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Previous: https://archived.moe/i/thread/749521

Oekaki Post (Time: 2h 14m, Replay: View)
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The white void is all encompassing
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Made a few pages they were too boring to post
Not sure why the shadow looks like that I assume it's her ghost
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Suicide Thursday
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haven't had time to sit down and finish anything
Your art is awesome dude
I really like the shadows on the drawing in the middle right. Also did you draw this on your homework?
Thank you :)
Self study, I'm not in school
I love your art, man. keep up the good work!
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More casual stuff while I was sitting on a couch
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Shit from my butt
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Gonna look at references next time i try this
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Shaded his dick wrong
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I am no longer unemployed
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Oekaki Post (Time: 42m, Replay: View)
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Time is huge because i stepped away

Oekaki Post (Time: 4h 51m, Replay: View)
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I wonder if the bg will be transparent or black
I'd post in the animation gen if I knew what I was doing. Maybe i'll make moar and learn how to do this right.
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Uh uh uh uh
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Gonna go over this
These just feel like anatomy practice. Hard to think of interesting things to do, when i imagine them in my head i feel like i couldn't do most of it yet. Foreshortening is my enemy.
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Almost 3am
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Suicide friday
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Really low efforts staying up too late
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Someone's oc
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This sucks lmao
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Looks stiff
Not happy with the grils skin coloring, wanted their tones to look slightly different but it just doesn't look good.
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you're like the antithesis to the shitty shoujo manga art style condenced into a single artist
very cool i love it
Haha, thank you :)
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Replay has my very poor attempts at drawing clothes
I also rage quit to make this post when i wanted to draw more in the margins, fuck me.

Oekaki Post (Time: 2h 8m, Replay: View)
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Pretty poopy drawing

Oekaki Post (Time: 56m, Replay: View)
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I tabbed out a lot and my drawing disappeared i wonder how this will come out lmao
Just a warm up (If it comes thru)

Oekaki Post (Time: 43m, Replay: View)
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Baffled by the shadows.
Didn't do anything good today. Been sick the past few days. Hate being a stupid fumbling fucking RETARD.
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Might continue tonight or tomorrow... you never know.... maybe i'll finish a wip for the first time
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Feeling let down by my art and my life (all myself)
Let go of all my schedules and I feel like a mess, don't want to do anything, drawing is an exception but I still feel like I'm just doing series of anatomy practices instead of pieces. Don't try to make my """story""" a reality because it ends up being events with no meaning, when i try to make meaning its too literal, or too short sighted, etc.
Can't ask myself what I want to do before I die, because I don't really care, my work and my self feel very pointless to me. The only thing I do with my free time is draw. I enjoy it, but I wish I could give myself a reason to improve it- not just with skill but through a finished, cohesive, sequential series of pieces to convey what I want to convey.
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Going to trad now
Drew yesterday on paper but it's somewhere else, maybe i'll get to post at some point
Wish my seasonal depression wasn't for every season of the year.
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Need to study and make shit that isn't in a white void with no composition
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Been working on a website for my art, gives me motivation to make 'zines' and more small animations (That I actually finish and clean)
Brief draw.
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I view my repetition as a form of misguided neurosis that should/could have been redirected to the grind or, any number of things.
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It is my the start of muh weekend now. Told myself i would study hands but forced myself to do non artistic pro ductive things. Forcing myself back into C after being very sad that I am not a wiz like I wish i was. The grind continues.
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Porn that only I like
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I feel like when I wake up i'll realize how wonky these are.
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Everything i make is doodoo shit might continue later probably won't as it goes.
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Sucks need to do something else
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Going fishing today
° ° ° ° ° ° ° /
>< •> ° ° √
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Been drawing just don't like anything i've been making
I feel that. Hopefully, that feeling will blow over soon.
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Tired zzz

Oekaki Post (Time: 1h 23m, Replay: View)
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Oekaki Post (Time: 27m, Replay: View)
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I would rather kill myself than go to work
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Drawing poop shit been in blender the past 2 days will probably amount to nothing but I love geometry so much
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No idea when i'll continue these as with most things
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Oekaki Post (Time: 50m, Replay: View)
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Wish i used the space better
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