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File: dev.webm (3.95 MB, 960x720)
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webm thread
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PSA: Do not watch Babel II Beyond Infinity
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1.05 MB WEBM
Is this rock guy supposed to be Poseidon?
it's a golem Yomi uses to try and kill Babel. It's the first actual enemy Babel fights in the manga, and he fucking wins and doesn't need some whore to bail him out. Babel II adaptations were a mistake
Senki bros ..
Ah, right, I remember that! It's been a while.
>that hole in its crotch is a thruster
I never knew.
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4 MB
Zoom zoom.
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3 MB
File: earthian go splat.webm (2.93 MB, 1280x720)
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2.93 MB WEBM
they made this fucking scene so dramatic just for it to have zero relevance in the second season
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1.65 MB WEBM
Meant to post this
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>nooo you can't kill traitors!
File: TA.webm (2.97 MB, 960x720)
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Was that Kai in the guncannon?
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I'll never understand why they made it wrong for Kira to defend himself against on incoming attacker.
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3.25 MB WEBM
File: Destiny Phone.webm (3.91 MB, 1920x1080)
3.91 MB
3.91 MB WEBM
This guy can’t catch a break
He did pretty good for a Monster, if it takes three Riders to bring you down over the course of two episodes you're pretty strong. There are full-on Riders that barely last longer, at least two in the very same series.
Nicol is still a bad pilot though.
File: Chargeman Ken TV 30.webm (81 KB, 482x360)
81 KB
Knack - the only animation studio I know of that somehow managed to put an animation error into a still image.
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2.71 MB WEBM
my hero!
File: Mazinger Z's ED.webm (3.97 MB, 960x720)
3.97 MB
3.97 MB WEBM
I could see Leos being used by the modern day military.
>Pregnant dragon gives birth to a wheel
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1.5 MB
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File: ooo rush kekekeke.webm (2.92 MB, 640x360)
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I love eyecatches
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File: GGG Pasder.webm (3.05 MB, 1440x1080)
3.05 MB
3.05 MB WEBM
These where choreographed by Tomino's daughter who is a dance instructor or something.
Why does the choreography like this was missing in the subsequent build series?
File: Spoiler Image (2.77 MB, 1298x926)
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3.9 MB
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3.94 MB WEBM
do you guys have that one webm with the collapsing legs mecha?
File: HotBlade.webm (2.85 MB, 1280x720)
2.85 MB
2.85 MB WEBM
Black cape on Turn A should've been its default integral part of the design after it got excavated
Would make the Moonlight Butterfly even more unexpected for the viewers
File: Unit 01 goes berserk.webm (2.58 MB, 528x360)
2.58 MB
2.58 MB WEBM
File: Gundam SEED sex scene.webm (3.92 MB, 1920x1080)
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3.92 MB WEBM
Why does Athrun have tits
That’s Flay.
File: MSG3_Guncannon_launching.jpg (330 KB, 1440x1080)
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330 KB JPG
Nah, different unit. Kai's unit was 108 with Hayato's being 109. The one in the webm is 203
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1.92 MB GIF
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966 KB PNG
Funfact: Guncannon 203 is from the MSG movies and shows up during the landing assault on A Baoa Qu.
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2.84 MB WEBM
I just got to that moment.
I love gold modes.
Beautiful moment.
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File: What's the matter Shiro.webm (3.96 MB, 1440x1080)
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3.96 MB WEBM
I miss cheesy, live-action FMVs in games. I replay old Battletech games from time to time just for that.
I miss them too.
holy shit my eyes, ow.
Is this the episode where Boss's cousin shot Kouji? I remember the cross.
File: hikari ni nare.webm (2.89 MB, 640x480)
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2.89 MB WEBM
>When shit gets so real they don't use the transformation stock footage
File: V gundam.webm (2.87 MB, 640x480)
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File: MSG SEED e28.webm (2.9 MB, 640x360)
2.9 MB
RIP to a real one
File: KojiSayakaShin.webm (2.92 MB, 1280x720)
2.92 MB
2.92 MB WEBM
Tolle was 16.
What is this, this looks awesome
Also has anyone elses 4chanx title thing stopped working
It's from G Gundam.
well I guess each piece is 8 years old now
File: SKG rude 01.webm (2.44 MB, 900x506)
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2.44 MB WEBM
Liked how Lock-On learned that trick from his little duel with Graham and was ready for it at that time. Talk about an accidental indirect kill. I... Still hear HOWARDOOOO MAAASOOOOON!!!1!! from time to time...
>Aegis Gundam.
>Scores a kill with its shield.
he paid the tolle
Because people didn't get that Kira didn't mean to intentionally kill Nicol and thought he was being hypocritical, so they had to spell it out to the audience with the HD remaster

Kira ultimately is still responsible for Nicol
No, they bent over backwards and introduced animation errors to try and push a bs "kira never killed anyone" narrative when in the very first episode he killed Miguel FFS.
Kannagi Itsuki dess
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One of the best moments of the series.
R.I.P. Bravern
>That single frame of smut on the right border near the start.
I love that anyone can agree that their first exposure to the Dominator is a resounding "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT"
The show was nothing if not inventive in its mechanical designs.
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File: Akatsuki Target Lock On.webm (3.63 MB, 1080x1920)
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File: LegMassage.webm (2.91 MB, 960x540)
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2.91 MB WEBM
uhhh actually that's the Full Armor Gundam, not Gundam Thunderbolt STUPID
Thunderbolt in general was pretty brutal.
Sending kids fresh out of school directly into battle with no support so that Zeon would be too busy massacring them to defend against the real assault is a juicy war crime, and it only gets worse from there.
File: dream.webm (2.39 MB, 960x540)
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2.39 MB WEBM
>but did not post a .webm
File: 168531647484512.webm (2.65 MB, 1024x576)
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at least throw some powderpuffs for athrun to block
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File: 2199.webm (2.46 MB, 854x480)
2.46 MB
2.46 MB WEBM
2199 was good. I liked it.
Wheres the one gif of the kid getting fucking domed by a massive round and it just doesnt actually matter to the show, blink and youll miss their death kinda domed.

File: Boss! wake up.webm (696 KB, 640x480)
696 KB
It's not that Gatakiriba form was rarely used due to budget constrains.
In reality it was rarely used because it's that broken. And it shows how.
How many forms is too many forms?
File: mag-neo_ranga-neo_ranga.jpg (367 KB, 1280x910)
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367 KB JPG
>neo ranga
Thank you Bro.
File: Muteki Janaiyo.webm (963 KB, 852x480)
963 KB
For Kamem Rider, there is never such a thing as too many forms.
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More final/strongest form material than Putotyra.
Anyone know the sauce on this?
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292 KB PNG
>the flipped up hatch for the camera makes it look like a cadet's hat
peak design

Saucenao says irresponsible captain tylor
File: True_Lolicon.webm (2.94 MB, 852x480)
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2.94 MB WEBM
Dat final frame.
That's not a mecha title?
The eyes make it look more menacing.
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>Lost Children Arc.webm
Brigadoon was a fun show.
I will watch this series.
File: Golderan.webm (3.52 MB, 640x480)
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3.52 MB WEBM
Thanks I hate it
You don't like Boss having a comic relief related scene?
File: Crow crucifixion joke.jpg (3.61 MB, 1920x4320)
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3.61 MB JPG
You know darn well what the issue is, buster, Boss doesn't deserve this
Bakarasu's only okay when he's a very minor role, or is (rightly) getting bullied and punished
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The Furuya preview narration voice.
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125 KB JPG
>started fondly recognizing Furuya in other media when finishing up this show last summer and deciding to make more of an effort to give a shit about recognizing friend hard-working seiyuu who don't hit or cheat on women or make them get abortions
It is a neat show
Fuck off you brain rotted shit posting retards.
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3.02 MB WEBM
there's actually no porn of the twins
it's terrible
There is (barely).
Sayaka and Jun barely get anything.
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1.52 MB
1.52 MB WEBM
got a link? watched the whole video a while back but lost the url, and i can't find it in any searches. thanks in advance
The term you should be searching for is "half-assed live action".

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