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Gee Godzilla, why does Toho let you have TWO gigabash collaborations?
Xilien hands types this post
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Precisely! Ever since planet x had taken over twitter, we control the toxicity of its website for our own benefits! We could even cure internet flame wars if we wanted to today
I fucking wish the multiplayer is alive, refunded this months ago. Props to devs still making contents though, they're clearly losing money with only like 100 players
So it's rumored that they tried for Gamera but Kadokawa told them no. How stingy do you have to be to say 'no' to something fucking TOHO said 'yes' to?
More than one person likes Gamera, anon.
So who do ya think will be in the other 3 slots? I feel like Mothra will be a shoe 'in. I'm hoping King Ceaser gets in as well.
Well, it is called the "Nemesis" DLC, so I'm assuming there won't be any allies of Godzilla, only foes. I suppose Mothra could count as a nemesis, but she's usually considered more of an ally, so who knows. Ghidorah's already been unofficially confirmed (I can't imagine who else would be associated with golden lightning coming down from a stormy sky), and the first wave already gave us Mechagodzilla, Gigan, and Destoroyah, so those three are off the table. Megalon? Hedorah? SpaceGodzilla? Passion Republic did pick Camearra of all characters for the Ultraman DLC, so maybe we'll get a lesser known Godzilla foe, like Monster X, Titanosaurus, or Gabara. Maybe they'll surprise us with an inclusion from the MonsterVerse and give us the Female MUTO.
Godzilla pretty much dominates the entire genre. There's a huge power gap and demand. Exposure and success will do that to you.
I'm surprised Evangelion hasn't appeared yet. Feels like Eva crosses over with a lot of shit. Most recently, Shin Megami Tensei.
It means the franchise is fucking cooked if they don;t even want that little exposure they may get from this tie in. They're phasing Gamera out again.
For what it's worth, it's at least on their radar as a potential franchise to add.
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Kadokawa is not the best at making business decisions
No Satisfied Fans!
Gamera’s moveset is literally perfect for a fighting game how are they this dumb.
Same with his rogues, can you imagine getting to play as Rebirth Guiron
I hope pacific rim, especially Cherno Alpha got in.
Gamera was quite literally number 7 on their list of most influential shit, only outdone by shit like Overlord or Konosuba
Like, imagine not using the character with more named attacks than Godzilla
Anon that's not influential. That just means they've put out enough Gamera since 1965 that it managed to hold on during Kadokawa's deluge of nonstop isekai shit making way too much money. They've got the little asterisk there telling you that list is comprised of all titles since release year.
Forgive me, I have a poor vocabulary.
>A bunch of FOTM Isekai? Have all the budget
>An animated revival of one of the only two Kaiju franchises to go toe to toe with Godzilla? Have a PS2 and a ham sandwich.
>Same with his rogues, can you imagine getting to play as Rebirth Guiron
Showa Gamera / Legion or Iris / Zedus / One of the Rebirth kaiju would've been such a perfect line up.
Showa, no. Heisei, yes.
Personally, the ideal lineup would be
>Gamera (Heisei G1 with G3 as his S-Class)
>Gyaos (Super Gyaos S-Class?)
>Iris (Uhhhh)
>Guiron (Rebirth)
I am hopeful for space godzilla. I want to see what they do with his crystal creating ability. Megalon won't be likely because they already have to crab/beetle monster with claw hand. 2 internet bux on megarius.
I get angry whenever they bring back Spacegodzilla for the 50th time.
He's lame as shit and there're a million cooler monsters to use
>for the 50th time
I didn't know showing up in 2 games and having a few comic appearances added up to 50
You get what I fucking mean. He's lame as shit and Biollante is the only cool Heisei monster
He's a very "video game-y" monster, though. He's got the "evil doppleganger of the hero" thing going for him, combined with all his crazy powers... It makes sense that he always shows up in Godzilla games.
Yeah but he’s also lame as fuck
Sure, but there are only so many Godzilla monsters to go around, and there are even less "big bad final boss" monsters to choose from. You can't use Ghidorah or Mechagodzilla (and, to a lesser degree, Destoroyah) EVERY time you want a big Godzilla villain.
Hedorah is underused as fuck considering how thematically coherent he is with what Godzilla is
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Hope we get an Ultra kaiju pack or these devs go on to make a full Godzilla or Ultraman game.
Unit-01, Unit-02, Sachiel and Jet Alone
I'm gonna guess Hedorah, Biollante and Anguirus.
I'll agree with that. You could get a really good apocalyptic story out of Hedorah if done right.
Monsterverse is a no, Passion Republic is on record as saying they're too expensive plus they'd have to negotiate with both Toho and WB, which would be a mess.
Anno wouldn't miss the opportunity to have his characters hang with Ultraman and Godzilla again I'm sure
Plus we're damn sure not getting Power Rangers/Sentai in given the meltdown that franchise is having stateside
>Plus we're damn sure not getting Power Rangers/Sentai in given the meltdown that franchise is having stateside
You're probably right, but you never know. Hasbro might up for not doing anything and letting Passion Republic do all the work.
are you the same guy that shits his pants in every gamera thread?
Considering Passion Republic pulled a WTF character pick with Camearra, do we think they might do the same with the Nemesis DLC? Could we get something like King Ghidorah, Mothra, Rodan, and Gabara?
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The first teaser after the announcement, showing off King Ghidorah's silhouette like they did in Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah. Also, I read that apparently it's been confirmed on Discord that the Nemesis DLC is only going to have two kaiju in it, which is disappointing, but whatever.
Eh, that's fine.
So, since the Nemesis pack is only going to have two monsters in it, who do we think is going to be Ghidorah's partner in crime? Another villain? SpaceGodzilla? Or will this be "We didn't get Ghidorah and Mothra in with the first batch, so let's get Ghidorah and Mothra in now."
Mothra hopefully
>Monsterverse is a no, Passion Republic is on record as saying they're too expensive plus they'd have to negotiate with both Toho and WB, which would be a mess.
That's a shame. Though I have trouble believing getting the rights to MUTO or Behemoth would cost more than getting the rights to Godzilla, Mothra, or King Ghidorah.
If we're getting Heisei King Ghidorah (and we likely are, as that's Toho's go-to incarnation of the character), could we possibly get Mecha-King Ghidorah as his S-Class form? Or will he just get bigger?
Maybe Grand King Ghidorah for his S-Class
True but remember they're dealing with a company like WB who could be harder to work with than Toho
I hope not. Showa Ghidorah all the way
I would love that, but Toho seems to hate using Showa Ghidorah for some reason. Like in the IDW comics, even when Ghidorah is portrayed as an alien and the story involves the Xiliens and is set on Planet X, they'll still use Heisei Ghidorah. It drives me crazy.
Shut up Space Godzilla is cool

He's got them Gunbuster shoulders
Yeah, there's something so silly yet charming about SpaceGodzilla. He's got these two goofy-ass crystals jutting out of his torso but the character is taken so seriously.
>Though I have trouble believing getting the rights to MUTO or Behemoth would cost more than getting the rights to Godzilla, Mothra, or King Ghidorah
I'd imagine the collabs came from Toho approaching Passion Republic rather than the other way around so they allow it as long as they get some percentage of the profits
I could also imagine WB being way more Jewish about it compared to Toho ironically enough, like the MUTOs are their exclusive characters therefore have their own licensing fees
> but Toho seems to hate using Showa Ghidorah for some reason. Like in the IDW comics, even when Ghidorah is portrayed as an alien and the story involves the Xiliens and is set on Planet X, they'll still use Heisei Ghidorah. It drives me crazy.
I mean at the end of the day what's really the difference between Showa and Heisei Ghidorah besides having different origins?
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>I mean at the end of the day what's really the difference between Showa and Heisei Ghidorah besides having different origins?
They have different heads (Showa has the curved horns and the manes, while Heisei just has the straight horns), but the most important difference is that Showa has the classic Ghidorah warble-cackle-whatever you want to call it cry, while Heisei has the lame-ass "We reused Rodan's roar for some reason" roar.
And the cool crest
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Get ready to "save the Earth" from the Smog Monster.
Fuck yeah
Added to my wishlist
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FUCKING DAMMIT. It should have had Bagon
Relax, anon. Rodan and Mothra aren't even in yet.
Bagan fanboys disgust me. He isn't even the coolest unmade monster in his own franchise
>Gestures to Super Godzilla, Godzilla Studio Tour, and Godziban
He isn't unmade, he's the obscure, rarely used character. He's the (OT era) Boba Fett of Godzilla.
I wonder if Toho charges the same amount for their unused concept monsters as they do with liscensing their official ones.
He doesn't even have a cool design. Deathla is way cooler
Deathla doesn't even have a design.
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For what it's worth, Toho does consider Bagan one of their "official" kaiju.
Just from a description he's cooler.
People are acting like this fucker should be considered alongside Ghidorah as Godzilla's nemesis .
>People are acting like this fucker should be considered alongside Ghidorah as Godzilla's nemesis .
Sure, that's silly, but there's nothing wrong with wanting him to show up more often in general. I'm honestly surprised he has only piece of merchandise to his name, and while he's obviously never going to be in a movie at this point, I wouldn't have a problem with him appearing in stuff like video games and comics.
I have a problem with him showing up at all.
God, you know what'd be the funniest shit ever?
If Spacegodzilla, Destoroyah, and Bagan all show up only to get offscreened by Hedorah or Gigan
Ahh, okay, so you're a Heisei hater. Alright, got it.
The only good Heisei monster is Biollante
he did show up in godziban for what it's worth
Sure, and that was a nice surprise. I'm just surprised that Toho has this fully fleshed out official Godzilla-related kaiju and they never do anything with him. Like even something as minor as a Bagan issue of Godzilla Rivals would be nice.
Because he's boring as shit
Kong won by the way, despite being younger and inexperience and no powerup
Are you talking about the fight in Cairo? Because I would most certainly count the BEAST Glove as a power up.
Would be cool if it grew the mane and turned into showa when doing the special move. Alternatively Kaiser Ghidorah, even tho no Monster X.
if he couldn't properly knock out Godzilla or outright kill him, no he didn't
if anything Godzilla probably baited him so he could try and fire his new atomic breath
Godzilla did get knocked out for a good minutes, long enough for Kong to drag Godzilla close to the portal. That Kong was not going for a kill too.
Adam Wingard is probably going to say "Nuh uh it didn't"
I wonder what other Toho kaiju they're going to try and get into GigaBash in the future. Will they try for Mothra and Rodan eventually, once they figure out how to do flying kaiju? Will they include everyone's favorites, Jet Jaguar and Megalon?
They don't WANT flying kaiju in the game. Rodan is a possibility since he can walk and maybe just fly as part of his super move but Mothra isn't going to be in there.
My friend called Hedorah for some reason and I guess he was right
>They don't WANT flying kaiju in the game.
>Mothra isn't going to be in there.
Oh? Have they said this officially? I know they'd have to figure out how a flying kaiju would "stand" and "walk" in the game, but I can't imagine them not being willing to try and figure that out eventually.
Mothra can crawl.
>Mothra regular mode is Larvae form
>Doesn't fly until S-Mode

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You know, now that you mention it, considering Skorak, I wonder if a playable Mothra Larva would actually be doable.
I just want Gamera. I don't care what anyone else says or wants, I just want 4 Gamera monsters
While I agree with you, it sounds like at this point we'll be lucky to get Gamera himself.
I don't care if Rebirth wasn't the biggest success, people still liked it.
Kadokawa, you get what you give with Gamera
To be fair, Kadokawa saying 'no' to GigaBash is only a rumor at the moment. Maybe they said 'Yes, just not yet,' maybe they're still negotiating. Who knows?
They should've given Rebirth a bigger budget.
The shit in the artbook shouldn't have been wasted
Gamerabros… our comeback is right around the corner… right?
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I want to hope
Any more of this?
The artbook for Rebirth is awesome
>kong didn’t even knock Godzilla out
>Godzilla’s stomps would have killed kong if not for the soft sand underneath them
>Skar king would have died from the atomic breath if it hit him directly
Even though he was designed as the game's Godzilla stand-in, Rawa's got a ton of that Bagan energy, especially in his S-Class mode.
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Today's the day!
>they don't want flying kaiju in their game
>proceed to put Ghidorah in their game
He has legs.
Yeah, what >>22633573 said. They're fine with monsters temporarily hovering (Rawa and a couple other base roster characters do that), but Mothra and Rodan (well, Heisei Rodan, at least) would have to permanently be in the air.
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Full Nemesis DLC trailer!

You're not all there, are you?
did anyone save it

also there's something real funny about Rawa and Wooley being the only two og characters in the thumbnail image, Wooley getting the Mike Wazowski treatment too
>did anyone save it
Huh. That's weird. I don't understand why it was even unlisted, it's two hours before the DLC comes out...
You can see in the new trailer that he flies during all of his attacks
He might be on the ground to walk but he's pretty much airborne 95% of the time
If anything this makes Mothra and Rodan being even more possible
Having just played as Ghidorah for a few matches, the person playing him in the trailer was jumping a lot. None of his attacks are set in the air, unless you use them while jumping, like the other characters. Only one attack makes him airborne - When he fully charges his hurricane wind attack, he leaps up.
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The full trailer is back up, as well as this brand new video showcasing all six Toho kaiju.

>Heisei Ghidorah
Is this the final DLC, any chance for more Ultra stuff.
How are we supposed to know?
Die bitch
Gamera is taking care of that for me
Dig yourself deeper, why don't ya?
Killing you?
>Is this the final DLC
Not that they've said. The devs want to keep this going for as long as they can and add even more franchises.
>any chance for more Ultra stuff
I don't see why not. Who knows when, though.
If they do add more Ultra stuff I'd like to see Gomora at least
Yeah, we definitely need a better selection of Ultra Monsters. Baltan is good, but who the fuck wanted Camearra? Gomora, Red King, Zetton, Eleking, King Joe, Tyrant, Vakishim, Birdon, Sevenger, Golza, Gan-Q... There's a whole world's worth of better Ultra Monsters they could've chosen from. And even if they wanted "evil Ultra," they could've gone with Belial.
I'm fine with Camearra but if they did another Ultra Pack I think it being based on one series/movie would work well for example an Ultraseven Pack: Ultraseven, King Joe, Eleking and Dinosaur Tank(I think he would make for a fun pick).
Why no mecha? With how much Dynamic is whoring Mazinger surely they can get him.
To be fair, there's only been three DLC packs so far, and they probably wanted to hit the big three or four (Godzilla, Ultraman, Gamera, Kong) before trying for others.
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Huh. If Hasbro is open to this sort of video game crossover, this gives me hope for eventually seeing the Zords in GigaBash.
Huh? There's no way this is real.
Posted on the official Ark Twitter and confirmed by multiple Ark and PR sites.

Someone modded Hedorah so that he sounds right.
>implying you wouldn't want to style on other players as a Larvae without even needing to go moth-mode
No, dying
Why do you seem to just get extremely fuckass mad the moment Gamera comes up in any Kaiju discussion
you're being weirdly defensive about this, anon
Gigabash isn't even the Kaiju game I want. Never been a fighting game guy
What game did you wanted?
Something more experimental I guess?
I have a pitch but it's really, really weird.
I am, yeah.
Since this is the Godzilla thread, let me ask a question: in the 90s AIC was going to make a Godzilla OVA based on a manga where Godzilla rips off Rodan's wing. What is the name of this manga, and is it available in English?
I dunno
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Does anyone here want a crazy, ultimate, never-gonna-happen dream roster? Of course you do. Here you go.
I can see the Power Ranger and Gamera stuff happening at least. Dunno about Gundam, I mean it'd be cool but pretty out of place compared to Eva.

The King Of The Monsters guys could happen, SNK is pretty open to licensing out their stuff.
Base roster covered ape, lizard, insect(sorta), mecha, alien, henshin guy, plant. Only Woolley is kinda out of place.
Any other typical giant monster character missing? The DLC guys don't count.
A Cthulhu-like tentacle monster?
Crossover roster too big.
They have a hero mech, but they don't have a "robot version of another character" mech. Well, there's MechaJURAS, but he hasn't been made playable yet. There's also "giant/mutant human," "dinosaur" (Rawa is very clearly kaiju-y), "sea monster," and "supernatural/magical/demonic." And while I suppose Skorak vaguely covers "insect," if they were to add a giant spider or preying mantis, it wouldn't really feel like doubling up.
>Dunno about Gundam, I mean it'd be cool but pretty out of place compared to Eva.
How so? Size-wise? The Toho kaiju were shrunk down to the point they're barely taller than trees. Everyone gets evened out. Power-wise? That doesn't matter, it's a fighting game. A slug and a building can take out King Ghidorah and Ultraman Tiga.
idk about that anon but I just wanna see a Gundam throw a building at Godzilla

if Gundam can colab with CoD then this shouldn't be a problem
honestly surprised MechaJURAS isn't a dlc character yet, but he'd probably need a bit of rework before he's out
>idk about that anon but I just wanna see a Gundam throw a building at Godzilla
Don't see anything doin this 'cept for G.
Who's worse, powerscalers or shippers
In what realm are shippers better than anything?
Powerscalers and shippers are in the same boat of seeing shit that isn't there
You're in the same boat as they are, friend. Your retardation is funny.
Both are equally bad
Power scalers, you can at least ignore shippers or discuss less popular ships that don't attract all the usual retards. However it's literally impossible to ever pose a "X vs. Y" question without having powerscalers come out of the woodwork with their own autistic metric system of deciding who would win based on saying stuff like "4-D town level" which makes me lose IQ just thinking about it. They have pretty much claimed the entire topic as their territory and it's impossible to indulge in it without having at least one of them butt in. I mean shit at least whenever I'm talking about a pair of characters I like together, I don't have to worry about a 14 year old popping in and asking "Okay but do they cuck Goku?"
Damn, finally getting playable smog monster. Lots of Godzilla video games didn't have that
Tell me about it.
There was this post on Twitter explicitly asking them to keep out of the discussion only to barge in anyways and start rambling about HIGH HYPERVERSAL shit
Actually someone post that thing of powerscalers harassing a God of War dev on Twitter
>you can't discuss power scaling without power scalers meddling in

And I though I've seen the most retarded takes against power scaling.
Don't tell me you're THAT faggot
>powerscaling fag thinks their dumb shit is synonymous to Vs. debates.

Thanks for showing exactly what I mean. You literally cannot comprehend discussing two characters normally without referring to “feats” and “levels”
You were just brainwashed by twitter into hating "le evil powerscalers".
But you are one too, like most people.
In fandom, scalers, on production teams, shippers.
Holy fuck are you this deluded
I like Godzilla
Do people actually ship the kaiju?
Anon have you been living under a rock
Replace deadly mantis with some other 50s b movie giant(since preytor is here), maybe the black scorpion
There's no way.
Mothzilla has been a ship for decades
And now it's canon. Fuck fanboy autism willing garbage into reality
See this is why I like Gamera more. There are no ships
Rebirth bombed
>peaked at 59th place
Does that have to do with what I just said?
Yes. You are wrong for liking Gamera. All the yapping you do is nothing but the pitiful petulance of the weak.
I have a hunch you’re just really insecure about someone not liking Godzilla
Actually scratch that. You don’t seem insecure. Just rather angry
>this was on a post about rebirth flopping
Gamerafag, is this you? Be honest
Guess the jig is up, huh?
Congrats, you now know who I am. Pat yourself on the back, maybe dox me while you’re at it.
They could announce a new live action Gamera movie and it still wouldn’t compare to Rebirth
Let me guess, you're about to parade every embarrassing post I've made online out of a combination of spite and a desire to bully someone.
Nah, I just thought it was funny that I found you out of random chance.
Let me guess, you're one of the people who was overjoyed
nah I don't post on twitter, and I didn't see anyone overjoyed.
You're happy about this aren't you
A bit
>it's canon
they're literally just friends retard, they just made them being buddies an important lore detail
stop letting internet autism ruin your brain
Why would a reptile and insect be friends in the first place?
He provides protection, she provides power ups.
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So when is my boy finally gonna be made playable?
So if the idea of the smaller DLC packs is to get them out faster, when do we think we'll hear news about the next one?
Weird he isn't playable as base.
I think I finally understand why people hate power scalers. I just watch a video about who would win in a fight, Destoroyah or Shimo and the guy said Shimo would do no damage at all and Destoroyah is a "multi-Solar System" or "Galaxy" level threat, whatever the fuck that mean. What the fuck is he talking about and why do people make up fake power level?

Not only is "galaxy level threat" fucking retarded (How would that even work?), but Destoroyah's weakness is fucking COLD. Shimo is probably one of the few kaiju that would legitimately wreck Destoroyah's shit.
Godzilla powerscalers are retarded
Watching the video, it's really due to Biolante's origins (cells coming from a blackhole) and scaling everything from there. Same goes to Space Godzilla.

In this case it's really more the writers not realizing what it'd take to have cells that survive a blackhole. It's clear even the rest of the movie where those two appeared weren't written with that powerscale in mind.

Space Gozilla also ends up with crazy speed feats since it flies between solar systems AND fires its projects while flying in space, with them being portrayed as faster than Space Godzilla itself. All that ends up added up and its attacks are considered on that speed, even if they obviously aren't visually like that at all.

Yeah, it's the type of powerscaling that grabs onto feats by bad writing, even if they don't really fit how the universe is written in general.
That’s what happens when you’re a no-name.
Genuinely wouldn’t matter even if it had incredible animation, because Gamera is literally negative popularity
Today has been a really bad day for gamera
>the announcement that minus one hit Netflix is causing more hype than rebirth ever did
>Netflix numbers for rebirth got revealed
I feel like punching someone
Anon, Rebirth got a ton of hype when it was announced
Then why did it bomb so fucking hard then?
I have a hunch it's because the only people who wanted to watch it were Kaiju fans because Gamera doesn't exist in the major cultural sphere. Like, you need to be an at least moderate fan of Kaiju shit to know who he is
>below no-name anime
The question is why
>the show was shit (rated the same as singular point)
>no one cares about gamera except autists on Twitter
Those are the reasons
>no one cares about gamera
>proceeds to post gamera for years on end
I take it you are a twitter autist then.
>Godzilla X Gigabash thread.
>Devolves into more hateboner schizoposting about Gamera Rebirth failing for absolutely no reason yet again.

It's been literal month's, everyone's moved on

Nobody else cares but you Gamerager.
Iirc they said he'd need some light reworking like a size change but not much to make him fully playable
So is this game any good? Trailers make it look pretty mindless.
>The show was shit
Explain how
Not my ideal Kaiju game, but I can see why people'd like it.
>It's been literal month's
It was two weeks ago.
What was two weeks ago?
The dichotomy between Godzilla and gamera is hilarious at this point
Minus One deserved it's success because it's a good movie. Unlike GXK
Not a Rebirth shill, Nobody cares about you're oddly specific mental derangement but you Gamerager.

Sod Off already

Two weeks since he last spammed a Godzilla Thread with his Gamera hateboner induced schizophrenia.
He's been spamming this for months when everyone's moved on and forgot about Rebirth.
A mediocre forgetable anime has totally buck broke him mentally and he won't shut up about it.
NTA but I haven't forgotten about Rebirth. I thought it was a good fucking show that deserved better
Nah it had its chance.
His name is gamerautist.
Actual ability matchups are the last thing powerscalers think about. For them it’s more important to latch onto “feats” that allow you to claim X character is faster than light or some similarly ridiculous shit that makes them massively outscale their opponent.
And 99% of those aren’t even actual things they do on screen
>gamerautist namedrop out of nowhere.

He doesn't have a raging hateboner for Gamera and spam about Rebirth failing in every unrelated Godzilla thread.

You are Gamerager.

Get out vermin.
The worst thing about Rebirth was how they didn't use this for the intro
Honestly, Rebirth was better than the Heisei trilogy for a number of reasons
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That means for you to gtfo too gamerautist.
How about you stop dickriding Kaneko's garbage and learn what a good Kaiju fight scene is
I don't give a flying crap about Heisei Gamera, i just want you and Gamerager purged for derailing these threads with your schizophrenic off-topic spam permanently.
>Doesn't like Heisei Gamera
Good. You're smart
Here’s what I think about Gigabash, as a game.
It’s a good Kaiju fighting/party game, and it scratches the same itch as the Pipeworks trilogy, but it feels a little too centered around being a party game rather than a fighting game.
The Kaiju control well, but the problem is that you don’t have much control over their abilities in a a way that actually plays into your skill level, such as combo attacks or being able to precisely aim ranged projectiles, and it’s a problem because it just becomes very one-note and you can’t really master any characters. The skill ceiling is too low. Also the lack of 1v1 side fighting is a bit crappy.
Honestly, my other big critique of the game is that it feels like a slight parody of Kaiju stuff rather than a celebration of it. None of the original Kaiju feel like they could carry a movie properly, and the game kinda suffers for it.
Also the Godzilla DLC was a double edged sword because now we have an endless deluge of fags who want Bagan in the game.
If I had to do a Kaiju game, I’d do something a lot more serious and mechanically immersive. Like a single player game where you switch between a human character and a Kaiju character as they do shit. Sorta like SOTC but you play as a colossus and a human alternatively
The way anon worded their post, I assumed they were referring to the new GigaBash DLC.
>Human character
You blew it
Peter Jackson's King Kong was a good game though.
My ideal Kaiju game would take place on two fronts as a result.
It'd also be set in a pseudo-dark fantasy world
Oh, and the tone would be similar to Drakengard
I don't mind him not being a base character, but it's weird he still isn't playable after three waves of DLC and the patch that added the two new stages.
I'd say it's pretty fun. It's sorta like a faster-paced War of the Monsters, though without the "explore the level" aspect.
Good counterpoint
For me, it's SpaceGodzilla
Fuck that
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Suprised nobody mentioned this yet.

Based on his appearance and the title of his last film which I am not aware of in any form, I'd say we gonna lose Gojibros. Can we give this guy to gamera instead?
He was involved with the 2014 movie as one of its writers so I assume he’s a goji fan
I genuinely want to see the Del Toro Gamera
Were they going to give SpaceGoji a burning/meltdown form before regular Godzilla?
Nah, it's just an alternate design.
That wasn't Grant Sputore, that was David Callaham who's writing it.
Why does the concept art always look better than the finished suit?
Because the spfx guy was drunk off his ass
I am Mother is about post apocalypse with robot raising a cloned girl in a bunker while lying to her about the outside world. It's kinda like 10 Cloverfield Lane, not a bad movie.
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I just want a two pack with Ultraseven and King Joe and i can die happy.
I’d prefer Gomora and Zetton

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