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I love Yuuka Kazami the Flower Master of the Four Seasons
And she loves hunting down lively young males.
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That's every touhou hag though.
Does the Ka likes her breasts being bitten when in sex?
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Usually not quite so literal with the "hunt" part though...
I want to be turned into fertilizer for Yuuka's garden
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Reminder that Yuuka is normally very chill unless you go after her flowers. You need to go out of your way to really piss her off
Would hugging her piss her off?
Very important, I need to know the safest way to witness Youkai Moe.
Master of Breakfast
Whenever I see this I always think she's touching herself in the last panel.
I'm sorry, Yuukarin, I just can't help but desire you.
Nothing like fingering yourself after a good breakfast.
Go on, tell us why without talking about her appearance.
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NTA but [picrel] is the funneist shit ever
She'd either be stunned by your bravery and try to hide her blush or tell you that if you dare stop you will regret it
Because she lives life on her terms and doesn't give a fuck. I wish I could be like her.
I like to imagine Yuuka is actually very delicate during sex, like a fragile flower.
That is until you flip her switch that is
the cooler master spark
Four songs, each one a banger. Nobody else can compare.
It could be worse.
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I think that while she enjoys being alone most of the time once in a while she gets lonely so she goes out and starts bullying Reimu and random fairies.
True but I doubt if someone were to fit her criteria she'd be opposed to him staying with her
I imagine she is similar to an American hillbilly in that if you encounter her on her terms she's mostly harmless but if you enter her territory uninvited then she is going to expel you with lethal force.
I don't think shell put in the effort into using lethal force some wandering fairy / human who just happen to wander in. Its much more likely shed just ask you to leave and only expel you if you are too stubborn or show up to bother her too much
That sounds right. Even a hillbilly will usually tell you to leave before pulling the trigger.

In the case of fairies, I imagine she would just smack it away like a mosquito if it gets annoying. Not like there's any harm done since they just respawn anyways.
Dosen't it also say that her garden is right between the human village and the youkai mountain ? Meaning passer-by would be expected ?
Sleepy Yuuka
Canonically she lets them be because they provide the energy for vibrant blooming.
For this reason I choose to believe that she'd be more impressed you made the journey than anything, and'd most likely be perfectly polite and accomodating provided you were respectful.
She might even try to strike up a conversation on all her hard work, but given her PMiSS entry I'm inclined to believe she'd not be good at it.
Id also imagine if you came to her needing help with Flowers shed be inclined to try and help you.

I don't believe she's malicious but would bluntly let you know if you're overstaying your wellcome
I think she's very delicate with you, but you'd know very well that you are not the one in control
the second it's over, she'd be back to normal, but every millisecond before that is spent giving you the most gentle and fulfilling treatment in your entire life
She's mentioned as liking to intentionally fuck with people so while she might not kill you, I don't imagine she would exactly be pleasant to speak to for any length longer than an exchange of greetings.
Liking to fuck with people doesn't mean everyone all the time, and I doubt she'd get all that much fun from a normal human from doing anything all that unpleasant.
Maybe after the second ̶d̶a̶t̶e̶ time you visit her she'd start getting adventurous and do things like verbally manipulating you into saying something rude or embarrassing for fun, or at most make you trip on a conveniently placed root and laugh at you when you eat shit in the earth, but I can't seriously imagine her being all that bad if violence is taken off the table by it's utter onesidedness and therefore boredom.
>She's mentioned liking to fuck people
Great news!
Trying to see how much damage one could do with words alone is the next frontier for those who have mastered physical violence.
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Does Yuuka have the best legs in Gensokyo?
Legend has it her thighs have enough strength to decapitate a person

That'd be the best possible way to go out
Especially if you're facing her!
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Youkai moe!!
It's a flower field. There's gonna be fairies, and they're going to make fun of you if you were to visit, anon. In fact, there couldn't even be flowers without fairies because they're the physical embodiment of nature and empower it. Yuuka's not going to chase them off because it's basically their turf and she's the one squatting there.
She only went to bully Cirno because as an ice fairy she doesn't fit into the flower field, and even then she kinda felt bad afterwards since teasing a weak fairy like that is just kinda petty and beneath her. She'd rather be bullying someone who thinks they're hot shit like Shinki.
I wish we saw Yuuka meeting Tanned Cirno, though. It must be quite a shock to see an ice fairy suddenly manifest a "tan" and spontaneously grow flowers around her body.
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In my headcanon, Yuuka gave tanned Cirno the flowers as proof she is the 'strongest'
Which version of Yuuka do you prefer? Monster with a surprisingly soft center or psychopathic youkai to her core?

the former is the correct choice
Even PMiSS which gives her a very high threat and the worst human friendship level also says she visits the human village. She might be powerful and scary but she won't attack unless provoked or if you are strong enough to give her a good fight.
Imagine accidentally stepping on a flower thinking nothing much of it and seeing Yuuka going to town for her own thing thinking she's there to kill you
mellowed out in her old age and next to impossible to push her back to her old self. I like it most when she's written as just living her life rather than actually being out for something
Neither, and this dichotomy is retarded.
Yuuka isn't some angry gorilla, nor is she secretly kind; rather, she's a *bother*.
An annoyance, a nuisance, a hindrance, a pain in the ass... Yuuka is all those things.
Sure, she could steep to violence, but where's the fun in that? She just wants to be remembered as someone people dread dealing with, a black mark on their souls that they can never shake off. Just a bit of misery brought into their lives.
Her sheer dedication to being a youkai, an enemy of mankind, even in these days where youkai-human relations have completely changed is what makes her youkai moe. No matter what happens, what makes her happy will always simply be ruining someone's day just for the sake of it.
She's basically just a much bigger and much cleverer fairy, whimsical and playful as she plays pranks all day and smiles as someone ends up slightly more miserable due to her actions.
Reimu hands wrote this
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I see someone got prank'd again.
Really, you think she'd be more grateful. This is as close to friends as Yuka has with anyone...
Yuuka would be soft and gentle if you were a botanist
considering how backwards and primitive the villagers are, a competent outsider she could talk shop with would be a breath of fresh air
and if you're a PhD, get ready for a shotgun wedding

Harm a flower and all the sudden you have a Chasity cage on you
She's very cute
I feel as though Yuuka would probably be unfamiliar with the terms and concepts a botanist, especially one from a foreign land, would use. Her knowledge of plants is innate so she probably never had to learn a technical thing about them because she can manipulate them at will anyways.
that's exactly why though
alien terms, yet the mortal clearly knows what they're doing, so she gets to learn about how the grandmasters of the outside world do things
Exotic knowledge is always a treat
I wonder if she would be impressed or disgusted by the way modern humans have learned to genetically modify plants.
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I would say a little bit of both, like being horrified they would but at the same time impressed they could. Kind of like some people's fascination with the holocaust.
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the botany course at my uni makes me want to kill myself, thanks for the copium
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Sorry Yuuka, therapy is a scam and i won't be taking Dr. (((Eirinberg)))'s meds
I would take any and every pill that mommy Eirin prescribed me. Doubly so if Yuuka endorsed them.
Confronting my issues?
I'd rather she just hit me and tell me to get a grip.
Is there any more of this ?
Yuuka is not ready to meet someone as flawed yet accepting of those flaws as I am!
Yuuka and nursegetsu will help you find the motivation to recognize and work on those flaws!
I tell Yuuka that there is no fixing perfection and hit her with a pair of finger guns.
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I think Japanese Flower might just be my favourite theme of them all.
It sounds like a staffroll theme more than a battle theme though.
Kioh Gyoku must have been a weird game.
My favorite interpretation of her is something akin to a retired war criminal. She did a lot of fucked up things in the past and enjoyed doing them but now she just wants to relax. She can and will go off on anyone who disturbs her peaceful retirement but her days of spree killing are long behind her.
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Get your FUCKING foot out my face!
Yuuka is a kind lady
I don't think you appreciate how hard this image makes me
I just want to kiss this woman for fifteen minutes straight, I don't care if she'll kill me after.
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Why are people scared of her? She's seems like a nice lady who enjoys flowers/
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Yuuka's sense of fashion is quite something
Is Yuuka a sigma male (female)?

Because when you actively try to mess with her and annoy her, she'll kill you
The best way to be left alone is to cultivate a reputation for being a violent psycho. It's because of this reputation that she can enjoy herself in relative peace.
You know she's gonna step on your face for that
The bug knows a thing or two on getting stepped on haha
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>Each sunflower head can contain as many as 1000 to 2000 seeds.
I want to have that many children with Yuuka.
I tell her NO means NO!
God, just imagine the show a pouty pregnant Yuuka would put on.
Imagine the gap moe found between her making you do everything for her because it's your fault, but also knowing she's actually as happy as she's ever been behind her complaints.
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Nature in full bloom
I think that pic is vore or unbirth
Don't worry, she's just really, really pregnant.
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Imagine Yuuka showing off her pregnant belly at the weekly hag meetup
no no, she's just pregnant with triplets
the first of many
>Imagine Yuuka showing off her pregnant belly at the weekly hag meetup
>everyone else gritting their teeth in rage that they STILL haven't found a man to do the same to them.
lol, lmao
Kill Bill type situation . She's the strongest so they might not try anything but you never know
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I bet that smells amazing
...I'm not proud of it, but her smiling face is worth the world to me.
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Yuuka's family
Imagine being older than Yukari but still being known as the younger Yukarin.
Honestly, you can't make this stuff up.
She seems younger due to flower power
We got the Yuuka gatekeeper over here.
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Does Yuuka likes to double team you in bed with her clone, or does she prefer one on one?
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have a nice day, Anons.
My mind has been full of negative thought today, I wish I could be like Yuukarin and just enjoy the flowers.
Beneath Mt. Everest is five miles of solid rock anon.
Every journey starts with a single step. Persevere and you shall succeed.
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Being invited to the home of the cute youkai you met at the florist!
Ignoring the warning of your friends, colleagues, and inner common sense that she is a danger and going to kill you!
Tentatively knocking on the door of her house in the garden of the sun!
Entering when you hear her call out that it's unlocked but suddenly a chloroform rag is pressed against your face from behind!
Waking up tied to a chair with two Yuukas looking down at you!
Panicking when you smell that she has her oven going and an array of ingredients spread out across her kitchen!
Having your pleas for mercy immediately interrupted by Yuuka 1 excitedly declaring that she always wanted to do this, and finally has the chance she's been waiting for!
Sobbing quietly as you realize that she has gone on to start explaining that she's going to compete iron chef style against her clone and she wants you to judge the dishes!
They're both (?) really good cooks!
You actually have a wonderful afternoon sampling two full course meals prepared by the Yuukas!
It's a tough decision, but you decide that Yuuka 2's food tasted slightly better and was more creative!
Getting punched in the jaw by Yuuka!
She's happy with her win, but the other her is a sore loser!
Regaining consciousness again at the edge of the garden of the sun missing your wallet!
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Yuuka clearly has a blonde fetish like ZUN
don't worry, Yuuka will gift you your wallet (and the hogtied fairy that stole it while you were unconscious) straight to your front door.
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So romantic...
Does the 'Ka communicate her affection through violence? Does she not know how to just talk to people about her feelings and hit them instead?
Is she like a cat that bites you because that's how it thinks it works?
It's very cute in it's own special little way. Moe even.
Youkai Moe.
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Kurumi seems like the type of girl who'd bite you a little to get your attention. A behavioural trait that she probably learned from Yuuka.
lmao what could she bite, my ankles?
Perfect, my chances to get with Yuuka have increased!!!
Yuuka does not allow 'rumi or Medi bullying in her thread!
You know, there are cleaner and less painful ways to commit suicide if that's the route you want to go down.
The most stylish youkai in gensokyo
Hands down. Without a doubt. Her outfit is the perfect blend of rustic modesty that's just revealing enough to spurr on the imagination.
The yellow neckdress conveniently placed right on her breast is just so placed to look as if she's not trying to draw the eye to her bust, since it compliments her hair and blazer so well.
Lesser men would say she's not doing it intentionally, but I know better. This is a carefully crafted look to elicit a particular reaction in a certain kind of man, yet so elegantly put together that it looks like she's not trying at all.

So well dressed is she, dear anon, so well is she dressed that it in fact perfectly encapsulates all the best qualities of Yuuka. Her attire is simultaniously both modern yet traditional, light and airy yet heavy and grounded, plain yet so, so intricate. It displays her feminine body like it was a gift of Nature itself, whilst at the same time subtly hinting at the tough, no-nonsense character of the girl herself. Truly, it is simply perfect in every conceivable way.

I think I might need a moment.
the only damage dante could do to yuuka is to her waistline by introducing pizza to gensokyo
How well would Dante fare against Yuuka based on the threat levels of things he kills in his own games?

No danmaku and Yuuka has reverted to who she was in the past.
Dante would solo all of Gensokyo and beyond.
I think it would depend on the Dante. DMC3 Dante would probably lose. DMC4 Dante sweeps without breaking a sweat.
Stalemate. Unless it is dmc3 dante then he dies because he was young and did not unlock his powers yet. In reality he is too nice to even begin fighting her in the first place unless she gets angry at his stupid jokes.
People vastly overestimate Yuuka, anyway.
She's strong, but probably only like, Remilia levels of physical strength (though lacking the other stuff that makes vampires so overpowered). Which makes her really strong even by youkai standards, but there's still more than enough people in Gensokyo who would outmatch her.
Dante loses immediately to hags like her dues his mommy issues.
In SMT3 Dante can hold his own against Lucifer so it would be a hell of a fight
Much like in the case of what makes Suika stronger than Yuugi, what sets Yuuka apart from other youkai who are just physically powerful is that she is also essentially a wizard on top of that.
C'mon Yukari, if that's the worst you can do and have anyone believe you, it's just a little pathetic.
Dante would fill her dark soul with light and convince her that she's actually human after she sheds a tear.
Most youkai are wizards. It comes with the territory of being in a franchise where fights involve shooting colorful bullets at your enemy.
Yuuka has good raw stats, but she's never depicted with the completely broken special abilities that some characters have, so she probably can't do anything more complicated than fire big lasers, assuming that's even part of modern canon.
She can probably take Remilia, but only because Remi is a dumb brat while Yuuka is much more experiences, and I seriously doubt she could hold up against the truly ridiculous characters like Okina, Yuugi, or the Moonies. Hecatia is right out, obviously.
Even Who's Who only claims that her power rivals that of final bosses, and never states she stands out amongst them in any way, so the average final boss can probably be taken as a good benchmark of Yuuka's level, though in their case their unique abilities should also be accounted for and Yuuka should eclipse most of them in raw strength, at least.
Who would you say are the top 3 strongest in Gensokyo when it comes to pure physical might?
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So she's a little underpowered because she's lazy?
It's hard to tell given that physical strength isn't really a focus in Touhou, but not counting outsiders like Hecatia, it's probably Yuugi, followed by Suika and Ibaraki-douji.
But bringing in the highest-ranking oni is unfair, honestly. They're just ridiculous, and they get incredibly strong abilities to boot.
>They're just ridiculous, and they get incredibly strong abilities to boot.
What is Yuugi's abilitiy?
"The ability to wield unexplainable phenomena"
It's the most vague power in the entire series on purpose, not even in the mangas has it been expanded upon (yet?). As far as we know, she can do whatever the fuck she wants.
My personal interpretation of it is that she can use it as somewhat of an antimagic zone and force people to fight her on her terms, which is to say physically.

With Yuuka, No means Extra Yes
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While I'm sure Yuuka can rip off somebodies arm and beat them to death with it and she probably did so when she was younger, I think she is too refined and elegant to do so these days. At this point her actual strength means little since she has enough people fearing her to last forever and there are very few beings who are brave or stupid enough to test her power.
>there are very few beings who are brave or stupid enough to test her power
What if they're both?
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How does one travel to Gensokyo?
This is important
Walk deep into the darkness of Aokigahara until you come out on the other side.
Is Yuuka a morning person?
She's a youkai.
I am an human and i go to sleep when sun starts to rise so who knows?
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Player 2
I wish Yuuka was my player two...
Working for Yuuka as a house servant1
Nagging Yuuka to finally get out of bed after a month long session of continuous naps and to go outside!
Finally getting Yuuka to strip out of her cute pajamas that have been worn and lazed about in constantly without being changed once!
Huffing her pajama bottoms like they're your life support system the second she's out the door!
Not stopping for unfiltered air even as the heavy scent of her youkai moe phermones and sweat make your head spin and vision go dark!
Yuuka returning 10 seconds after leaving since she forgot her umbrella, only to find you unconscious on the floor with her pants over your head!
Yuuka resolving to take better care of herself and to give you more controlled exposure to her body so this situation doesn't happen again!
She's so considerate...
Yuuka writeanons give me such joy, thank you.
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Such a sweet girl, most of the times that someone does this they get thrown out or beaten!
Someone needs to correct PMiSS, this is conclusive evidence that the 'Ka is the friendliest of the youkai!!!
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She's comfy and disturbing - at the same time.
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This is of course the essence of Yuuka Moe.
That and her just being cute indpendantly.
>ywn play Mark Kart: Double Dash with Yuuka
Imagine playing mario party with Yuuka snuggled up next to you and beginning to gain a lead over her. You're thinking it's all just fun and games when she quietly shifts to wrap her arm around your side and slowly starts to squeeze you against her, hard.
Would you throw the game to ensure your ribs stay intact, or would you call her bluff?
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If I cannot respect myself, I am not worthy of respect.
I keep going up until it becomes agonising enough to make me think she's forgotten my ribs can even break. Or if I can't breathe anymore
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I don't care if she isn't human
I don't care if she's a monster
I don't care if she can snuff the life out of me with just a finger
I love her and want to marry her
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Anon, I have this image for a very good reason.
whats the greatest dad ever doing there?
marisa's dad needed to disown marisa somehow and in comes heihachi fresh from being thrown into a volcano
so he threw her off the stairs to the hakurei shrine
They're his friends, anon. Can't a man just enjoy hanging out with the strongest people in Gensokyo?
All 3 are her some of her greatest appeals
Love the 'ka!
Hug the 'ka!
Get squeezed by the 'ka!
Go to the doctor with the 'ka!
Getting your ribs relocated because of the 'ka!
Receiving an apology from the 'ka!
Loving the 'ka still!
"Oh yeah, sorry for fooling around with Eirin during your surgery, anon. I shouldn't have made her laugh so hard that your insides got rearranged haha. But it was fine in the end. It only took her 14 extra hours to put your ribs and organs back together. I promise I'll behave better the next time you need surgery and to save my funniest jokes and anecdotes for the monthly mom night instead of the operating room."
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I wonder what this syringe might be for
Anon, look out! They're trying to steal your mojo!
And I'm going to let them
It is VERY erotic.
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Yuuka has canonically let the Prismrivers play in her garden, I wonder if she let the Raiko version play there as well,
Maybe she appreciates the occasional soundtrack to accompany her walk through the flowers.
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She's not serious all the time you know
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that just makes her even more dangerous, you think she'll let you escape if you catch her with her usual facade off?
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... escape?
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The total lack of reaction on Yuka's face makes me think Elly does this too often for her to care about stopping her anymore.
That or she just hasn't noticed yet and Elly's about to find herself at the bottom of a small crater half a mile away.
Maybe she is frozen in shock.
Cat lady Yuuka
Orin comes for the pets and stays for the steady supply of bodies of the people who insult Yuuka.

All of the Sudden I wish I was wriggle, strange
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I'd say the reason of death would be rather different
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She's fighting them all off because she's already taken:
By [me]
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I choose hug
I don't need to know the situation, hug is a good choice no matter what
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the fate of all Wriggles is to get squished
>Imagine accidentally stepping on a flower
I wouldn't
I dont even step on ants
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Oh, what I would give...
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I want to SQUEEZE my love into her, by force if neccessary!
Would Yuuka be down to torture Yukkuri with me?
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I have no idea why I find her so beautiful and erotic no matter what situation she's in.
I just want to give her a big ol' hug about her waist every time I see her. I am fully aware she'd hurt me physically and psychologically but I don't give a damn.
I might have issues.
The only issue you have is a bad case of youkai moe
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Is there a cure, doc?
Just hold still
I want rehabilitation from the daily rat race by working as a gardener for Yuuka...
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I wonder how many times a day this happens to her now
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Imagine working together with her in Yuuka's garden.
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Damn straight. I'll keep coming back until my dying breath.
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Spending a sunny spring day outside together with Yuukarin!
Has the pixiv been painfully slow for you guys as well or is it just me? Think it's been going on for a few months at least
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pixiv has ran like absolute dogshit for years on my end. At this point I just assume it's japanese incompetence.
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It used to ran like dogshit but at very least it used to ran. Now it straight up fails to load images 80% of the time I try to use it
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Best youkai ever, nobody else can compare
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So good, she is the literal manifestation of the term "Youkai Moe". Moe!!
Had a rough day today, needs some Yuuka to relax
Destressing with Yuuka by spending the entire day in bed doing nothing!
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By force!
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This idiot thinks that she needs flowers around her to do anything!
Lol. Lmao.
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>The ability to manipulate flowers is something to the extent of being able to make flowers bloom, shift sunflowers to face towards the sun, or restore withered flowers.
>This ability is more of an extra; she possesses extremely high magical power and physical abilities. A youkai-like youkai.

Just take a nice bath with her since you are powerless to resist
Imagine growing up in the human village and being told your whole life to avoid the flower garden because a scary monster will eat you only to finally go there on a whim and find out the scary monster is actually the most beautiful being ever.
I however, will fall for her wiles.
Yuuka and friends!
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Youkai moe is irresistable
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Is there any fun to be found here?
Would she like it if I gifted her some rare flower seeds?
It depends on your relationship with her
At minimum favourability, she'll mock you and ask her if you really thought she wouldn't already have some of every kind of flower she was interested in cultivating
At median favourability, she'll thank you for the thought, but inform you that she already has a plot of them, but if you wanted to grow some of your own then she'd be more than happy to teach you how to, if that was something you wanted to do together that is.
At max favourability she plants them all into a new bed, and over the course of the next few years she fosters it until at least ten acres of land is blanketed with the descendants of the original seeds, an everlasting reminder to God of how deeply you love each other. But she still goes a bit tsun and tells you she has some already to begind with, even though she still pockets them and gives you a hug after.

Such is the duality of Youkai Moe, she must try and bully you but if she actually does like you then she just gets all the cuter because she tries.
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There are not adequate words in the English language to describe how beautiful Yuuka is to me
Her unearthliness you can sometimes get a glimpse of is utterly breathtaking in the right moment
Would Yuuka get along with coochie Yacchie?
Shoe dangling is so hot
Every funny animal land Yakuza would bow their head and refer to Yuuka as "boss", even Yuuma.
But anon I see you in the picture with the rest of them

See: >>46734026
I thought waifus were a meme until a saw Yuuka, that was 15 years ago
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Ferb, I know what I wanna do today!
I'm going to make Nature a Mother
Too late
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Imagine sitting on the front porch with Yuuka happily sleeping on your shoulder, tucked under your chin.
God, what I would give...
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she cant even see them though
And now the reason you don't ask what she was doing in 1861!

Well now I wish I was the Reimu Yukkuri...
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You can!
All you have to do is go and sign up for the Yuuconfederate army, and pass the fitness (to be bullied) test!

Where do I sign up I must do it right now
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Sort of, but I have to use a (free) VPN to access it in the first place.
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Okay, follow these instructions carefully:
Haul out a picture of "Stonewall" Jackson, and tack it up with an old grey pin
Erect a flagpole with the correct flag of the Confederacy, with two red stripes and one white along with a azure 1st canton emblazoned with 13 white stars
Inform any dissenters present, say a Susanna, not to worry and that you are joining the Yuuconfederate army
^The wording on this one isn't important, so long as the message is gotten across. Feel free to enhance it as you see fit, shrieking like a banshee has been known to happen in order to empahsise the seriousness of your dedication
Lastly, you must gather up as many weapons as you can and divide them up with your fellow rebels. This should preferably take place in a large colonial country house, with a few acres of estates surrounding it populated by flowers of your personal choice. I'd recommend planting poppies, white daffodils and bluebells in the shape of the flag for added effect, but it's up to you.
If all goes well, some demonfolk will appear from beyond the horizon to try and prevent you from completing the ritual. Neutralise them with extreme prejudice, and ingore any apparant cries of humanity coming from them.
"Federal agents" as they are called are not human, so feel free to treat any survivors as you see fit. I'd recommend using them to maintain all those flowers you planted, saves you some money in the long run.
Too complicated..
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Okay, if you buy some land, a 12g to defend it with and make sure to use lethal force at every oppertunity, that should be the jist of it.
For bonus (lazy) points make sure to buy a gas - guzzler of some description to drive around in with various iconography displayed from an aftermarket miniature flagpole modification.
I recommend a 1968 dodge charger, and don't forget to buy the "Dixieland" horn. That's like 90% of the magic.
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I think there's something on my face
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She sleepy...
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Why does this image feel so personal.
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Because she's looking right at you in a realistic-ish scenario
Heaven forfend she reveal she's a large stakeholder in the Kurumi Auto group. That'd be embarrassing as you drive a smooth ride in perfect luxury, the envy of the neighbourhood motoring circle as you pull into your driveway as silently as a sleeping kitten, but with all the power of a tiger on the highway.

ᵗʰᶦˢ ᵖᵒˢᵗ ʰᵃˢ ᵇᵉᵉⁿ ˢᵖᵒⁿˢᵒʳᵉᵈ ᵇʸ ᴷᵘʳᵘᵐᶦ ᴬᵘᵗᵒ ᵍʳᵒᵘᵖ ᴸᵗᵈ., ᵃˡˡ ʳᶦᵍʰᵗˢ ʳᵉˢᵉʳᵛᵉᵈ
Even with so much sun Yuukas thread can't seem to be able to bloom...
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Designing a near-perfect race car like the Kurumi model 5 mark VII series XS supreme ultimate deluxe turbo R-type GT is a fine art. The Bunbunmaru and Kakashi automotive journalists don't understand that its deafening wheelspin isn't inefficient - it's the foreplay a car like this requires. Its brakes aren't dangerously unresponsive, they're smooth and gradual. The lack of protection isn't careless, it's thrilling. Luckily for you, here at Kuru Kar Kompany we can serve a whole lot of style without adding one tiny bit of subtlety. It's what a car this kool deserves.
The K in every K Series engine stands for Kurumi.
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I wonder how these two would actually get along with each other in canon?
Awfully. They both tease people, but Yuuka's long past the age where she cares for indirect teasing so Yukari's bullshit would just irritate her when she'd rather just get her kicks from threatening people with her presence alone.
The shittalking would be of epic proportions though.
(in searching for a picture to go with this post I discovered that no one seems to share my opinion)
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Yuuka teases people by goading them into fighting her, Yukari teases people by being an annoying gap grandma
Two ends of the same spectrum, but I can only imagine them hating each other's guts because of the fundamentally different ways of thinking.
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Good morning
Good night
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Yuuka would definitely be annoyed by Yukari's antics.
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Reminder that she's 100% okay with fairies living in her garden
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very sleepy today
Maybe the end of the spring rains have calmed the 'ka down
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She's just so perfect
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>ywn help Yuuka out in her garden
"Her" garden?
It's fairy turf, anon. Just because they graciously allow a notorious pervert such as Yuuka to live there (and by that I mean that they barely remember her), doesn't mean she actually owns the place.
>notorious pervert
Lies, slander, libel, misinformation, and you're probably a tengu or a tengufucker.
I'm of the firm belief that all tengu deserve the rope, but that doesn't mean I'm going to overlook how Yuuka is a notorious fairy voyeur and molester, not to even speak about the things she does to little magicians.
Do the fairies even plant the sunflowers there beforehand or is it all Yuuka's work?
I'd fuck a tengu and I don't think Yuuka is a pervert!
In fact, I picked up some interesting things from miss Shameimaru's editing department (Bedroom floor); did you know that fairies comit half of all crimes in Gensokyo, despite only making up thirteen percent of the popula
They spawn naturally because of their presence.
Fairies *are* nature, anon, and they bring it with them wherever they go. They would even be able to bring life to Hell, without ever having consciously do anything.
So in technicality, they are the freeloaders instead of Yuuka
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Why are people scared of this beautiful creature?
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Not everyone can handle her raw energy
They're shy.

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