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Who did it best?
Look at these FAGs
>Who did it best?
Duel, no contest
Assault Jacket paved the way for FULL GRANDPA so it wins in my book.
I'm fucking stoked to see the Duel and Buster back in action tomorrow.
Perfect Gundam.
Duel is the coolest.
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AGE-1 is upgrading a suit to keep up with the new generation while keep its soul done right. Flit is one of the better pilots in the franchise too.
I like the one with the shields
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GM III has arrived.
Does this count?
AGE-1 is the best but I like Thunderbolt FAG and Duel a lot too.
How is /m/ not creaming themselves over an MP Hazel?
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You're good, but you are not super
full armor zaku...
Full Bullet Zaku.
Assault Jacket > Duel > FAG > FAG TB > FA 0 Gundam
i love all the crazy newtype shit in solomon express
Assault Jacket for me.
A shame it will never get a official kit like most of the wears.
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Not a gundam
Only the two on the right have appeared in animation.
It's also amusing that GAT-X102 never had the twin-barreled rifle, unlike a "proper" Full Armor.
Its funny how Zeta's FA never got the same attention that the FA-78, FAZZ and Nu's FA got.
It jobs to a newtype. With the pilot screaming that newtypes are superior to oldtypes.
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It's cool, but I imagine it doesn't much notice for sheer fact the armor prevents the Zeta from doing it's main gimmick, transform!
>Makoto Kobayashi still remains to this day one of the greatest mechanical designers of all time
Assault jacket wasn’t even in the show
Yer missing the F90 variant
Full armors aren't in shows really.
Exactly, it's a G-Saviour.
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How about now?
Not a full armor
shoulder cannons all too small.
give me something that looks like a proper artillery piece
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The O
Its heartening to see so many people complementing AGE lol.
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far left.
I don't know if we'll ever get those boxy 70s designs and colors again.
animate that thing walking without looking clumsy/bulky
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jesus christ, the goddamn state of this board
Peak of Gundam truly.
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I prefer the Alex without the armor, personally.

Criticize AGE for its story, but its mecha designs and kits are pretty on point. AGE-1 is probably my favorite AU Granddaddy, and all of its kits are marvels. The Full Glamsa isn’t as much my cup of tea, but it does get the Full Armor concept pretty right. As does the Assault Jacket.
>Forearm mounted beam cannons
>never use their free hand for anything besides their sabers
Kind of a waste. That could be gripping a Beam SMG, super hammer or shotgun so they can cover long range combat with the cannons, medium range with the handgun, and close range with the beam saber. Especially if they purge their armor which means purging those armor mounted armerments.

I guess. Duel or Thunderbolt FAG.
chobham was explicitly designed to look ugly
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>not even the correct Full Armor NT-1
None of them, because a single shoulder-mounted weapon creates an extremely stupid lopsided weight distribution hindering maneouvering. Moreover, the uneven impact of recoil is hell for the material stress it places on the midriff section having to be reinforced to counter the torque of 'twisting'. Not to mention, this dramatically tossing off the pilot's heading for repeat shots.

Fucking stupid design is fucking stupid.
Twin barrels please.
Okay, now that’s an armored Alex I can get behind.
...you do realize they can have ballast and weights to balance the weight without requiring twice as many things to maintain?
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>tastelet pieces of diarrhea
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Guess who am I without googling
Between the sloped-off knees and the giant "01" painted on the shoulder, it's not that difficult to figure out.
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you can't just slap some chobham armor plates on a gundam and call it a "full armor" nigga!
0 gundam
But the Crossbone already had a Full-Armor variant, somewhat
What the fuck is this and what other glories come from it?
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Solomon Express is a mechanical design series which is just Gundam getting the full unadulterated Kobayashi treatment (like Giant Robo), scans are probably on E Hentai or Internet Archive if you wanna check it out
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what the other anon said, plus the OYW portion was translated a little while ago, shouldn't be hard to find. The post-OYW part with Psycho Gundams opening dimensional doors and rouge psycho-AI controlled FA ZZ has not been AFAIK
I hate Unicorn, but fuck me blind did it have some winner designs
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The original CCA-MSV looks better.
Not as cool as normal full armor.
>he original CCA-MSV looks worse.
"What if we strapped nuclear weapons to multiple machines and just sent it?" the Series.

78-2 and -3 both get nuclear armaments to use on Solomon and A Baoa Qu. Then there are two different Zakus equipped with nuclear weapons, meant to nuclear blitzkrieg Fed facilities and bases.
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Excellent! That's what grunts exist for, anon.
What's wrong? Too much ink for you?
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G-Line has nice kit.
Fuck Peebs though.
It doesn't look good.
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V2 Assault Buster
Man they massacred 0 Gundam with this equipment, nice face mask tho
So what sparked Anaheim's "Fuck you mom, Gundam's are stupid" phase?
What do you mean? The G-Lines are an in-house project by the Federation, they're not made by Anaheim. It's been ~34 years but the 0083 GP model Gundams are still the first MS that AE tries to develop for the Feds.
Too much clutter
Too british

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