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ive already been told the paneling is bad
im working on it
I assume you're looking for feedback or critique?
Your style is pretty fitting for what I can assume the story is about and the facial expressions are done well imo.
I think the change in detail and color from the first two panels to the second two is off-putting and red hoodie's dialogue feels as if intentionally saying something that is hard to swallow so she can have this "deep thought" segment about it.
That being said I really like the color change in the last 3 panels for that, and the final panel looks nice.
good notes, i dont get a lot of time for long form comic writing so im just trying to hammer down footnotes of their character i guess until i have enough to work with that i can just fumble about with it.

never cared much for comics that start out with the first three pages just being someone walking around.

have doodles of an oc i never draw anymore
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i know i don't interact as often but i want you to know i really like your art
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i appreciate that, here i was pretty satisfied with this, so here you go
I can’t say much about the paneling other than it does flow correctly, i didn’t get mixed up on the order.

I would maybe lighten the red on the text in the bottom panels, the contrast between the text and background is low and that makes it harder to read. I like to check my values with digital art by using a black-and-white filter.
>never cared much for comics that start out with the first three pages just being someone walking around.
I agree with that a lot. Cute oc btw.
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im running out of time for my passions as im driven by a constant need for more money.

the means by which i need to live continues to be stolen from me by underhanded means and a future that i desire seems to be farther and farther away every time i wake up.

the love that i hold that drives me to continue trying is not focusing on what i actually want to achieve and the fears that i will let down those who are important to me ring in my head constantly like the echos of gun fire.
I want to sniff her sweater.
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here you go
can i read this anywhere?
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currently the only place im uploading it that you would have any luck at keeping track of is here.

i dont really have anywhere else that im keeping up with, there's not a lot, since i just never have the time usually but its there.
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i hope that im retaining an air of artistry in these
i dont know why im suddenly so invested in doodling these little moments but its good practice i guess.
Hey I'm starting my own, 5 pages in where are you at so I can follow you could use the inspiration.
Its two posts up
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i like how this turned out but unfortunately i edited it and now its all fucky, so this screen cap is the only place it exists
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can i lick her abs
Sorry, that ones married
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almost done.

i kinda lost focus on this one
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Could you try drawing her with a flatter chest? I'm madly in love with her and I want to know if it's just because of her giant tits.
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nah, you can have this though
how long did it take you to get to this skill level anon-sama?
well lets see...
my earliest memory artwise was scribbling down a shitty drawing of a snowball fight in crayon during kindergarten, i remember thinking that it was annoying i was coloring snow in white crayon on a brownish felt-like construction paper.

im almost 30 now so... give or take 29 years.

i dont think i actually started getting "good" until about 19 and even then if i look back at it now its gonna be so shit i just know it.
I adore the way you draw faces anon, would you ever take commissions?
i mean i guess i kinda do?
but i dont really wanna dox my legal name to just whoever, maybe if i can figure out how to set up kofi again, that seemed to work ok.
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i think i set this up right?
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testing a different brush
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i finally saw all of evangelion recently
i like asuka
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Your art is nice but all of your skulls look like this guy
He does! He's lying!!!!
i dont believe you
drew this special for you after i picked all the smegma off my cock
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i havent actually drawn in a while, i feel rusty
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fuck yeah
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did for a friend
I like the style! and the paneling could be improved with very simple increases to the black space between panels. The only other change I would prefer is using a standardized typeface as opposed to the handwriting, but thats entirely up to taste. Keep it up!
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Dont know how this'll work but i was fairly proud of my efforts with this one.

Ive been slowly digging away at ideas ive had years before but planned too much to do until now
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i guess technically this could be a facsimile of isabelle
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one more
Draw more Isabelle. Stop being horny for beautiful, thicc murders and be sad again.
Hey you might just be in luck, im having a really weird time rn and im trying not to think about it

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