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To discuss the fangames like Koumajou Remilia, Luna Nights, Mega Mari, Rock Maiden and much more since the other thread is about the official mainline games.

Incidentally, anyone know how to get Rock Maiden to work? All 5 games refuse to install or give me a generic "Setup failed" message.
Just finished Megamari, Didnt know there were other Mega Man games.

Off topic, but has anyone here finished Touhou Fantasy?
Man, Mega Mari was so ball bustingly hard. There's Rock Maiden 1 to 3 and FC 1 and FC 2 in 8bits. But I can't get any to work. They're on DoujinStyle.
I mean, it was very hard, but so is the average Megaman game, but maybe I am just numbed to the difficulty, since I am a Megaman fan AND a Castlevania fan. However if there was a part that was worse than any other that was the Yukari fight, fuck that fight, and fuck the Wily castle of that game, for that matter, having to do all that in one sitting was gruesome.
>There's Rock Maiden 1 to 3 and FC 1 and FC 2 in 8bits. But I can't get any to work.
I will check those out when I can, I hope my PC can actually run them, unlike the 3 Momiji platform action games, my PC can run Luna Nights, the 3D Youmu game but not those 3 for some reason.
I am a fan of Mega Man and Castlevania as well! But somehow the difficulty curve in Mega Mari to me felt grueling compared to the actual Mega Man games, I had to Time Stopper Glitch myself to get through Patchy.
Well, yeah, the difficulty can be very tough at times, I remember Eirins and Reisens scenarios being a pain, and their boss fights were pretty bad as well.
I didnt know that glitch existed, with Patchouli I went full trial and error, took a notepad and wrote a bunch of notes about damage numbers while tactically face tanking the nastiest attacks.
Have you finished the Reisen Megaman X game?
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I got it recently on Steam with the Seiran DLC, but I was curious about Rock Maiden given how it's one of the "old" Touhou Mega Man-likes before diving into Mega Bnuuy X.
After surviving the CBT that was Mega Mari I wanted something faster, I thought there wasnt an X game, but I was pleasently surprised, I hope the sequel development goes well, it looks very good.
There's another one but I havent tried it out, Quintet X.
On the Castlevania side of things, I loved Koumajou Remilia but boy oh boy am I shit against Flandre in anything but easy. I don't have a good feel for Reimu's hitbox.
I meant Quartet. My mind went torwards Quint form Rockman World 2.
>Quintet X
Will check it out, looks a bit rough, but I have played a fair share of rough RPG maker games and jank Megaman fangames, it cant be that bad.
>Koumajou Remilia
I loved that game and the sequel, makes the fact that the 3rd game based on IN was canceled. I never bothered with the extra stages, I thought how Touhou levels of hard they were and didnt try.
>makes the fact that the 3rd game based on IN was canceled
ayo what the fuck first time I ever heard about this. Why did it?
Do you think the sales of the new widescreen releases might give the third game a chance?
I dont remember, its been a while since I researched that, I only remember what I told you.
I hope so, but I dont even know if Frontier Aja is still a thing nowadays.
Their site is still up and they have a twitter account, mainly promoting the remasters releases. So I guess we can only hope for the best because 1 and 2 are bitchin' games.
Heres hoping for that, I would love to see Banpai Akiras take on Mokou and Kaguya for a third game.
>anyone know how to get Rock Maiden to work?
Try to add MSVCR71.dll in the same file of the .exe, it worked for me at least for the one. Unfortunately the english patch didnt worked.
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I can't even install the game, I got the ISO file. I tried copying the contents of the ISO to a folder and drag the dll file there, but still gives me a "Setup failed" message.
I opened the ISO with Winrar and then clicked on Setup.exe
Nope, No dice.
Mounting the disk leads me to the installation wizard but the text is garbled and it fails to install every single time. Can you please upload your installed version, anon? Maybe that could be it?
Sorry but now that I actually tried to play it the sprites seemed broken lol
It's the exact same file as the one in DoujinStyle down to the name and hash. No dice.
Damn, I wonder why this game is so hard to get running.
Because is old, I give up
Yeah I should give up too. A shame, it seems even people who guy it legit from dlsite struggle but nobody who runs the game actually answers how they got it working.
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Try extracting the zip while Japanese locale language is enable on your system. Make sure no you see no garble text else it will most not likely work. Extract contents all the contents to a folder location. Then get the MSVCR71.dll in the .exe location. Just tried that and it works for me. The Japanese locale also solves other Japanese based games with the sames issues FYI. You can turn off Japanese locale once you get it running and should still work.
>Extract contents all the contents to a folder location.
From the ISO, after you unzip it properly. Should clarify.
Did you manage to get the english patch to work?
I'll try it out tonight anon. Changing my computer to Japanese Locale won't change the OS language, right? I can only read hiragana and katakana.
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I just finished the latest gensowanderer game. It's bad, just go and play reloaded instead.
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Yes. Also I updated my game top version 2.00, as it said in the readme for the English patch. Get the 1.00->2.00 Patch here: https://www.axfc.net/u/4022616?key=reImU00593.

There are two .EXE and .WDF files in this patch. Copy and paste all four into the 東方ROCK MAIDEN folder (main 東方ROCK MAIDEN.exe folder). Run the two patch .exes' you placed in there. It should now be patch to 2.00

After patching I would rename data.dpm as that is now the Japanese original, the english patch would overwrite that if you just placed it this folder. Once you place the English patch there, run the game and it should be good to go.

Yeah, changing to to Japanese Locale will not effect the language you have set on your system. But some new programs that you install in the future while Japanese Locale is on may default to Japanese. It usually doesn't happen, but you will have to change the programs language settings(if it has any) if it does.

Having Japanese Locale enabled takes into account for unicode characters in programs so they are able to read properly, this includes zippping/unzipping files.
If you have garbled text in your Japanese games it's probably because you or someone else didn't have Japanese Locale when manipulating files, like zipping and unzipping.
Sometime games and programs will still work with all that garble text, but sometimes it wont! It just depends on how it was coded and if it uses Japanese (or any other language not english) unicode with code or file structures.
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The only thing to be wary of with Jap locale in my experience is that it turns all the system \ into ¥. So your cmd and filepaths will have them, just a heads up for if someone else is taking a look at your PC or you're sharing screens. If they know, they know.
Actually, can you return to US locale after installing the game and then run it? Just to make sure.
Man, old computing sure was something.
Yes. As long you unzip and it runs in Jap locale, returning back to US local the program will still work. It might bring back garble characters but it will still work since it's now installed in way that your system is able to interpret. Granted there might be some edge cases ( like new code or files are generated in Unicode on runtime or something like that), but i haven't come across them.
and/or installed in jap local
Any news about labyrinth of touhou 3?
How is it bad?
Potemki or Takorin?
Pick one or the other, you can't choose both or neither.
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You can just read some of the negative reviews on steam. It's unfinished and is lacking tons of content and basic features from the previous games.
Playing Mystia's game!
ALWAYS Takorin
Takorin, no contest.
Make me.
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Do you guys prefer the official games or fan games?
Why would I want to?
You're a sad little man if you don't want to, and I don't want to speak to you any further.
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How many fangames have you seen that has similar (in the loosest sense possible) plot device or character to an official game released later?
Pic related for example revolves around mysterious portal-like doors popping all over Gensokyo, 5 years before Matara and her backdoors become a thing.
Fangames, just because they actually give more plot and characterization to lots of characters ZUN doesnt care about.
By make me I meant "sell the game to me", what's it about etc.
what did Artificial Arcadia guy do to you people?
He talked big and ran away, check the archives.
He actually made a game
Nothing? I just prefer one over the other.
Asking again if Blue Devil in Belvidere is uploaded anywhere, or it there's somewhere I can buy it that isn't Steam.
I like how Takorin does his work, that's just it.
What's your favorite fan game?
Lost Branch of Legend just got an update.
Blue Cirno, one of the strongest characters was buffed, Hybrid Mana was added, while Sakuya has received a pittance.
New cirno is very fun
Seems like a very over engineered solution to something that wasn't really a problem but hey so long as it's more fun
That one Suicocks Tetris game.
Labyrinth of touhou 2.
She feels very steam rolly, first time I tried her out I got to Seija very easilly.
Just wished Sakuya got something more, especially with Koishi coming relatively soon she might not get much more, which is a shame.
I do wonder how Koishi will play, apparently they have stuff about her on their official discord but I haven't checked it out.
Although that makes me wonder if Alice will end up being post launch content or something like that.
Tenjou no Tempest.
A typical action platformer, but god the boss battle carries it hard. Pity they don't do more of this.
Blue cirno was not very good imo pre patch.
Blue cirno didn't get enough reward for inflicting freeze on the enemy. Blue Cirnos freeze damage just doesn't compare to snowballing red reimu or red Marisa. It was so bad that the most reliable way I cleared lunatic with Blue cirno was with a ice armour stacking deck. This buff was well needed imo.
blue sakuya still kinda blows though.
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Blue Cirno was probably my most consistent character, especially with her old BB starting card which destroyed early fights and enabled snowballing pretty easily. Although she didn't really have a reason to go for people other than Reimu in order to get frozen world and better defensive options.
Her new defensive and consistency options are great, even if the 1 and 0 cost archetype is shit and it's a bit weird flavor wise for Cirno to have such high consistency when tutors and such are a very "smart type" character trope when Cirno is more the all out aggressive type.
Although now there's a Seiga fetus 0-1 cost card archtype I wonder how long until somebody make a playable Seiga like with that RG Graze Aya mod character.
For Sayaka I feel like both her White and Blue are took weak, but especially her Blue, extra turns are nice but unless you can do something with them they're useless and White Sayaka just does a lot less then what the other token generating characters do and her best card is Meiling who's a shitty stall card.
I won't deny that Blueno's upgraded BB starting card could kill early game trash mobs like kedemas and wisps really quickly. I'm kinda split with her new deck. The ability to reliably inflict freeze with a guaranteed one mana icicle feels better to me than starting out with 2 mana freezing defence and what is admittedly better icicle.
I disagree that cirno doesnt benefit from anyone besides reimu. Admittedly I haven't played cirno+reimu, but sakuya's extra turn cards and cards provide cirno immediate effect and allow freeze ticks to stack twice per player phrase.
The 1 and 0 cost archetype? Not sure what you're talking about. The best part of the update was cirno's offensive cards getting a glow up. Iceblooded and icicle getting buffed is great. The old "deep freeze" card got replaced with "temp firepower with every blue played" which encourages icicle spam. What irritates me though is that despite offensive cirno being stronger, it is much more reliable to spam upgraded 1 cost absolute zero, upgraded ice armour and frost matrix along with eirin's blue moons to essentially cheat your way into infinite frost armour.
I think a seiga 0-1 cost character would be really bad because 0-1 cost cards aren't that good. What do you mean there's an Aya mod?
Yellowsak and bluesak are both rather inconsistent. Bluesak's ability to take multiple extra turns is [P] intensive but admittedly can, with good card rng, give you stuff like high time pulse and/or defense. Yellowsak's knife spam feels really good actually. Meiling's not even what I abuse, it's the newly buffed tewi card that gives me invincibility that I like. It allows sakuya to stall out turns and build up her time pulse with the card that generates pulse with every card. Either that, or I inflict vulnerability on bosses and use a bunch of time stop cards to burst down a boss.
New Tewi card sounds interesting, haven't used it yet.
But for mods you can go to Thunderstore io, there's playable Aya, Youmu, Patchy, Mima, and Okuu.
It's not a new tewi card. The old yellow tewi card that reduced all damage to 1 got buffed. The yellow card that granted the reduced damage was reduced from 1 yellow mana to 0 mana.
Can you guys recommend some of the most popular and well received fangames? I'm new to this whole thing
Where are the Youmu fangames?
Thats the only one I know of.
Shanghai.EXE, Luna Nights, Mystias Izayaka.
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You could tell they knew Lotus Labyrinth was a mistake but didn't have the foresight to add what made Reloaded good. Skill trees and level retention just dumb down an already barebones game.
At least bring back proper weapon crafting for fucks sake.
gensou shoujo taisen complete box on steam fucking when?
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Here's one
Okay, however:
Marisa naizuri
lotus labyrinth was a remake from an older game so it was never meant to be the next big game like ToD and Reloaded were. Foresight was just depressing where the developers actively chose to remove 80% of their content and released an unfinished game.
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Youmu Naizuri would be softer.
How does it hold up to other card rl clones? Been hearing good things about it recently.
It's pretty good, gets updates about every other month with new cards and such.
It's a slay the spire clone so you traverse three areas where you do card battles, there's deterministic RNG an instant restart option for battles, and no punishment for using it if you're bad at the game. The game has a mana system split between 5 colors and each of the four current player characters has two kits for a mana color they specialize in.
progression is a bit too easy, with unlocking all the characters and cards being something you'll complete before you get to hard.
Although I wouldn't recommend it right now since it's early access with Koishi and Story mode not being out yet, 30$ American is also a bit much for an early access game desu.
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I've just been having a blast spamming bursts and Final Spark as Marisa and being way too risky with Event Horizon. It's brain dead, but that's what Marisa is all about. Shoot lasers endlessly until she dies.
Mystia's Izakaya is a neat cooking and restaurant game, Touhou Puppet Dance Performance is a fun pokemon-like game, Lost Branch of Legend is a Slay The Spire type game, Hero of Ice Fairy is a fun 2d shooter with Cirno, Gensou Wanderer Reloaded is a pretty good and long mystery dungeon type game, Artificial Dream in Arcadia is a good SMT clone. Go to moriyashrine (.) org and have a look around, and if you find something you like consider buying it.
I don't have a good feeling about that.
It plays very similarly to Slay The Spire but meshed with a Magic The Gathering colored mana system. Like the >>46895036 said it's a bit too pricey right now, but there's an older version (v1.3.14 on moriya, v1.5.0 is the latest) on moriya if you want to pick it up and try. Music is a banger too and the art is fun and varied. No idea if they go on sale but it's worth keeping an eye on since steam summer sale is coming up fast.
I liked Citadel of Celestial Cascades.
It's a bit short but it is difficult so it may take some time to beat.
Never seen this before, thank you anon
Games with lots of Remi focus? Koukishin was great but...it has been 10 years.
I don't think Mega Man games are anywhere near as hard as Mega Mari, or even very hard at all. Perhaps if you go for "1CCs", but not normal play. Same with Castlevania, although that's a pretty different kind of platformer.
In Mega Mari, it's like all the enemies are subtly off-grid so you have to jump and time your shots to kill every little fairy. I don't think it's a very good game.
I feel Rosenkreuzstilette did what Mega Mari set out to do much better, the balancing and difficulty in that game is closer to the actual Mega Man games.
Gotcha, I'll wait for full release.
Also how's balance and difficulty scaling? Does it have the same issues as StS where certain decks are under-supported or become invalidated at higher ascensions?
I dont know anon, it felt pretty on par, but maybe Im just thinking about Megaman 1 specifically, or worse, Megaman and Bass, but in Megamari as I said, the only thing that gave me trouble were 2 scenarios and the Wily castle... like... in Megaman and Bass... Huh.
>it's like all the enemies are subtly off-grid so you have to jump and time your shots to kill every little fairy
Really? I didnt feel it like that, I just tactically face tank things and used Reimus power as an offensive shield.
To be fair, I mostly replay Mega Man 2 and Mega Man 5, and I probably shouldn't comment on the difficulty of other games since I barely remember, and I've never even played Mega Man and Bass.
I've played all the Mega Man games except for chinese oddities like Rockman Strategy and I can tell you in good faith, Mega Mari is harder than the Mega Man series proper and it's all based around asinine enemy placement and cruel damage intake.

Contrast with Shanghai.EXE which not only understood Battle Network's tempo, it even improved upon it.
In hindsight I should've also tagged >>46896447
Imagine if Takorin made the pixel art for Mystia's Izakaya... and some nice animated special events on ending the day... haha
For difficulty you have two types of difficulty. A difficulty level which ranges from Easy/Normal/Hard/Lunatic, which each level increasing enemy health and giving them more dangerous attacks.
And the other type of difficulty, Requests, there are 7 requests and each of which applies a unique modifier.
In order to get to the final boss you have to be on easy or above with all 7 requests, and take certain items.
Get the glasses from Reisen, trade them to Rinosuke for a gaming console, trade the console to Sumirenko for eye cream and trade the eye cream toy Yukari for the border senser.
No decks, other than Sayaka's become significantly weaker on L7(Lunatic 7 requests), although some like Black Marisa and Red Reimu are really good for it.
I wish I was as good as takorin
Touhou if Yu-Gi-Oh?
Yukkuri Torture
Do not torture
This used to be really popular back in the day.
What happened? I never see it mentioned nowadays.
I looked it up and apparently the circle had a falling out during Freuden development. Guessing they're just not active anymore.
The circle were only two people, only one finished the whole game and it must've been a titanic effort.
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My dream fangame is a Mega Man Legends clone starring Utsuho.
Rock Volnutt the protagonist of that game has his body parts literally swapped to install weapons and equipment and I feel something like that could be fone with Okku's rod arm and iron boot.
Is there any Dragon Quest or Zelda-esque fan game? I don't play many of the fan games
imagine hotel mario but it's okina matara instead of bowser
There is one or two, I dont remember the names though, I know it is on the wiki, look in the adventure genre of the fangames page.
Lmao, that would be fucking hillarious.
Imma check the wiki then. I love Zelda games (both 2D and 3D) so I'm sure there must be a fangame (or original doujin game) that can scratch that itch.

QUALITY-tier cutscenes included?
of course
why is megamari so hard holy shit
...Im starting to feel weird, not having struggled with Megamari nearly as much as everyone else.
It just feels like a typical Megaman to me, but my memory's a bit skewed considering the romhacks I've played.
Looking at you 4MI.
Touhou yugioh would be sick ngl
Not current Yugioh, fuck synchro mechanics and chain-link effects.
That might be it. Rockman 4 Minus Infinity is not reflective at all of the difficulty of the actual Mega Man games. Even "the hard ones" (X6 and X7) are hard by virtue of bullshit level design, offset by the fact you have infinite lives.
And Mega Man Zero stages are bitesized, so you can retry them to 1CC them for the EX Skills with minimal issue if you're good at Mega Man X.
I like XYZ tho. Utopia is my bro.
Snake eyes infernoid my love
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>new branch of legend update
Touhou mother

the campy references and the cheesy plot went great together. muenzuka fucking blows though
>muenzuka fucking blows though
This is the universal opinion. Nobody liked Muenzuka. I wonder how many people didn't finish the game because of it.
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probably a lot - I almost rage-deleted the game after a few hours stuck in it. didn't know you could equip Mima with the infinite MP item either so I was constantly running on empty and the sentient cockroaches would KO my whole party in 1 move

there's a door near the end that warps you back to the start of the dungeon too so that was fun
I spent a week running in circles before realizing a part of the stage that looked exactly as the rest of it was a door I could access to leave.
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no way
You know, Doom is quite popular in the Japanese PC scene among older otaku precisely because you could argue Doom is a first person Danmaku.
Actually the mod was made by a American but I didnt knew Doom was popular in Iapan
Among PC otaku which admitedly are a fringe minority because for the longest time PCs were thought as "working tools, not toys" like consoles are considered toys. And there was a strong stigma against PC players as snotty, stuck up rich kids pretending to be gamers in the learly 2010s, things might be changing across Japanese zoomers due to vtubers playing mostly on PC.
Now it's the time, Doom Maiden. Rip and tear.

Have any of you Touhou experts played Acceleration of Patchouli?
It's a bullet hell versus game in the same vein as Acceleration of Suguri 2 but with Touhou characters and spellcards. I'm trying to get the netplay to function properly but I seem to just be messing everything up. I changed the server name to my address and port, selected server instead of client (or cliant as it's spelled), and tried to set up the VS mode correctly and I still can't get it to connect. I of course forwarded my port correctly. Any help would be much appreciated.
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I absolutely love Mystia's Izakaya. Would you recommend Blooming Chaos? and if you do, is 1 or 2 better?
I consider Touhou Mother the worst video game I've played and beaten. What do you like so much about it to consider it your favorite Touhou fan game?
From a gameplay perspective, I consider it a prime example of completely unfun RPG design throughout. The sequel fixes a lot, but unfortunately for every one improvement there are five mistakes repeated.
From a writing perspective, I personally did not find it very entertaining and thought it failed to capture what I liked about the Mother games, but I see where you're coming from. It is the only video game that genuinely made me feel like a kid again, since it perfectly captured what my sense of humor was like at age ten.
if you liked the battle network games check out shanghai.exe
theres also udongein X which is more like the platformers
I don't play 2hu fan games apart from visual novels - as of now, Fading Illusion is my favorite, among other things, because I love how Marisa speaks in the Russian version - but my wife LOVES Mystia's Izakaya.
As in, whenever one of us cooks, she likes to give it tags like "Aquatic", "Mountain Delicacy" or "Greasy", and loves it when I ask her "who would you cook this for in Mystia's Izakaya?", or "with whom of the girls would you like to eat today?"
... I'm getting out-autisted by my wife. I don't know whether I should feel proud or scared.
Autistic/retard weeb wife sounds cute af, consider yourself the luckiest Otaku.

Udongein X2 was also announced a while back!
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That's very based, but I am obligated to resent you for having something I don't. Still based and wholesome, and congrats, but fuck you REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
>Fading Illusion
I remember trying that a year or so ago. That was the VN where Rinnosuke gets almost mindbroke by Yukari because he was going to tell on her to Reimu?
basically what you said, i binged the whole thing in around a week

yeah it's bog standard RPGmaker stuff, but i played undertale when it came out and earthbound a bit before that, so it kinda revived the feeling i got playing both of them. i haven't played any other touhou fangames besides udongein x and the mystia one though, point is it scratched an itch when i was just starting to get back into touhou and i probably would've hated it otherwise, but desu i came out really liking it by the end. it's just a cool premise, and i think one of the more memorable touhou crossovers i can think of

i play RPGs for the story/feel first and gameplay second - even if it's supremely frustrating - unless a gameplay loop is particularly fun on one it isn't why i keep playing. muenzuka is one of the most utterly rage-inducing sections in an RPG i've ever touched but it was a pretty tiny part of the whole and i found the rest of it to be fine. it isn't some xenogears-tier masterpiece, sure, but i had the most fun it i'd had in awhile and it worked

tl;dr it hit all the right buttons for me at the right time
More autistic than retard! She's a pharmacist, and nobody died yet, so she's not a retard.
Thank you, Parsee!
Yeah, that's the one. They recently released more content! It's a shame it takes AGES for them to write it, but it's understandable, there's a ton of artwork from pretty much every 2hu artist in the slavosphere. Hatater, ZAP-NIK, bero, they're all involved.
>More autistic than retard! She's a pharmacist, and nobody died yet, so she's not a retard.
>Genius airhead
You're a winner at life, anon.
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Dev's still plucking away at it, seems like the most recent work is being done on the floor layouts. Last I checked it was bugtesting the abilities and adjusting the difficulty so that might be one of the final steps. He's playing Chrono Ark now too which is probably my favorite random buy in the past 5 or 6 years so that offsets the pain of him working with DekinaiBlue for the translation.
After scrolling down the thread, which I should have done first but didn't think so many people would be into the genre, I'll add onto my post by saying also wanna recommend the game to the folks into Lost Branch of Legend too as it's also a rogue deckbuilder with a slurry of unique systems and cards that all just click. Even offsets the whole idea of going for specific broken builds as it's a character-based game where you're encouraged to clear a run with each of the 20-some cast in teams of 4. It's also got a pretty good story too. Pretty much my only gripe with the game is that I didn't unlock all the relics and additional unlocks until after I 100%'d the game, so there's some stuff I just never got to use despite the fact it seemed super interesting build-wise. But otherwise it's filled with interesting choices rather than "interesting" choices. Noticing the Blitz Step animation's origin was probably the hypest I've ever been from just simply seeing an attacks animation. I'll have to get on the Lost Branch of Legend update sometime soon.

And bringing it back on topic to 2hu fangames as for recent stuff that's got my eye, I've been plucking very slowly at Gensou Wanderer Reloaded as I never really gave the original games a chance. It might be heretical of me to say but I'm not too into it despite my proclivities towards Labyrinth of Touhou and Explorers of Sky making me feel like I should be more into the game than I am, but there's probably just something about it that doesn't click in my autistic brain. Better to play it slow rather than force it all down the hatch anyways.
What is it about Touhou and Tom and Jerry that goes so well?
Like those MAD videos that are just T&J shorts reanimated with Reimu and Remilia.
Well it updates every other month, and while I haven't checked it, they have a playable Koishi on the discord so 2~4 months until she hits beta is my guess.
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Tom and Jerry is just a timeless cartoon, fits well with a lot of things and MMD animations are typically predisposed to the silly side of things.
Which was the animation with Remi playing the guitar? I can't find the whole thing for that anymore.
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kek these always crack me up
I really do miss the era of slapstick MMD's combined with more serious stuff like Burning Meiling. Hopefully the generation being raised on 2hu, not the fumokiddies, manage to learn a similar program and bring that kinda stuff back.
Wait, so there's alpha updates publicly on the discord, and with that long of a wait-time to boot? I figured the transition from alpha -> beta branch would only be a month or two tops. Either way I'm glad she's fucking finally on the way.
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>i binged the whole thing in around a week
I did too, funnily enough. Hell, I kept playing for a lot of the same reasons you did. I think the difference was that I still felt unsatisfied when it was over.
That feeling of "hollow nostalgia" wasn't enough to motivate me to finish the sequel. Which, by the way, improves a lot from the first game, but reuses enough content and repeats enough mistakes that I still dislike it. Though perhaps you would enjoy it, maybe even more than the first.

>it's just a cool premise
I fully agree, and I'd love to see another take on a Mother-inspired Touhou fangame. Sometimes I toy with the idea of making one myself.

As far as Touhou RPG fan projects go, one that I actually finished and liked is Touhou Puppet Dance Performance. It's basically Touhou Pokémon, and I found it better than almost all of the official games. Although, like Pokémon, this one focuses entirely on gameplay rather than story, so it might not suit your tastes.

Also, completely unrelated to Touhou, but a "bog standard RPGmaker" game that I did like is Off. Here, I found the good storytelling to offset the mediocre gameplay enough for me to really enjoy it. It's pretty popular so I reckon you've heard of it before, but I'd recommend checking it out if you haven't, it's right up your alley.
It's a closed Alpha to my understanding, but yeah from what I've seen she's "playable" but not ready for Beta release yet, but she's coming this year.

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