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According to the description:

>"This is a talk between Toshio Suzuki of Studio Ghibli and film director Mamoru Oshii on the film “Avatar” after Oshii's declaration of defeat.
Other participants are Mamoru Oshii fundamentalist and writer Mabai Noda, “Sky Crawlers” film producer Tomohiko Ishii, and “COMIC Ryu” editor-in-chief Shuichi Ohno.

Director Mamoru Oshii declared defeat against James Cameron's “Avatar”.

Toshio Suzuki and his colleagues are discussing what kind of film they would like Director Oshii to make in the future in order to win over Director Cameron."

There's sadly no automatic captions, but I'm curious why Oshii was so impressed by Avatar at this point in his career considering he directed Ghost in the Shell, Patlabor 1 and 2, Jin Roh, and other arguably better movies. Even the Japanese comments seem to agree Avatar was just a mediocre movie with good CG and superior funding from the US, so it all just seems out of character.
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>see cool movie
>think "wow that's cool I wish we could make movies like that too but circumstances are different"
>people are puzzled as to why you would like something cool and wish you could do something just as cool
I'm more confused why he praises garbage like CCA
Only people with a soul would understand, sorry but you never had a chance.
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How can one man be so based?
Stop posting your own YouTard comments here.
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I'm actually fucking mad that hollywood slop is getting this much praise when the only thing they have going for them is cg spectacle shit and nothing else
That seems to be the nature of Oshii's lament. Basially, he wanted to create good works with powerful visuals. He got the story element but is sad because, as the first comment in >>22632196 describes, the US's pure financial muscle meant that they could make prettier pictures. This is without thinking about the story, since that's not what he's sad about.

I also am sad about it. I feel like the US sometimes makes good stuff but more often than not we just have the largest and currently most robust filmmaking industry. I think that's changing since it seems to be increasingly unhealthy but like with military development, so far other guys don't quite come close when it comes to pure financial power.
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Avatar is great but it's not a 2D animated movie. Oshii still remains a master of his field and there are more things that can be done in it.
>There's sadly no automatic captions, but I'm curious why Oshii was so impressed by Avatar at this point in his career considering he directed Ghost in the Shell, Patlabor 1 and 2, Jin Roh, and other arguably better movies. Even the Japanese comments seem to agree Avatar was just a mediocre movie with good CG and superior funding from the US, so it all just seems out of character.

Oshii thinks anime isn't real film and wants to make an epic sci-fi live action movie.

And he did. But you didn't even think to mention it so that just goes to show that he did fail.

Imagine if Hayao Miyazaki came out and said Bumblebee (2018) made him feel demotivated from how good it was.
>noooo my favorite creator liked a thing that I'm not supposed to like!!!! the personality I've based on liking him and my worldview have been shattered!!!!! I am not just demotivated by this fact but this is also my declaration of defeat!!!!!!!!
Because Avatar told the 70s pro-environment, anti-civilization story Oshii and other former student radicals wanted to tell in a way that was popular and beautiful instead of ham-handed and boring.
dat movie good doe
That's not what avatar is about.
The game is all about killing off the last remnants of humanity and driving them to extinction.
Fucking based.
>the last remnants of humanity
you mean just a group of company hired mercenaries?
Which game? The Xbox one let you play as the humans and pilot the vehicles and mechs.
The reason why the company returns to Pandora in Frontiers of Pandora is because Earth has finally experienced total biosphere death due to mankind's pollution and they've come to build a new city to house what remains of mankind on the only other habitable planet they know.
Oshii just doesn't have your soulless jewish tier taste. CCA is one of the best films ever made. Very influential too. That's why.
Avatar is a fantastic film, it's a real shame how many people gave in to bad faith criticisms and blind themselves to its beauty because some guy made a meme observation10 years ago.
It's a real shame. You'd think /m/ would love movies like Avatar and Pacific Rim, as they are the most /m/ things to come out of Hollywood. High production values and fantastic art direction too, which is one of the key selling points of mecha anime.
too bad, should've eradicated india and china before it got too bad
>people gave in to bad faith criticisms and blind themselves to its beauty because some guy made a meme observation10 years ago
That's literally every interesting or fun movie to come out of hollywood in the last 20+ years.
You have no idea how excited I was for the first Avatar movie only to walk out of the theater disappointed. Didn't need any youtubers to tell me that it sucked
Fucking retarded american. How very jew of you.
>ib4u i'm not american
Bull fucking shit after that post. KYS.
>Director: Hey ya, that was pretty alright.
all I know about avatar is some bald dude with face tattoos
People here get extremely defensive about the cartoons they watch and start treating it like politics. They also tend to forget that both countries make a large amount of utter garbage that neither bother to watch too (see: Oshii's live action movies, countless American spinoffs/sequels no one cares about)
>Oshii's live action movies
>utter garbage
Kill yourself.
Dont lump pacific rim with hollywood slop
Have you watched Tokyo Mukokuseki Shoujo?
yes. Avatar is dumb, because they don't need to make an open pit to extract the ore. Imagine making all the retarded travel to extract the ore and making a open pit when you actually can make an underground gallery.
>I don't want my current type of success, I want to work on Hollywood budget movies and films
I'm not sure if people like Oshii and Tomino (who's the same as you may remember) are deranged and out of touch with the good reality they have, or they're just ambitious as directors and are frustrated due to not getting to that kind of production despite their age and experience

Ok, include blackrock & vanguard into the eradication list
This should make any non-poseur pro-environmentalist happy now

Nobody here hates Pacific Rim 1, schizophrenic
Like it commonly happens with Hollywood, Avatar is high budget low quality sewer sewage, the aliens are too fugly to look at and the mechanical designs are more bland than reality

On a random note, I'm very wary of people liking something because they get overwhelmed with "visuals" and film score, or people not getting an uncanny valley reaction from the crappy-made aliens
An open pit mine is objectively superior to a gallery mine when the resource, Unobtainium, is obtainable at shallow depths.
but you missed the part that is over the free internet auto fixing fiber optic network tree. that alone is wort more than the unobitanium.
Avatar 2 goes beyond because they are whalling in another planet when they can cone the wales.
You completely missed the point, retard-kun
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>the mechanical designs are more bland than reality

Disagree. The SA-2 Samson, Valkyrie dropship, and the ISV Venture Star are really solid designs. Genuinely curious what you'd consider better.

Even the AMP suit is pretty decent if you think of it as repurposed construction equipment. I'm convinced they made the glass canopies larger in post so the actors would be more visible since the full-scale model they built looks a bit better proportioned.
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>the mechanical designs are more bland than reality
You need to get your eyes checked.
Zoomer alert! This poster is a zoomer! Zoomer alert!
Wake me when RDS ships an Agaiaon over to Pandora to nuke the fucking trees.
Much as I hate to agree with that guy even slightly, most of those do feel pretty bland. Other than the ISV Venture Star (which is excellent), none of them made any impact on me. They're not awful or anything and there's plenty blander in the real world, but they were just kind of there. Honestly think the big trucks and the construction equipment in Avatar 2: This Time It's Wet were more memorable.
I think what's more important is that they fit the setting. I don't think you could really go more exotic with something that's meant to be a near future equivalent of a basic transport heli like a Blackhawk.
>>I don't want my current type of success, I want to work on Hollywood budget movies and films
>I'm not sure if people like Oshii and Tomino (who's the same as you may remember) are deranged and out of touch with the good reality they have, or they're just ambitious as directors and are frustrated due to not getting to that kind of production despite their age and experience
Kojima is more successful than Oshii and Tomino
Why did a shitposter resurrect a 9 year throwaway comment?
Visually Avatar is amazing. That's an indisputable fact. Its everything else about it that is mediocre to bad.
He's carried by yoji shinkawa
>"Toshio Suzuki and his colleagues are discussing what kind of film they would like Director Oshii to make in the future in order to win over Director Cameron."

I want to know more about this
>Mamoru Oshii fundamentalist
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imagine if these guys actually made something together
>person who makes incoherent films bashes hollywood shit movies
God I fucking wish
>incoherent films
Kek do americans really?
tragic that the US and Japan can't work together
>Mamoru Oshii & also Tomino
You fags that say stupid low iq shit like this about these directors are legit fucking dent heads.
>Art is a means to spread propaganda in some form or another no matter how small or provide mindless escapism
>Art is a form of artistic expression or entertainment
No wonder they can't work together. They both have different foundations of creating media.
>bad faith
You don't even know what that means.
>oshii knows this and still fell for the mindless escapism propaganda slop
>my favorite creator
I don't even like the guy very much, doesn't mean it isn't embarrassing.
I just don't get why he cares so much. Just because his content isn't as widely successful as a product that makes billions doesn't make his content less critically acclaim or valuable. I doubt avatar will be as respected & taken seriously as oshii's works 50 years from now.
He didn't say anything about success, critical aclaim or respect.
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>"I read a lot of books."
>"In order to make a film, what's important is not to just watch films, but to read a lot of books. I read a lot of historical books."
>"To make a fictitious world, you can't just make up anything. You have to kind of base it on the historical models, even with the characters it's the same thing - you just need to tweak it a little bit."
>"Nobody knows what the future holds, so whenever I make up a futuristic world, I look for what's happened in the past. If you don't do that, then the final movie will turn into something shallow - like the Hollywood movies."

>"You can't really become a millionaire by being a film maker in Japan, because it's not Hollywood."
>"But they have something Hollywood doesn't have - it's the freedom of a project, creative freedom. Directors have the freedom to make their own films."
>"But in return you don't get any money."

Is he wrong?
He didn't say anything particularly controversial, which of his opinions are you having trouble with?
I see more positive or neutral reception for Pacific Rim on here than I do negative reception.

I don't know how you two can say things like this when Oshii is basically saying "Avatar did everything I wanted to do but better". The creative industry is filled with these types of sheltered zealots, who create these fantastical worlds that are supposed to validate whatever viewpoints they picked up in college.
The reason why US and Japanese creatives don't work together is because it would just be redundant.
Has there ever actually been a collaborative US/JP production in animation or film? I don't mean hiring Japan to do inbetween animations like with cartoons in the 80s, I mean a full on joint production between two countries like they did with the Finnish on Moomins.
Than what is his deal with Avatar? Want to make a movie with expensive special effects and CGI?
How the fuck?
The Animatrix was one. That kind of idea could work for a future project between the US and Japan, because it was a bunch of seperate stories contained within a wider lore that was mostly set beforehand.
The only significant difference between a James Cameron and a Mamoru Oshii is the the people they have to answer to and people who work under them.
That's why the US and Japan get together on a project it usually just involves Japan sending their animation teams over.
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avatar is kino /m/
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>"This anon is a zoomie because he values the quality of a story and its characters over pretty visuals!"
Nice self report
I cannot for the life of me understand how anyone who has any sort of appreciation for visual art would think Avatar is inherently better looking than works like Ghost in the Shell 1&2, Patlabor 1&2 and Jin-Roh (just to name the ones I've seen). It's like thinking Rococo is inherently better than Gothic and Baroque architecture, and that's still not a good enough analogy to communicate how wrong it is to think Avatar is mankind's greatest audiovisual achievement over so many other beautifully animated films.
Oshii doesn't count animation as film. He's comparing it to his live action works. And he's only made one live action sci-fi fantasy in that vein, which is Garm Wars. Compare it to that.
No design that makes massive caveats for hollywoods obsession with actors faces is any good. They would've had even iron man walking around with his face out 24/7 if they managed to force it.
No one is saying that, you are missing the point.
You're might be mistaking rendering for mechanical design
It's worst of both worlds of being neither plausible nor aesthetic; grandpas Chinook and Apache are already more erotic than the mechanical tumours that don't even want to capitalize on their tumour-like feel
Reading nonfiction books
Merry Christmas Mr. Lawerence. The American half of the film was directed by Americans and the Japanese by Japanese. The Japanese director says he was surprised to see the difference in American sensibilities, as American actors are too subdued compared to Japanese actors, who the Americans thought were "overracting".
Those were brits, not americans.
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Oshii aged like 40 years after the Hollywood GITS movie came out. Any remaining life force is being drained by Kojima who sold his soul to the yanks for no reason. Absolutely shameful
>"But they have something Hollywood doesn't have - it's the freedom of a project, creative freedom. Directors have the freedom to make their own films."
>"But in return you don't get any money."
No shit? Why even spell out the obvious?
cameron is a specialist at using current tech to its limits and applying new tech on cinema that elevates his movies
yeah, the story of avatar is fucking trash. but techcally it is incredible. he is also based for making normalfags to throw up because of some the 60 fps scenes LMAO
District 9 is a good movie by a South African though...
>the story of avatar is fucking trash
Is it? It's serviceable.
I feel like many Japanese creatives, especially of Oshii’s generation, have this kind of Hollywood envy. People popularly associate that sort of thing with Hideo Kojima but it really is a shoulder chip on way more than just him.

This might be a bit of an uncomfortable thing to say, but I feel like a lot of the big Japanese animation heads, especially those big in the 80’s and 90’s, “settled” for animation because it was the best chance even bubble economy Japan offered to realize their visions, but deep down many of them, raised on things like Star Wars and Aliens, deep down wished they could realize those visions in live action instead.

If it’s true it is kind of sad, the idea these legends who themselves have inspired generations of other creatives, still have a chip on their shoulder envying something else.

It’s one thing I have always respected Hayao Miyazaki for, and how he “got” Hollywoods shortcomings really quickly and seems content with his craft. It’s ironic since Oshii’s passive aggressive friend hate of him is so prolific (though that’s mostly because miyazaki’s many negative qualities lol)
>This might be a bit of an uncomfortable thing to say, but I feel like a lot of the big Japanese animation heads, especially those big in the 80’s and 90’s, “settled” for animation because it was the best chance even bubble economy Japan offered to realize their visions

Oshii himself said he used to go to the movies as a kid and wanted to be a director, but there was no industry in Japan so he went into animation instead. Same with Kojima except with videogames instead.

I guess in a funny way this is why Japanese animation is more adult and interesting than the animation in the west - the creators are using animation to tell a serious story that otherwise would've been done in live-action if they could've.
I see, it really does show.

I do get it, it’s probably what helps their work stand out so much as opposed to just taking inspiration from other anime; but all that said it’s still kind of sad to me that their work has itself inspired so much and show animations’ potential as a medium, but they themselves can’t fully be content with that and still covet live action and an often at a glance envy of Hollywood, enough to “admit defeat”.

I guess their work wouldn’t be what it is without that though.
>the story of avatar is fucking trash
I thought the story of the first movie was fine, probably the worst part is that gets it a little boring in the middle. Second movie's story was much more engaging throughout and the characters were a lot more likeable.
I've watched Garm and Tokyo Mukokuseki Shoujo and Oshii's style just doesn't work for live action. His action feels kind of corny, and his serious scenes where he likes having people stand there silently feel plain goofy in live action.
My favorite Japanese youtube comment about Oshii is a guy in the comments of one of his English interviews at a film festivial basically saying
>Oshii having to routinely pause for his English translator makes his speech understandable for once
The guy very much talks like his films once you get him going. Long winded and hard to follow even for native speakers.
He says that but Japanese Cinema is largely studios shitting out Teen Movie after Teen Movie to make a buck. Has been for over two decades now. They have their own economics that creators end up beholden to.
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America cannot compete in the slightest with Japan when it comes to traditional animation, and even when they try pretty much 90% of it is outsourced to Canada and South Korea to animate. Blender is also catching on pretty hard in Japan. I predict within the next decade Japan will begin pumping out 3D animated movies which will undoubtedly be better than the generic Disney slop that's shipped overseas.

The truth is anime has always competed with Hollywood movies, and especially so in the 1980s. Considering the recent failures of the studio system in the west, I'd say anime is coming out on top.
hollywood equivalent is the action slop. JP with the teenage romance crap and US with violent explosion crap.
every market has its mass produced movies for its internal market
Avatar is literally shit, what's wrong with him?
I would feel defeated if I produced movies and TV shows my entire life only to see a shit movie with a garbage plot based on pure contrivances and a complete and utter lack of creativity (they literally called the resource they want to mine "unobtainium") become one of the most profitable movies ever made. The only positive is that I know I would never make a movie as terrible as it.
this nigga born in 2006
Only a Gen Alpha kid who had their brain completely rotted by TikTok would unironically like the vapid trash that is Avatard, kill yourself you retarded trash-eating faggot.
>they literally called the resource they want to mine "unobtainium"
literally nothing wrong with that. The Mecha genre in general is full of goofy names, why do people have such an issue with this?
>why do people have such an issue with this
Midwits have a need of feeling smart, so whenever they spot something silly they hyper fixate on it and mock it endlessly to appear smarter than they actually are.
>(they literally called the resource they want to mine "unobtainium")
So did actual aerospace engineers since the 50s.
Ikuhara's statement on anime will always lose to hollywood films is NOT aging very well at all as time as gone on
>Midwits have a need of feeling smart, so whenever they spot something silly they hyper fixate on it and mock it endlessly to appear smarter than they actually are.
This. I hate unfun pretentious pseuds so fucking much. Shit posters like all the ragers are basically like this to a T.
You people are stupider than I am, and I accidentally replied to my own post when I meant to reply to the post below. That says something.
It shows a complete and utter lack of creativity to name some rare material "unobtainium." That term has been used since the fifties in science fiction and in real uses as another poster pointed out. Name it fucking "Pandorium" because its found on Pandora (yet another extremely uninspired name, "geddit guize they opened pandora's box by fucking wit le blue pocahontas!1!!!1!1!") or "Smithium" because John J. Smith found it on Pandora, that at least shows an attempt at worldbuilding. Neither of those are particularly creative but its still a better effort than the trash in Avatard. If you cannot be fucking bothered to be creative about the material that is the root cause for the conflict in the movie, then why even make movies in the first place? This is also ignoring the huge coincidence that some random retard in a wheelchair on Earth, who's identical twin brother was on the exact same mission, was also the only person who can perfectly interface with the blue alien shit, and his blue alien fursona is the chosen one to tame some dragon thing that will bring peace to the blue aliens. It's lazy as fuck writing to rely on nothing but coincidences.
There's nothing psuedointellectual about criticising a shit movie with a shit plot, you morons are just cattle who have to defend big shitty movies because "if everyone else likes it I have to as well!!!" I don't have very high standards, I enjoy anything with an ounce of hotbloodedness and people screaming attack moves, but Avatar completely fails as a movie in every way.
Look, I'm this guy >>22644903
I'm mainly focusing on this when it comes to anime. I agree with you 100% on Avatar at least. It's a uninspired retarded movie. Even ferngully did the environmentalist message better than Avatar did. It has great groundbreaking CGI at the time which now isn't all that impressive.
hi cinemasins
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>they have creative freedom
Anno is such a pretentious faggot
That guy who's worked with Hideo.
Lmao the retard. This picture you posted is old stuff.

Most of the current airing anime, are either LN adaptations, or manga adaptations.

What are the creative limitations of LNs and mangas?
Editors telling them what to do and publishers cancelling them when they don't do well?

Not to mention how anime and live action adaptations just change whatever the fuck they want to the point that a mangaka literally committed suicide over it just a few months ago?
That sounds incredibly dumb and completely undermines the anti-colonialist themes of the first movie.
Why are game writers so bad.
Avatar is an amazing theme park ride, it's a terrible narrative film.
Bocchi and Frieren S1 were pretty solid just to name 2.
Yes, and they did a great work with them, I would rather have a well crafted classic tale about human (elf) condition than some dadaist crapshow pretending to bring originality out of randomness.
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>Real reason why some /m/ hate Based Avatar.
A fucking leaf.
>some guy made a meme observation10 years ago.
Who is the guy in question? I’d like to know the meme.
Lurk moar zoomie.
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>the mechanical designs are
the gunships are easily the sickest things about the franchise
Apparently Cameron had an idea for the Na'Vi where their current societies are the willingly low-tech remnants of an advanced civilization? Would be cool to see that, maybe something like the proposed ZOE3
The reason Oshii likes Avatar so much is because it's success is probably what he wanted to do with Garm Wars, or "Record Of Garm War" as it was originally called; they both take place on inhabited/green moons? with cloning and memory transfer?!??
Avatar is entirely Cameron (even down to his obsession with oceans and marine life now) and he intends it to be a long-form epic that pushes effects technology further. Oshii likely wanted to do that with Garm War but never got to :(
I think it's more to do with the sheer volume of Avatar's production. It's not just the budget but Cameron's production has (as you well said) the tech and manpower to make those surreal fantastic ideas come to life.
I don't think Oshii belittles his and Japan's achievements in the film industry, but looking at the behemoth that is Hollywood, spending millions of dollars on shitty movies and billions on SFX spectacles you'd probably wish to get a go at it from time to time.
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>I think it's more to do with the sheer volume of Avatar's production
that's partially what I'm talking about; I'm sure Japan could make a big (relative to their industry, obvs not as big as Avatar) budget movie good with Oshii directing, my points is that Cameron can get western money to trust him for the exact reasons Oshii can't get eastern money to. Look what he did with the budget of his actual Garm War film and imagine even 4x that. Even a CG movie like Gantz:O by Oshii with that (or a similar) script would be great
>I don't think Oshii belittles his and Japan's achievements in the film industry
He should though. Not his achievements but Japan's; their movies have been a joke since the 80s.
>spending millions of dollars on shitty movies and billions on SFX spectacles you'd probably wish to get a go at it from time to time
Cameron and Oshii are victims of their circumstances in different ways
>my points is that Cameron can get western money to trust him for the exact reasons Oshii can't get eastern money to
Ah I see, fair enough.
>their movies have been a joke since the 80s
I disagree, there's much to say about Japan after the turn of the century but there's good movies every year, same with anime. Besides, the film industry has declined in the entire world so it's a bit dishonest to point fingers at one or two countries.
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>there's good movies every year
Every place makes a good movies every year, but to say "movies are bad" or "movies are bad from [X]" is to say that there are fewer good movies total per year, which is indeed true for every place now.
>Besides, the film industry has declined in the entire world
Well, yes, in every country since the late 70s movies have generally sucked.
Of the asian countries, only Taiwan and Korea continued to be good in general from before and after the turn of the century
Japan had its economy destroyed, China took over HK and ruined it in more ways than just its film industry, and hollywood studios cracked down on the power of the director after Heaven's Gate failed.
Regardless of the reason why, I'm say Oshii SHOULD belittle the japanese film industry, every director should. The French New Wave only happened because people were willing to speak out and make something good in the time when their industry was bad. They had a model (the golden age of Hollywood) so it was easier, but the principle is the same.
>China took over HK and ruined it
That's the biggest loss here, a real shame.
>I'm say Oshii SHOULD belittle the japanese film industry, every director should. The French New Wave only happened because people were willing to speak out and make something good in the time when their industry was bad. They had a model (the golden age of Hollywood) so it was easier, but the principle is the same
Yeah but speaking without doing any changes would just make Oshii sound like an out of touch old man, his prime years are gone and his major contributions have already been made, if anyone is going to "change" the industry for the better it'll be younger directors with fresh ideas and a creative hunger.
I mean Tomino praised KnY and One Piece, but I doubt he spends too much time watching anime anyways.
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>Yeah but speaking without doing any changes would just make Oshii sound like an out of touch old man, his prime years are gone and his major contributions have already been made
I wouldn't say any director, or artist, is "done for" (so to speak) just because their prime years are over.
>I mean Tomino praised KnY and One Piece
He shouldn't have ngl
>mean Tomino praised KnY and One Piece, but I doubt he spends too much time watching anime anyways.
It means very little when they are the most accessible mainstream crap there is on the market. Tomino offered nothing insightful when using them as an example of praise.
Exactly, people blow these statements out of proportion.
>I wouldn't say any director, or artist, is "done for" (so to speak) just because their prime years are over.
No but they most likely won't cause an artistic revolution.
>No but they most likely won't cause an artistic revolution.
neither is anyone else likely
Still waiting for a new sci-fi film to come out that's as hugely impactful as Blade Runner, Alien, Terminator, etc. I feel like it's not possible anymore with the way all studios are run and the slow death of theaters.

mamoru ojii
>Avatar was just a mediocre movie with good CG
Avatar was full of SOUL. One of the only modern Hollywood franchise that has real SOUL.
It’s boring, basic and all it has going for it is visuals. And not even in the atmospheric way something like Akira has. Akira is at least charismatic with aspects like music, acting, and details, despite the broken plot, while Avatar is just fancy cgi to show off fancy cgi.
Shut the fuck up, tourist newfag.
I just really don't care about Avatar. Honestly, after the Last Jedi I've had no inclination to go see movies in general, except for Godzilla.
Plot was kinda boring but the mechanical designs are nice. Probably would've liked it more if I watched it in a theater; people really only like Avatar for the visuals anyway.
if avatar was an anime no one would have any issue with "unobtainium", they'd just nod their heads and accept it's wacky eastern writing
Nigga avatar came out like 7 years before that shit.

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