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Mao and Kurz has returned
are they married
Not sure. They divorced three times
Not just that, their daughter has returned from Another!

Um, you think she'd wind up a groomer towards Yasuto later on? Nah, let's not talk about shipping, it's too early.
He lives with her when his mom had leukemia.
>That swimsuit Kurz and Mao's daughter has on

It's a real *hits pipe* moment for Weber.
He can afford such moment since SHE WAS TAUGHT HOW TO USE GUNS AS A KID. I don't doubt Mao also taught her some bare hand moves too. So yeah, go on, hit on her. If you dare.
Only one person remains to return…
Yes it will be great when Clouseau reappears.
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Iiss that badass sork of a Frenchman, I hope he made it to Akihabara
You sneeze?
I don't care about any of this corny shit!

Where are the robots? I want to see slavshit getting wrecked by super-prototypes.
I'm partly blind, am missing an eye and made the mistake of trying to type without my glasses, point stands I miss the guy
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>Nami in camo bikini
Truly, her father's daughter.
Relax. It's been confirmed that AL is coming back in a new AS.
He got canonically isekaid into the Metallic Guardian world so he won't be appearing in this. They literally talk about him disappearing in the book.
If that is isekai where is Ben's harem
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Someone shared this last thread.

Oh uh, sorry. I guess.
Well guess I gotta pick this up now, at least I get to see Sousuke hanging out with Kurz and Mao again but it'd be nice to have the whole team again

Eh it's the hand I got delt trying to hard to support my parents and my nephew,I should've watched my health better
That's a funny way to sideline a character and very FMP, I like it
How did he obtain the Falke? It was destroyed in the last book.

Your worthless Fandom page is spam. Nobody wants it.
Mao looking pretty damn fine for mid 40s.
Women like Mao keep pretty health combined with food genes and she'll be looking great for a good while
He's so easily spotted and found out! Kek
>Kurz has returned
Didn't he died?
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Hes too dumb to stay dead, look at this face
I wonder if fathers can think their daughters are hot because damn
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Al built a new one out of spare parts. It's the last M9 (meaning the FMP world has no M9s left, given how this one got isekaid)
>Last M9
Wasn't M9 formally adopted by the US as its mainline AS? And does this story happen relatively quickly after the final battle on Merida Island?
It's like when you've had a dog for years and strangers melt like it's still a puppy. In your mind, you know it's cute, but you're desensitized to it for the most part.
That boy is so lucky
We see other M9s and M9 derivatives in FMP Another though.
Also the falke immediately gets wrecked and rebuilt to have centaur legs and a buster rifle and an antigrav unit
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I am OP. Oh, fuck, Kazama has returned
The hero always arrives at the right time.
Man, her tits look even bigg- is that Tessa? She looks even younger here, how?
This is Kazamatsuri Mako, V-Tuber. As I understand it.I don't know Japanese
It looks like she's a streamer or vtuber.
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He also has a love triangle with a retarded mechanic and an anime otaku dinosaur girl
They can both be his brides, inshallah.
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So is there a plan to actually make money off this? Gatcha? Figurines? anime?
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Gatou holding onto the cake Tessa card until the end
>he doesn't play with his dog like it's a puppy
the fuck is wrong with you
>bottom left
Is that supposed to be aged up Shinji?
Remember Year of the Dead Sniper. And then how two came back either via movie retcon or plot twist.
Doesn't this fuck over his martial arts bullshit?
What, you can't do martial arts with a centaur body?
I fully expect a P Bandai Metal Build of Azur Raven
Yep, read furigana on the kanjis
Yeah and he's working as a vtuber using a female avatar now according to the profile in that box
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She's Kazama's avatar
And the chapter is about Kazama getting sick and Sousuke filling in for him on a stream as the vtuber
I suppose this is the right thread to ask, should i read the novels or sigma?
You need to read SS9 for Tessa's after story in any case
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How about "slavshit" crushing the super prototype?
Honestly, it would be better if the authors did not try to use the original FMP characters as main characters again - their time has passed. Besides, Chidori is a bitch...

It would be better if they revealed in more detail the consequences of the events of "Anoher" and the world of FMP itself. For example, what is the outcome in the Middle East, has China reunited, what is the current state of the USSR, is France still a great power?

How much has AS technology influenced the development of the FMP world beyond the emergence of civilian work robots? Cold fusion reactors are a fucking breakthrough in energy, you know. Prosthetics based on artificial muscles?

That’s what I’m interested in, not how many companies this hysterical Kaname owns and what a loser this idiot Sousuke is in the end!
Do what you want, I can't tell you how to live your life. I ain't your guidance counselor.
>Honestly, it would be better if the authors did not try to use the original FMP characters as main characters again - their time has passed.

Look, friend. Can I call you friend? I know we all want to pretend our favorite series have enough depth to carry a whole world on their back. To establish further plots and tell different stories in different places. But the truth of the matter? Shit like this is carried very hard by it's characters. What mattered most, what really defined the series was not being MILITARY MECHA ANOTHER ONE, it was the mix of comedy, school shit and MILITARY MECHA. It just doesn't work with the characters people know and kike. Best cast scenario you're looking at a Waster XIII.
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They could tell the story of Kazama, more precisely about his service in the Japanese Self-Defense Forces and, through his point of view, tell about the status of military and civilian AS in the Land of the Rising Sun, as well as the spread of technologies based on them. Additionally, Kazama's look at NHK newscasts or SDF news reports could have provided some insight into the world decades after the original and years into Another.

Kazama could even go on a foreign mission with a Japanese AS squad to participate in peacekeeping operations or joint exercises - that would be amazingly interesting!

Instead, we get the lame family of Kaname and the unemployed Sagara, with the endless divorces/marriages of Mao and Kurtz... Why the hell is this necessary?

For that matter, I'm more interested in the further fate of the characters in "Another".
Haha mommy haha
Man, new generation of AS was announced. And Gatoh said that in new chapter we will get new information about AS or something.
She became rich from the using Whispered's knowledges. She developed her own AI as I remember
I thought kurz died. did he come back?
>They could tell the story of Kazama, more precisely about his service in the Japanese Self-Defense Forces and,
He's a low-level bureaucrat (the kind that sits at a desk and stamps papers about taxes and pension) who moonlights as a Vtuber.

Your fanfiction is trash.
He died. That's his twin, Kurt Weber.
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He is alive
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He’s a zombie, oooOOOooOO
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It's fumover
Still can't get over the fact Clouseau literally is FMP's manifestation of I HAVE THE POWER OF GOD AND ANIME ON MY SIDE while also being a top candidate for just a normal person that could've totally been based on a guy Gatoh or an acquaintance encountered at random.

He just feels like the kind of military service power level concealing turbo nerd that you'd find in real life.
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Allah bless him
Anyone interested in me posting about the class added by the Metallic Guardian crossover supplement which is Arm Slaves powered up with isekai technology?
Obsessed samefag, that ain't your strawman.
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I'm need any information especially from Metallic Guardian crossover and Another

FYI there's no art aside from >>22641202

Metallic Guardian doesn't have classes for characters, instead the classes determine the type of robot you have.

The TRPG's setting is basically that of an off-brand SRW (real SRW, not OG) meaning that it's filled with stuff like knockoff Scopedogs fighting knockoff Zeon while knockoff GGG defends knockoff Area 11 from the knockoff Dinosaur Empire and knockoff Poseidal gets isekaid into knockoff Byston Well.

The crossover book is 2/3 a replay and 1/3 a supplement that also includes a knockoff Gespenst that lets you make not just a Gespenst but also an Alteisen, Weissritter, Wildwurger, or Wildfalken. It can literally equip a pile bunker, missiles that split, a rifle that fires in literally B E and W modes, a "spin slicer" (i.e. slash ripper), and jacket armor and the ability to purge it, not to mention an ability in which you use all of your weapons which has a name (oku no te) that's synonymous with "trump card" and is also literally what Kyousuke refers to his trump card move as in some battle dialogues

So with that in mind:
The crossover supplement adds the class used for the upgraded Falke >>22641202 in the replay which is called "AS (Patchwork)"

The class is Arm Slaves from the FMP world upgraded with technology from the Metallic Guardian world

Base abilities you can have on a Patchwork AS are:
-Lambda Driver
-The MG equivalent of a GN field
-ECS upgraded with the MG equivalent of Minovsky particles meaning that you're invisible and also having jamming abilities
-Combination/transformation mechanisms
-A gravity wave field (distortion field)
-Magic and alchemic upgrades from knockoff Byston Well/Ra Gias
-Living metal armor that regenerates
Complete list of weapons that the AS (Patchwork) class can equip:

-AS Beam Saber
-AS Hyper Beam Sword
-AS Zankantou
-AS Dimension Fault Sword
-AS Plasma Tackle
-Hidden arms for beam sabers
-AS Electromagnetic Yo-Yo
-AS Mach Drill
-AS Pile Bunker
-AS Beam Sniper Rifle
-AS Magic Missiles (as in the fantasy kind, firing arrows of light magic)
-AS Mystic Bow (think Angelg)
-AS Ignis (knockoff funnels, but only usable by knockoff newtypes)
-AS Cord Ignis (knockoff incom, usable by non-knockoff newtypes)
-AS Buster Rifle
-AS Laser Launcher
-AS Linear Railgun
-AS Satellite System (lets your AS get beamed microwave energy from satellites)
-AS Satellite Cannon (requires AS Satellite System)
-Psychoflasher (wide range magic attack yes they literally just combined psychoblaster and cyflash and no there's no "AS" on the name)

-AS Valhalla System (AS is also considered an Einherjar which is a Fafner/Evangelion type upgrade which makes it stronger but also corrupts the pilot, Valhalla System is a knockoff Siegfriied System)
-AS Hover Unit
-AS Flight Unit
-AS Armored Pack
-AS Super Pack
-Micro Missiles (comes with the Armored Pack and Super Pack)
-AS Anti-Ship Reaction Missiles

That's all
>-AS Mach Drill
Oh and Gato refers to >>22641202 as "Falke Pantheroid"
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Given both her parents, you have to wonder
Not that Mao groomed Sagara
Because Sousuke was underage boy?
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Tism tho, tism
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Okay, autistic underage boy.... as Kamille?
Is he the kind of black weeb who does whacky youtube sketches where he plays all the parts?
Fuck I wish Metallic Guardian would be translated
No, he's the kind of weeb that makes 5 hours essay on miyazaki movies
I want this as a side story
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/m/ is so gay now
Remember to report advertisers like these.
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Would you?
I don't like Pocky
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I would marry her

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