews, that's it.
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>just like I dont watch her awful flicks

wtf man
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>redhead stews
Great idea; I just made this in stable diffusion.
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ew nah just recolor some real ones dude, good intention though
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Was just a quick test. I'm not setup for detailed closeups anyways.
So glad that SD can change hair color and styles in seconds. Trying that in photoshop was always painful and rarely looked good.
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can I get a blonde blue-eyes Stew not to mess with perfection but out of curiosity?
>blue-eyes Stew
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She now looks like a really expensive hooker, an élite one
A ZJ girl
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I'm going to hell for this.

It's really hard to get the roots too, I guess AI is trained with 99% fake blondes.
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She looks like a superhero
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does it know her and choose a realistic color rather than giving her natural hair?

also she is the only one who broke through my blonde/blue eyes type
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Fucking socks.... I hate that faggot so much.
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what a surprise, its Teresa Palmer.
it's depressing how people keep saying she is her lookalike and they have barely any resemblance

why do people have to be so unique?
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they say it because they see it. you not seeing it is your attempt to be "unique". here is your (You).
Most beautiful woman on the planet.
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kiss the Stew on the forehead
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I agree.
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I like her but c'mon let's not go this far. Idk if she would even make the top 100 if we are objective.
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I would trade every other women in the world for her though.
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Name five women more beautiful than her so I can take a shit on your taste. Thank you.
Rebecca Ferguson
Jessica Chastain
Lea Seydoux
Natalie Portman
Saoirse Ronan
>Lea Seydoux
Based, Reine Léa is the only one I can cheat Kstew with. And she's not as degenerate, had a child, etc.
This is a sarcastic list, right, like a joke.
Those arent even real contenders like JLH or lacey chabert or jessica alba or prime lindsay lohan.
Literally mogged by out of focus Kristen in the background.
> JLH or lacey chabert or jessica alba or prime lindsay lohan.

all mid

I specifically looked at her contemporaries because if we are talking about people in their prime it will be even worse as I can mention JCon, Cate Blanchett, Gillian Anderson, Uma Thurman, Winona Ryder...
>cate blanchet and jessica chastain on the same level as jcon or winona ryder
You're literally just insane.
was just listing some names off the top of my head with no claims to them being on the same level. what makes kstew so attractive is her personality and not raw looks.

until I watched an interview with her she was just a random pretty actress for me.
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how is she real?
Ugliest cunt in the movies.
I'm not convinced she is real in the traditional sense, she might be some kind of manifestation of our collective desires.
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gorgeous beyond words
Would you rather finish on her face or in her mouth?
in her vagina, every time. why would i pull out?
Two ropes on her face, then stick it in
It’s was a binary choice.
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rewatched Spencer. It really is a gorgeous film. The beautiful mansion, the gorgeous lighting, the use of film, the eerie instrumental score. I love looking at Kristen yet the movie still feels uncomfortable to watch because she is in this constant tension and you fear she will snap any moment. Have there been any other biopics like this?
Spencer is one of the good recent biopics. there's been a glut of them over the past few years and most of them aren't good. I like Blackberry, not as beautiful but it does have its own gross grey boardroom style, it's pretty tense and uncomfortable, kind of like Succession without the jokes. It's hard deciding where exactly to draw the line between biopic and movies about 'a real thing that happened which involved real people that were famous/in the zeitgeist': there's an argument to be made for The Iron Claw, or Killers of the Flower Moon, both gorgeous and foul at the same time.
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well I meant specifically this unconventional style of biopic where it focused only on 3 days instead of trying to retell the whole life and explored the psyche of the person rather than trying to be a documentary

also this paparazzi photo is funny considering in the movie they warn Diana to not open the windows because of the photographers. almost wonder if this was done on purpose.
i don't play by your rules. after i get her pregnant a few times before she can't anymore, maybe i'll nut all over her face. but even then, i'd have her seduce hot young women into our bed where she'd let me impregnate them too.
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she has the best smile
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i need to cum on her pretty face
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Powerful enough to melt steel beams.
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This is the dream.
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I'm not ready for this. What I like about her is that even in her 30s she still has that youthfulness but that will be the end of that. Also every interview will be about motherhood...
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>every interview will be about motherhood
she already talked about it in recent interviews. and given that she and Dylan froze their eggs, they probably have some intentions about getting kids.
this year Kristen's schedule is packed but we'll see about the next year
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>tfw they invent some new procedure to fertilize her eggs with dylans dna somehow and the kids all turn out with dylans face
Dylan's eggs?? They're gonna clone the ugly one???
>The good ending
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You are an evil person.
You realize that pregnancy will change her body shape. How can you not be ready for that.
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it's just that for me she is like a ethereal goddess and this will be a grim reminder that she is human and goddesses don't exist. you might call me crazy but you guys kinda started it with this thread.

her body is perfect to me and I don't want to change a thing about it no I don't want her to have bigger boobs
Anon is right, imagine her with postprenancy droopy tits - but her dna must be preserved so I think cloning is the best answer.
they took this from you
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Imma take it back.
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Jesus, more?
I watched all 5 twilight movies in a row, that was a great mistake
You retard you never watch all 5 movies back to back. I don't care how cute/hot she is in those movies you never do that. Just stick with the first movie and that's it, mostly because it has a comfy atmosphere.
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Shit forgot pic
I fucked up big time, anon. I got the feels again
She needs my **** lodged up her ****.
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her eyes are hypnotic
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It's weird how even good actors like christopher heyerdahl deliver terrible performances in twilight.
And the cringe curve increases drastically with each movie.
Like it isnt enough that they're all sparkly vampires with superstrength and speed they also all have to have an additional superspecial superpowers on top of the vampire superpowers like telepathy or clairvoyance or even more superspeed in addition to the regular superspeed.
This isn't reddit, why are you self censoring?
out of respect for her
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>Trust in meeee, just in meeee. Shut your eyes and trust in meeee. You can sleeeeep safe and sound
that is one of my favorite pictures

maybe that's just my fantasy but the way she looks here gives me this feeling of a deep connection unlike the photos where she looks bored or smiles politely. When I look at it I feel like everything is gonna be alright.
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Yeah there's a couple from that set that make me feel that way, too.
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these movies actually pissed me off

I went in with an open lenient mind considering I am not the target audience of these movies. I grew up with anime so I am no stranger to cringe. I thought that as long as I don't take these movies seriously I will have some fun. But nope. I expected epic fights and drama between vampires but it was just like a soap opera with a lot of talking.

I remember enjoying anime about high schoolers with secret powers for that cool moment where the characters powers get revealed and everyone is in awe. But in these movies did anyone in school even realize they were vampires/werewolves? I even forgot Bella was going to school still until they had 1 short scene at the lunch table with her friends. It was not integrated at all.

And the worldbuilding was so lazy. They introduce that powerful vampire clan but don't really do anything with them. Then they introduce all the vampires from other countries to get them together in one place but again nothing happens besides a big fight which turns out to be an illusion.

I would have to rewatch these for a proper review but I don't want to. Also by now I'm sure there are more than enough reviews explaining everything wrong with these movies.

It just pisses me off that such crappy storytelling made so much money.
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And it's so hard not to laugh when michael sheen and dakota fanning are onscreen. Which again is weird because those could be made into convincing vampires but instead it just looks like really lame vampire cosplay.
But the worst thing by far about twilight is making kris10 wear brown contacts.
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Kristen looking apologetic for all the diabates she caused with her sweetness.
She has dozens of private naked pictures online
That ship has sailed
She does?

Prove it, somehow...
She doesn't.
After the first fappening style leaks, you can say that she was a victim
But the images kept coming. Because she doesn't care that those pics come out for everyone to see
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it still breaks my brain to think how all my life I have this understanding that she is like this mythical creature and I only get to look at pictures and say "hi" if I am willing to wait hours to reserve a spot behind the fence

yet someone actually gets to be close to her and have her trust and love

those leaks did more damage to me than her by making me fully conscious of something that I understood but had in the very back of my mind. idk how to cope with it.
some of you guys are really the serial killer type of nuts and the reason all celebrities need personal security.
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>But the images kept coming.

IIRC kristen does not even have any public social media. She never posted any pictures herself they were stolen from the apple accounts of her exes.
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How come that some celebrities have leaks like that, but most celebrities and people have zero leaks at all.
That's because if you let multiple people take nudes of you, you are a fucking slut.
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I actually thoughted they were strangly wholesome considering the sexuality she projects. They were mostly just matter of fact without any sexy posing. In some she looks even pissed off.
What is wholesome about taking a picture of your naked vagina and asshole?
And then sending that picture to someone who shares it with the world or is dumb enough to get hacked.
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Oh you
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>on your knees, boy
not unless she's smuggling a 12 incher somewhere
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lol imagine taking orders from a woman.
>tfw edging a huge load to KStew and finally blowing
Natalie is the only one better than Stew.
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Guess it's just me that wants a tiny frail 90 pound girl you could overpower with both arms and a leg tied behind your back to roleplay being in total control of me and grab me by the hair at the back of my head and violently shove my face into her vag.
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it wouldn't even be roleplay
she knows she has a monopoly on my heart and happiness and full control over me
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ugh so true
How did it end up this bad
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What if she had big fat stripper titties?
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i want to fuck buzzstew in the ass so bad it's unreal
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yeah what if?
perky bouncy mouthfull booba > flabby titcow udders
Impossibly hot andro-girl
Same but with her meaty vagina
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Ugh fuck me too. Hot sloppy anal sex with buzzstew
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She is like a dress up doll to me. Give me a four way with buzzstew, slagstew, and princessdianastew
I know you guys are just bored from the content break but this is deeply offensive to me because I'm always in awe of how perfect everything about her is.
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they will become udders once she has my babies
I find her unconventionally attractive, even though a bit shallow.

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