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The truest threesome of the series who should literally do everything together in a three-seat Knightmare Frame.
I miss her
There is an OTP. This isn't it.
I just remember watching Resurrection without watching the compilation movies, and wondering why she was still alive when the show made a huge point of her dying to Rollo.
The movies cut that, mostly because they cut her parts all together (her father and the memory loss arc was also cut meaning she and Lelouch had zero drama for all the films) so killing her and Lelouch having a breakdown for what in the films was a minor character he was only slightly friends with would be jarring for anyone that didn't already watch the series. So they spared her.
Not to mention the Mao arc and Diethard is the one to shoot Viletta rather than Shirley. I think another change was the Black Knights being more willing to hear Lelouch's side when Schneizel tries to convince them to betray him.
When she cured her blindness by opening her eyes, I half-expected her to cure her paraplegia by standing up.
The compilation movies suck, same with Resurrection.
Her blindness was Geass induced. Her paralysis was not
Her legs got fucking shot full of holes by V.V., and in R1 in the flashbacks her eyes were still perfectly functional as she was being smothered under her mother's bleeding corpse.
Agreed, man.
Hands down.
A friend of mine started calling her Matt Damon, cause they made 3 movies just to save her.
I completely agree.
They have ruined an epic closure to complex characters (Lelouch, Suzaku, CC) and also they messed the world again, which have got some stability after the death of the "evil" emperor Lelouch.
We know, Milly.
So you're saying it should be a foursome.
Lelouch and Suzaku are ______ _____.
Kaguya's playthings.
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I still miss my little half-brother, despite his gayass self fraternizing with that Honorary Eleven boy, bros.
Euphie's friends n_n
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>Code MENT real theme music intensifies.
Why do people hate her for being this ingrateful brat sister who didn't keep her head under the rocks about her big brother becoming a terrorist leader?
C U C K! G A Y A S S!
There will always be people who will hate antags for being antags, on principle. No matter whether the MC is """gray""", or the actual Satan.
Mix that with Nunally's fans being manchildren who fetishize the weak, meek, powerless girl she starts off as, and you have a perfect recipe for hate the second she becomes an adult.
Question of the month: How would Shirley raise her hypothetical twin daughters from her accident threesome with Lelouch and Suzaku, if they're going to be laughed at in school for having "two gay dads"?
I'm at Soup.
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Euphie ___ _______ _____.
Euphie what?
I'm at soup!
Did nothing wrong.
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What is the one nice thing that you'll say to Villetta Nu on her birthday?
...Happy birthday, I guess.
I'll shoot something else for you today
I guess her falling in love with Ohgi is meant to be seen as redemption for her. Especially since she's still with him even after he resigned as Prime Minister, so she's not a golddigger.
Replace Shitley with C.C.
Shirley is not a Shitley.
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POV: I'm waking up to Lulu and Suzaku being my gayass best friends ever.
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So many non-canon movie sagas, and so little nice things to fun-post about the what could've beens about my favourite gayass boys.
>my favourite gayass boys
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>gayass boys.
I love these gays so much
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Hapoy 50th belated JST birthday.
>happy Charles
I like this.
I can always show my Gay-ass-ness to YOOOOOOOOOOU!
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>still another three days
Three days of what?
Until the 21st in Japan.

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