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Futa suiwa
tanuki futa cock is no match for kitsune prostate play
I was gonna spell the subject as tanooki as a joke, but I didn't smack that second o...
Tanuki elephantitus balls against kitsune prostate play
Sado Mami Futa Futatsuiwa From Sado
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what is their problem?
The more similar two organisms are, the more fiercely they compete for limited resources (men's prostates to stimulate)
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they could just take it easy
Grandma tanuki!
Mamizou is unfairly prejudiced against foxes for no good reason.
She hates the foxes, she hates the tengus, she hates the kappas, and all of those groups hate each other. All those groups are engaged in a power struggle in gensokyo.

Is Gensokyo just the Middle East
Gensokyo is a Middle East where the Hags fight over imaginary dominance over a population of theoretical young men. In reality they are all laughed and made fun off by the young women who laugh at these women.

In Conclusion Genysoko is a fucked up place where vulnerable men are taken advantage of by Youkai women
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I love Mamizou, she's in my top 3 2hu's!
I can take both of them at once.
Imagine meeting a nice young lady who seems super into you only to discover the morning after she was a hundred year old youkai who took advantage of your naivety to trick you into a relationship with her and now your only options are to either keep the relationship going with you two keeping it a secret or break it off and have your whole village know you just came inside some oversized tricky raccoon with a nicotine and alcohol addiction.
Imagine being on the rebound after trying to drift apart, she's having none of it but you finally slip away for a night. She's at some kind of super secret meeting but whatever, then you see an uncommon sight, a tall bombshell blonde with the prettiest eyes and kindest smile.
She smiles at you and you know what? You go for it.
Turns out the wild night of passion you had was just another 1000+ youkai hag, this one a jumped up fox that won't shut up about her cat. Now you have the option of keeping the affair a secret and walking a tightrope, or coming clean and everyone knowing you're the rope in a game of hag tug-of-war
What's the downside?

What's the downside?
https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GM7eOdRWQAAjguI?format=jpg&name=orig tanooki milk
Don't flush your genetic legacy down the toilet of glorified bestiality when there are so many nice young ladies in the human village, some of whom actually need a family line to keep reincarnating thanks and good day.
Nice try Ran would kill me.

Name one
Reminds me I've got an idea stuck in my head about two timing Ran with Mamizou and vice versa, but they actually both fully know and plot to secretly bully you over it.

You get a girlfriend who is okay with starting a relationship under false pretenses, I guess.
Come clean on both. It's the equivalent of smoking a cigarette around a leaky gas pump, but I'll be damned if I won't go out without creating the greatest live drama anyone has ever seen.
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it's hard to imagine a beast couldn't smell that two-timing out instantly
or just the stray hairs on your clothes alone
I like her feet for some reason. And I’m not even a footfag fetishist or anything. They just look nice and make her look mature and sexy in those sandals. Her sprites in 15.5 are real nice too.
Thats the point, they both know and they don't care, you don't know this. You do know that crossing youkai is a death sentence, and being the center of a love affair between two powerful hags isn't healthy normally. Then think about the social suicide of being the butt of all granny AND beast fucker jokes in the village forever.
Oh and it's even worse, Mamizou's gang will know you're not taken by her, and well if that trick worked once... Plus, the story's going to spread until the tengu will pick it up, and all it takes is one slow news day and half of Gensokyo will know. You won't be able to go anywhere without youkai women recognising you as that guy who fucks youkai. Just setting yourself up for endless sexual harassment. No, you have to salvage it as best as you can.
Hag on hag violence!
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there is one place you can hide…
Well, human males, ages 6-30, are kidnapped, raped. and forced into marriage with youkais on the daily, so I guess it's like reverse-sex Middle East.
>a hundred year
>a hundred
MASSIVE underestimation.
Don't be dumb, the Hakurei shrine would never tolerate that and there's no evidence of any bribery regime to get the miko to look the other way. Humans who go missing just vanish to the outside world, not anyone's bedroom. It's safe to walk around alone or at night if you're male.
Do we even know any touhou girl who's in the hundred year range? I feel like every single one of them is either 500+ or 16yo.
Alyuu kind of. She's the ninth child of miare so her chronological time alive on the world is almost certainly under 200. Problem is if you talls up the time since her first incarnation she's over 1200. Reincarnators make it tricky.
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Stupid sexy raccoon
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I've got one. It's pretty funny, because her general demeanour and the fact that she's 99% of the time portrayed as the one who knows everything that's happening would make you think that she's older, but she's five times younger than remi
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Nah, I knew from the start
>Then think about the social suicide of being the butt of all granny AND beast fucker jokes in the village forever.
I'm trying to get over just how RETARDED this is. Social suicide? Butt of jokes? This is like making fun of someone for winning the lottery...twice. "OH you're soooo rich! Why is your car so big and nice? Lol. You're not hungry? Guess your scantily clad, big breasted private chef must have made you some gourmet shit in your huge mansion, loser!" Getting two hot beast milfs on my dick is the achievement of a life time and I won't let village NPCs attempt to shame me for it! If anything I'll just crash at either of my beast mom's places
This is clearly propaganda you got paid off to say this who are you working for
He's working for reimu (she doesn't want the public to know all her friends are immensely powerful youkai who control gensokyo from the shadows)
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I wanna get drunk with her
Wasn't Mamizou a ZUN self insert
Why would ZUN self insert himself as a woman..?
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one of your beast moms lives in a cave and the other one lives with someone who's older than most caves
Thats his wife self insert
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I drew a mythologically accurate Mamizou Futa tsuiwa on tumblr but no one seemed to appreciate it there.
Given the Jack the Ripper references I like to think that Sakyua comes from late 1800s England.
Cute cute cute I wonder if she has similar hairstyle and glasses.
Imagine getting *POMFED* in the face by her big fluffy tail
Hey Akyuu, how many fairies did you punch today?
Feels good man
Explicitly - Patchouli, somewhat over 100 years.
But it's important to understand here that touhous for which we don't know ages far outnumber those for whom we do, but also biases in how we get that age data - it's mostly either the human girls, for whom simply biology still applies, or the big names of the franchise who make reference to legendary or semi-legendary figures from Japanese real-life history, from which we can make age inferences (and those, in turn, tend to fall into disproportionately narrow window of 7th-early 8th centuries, the formative period of Japanese state and culture and beginning of the written record) - so you get those two categories you name this way, but by no means they are representative of youkai at large. From some lore points we can infer that "common youkaifolk" like, say, Nitori or Mystia, are about century or several in median age, in middle of those two extremes, even though we normally can't even approximately estimate the age of any one such specific girl.
I like Mamizou but I don't drink, smoke, ir gamble, is something wrong with me?
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Not at all, you have great taste in 2hu's and it's not like you have to be into any of those other things.
M.I.B. Mamizou sexoooo!!!
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I want to massage her tired feet, nylons left on
I want her to be racist to me about how youkai are made to rule over humans.
Ran knows around 'coons never relax.
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I want to attack her with a barrage of compliments until she blushes.
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Foxes need not apply
I want to touch it.
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I want to be teased
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She's a saggy smelly smoker that's over a thousand years old and lives in the woods. Surely you can set your standards higher then some granny.
She's a lovely lady
>over a thousand years old
That's hot as fuck
Delicious Tanuki toes
I wanna bury my face in her plump belly and fluffy tail...
Don't say that to her face or she'll get really mad.
What if I kiss the squish?
God, I am in love with her body type in that image.
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All I want to do is inseminate both of them at the same time but their bickering makes it so hard...
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I want to be cuddled be her
Why is she calling me gey?
Because ur a fegit
I made some tricksy raccoon porn today.

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Secret moonlit rendezvous with Mamizou... Watching the moon and stars as you cuddle and hold hands... Having your own special love nest with Mamizou... Living happily with Mamizou... Brushing Mamizou's tail... Mamizou stroking your hair as you fall asleep on her chest... I can't, Anon. This is too romantic for me.
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Imagine the cuddles
I like it
I wish I had a soft and plump Mamizou GF I could wrap my arms around while pressing my face into her chub as I fall asleep...
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Fatfags be gone. Mamizou is canonically a slender lady.
Tanuki shapeshifting trickery. Imagine trusting anything a Tanuki says or does as legitimate and sincere, couldn't be me. Very untrustworthy creatures. I do not believe for a single pico-second that that abrasive alcoholic can fit in a slim suit without magic.
Very nice, but can you please make some porn of her where she has the good kind of fat body type like in >>46815280? Is it even possible with AI?
Imagine the cuddles
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Granny's still got it.
Cunnilingus for the sole purpose of pleasuring her
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gay lmao
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>implying I wouldn’t personally enjoy every second of going down on her
I never implied that
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Sexy and underutilized.
I want to worship her legs and feet, nylons on
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Imagine how soft they must be...
Her ears and tail that is!
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I want to pet them
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Isn't that uncomfortable??
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Please don't show your girthy penis on a blue board Miss Futatsuiwa.
In love with the thought she could sit so casually and drunkenly she doesn't even notice she's flashing someone.
Implying she's not doing it on purpose
Mamizou telling you that she can take the form of any girl you like!
Flustering her by saying the girl you like is Mamizou!
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You're forgetting the rabbits.
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You can't spell Mamizou without "Mami"!
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heavy and old
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They can be as big as your heart desires, that's the best part.
mami elephant
Nobody saw my massive mami mammaries earlier...
you need a bra, ma'am
Just because I didn't say anything doesn't mean I don't appreciate them Mamizou, but I understand how you feel.
thanks you~
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Oh, to be transformed into a button on Mamizou's shirt...
I'd rather be her shoe
Go to bed, grandma 'nuki. You're too horny and drunk.
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thick tanuki
Soft tanuki. Maybe too soft.
The fox's thread dieded.
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I love this tanuki
it was murdered
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Getting drunk with her
I want to pinch her legs.
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She's gonna pinch your bum
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Cute, CUTE!
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behold, the lewdest sprite in 2hu
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I want to share a bath with her, the teasing would be insane
I pinch bums back.
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God, I love comboing into this super. Feels so satisfying. If you know what I mean ;)
very lewd tail
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when was the last time this FOSSIL washed her FILTHY, SMELLY, DIRTY tail?
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She's been waiting for some nice, thoughtful young man to help her.
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Dumb anon
That tanuki in the back seems to be telling me to stand down...
Cute feet!
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She's too cute
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another fever dream by yassy
smelly furball
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Mamizou smells nice
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delusional and noseblind
she reeks like the back of a detroit pet store
More vore?
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Is the tanooki a sex worker?
Anon...what on Earth makes you ask things like that? The closest thing to a sex worker that Gensokyo has is Komakusa-dayuu, and even then, it's supposedly just a nickname from the way she dresses...
No but she entraps young men with massive gambling debts and pimps them out to old youkai women.
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more like traps young men with massive balls
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MIB Mamizou is peak

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