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The fox is bored.
Tu casa
Tube sex fox
Pocket Fox Pussy
la puta!
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What a coincidence. I wrote some sex fox porn last weekend.

I also made some pictures for it.
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I read that! The pictures were good but her hair should have been messier and I'm not budging on that!
Can we agree this is the most erotic character ZUN has ever created
No we cannot, as there are several fertile. young. ladies. who are simply too gorgeous to say no to, but I hope we can agree that she is the sluttiest.
sex hair
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by a wide margin
Where's she living now that everyone kicked her off?
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She is the sex fox, but I find it hard to believe she would produce children. The foxlet would struggle to push out a single baby with those narrow hips, and she couldn't feed them given she's a washboard.
Some lucky bastard's neet den probably
It should be me getting wrung dry every night, only for her to move on once the money dries up damnit!!
they say in hushed whispers in the pubs of the human village that a different man has turned up drained practically to a husk and once recovered, he refused to explain what had happened. The villagers are keeping it quiet, but everyone knows that it could be them next.
>I wrote some sex fox porn last weekend
Post it here
She's already a mother of two anon
The fox washboard
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Somehow this is far more erotic than if she was naked underneath
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Tsukasa wishes she could be like this, some don't even have to try.
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Lewdness is her sexth sense
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this fucking sexy sex fox with the sex design has been sitting in my head since the guy posted it and I don't even know what the megumu one he did is because the fox stole my attention
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these things happen
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you seem lost
OK, but only if you promise to also read the story it's a dedication to!

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It occurs to me that if the fox liked you, it'd probably just lead to her relentless teasing and tormenting you so as to monopolize your attention, but wouldn't she do the same thing if she hated you?
So either way, with the fox you lose?
In the thumbnail she looks like she makes those orgasm eyes, so sex fox checks out.
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I want to fuck sleigh
this fox owes me sex
Would she let me pat her on the head and scratch her ears?
had a request for 4 boob toob fox, might be interesting
The fox is very friendly
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I think the single lock of hair going to her mouth is extremely ero
You just know she blows it out of the way to act all cute, then she gives you the "fuck me" eyes in a double-pronged attack to defeat your higher reasoning
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Anymore outfit swaps?
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As in requests or just if we have them?
I was just wondering if anyone else drew her outfit swapped. I do not often browse boorus so that's the only one I have since an anon here drew it.
I'd like to see Nue and Tsukasa swap clothes and see if it has any effect.
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Here is one
>Heyyyy, check it out, I'm the Yakumo's Shikigami that you're always talking about! Look! I've got these big fluffly sleeves I can hide my hands in and this hat with cute little tassels. It's a little heavy, but it's actually really comfortable!
>Eh? You want to get a closer look? Here, here, stick your hand in my sleeve and... there! We're holding hands now and nobody can tell! It's a stealthy kind of outfit.
>Wait, wait, why are you getting closer? 'cute'? This old grandma's outfit? Shut up! Hey! Just cause' there are a few more layers there doesn't mean you can touch...
>Don't... don't say I smell good, it's probably her musk still stuck to it after all....
>Idiot, my other outfit is way better...
Teasing Tsukasa while she's wearing Ran's outfit would be the ultimate high.
"Hey! dummy! Why did you freeze up?"
"Huh? Behind me?"
If the implication is that Ran is coming up, I have a feeling that she'd actually be a great wing-man. Don't know why, I just get the sense that she's really into helping people get together.
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I don't think Ran "I fucking hate tube foxes" Yakumo is going to be helping with that.
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More like a low class, vulgar slut!
Well that's that and this is this.
That being a majority of Touhou's being catty, trash-talking woman
And this being helping a Ran fan find love!
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I like the headcanon that Ran doesn't really hate Tsukasa all that much, but relishes teasing her to the point of crying. She is just really fun to bully. Like Aqua from Konosuba. It's a way to remind her of the pecking order every now and again. Sure she's a vulgar little cretin, but the toob fox is pretty harmless.
>but the toob fox is pretty harmless.
I think that's selling our girl a little short, she has the ear of some pretty powerful people after all!
I dream of being fought over by the both of them, since Ran is more powerful, but probably too busy, while Tsukasa is weaker, but has more time and freedom to screw around.
Tsukasa would definitely try to sample Ran's boyfriend and start a big fight with Ran though.
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>big fight
There's fooling around, and then there's 'I've crossed the line and will suffer the consequences of my actions please have mercy'
This counts right?
The following image should be Tsukasa being forced to work at a Chimata owned retail store
I'm sure Ran would show mercy if Tsukasa didn't manage to go all the way before being caught!
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Ran looks like she's about to Molest Tsukasa in this picture
wtf that artwork is great
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I am going to RAPE you, bratty fox.
What the fuck is the nip hate boner for foreskin? Yeah sorry I'm not jewish, Jewkasa Kikedamaki. Ran is better anyway.
I think it's because a lot of them get phimosis and they associate having sex with loosening the skin
that's probably why there's so many doujins where the kid has it
Like that Anon said, she was referring to phimosis.
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Sex fox really wants the sex
she'd better take me out to dinner then
Holy fuck, for some reasons the looks really fucking hot, even more so than usual.
I NEED to rape this dumb fox while she's wearing that dress and then force Tewi to wear it.
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the fox is bred
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Pregnant sexo with fox
what is this, amateur hour? I said FASTER!
no way!!!
Man, gifs like this really encapsulate how dangerous Tsukasa really is.
At first it's all 'that's a cute fox!' which she is, until you consider the fact that this is Touhou and all the girls have an element of scum to them and then you'll think 'well she's at the bottom of the totem pole, being a one-tail tube fox and all', so you'll keep your distance. Then she'll approach you, for whatever reason, doesn't matter really, and whisper sweet things into your ear to sway your heart. If you're wise you'll push her away before she can say anything, but most will listen for a spell before realizing she's a manipulator with the ear of some powerful people and eventually push her off too late, having already had their heart's nudged. At this point other brutish youkai would fight you and just take what they want, Tsukasa though? She'll sit their ideally and just look at you cutely, even if you know she knows she's cute, that still doesn't change the fact that she's a cute, proactive, young woman who makes you feel like the only guy in the world when she's around.
There aren't any dogs in Gensokyo and foxes are probably the second in line for possibly domesticated animals that would be 'highly available' to social relationships.
Tsukasa probably tries harder then any other member of the cast to achieve her goals.
Even if they're manipulated by Tsukasa, people rarely hold ill-will of her in the long-run.
Foxes are really cute.

And she just sits there, staring at you, wagging her tail and flicking her ear, knowing it's just a matter of time until you give in...
Although she'll probably throw a spiteful tantrum if you effectively called her out for being two faced. But do you really want Tsukasa to be honest?
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If only she flapped both ears she'd go airborne
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Tsukasa, real.
Tsu casa
When she's gone 24 hours without homewrecking, scamming or blackmailing someone
I will not cheat on my wife with a fox.
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If this creature appears in your room at 2am, what do you do?
Vigorously deny that I am attracted to her and insist that she cannot cajole or compel me to cheat on my 2wife.
I pull the covers over my eyes and hope she goes away
I seal her up in my house so that she won't be able to escape.
Kind of a neet loser right now and would wonder why some perfect tight pussy would appear to me of all guys. Guess I'd fuck her and worship her feet. Then play video games with her when I upgrade my pc. Probably waste my money on her too, the little gremlin.
Unless you can make it airtight, she'll sneak out through a crack in the wall.
I wonder how many times she's sexually assaulted the girls of Gensokyo by climbing into their pussies.
Get her to spend the whole night filling my stomach and colon with her fat loads and emasculate and feminize me verbally then come morning point out this makes her gay.
You will never be a real woman so it winds up being straight despite her having a cock.
There's only one gay person in this scenario and it's not her.
Sex fox marriage! Handholding sex fox during breeding sex!
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I didn't think this was possible, but could it be, slower?
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This is unthinkable, thankyou.
God I'm fucked up >>>/d/11011558
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I just wanted to see if anyone has ever called her "sex fox" in Spanish...
Very fitting…
I don't think she'll fit anymore.
She's a tubfox now
I mean that's a lot of what vixen means in English too, though it's a bit dated.
Tempted to draw that now....
Fox with the socks
Don't you fucking dare.
Just to let you know, I just coomed to this.
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Can't do that in the blue board!
Maybe later
Thanks for letting me know, I did too
Tu casa
She can't keep getting away with acting like this...
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Mi casa!
¡Zorra sexo!
¡Sexo salvaje con la erótica zorra sexual salvaje!
¡La zorra mas zorra de todos los tiempo, hecha por los dioses solamente para tener sexo salvaje con humanos!
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tube fox friends
A lot of Indo-European languages have the word for female fox be the same as a promiscuous woman.
Are female foxes really this slutty?
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Vixens are pretty notorious during breeding season for demanding dick so much they will sit around and scream at the top of their lungs until dick arrives, then fuck it.
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Imagine being a nice human man in Gensokyo trying to sleep while fox youkai are screaming out for dick at the tops of their lungs.
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Asking nicely wasn't enough
Getting ready for the mating press
¡Sexo KON la zorra elegante!
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Spanish fox
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The fox is married
She is made for socks
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There was a time where I would jerk off furiously to this thing.
Then I learned how much of a fucking bitch she is.
Now I just want to kill her.
one day the cycle will begin anew
>Then I learned how much of a fucking bitch she is.
That only makes the fapping more satisfying.
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Yes! She's also a free use onahole that weights about 40 kg.
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>they will sit around and scream at the top of their lungs until dick arrives

Imagine this itty bitty cute little thing standing outside of your home, desperately banging the door and screaming
AAAaaaaaaAAAA AAAAAAA aaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaAAAAA
until you let her in. Even your neighbors would join the ruckus and yell at you to fuck the damn fox in heat so it can shut the fuck up.
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40kg? No way! She looks more like 30kg.
you didnt count the cum in her belly
10kg of cum? Bruh...
Yeah she harvests an average of 20kg a day, all from letting anonymous men, her tengu boss, her goddess bosses, half the animal realm, and the incident resolvers cum inside her.
Fox on the front page
Now I don't want to cumflate her anymore. Tsukasa deserves only rape.
Correcting the bitch fox!
Tsukasa deserves to be beaten and raped.
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comfy fox
Sanabitch mogs body-wise
Tsukawhore mogs hairstyle-wise
Both are somewhat annoying, a very hard decision to make.
Would listen to every word she whispers to me.
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lil shit
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Instant loss her
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guess she now has a "cooling off" policy in place.

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