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On the 36th anniversary of the Patlabor franchise, lets finish up the /m/ sings for the first opening of the television show. Currently we have 5 submissions, I want to see if it's possible to get 3-5 more.


Resource starter park: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/3/folders/1h3XzxjZDO7xE_3kwriYkmJB2QaG1XMOb

It contains
>the lyrics
>tv song
>full karaoke/instrumental

Use this to sing the TV opening and send your submissions to patlabormsings@proton.me and I'll send them over to the mixeranon who volunteered to mix.

Apologies for not posting/finishing this project up earlier. It's been eons since my last post.
I like some of those shows, Eva, and Patlabor
Let /m/ die. Consider it mercy.
Strange way to start the /m/ sings thread, but I appreciate the dedication
fuck off patlaboringfag
Hopefully we can get a couple more submissions
just sent mine, hope it's not too late I love this song
I got it! Thanks so much for participating. It's a fantastic opening, one of my favorites of all time
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I sent a submission about 20 hours ago, just wondering if that got received too?
oh god i just realized how cringe my submission was
there's no way i can send in another submission and have that subbed in is there?
I got two submissions! No need to worry. We're at 7 total now. 3 more and then we're good to go.
Cringe is fine! Authenticity is what matters. All of the submissions I've got have been amazing. You guys are great singers. But if you want to send a replacement, absolutely feel free, just send it with the same email
roger that o7
Fuck okay, I said I was going to send in a submission last time but I did not. Gonna se if I can belt something out today.
good luck, anon.
That would be 8 submissions if you can get yours in anon! Looking forward to it
Did you send yours anon? No pressure!
It's my favorite anime opening so I may try to send something in, did you want us to sing just the tv size version or the full thing?
Just the TV size! Hope you sing it anon, it's a favorite opening of mine as well
nta but oh shit i ended up sending in full size
that makes things way easier
Don't worry about it!
up you go
might try get something in if my housemates go out. if it isn't too late yet
hang in there anon!
Hope you can get one in anon!
I'll send mine soon
Looking forward to it!
All of you guys would make us hit 10-11 submissions, hope you can get them in!
up you go
Is it ever going to work?
What do you mean?
maybe in 10 ye-
man whatever, it's cope at this point...
Should I wait for more submissions? We've been at 7 for the last 1-2 weeks
Yeah, wait until the end of this week unless someone specifically posts to ask for an extension.
are you aiming for 10?
i want to get the rerecording in since you're going for TV size but if you want to just go ahead, go for it!
I'll send mine soon
Yep, I was aiming for 10, but honestly getting another 2 since starting this thread is pretty great
Oh no anon, I can wait! How long do you need?
I'll try to send mine this week
best of luck anon
Patlabor had multiple really solid openings.
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why does it have tits
Those are lights.

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