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A thread dedicated to mainstream idols, but local and amateur idols are welcome here too.

Previous thread: >>46660228

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best thread is back
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The best girl is back to save the general
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always nice to see Yui
used to be a cute kid
now is a boring bitch
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we're here to talk about idols, not about ourselves
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even her fag is boring
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Tomomi Kahara
you lost?
In her rolls maybe
thread is saved
i do what i can brother
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That's a fucking kid bro. Kys sicko
Peak sexy
Adults shouldn't have outies
*freeze frame*
yep, that's me

And she's got clothes on
Nice thighs
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found the pedo
please kill yourself
Are there actual jc/js vtubers/streamers? Easiest way to get shit ton of donations.
mixchannel and showroom
best time of the year
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nº6 is NiceToMeetYou 乙廣みさき, goes now by 沢美沙樹
pure sexo

Any other /main/ girl?
is that really her? when did her boobs get so massive
the least cute shibu3. i was hoping they would send karen
oh nº3 吉田羽花
Holy sex
Miss Rika Nishimura era Japan.
western bs makes everything worse
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Perfect pose
2 has a fat ass
Miss Magazine 2023 > Miss Magazine 2024
her thighs stood out
Yes but can't complain too much
I hope she can be this years Amano Kiki
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i was rewatching that year and i've come to the conclusion that they should have continued to host it on abema
I could watch this gif forever
this was a good performance
We love SPATIO.
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thread is now purified
Imagine opening the door and coming home to this
Imagine coming to this
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"coming" to himari slutty dance when she spreads her butthole to ojisans cameras
Cute butt
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great belly too
this but maho instead himari is for hugging and hand-holding only
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for rough session after photo session
Imagine getting to kiss Himari feet
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thread oshi himari
>yet another girls2 and iscream collab
at what point do we just start considering them to be the same group?
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fat-thighed girl is also a /main/dol
speaking of fat thighs...
fat yikes
jumping kiss just clicked

imagine if she was on stage with momoka and kokomi
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Can someone please tell me who is this girl? I tried reverse image searching and got nothing.
*slap her boney ass for retweet spam*
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wow she just barely turned 15
if she grew her hair out she'd be much better
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any normal, mainstream idols?
try reddit
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normal, mainstream idols

speaking of which, weird that there isn't a Stardust General up
thread is back to being good
welp thread is back to being bad
I love Miyu.
>weird that there isn't a Stardust General up
there hasn't been one since august since it died and no one made a new one
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i need way more of her in my day to day life
very nice thighs
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thread is finally healed and back to business
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i envy all those peeps that go and become a teacher in japan
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What did he mean by this.
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What a tease, so close
when is she going to get into gravure because it is clear she will
i'm in love with Mao Uesugi from fripSide!
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>As I announced, I will be graduating from Harmonize Company on May 31st in order to focus on my studies
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>I, Mioka, have graduated from Harmonize Company. I have become a junior high school student and felt it would be difficult to balance my studies and work
Nice thighs, she’s really cute
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god bless japanese women
Thank you YanMaga-san
knew she had a fat ass
Does Jugs Mafia go here or /alt/?
Thanks sorry for bothering you.
Scrolling through the girls here look a bit younger.
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f*ck off normie
I'm not hating man just making an observation. You can like what you like.
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Nice thighs
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Here are a few ways to tell if you've found an /alt/ idol:
The girls have many body piercings, modifications (including plastic surgery) and unnaturally dyed hair.
The girls are uglier than the average idol.
They are performing to a western music genre that isn't idol music.
They have a goth aesthetic.
They are edgy or pretend to be edgy, e.g, openly smoking or acting immodestly.
They are menhera.
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delicious outie
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I'm not an /alt/ guy but sometimes I check it and I see some Wasuta and Task have Fun posts there, aren't they supposed to be /main/?
yes but they just post what they like there, not that I care. it's mainly the same people posting groups like wasuta and thf who were also posting there before main was made
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another 卒業 :(
no. read line 3 again. but certain uggos from those group are posted by an autist in other generals outside /alt/ (their containment general).
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I see, thanks. I guess it works for us cute enjoyers that the "uggo, turd, toilet flushed" anons stay there kek
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JC misscon should have a mizugi category
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sexercising with Maru
She was always absent anyways. I hope management can hire new members for the other two members.
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most of her pics are with food in her mouth
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thread is saved and back to business
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That's a terrible take
Her short hair is what makes her unique
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would you look at those thighs!
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Kiara has a mole on her butt, you should edit it again
There is mole though on the butt, or maybe different location or size?
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holy shit those thighs are craaazy
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damn you really are the resident /jp/ schizo poster
hell yeah they are
Holy shit… I’m gonna lose it
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>takes guitar class
>got scraped knees
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too much time playing in the sand
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Himari is unironically the purest girl in these threads.
lucky camera ojisans must be rough on her
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newgirl is cute and has a nice bum. she must have been overshadowed by ria before.
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Oh good. I hope she fits well with the other two.
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We love RIA.
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We don't like these two.
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we dislike only Manamichopa, we love every cute girl
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Where's the kokoa fans
here i just wish she would show off more
kokoa teeth
i have never seen them, have you? i suspect they are a bit wonky.
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that indian girl's getting cheeky
i suspect manami's followers report other girls accounts so they get deleted while manami remains intact. no idea how she does it, given her content is way more lewd than most idols.
It wouldn't be so bad if Manami was cute at least
plus I don't think I have ever heard an idol with such a bad voice.
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who's the cutie on the left??
i am new.how you guys find these idols?

any tall idols?
any more bum?

who?nice bum

google dont work
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>tall idols

>nice bum
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almost mnm tier grossness
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more tall idols?

miyabin my oshi

how you guys expertise in idols?
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lol no, she's cute
thanks for the shopping bag

do you guys have discord/twitter?
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She really loves that wall.
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maybe she really loves getting pressed up against it
she knows what her fans like
JS are the best!!!
post feet
good posts
shit post
SPATIO Ayaka > All your little uggos
shittier post than your previous shit posts
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what happened at 3:30? or you meant 8:30 for the thumbnail?
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Holy thighs, thread is saved
thank god for JS and JC thighs
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great idol and her backup dancer
preach my brother
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this is mind blowing
Holy she’s cute, such a tease
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sexy bod
Oh mai gode
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god I love legs
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I thought mainstream is something like AKB48 but this is literally just a loli thread.
"A thread dedicated to mainstream idols, but local and amateur idols are welcome here too."
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you managed to buy the pb?
enjoy it: >>46951335
buying a prepaid card worked
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normal, mainstream idol
cute mainstream local idol
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Lolis ARE mainstream
Being a idol is about acting innocent and childlish
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please support up and coming local talents
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here you go anon

hope they are /main/ enough for you!
been enjoying fukuoka idols lately
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holy 5head, damn
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now you know why most idols use bangs kek

still cute desu
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I think deko idols are cuter, even big forehead ones.
that's not that big
idols using bangs most of the time makes it sweeter for when they decide to expose it for a live
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hina-chan's all grown up now ;_;
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>June Bride Event 2024
oh, life could be a dream
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Me above
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Amazing thighs
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bouncing with Rui and Wako
I hope they become a 'fun' group again with the new members.
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new girl Noe's birthday is June 15, the day they're having Wako's birthday party, but they're revealing her only on June 22

unfortunate timing
>【にゃんにゃん】ももにゃん『いぬねこ。青春真っ盛り / わーすた』

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