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They always look cool
Which one will defend Rafah?
None of them, AFAIK every Arab neighbor of the Palestinians who's dealt with them in the past and taken some in (most of them apparently) has had to deal with them coming in and causing trouble making terror cells or otherwise stirring shit up, which is also why none of them are doing much of anything.
Why is a Mossad agent browsing /m/?
i thought you fags only spam lies and interracial porn on /v/ and /gif/
The Egypt one is guarding the Egyptian side of the border and infesting the tunnels with DG cells
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>Middle Eastern mechs
OP is a faggot.
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I have very literally just written what I've picked up through osmosis browsing 4chan. If I am incorrect, what is the reality?
Why do people say the Sleeves from Gundam Unicorn are Space Al-Qaeda?
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All those MS are in my top 10, I think I might be an Araboo
What was Sandrock's gimmick again?
Being boring.
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Missed one
Dual wielding and Uzis.
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This fucking cape
Let me guess, you need more?
The Maganac is one of my top grunts ever. Dunno why. Maybe it’s because I grew up with the MSIA figures.
I'm manchild so the current situation made me think how would Israeli, Hamas, and Iranian mechs look like
Because they're literally the space CIA.
Its shotels are heat and its shield can be a flashbang. That's it. It's an endurance mecha whereas Heavyarms is a burst mecha, which is another aspect of Quatre and Trowa's relationship where they complement each other like two spoons laid together.
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In Livin' Color
The Wing Gundams didn't have defined roles, they just looked flashy (following G Gundam's trend of appearance over functionality). Of the five, only Wing and Heavyarms were ranged units, the other three were supposedly melee specialists but the only thing that distinguished them were their choice of weapon.

Even SEED didn't have a huge distinction between the individual units of the GAT-X series, Aegis's transformation gimmick was only ultimately to allow it to use its beam cannon, it rarely transformed on Earth. Blitz was supposed to be a stealth specialist but it was only really used twice. Buster was supposed to be the "big guns" unit and it did accomplish this, but when every other unit was also a ranged MS the only distinction was volume of fire. Duel was just general-purpose and didn't even enter melee combat more than a few times (and lost far more often than it won). Ultimately, Strike was the only unit that was truly distinctive, and only because it had backpacks.
It didn't get the Uzis until the last stretch.
>Middle East
demographically, yes
Commander unit
Watch the show
Gundam 00 mangas have 2 Gundams with Arabic names. Do they count? (Sadalsud and Abulhol)
It has big swords and it was supposed to lead the Maganacs.

Deathscythe was definitely the best of the three with its stealth gimmick and the wing/shields turning it nearly invincible.
They didn't have specific roles because each Gundam was sent in a solo mission. Them getting into a group wasn't planned, but still, each Gundam has a specific purpose.

Wing = All-Around/Airborne Fighting
DeathScythe = Infiltration/Stealth (hence the camouflage)
Heavyarms = Base bombardment
Sandrock = Militia/Desert Operations (Leading Maganac)
Altron = Melee
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Another thing to consider is that each unit was customized to the individual pilots before Operation Meteor. There's no reason for a proto-Shenlong, made for Wu-Fei's fiancee to exist if the armaments were already planned.
>osmosis browsing 4chan
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Yes, as in I was busy reading other boards which were not /m/ where the invasion of Gaza could be discussed, where I could follow or catch glances of other people's discussions of why this was happening and what was going on. Is this a foreign fucking concept? If you browse any board you will pick up on snippets of information of varying kinds just by being in its presence even if you're not actively looking for them. Do I need to emphasize to you that I do not respect Israel because they seem to be in the habit of repeatedly acting like gigantic fucking jews or something? You are free, again, to explain to me exactly how my initial, very literally half baked assessment is factually wrong at any time.
>Neo-Iran has the Xerxes Gundam, themed after the ancient Persian king that fought during Thermopylae. He also has a horse, like Fuunsaiki but it isn't actually a horse, but an unmanned machine that separates into a bunch of floating parts which work like the Rose Bits, complete with their own beam weapons and missiles. Lastly, it has a Beam Mace and Shield to fight both on horseback and on foot.

>Neo-Israel brings the Magi Gundam, a massive, Psyco Gundam size Mobile Fighter that actually splits into three Mobile Fighter sized ones. It controls water, can split open lakes and the seas for easy traversal, and has a tablet (like, the stone tablets where God etched the Ten Commandments) from which it can pull out cool shit from it, like weapons, or shoot lightning out of it. Its separate forms look like the Three King Magi, and combined they look like a depiction of Goliath

>Neo-Palestine has the Gaza Gundam, which in this case is both a shout out to the Gaza Strip and the Gaza series of mobile suits in Zeta and ZZ. It's fit with a transformation reminescent of of the Gaza-C and the Gaza-B's color scheme. And to keep the national theming it has a really badass looking anti-beam coating keffiyeh, which covers its entire head save for the eyes and V-fin

At least, that's what I think they'd look like.
Anon, that's entirely based. All three factions have very different IRL weapons, it would be an excellent well of inspiration to draw from for mecha

>Mix of ancient and outdated but modernized equipment from everywhere and anywhere, fairly cutting edge domestic production stuff built fresh and entirely at home, and frankensteins of both ala the Achzarit
>mix of conscripts and professionals, relatively experienced
>asshole leadership increasingly compromised by religious fundamentalist assholes and hardline politics, unpopular with their own youth and unpopular all over the world

>Loads of stolen goods, smuggled weapons, and homebrew bullshit, reliant on guerrilla tactics
>angry kids, religious whackjobs, guerilla fighters
>asshole leadership comprising of religious wahckjobs, nationalists(?) and functional puppet toothless actual politicians, broadly unpopular with locals whom they are openly willing to use as shields, unpopular in their region

>Large stockpile of outdated foreign made weapons, copies of foreign made weapons, and homebrew weapons yet untested or tested in secret via smuggling to armed proxies
>religious whackjobs, dudes looking to make a buck, and professionals
>asshole leadership comprising religious whackjobs, and their political enablers or people who benefit from their existence, unpopular with their own youth, pariahs on world stage

It'd make for a fantastic mecha setting.
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Forgot my pic but this means I get to post pictures of the Iranian "aircraft carrier".
If I understand it correctly this is not considered a good idea.
The actual ship also is IIRC in a more complete state as of writing.
why don't they just cut off half of the tower so they have more room
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Dsathscythe was the dumbest fucking shit.

Its a giant ass robot stomping and using loud as fuck thrusters. Doesnt matter if it can turn invisible there'd be so much noise you could fight it blind. Its armorments were terrible too,no fucking traps like bombs just some glorified Vulcans? Jesus
I mean, in the current year, an effective aircraft carrier should just be a drone carrier with ballistic missiles loaded onto it. Aircraft carriers like the supercarriers are obsolete targets like British battleships in WW2. Iran would unironically defeat the US navy easier than the Chinese navy at this point.
I'd sure hate to have the wrong armorments.
>they complement each other like two spoons laid together.
Get this shit outta here Quatre was fucking his 20 something sisters
>Mossad agent
>Black September

Yeah, sure, and everyone who says water is wet works for Big Water.
>Black September
>not Hamas
>not Gaza
>but by rogue PLO soldiers backed by Iran
Jordan has the most number of Palestinian refugees and there's no issues there, dumb fuck
stop reading Mossad fanfics on jpost
>why don't they just cut off half of the tower so they have more room
because it would be incredibly painful.
Nope, that's one if the best ways to treat an event you have no influence in.
It's perfect in space and/or in the middle of large-scale combat when sensors and pilots already have to process too much
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honorary arab
Inshallah, the Federation will be destroyed
Wouldn't Universal Century arabs be pro federation though? They live on Earth after all.
Not even the ones born in the colonies got their visa applications rejected by the Federation when they wanted to have their pilgrimage to Mecca
Zeon = Jews with German Nazi uniform
So it doesn't make sense for Arab to hate the federation
why did you make this thread again, idf?
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>Masallah, God is with the Federation!
>Death to Zeon!
>Hot headed, young, Palestinian refugee boy accidentally finds a prototype gundam Hamas stole from Neo-Israel, which was a gift from N-USA
>Become posterboy of the resistance against the ongoing occupation and genocide of his people
becomes disillusioned with the Hamas leadership as he watches them continuously use innocent people as meat shields against an uncaring Israeli military who will burn through both civilians and insurgents so that they can clear the land for their own people to move into.
>Has a long going rivalry with the premier Zion Ace, also quite disillusioned with his superiors.
>Iran is introduced as a factor midway in the series to reveal to the viewers that it's a more nuanced conflict between various opposing fractions, rather than just Palestine vs Israel.
I'd watch it desu
Cool Palestinian Gundam
>siding with the UN
Why wouldn't they? I doubt they'd be cool with Zion- er Zeon trying force people off the earth, including the holy land.
>hehe it sounds like zion that means they jew
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Fuck no
>Africans are all arab
They were praying to Allah in the city with the underground Frank hideout
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reminder that this is who the federation AND zeon are in bed with

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