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Parsee-chan is jealous that Anon keeps bumping other girls' threads but not hers. He even let it get archived...
Just how exactly do you plan to make amends for this, Anon?
Forgive me Parsee, I couldn't save your thread...
I am (not) sorry.
Sorry, but I'm not touching a thread that gets infested by fatfags.
Jerks. The lot of you...
I like Parsee a lot.
Excellent taste!
what are tits (I'm a visual learner btw)
Another part of what makes Parcheesi lovely.
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I like Parsee more than you
No need to get JEALOUS there Anon.
I want to smell Parsee's bobs
oh no
Hair vents
my greatest weakness (After sociopathic women)
Paraguay you conniving girl, you
Fuck off cave Alice
Parsee is the cutest!
French kisses with Parsee
Something for the lore-friends, is she predisposed to guard the bridge because that's like her 'role' as a youkai, or is that kind of just her job? If the latter, who pays her, or is it a 'duty' kind of thing?
Parsee looks so beautiful in a wedding dress!
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Parsee is undeniably pretty. How is it that she still hasn't got a boyfriend?
parseebros, WE RISE
Well maybe Parsee should just accept she's a little shithead good for nothing but bondage porn.
Never doubted it
So fucking cute
My wife fucking WON!
She and Yamame were good girls all along
>ultracute manga appearance
>fumo about to be released
The age of Parcheesi begins!
happy parsee is cursed
post more
Ask and you shall receive!
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Parsee is a therapist.
40 minutes
I’d only need about two minutes with Parsee if you know what I mean haha…
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the og

She was never depicted to be seething with jealousy or even being cocky or angry in the game, her sprites depict her either happy or looking worried. She truly is a nice 2hu as far as 2hus go :)

She's the best at her job!
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It makes me happy to see they went with a smile for her official Fumo. She deserves it. The blush would've been nice to include too, but no others have it so that's fine. I'm buying two of her! <3
I'm gonna *POMF!* *POMF!* *POMF!* *POMF!* *POMF!* *POMF!* fumo Parsee!
Stop. Fumo Parsee is for hugs not fugs.
I'm jealous of anyone who will own a Parsee fumo
Why not get one of her yourself? You don't pay for the order until it ships, and she won't be out for like half a year. You'll definitely regret itttt!
I'm going to rape her first!
We'll be having none of that. She's been through enough. Parcheesi is for gentle hand-holding, loving embraces, and, um...tender loving. (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)
Uhhhh okay
I'm going to rape her first... softly
Thinking of Parsee~...
I wish I could get therape from Parsee
Just won the auction for this. Whaddya think Parseebros?
I look forward to seeing your tribute.
Parseebros how are we feeling about her spotlight in jobtori manga?
Ew. I would never.
I enjoyed it quite a bit! It’s nice seeing her get a role for a change and her characterization seems to be close to her portrayal in SA, so it’s extra nice seeing her depicted with the personality she really has. I get the feeling though that she’s gonna end up getting possessed by Mizuchi, and I don’t know how I feel about that. At least she’ll be drawn with some interesting expressions.
>I get the feeling though that she’s gonna end up getting possessed by Mizuchi
It probably wouldn't happen because ZUN wanted to keep Mizuchi nigh invincible until Reimu comes around, but I'd like to see Mizuchi fails to possess Partake because her innate jealousy just doesn't mix well with other form of grudge.
Yeah, if even Little Miss “11/10” Manga-Is-Named-After-Her Satori can’t help but get BTFO at every turn, I doubt our favorite Bridge Princess will fare much better. But still, I’m glad she’s gotten this much thus far.
You did preorder your girl already, right Parseefriends?
Now comes the long wait...
I will stand here waiting
Sex doll Parsee when?
You'd best believe I did.
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Aotume will gladly make you your very own Parsee.
Saving money to have my own
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weird to think there's more evidence for this in canon than there is for yuugi and parsee
Ew, please refrain from posting that yucky spider in Par-chan’s thread. I swear, two characters will interact once and shipfags will immediately insist they’re throat fucking when nobody’s looking.
I know it's hard, but if you try actually reading the post you'll realise I said nothing of the sort. I thought they had a nice sort of friendship in CDS. Not every picture of two characters is insistence that they're fucking.

Anon this was the least subtle way you could ask to see another man's penis
It's not that I want to see his penis, it's just that Parsee is in the perfect pose for it. I couldn't see the potential before when I only knew the image as a png on the internet, but now that I've seen its physical form it was the first thing I thought of.
lol gay
Saddest sexual solicitation I've seen on /jp/ in my 9 years here, this is worse than any boipucci uwu shit or kig degeneracy anon. Embarrassing, I hope you feel bad about this and it haunts you years out, keeping you up at night
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It's just sad.
(To Parsee)
You, foolish: thinks I want to see Paru and the Yams lez out
Me, wise: wants to get tag teamed by Paru and the Yams
I want Parsee to abuse me
If I had a Parsee GF I'd never leave her side. You'd have to use extreme force to take me away from her.
I want a Parsee gf who would use extreme force to make me hers and hers alone!
That scary looking Parsee is very attractive
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I love this Parakeet like you wouldn't believe
I love this cute little jealousy monster
>The Rapist Is In
Um...me first? O///O
it's a curse
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it used to be because she was bound there, but CDS seems to just be either ignoring that she was bound there, or you have to assume that whatever shinmyoumaru did let her leave the bridge whenever she wants
She is my favorite. So miserable.
I want to abuse Parsee
Do you guys have any favorite renditions of our girls' theme? For me it's:
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I love Parsee and I feel her problems...
You also relate to her?
I relate to her so fucking much man
Yes... I relate to her a lot...
Do you have the constant feeling you've been wronged and deserve more?
I wish I could be with her.
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Of course I do, it feels like fate itself is mocking me
I don't deserve all this shit
Yes... and I also feel those who have wronged me don't deserve to be as happy as they are... Everything is unfair
Anons are literally Parsee
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Right?? Why do they seemingly just get the things that they want???
Why can't I have even a fraction of it???
Playing Uno with Parsee and dropping a draw 12 on her!
How would Parsee react to headpats?
I just want people to acknowledge me... my entire life I've just been a third wheel in every single group I have ever been in... my entire existance is expendable in the eyes of others and I fucking hate it...
At least Parsee brings me some joy...
At least you were able to be in groups, how nice. It's ever only just been me, myself, and I over here....all by my lonesome..
He had people he could be with...good for you...
I'm sorry anon... Hopefully you can find someone that you can call a friend someday... I know I should be more grateful of what I do have but I just can't... The only thing I feel is pain... I would have been better off dying all those years ago...
Parseefags are mental
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Lol. lmao even.
Angry Paru a cute
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I get you anon.... I've been alone my whole life because all I know irl are boring normiefags who i hate interacting with... all the while some people get these amazing friend groups....
you have no idea how it feels.... all these people with great friends... while i get nothing...
You're honestly better off... having friends just opens you up to more suffering and jealousy...
Who gave Parsee internet access and why is she talking to herself?
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saving this thread
Oh, why even bother. What's even the point anymore...?
Every other girl gets their thread bumped, oh it's enough to make someone jealous isn't it? Parsee has to work so hard just to keep one measly little thread afloat, and some girls manage to somehow keep MULTIPLE up!!!
God it's sickening.
It is pretty sad...
And just like that it's all over
Id let Parsee yell at me, hit me, kick me, manipulate me, basically use me as a punching bag
Parsee deserves to be able to have an outlet for all her stress, she has a hard life
God I fucking hate seeing other people having fun...
I just want to be someone's special... I want to be the only one for someone, I don't want them to be with anyone other than me... I don't care how selfish it is I just want someone to love me and only me...
Parsee is used GOOD!
That's expected because she is an elf!
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My Parcheesi mat came in! I don't want to use it for how pretty she is on it...
It's okay. Parmesan likes being stepped on.
I-It's not that kind of mat!
So it's the kind to be rubbed on? What a lewd Parmesan.
I can fix her
Parsee smell. Describe it.
She smells like an old hag.
Like donuts dipped in motor oil.
Hmmm, I'm thinking somewhat citrusy. She doesn't seem like the kind of girl who'd slack on her personal hygiene, and her colors give off a lemon-lime vibe.
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"You just came from the surface? I'm so jealous!"
What do, /jp/?
One of "Hi so jealous, I'm Anon", "You get to live in the underground? I'm so jealous." "Oh, you really shouldn't be.", depending on my mood
Try to be as suave as possible and tell her I'd love to be the one to show her the surface world sometime. And then I spill my spaghetti 'cause who am I kidding? But at least I'd get a laugh out of her which would be the start of something beautiful...
Give her a really big hug
Huh, so she does have a foot fetish afterall. They weren't kidding in the last thread.
So it's a cutting mat?
Playmat! For, like, card games and stuff! Or alternatively I guess it could double as a mousepad. But I don't think I'm gonna actually use it!
Take a bath!
We've been through this! Par-chan stinks good!
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god imagine
I need to violently love this Parsee
In just two more days we might[/spoiler see more Parsley!
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I'm not passing up an oppertunity to shill my favourite band
Cute manga Parushee
That straw doll she's holding represents me
Hooray for more manga Parashie
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Parsley has just contracted the spanish flu
Canon lesbians canon lesbians canon lesbians
kill yourself
Because you want to get nailed?
Such a thing can be arranged you know
Being nailed by Parsee hurts good!
I named my last computer Mizuhashi because I wanted it to be tongue-in-cheek being jealous of better hardware.
It ended up being super broken and bluescreening all the time, so I ended up being jealous of working computers while I was stuck with her for years.

I learned my lesson and named my latest computer Kongou.
Goodbye forever.
That's not Parsee
cutest bridge troll
Parsee has penis envy!
I fucked up by not checking what I was posting...
Have this cute Parsee so that I can atone for my sins
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I've been fucking Parsee over and over in character AI
kill yourself
It's canon.
Canon lesbians!
Canon lesbians.
I'd rather fuck her normally and take the gouges on my back as a point of pride myself, but you do you.
Parsee is about to get her ass kicked by Raymoo, are you jealous anon?
...I'd want MY ass to be kicked by Parsee....
God I fucking hate people so goddamn much. Actual disgusting fucking filth.

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