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G-Witch is so popular that it's flattened all of Tumblr.
I'm not an enormous homosexual so I have no idea what any of that means
and chuds will seethe for years more
life is good as a witch fan
That girl is black.
>69,080 votes
Don't think that shit hole has that many active users when between likes and reblog the sum is 21k but nice cope i guess
and to look the previous results the numbers of votes are disproportionate only against male ships
>25,279 votes and 5k notes (reblog/likes) on the hannigram vs sulemio (yaoi vs yuri)
>10,445 votes and 1k notes on bubbline
vs sulemio (yuri vs yuri)
Bullshit !
Isami and Smith should have won. They felt good and were a much healthier relationship
Suletta and Miorine are bland at best and downright abusive on some part.
I have no idea who those characters are.
being a disaster couple is a plus
She's Greek-Lebanese, not black.
I hate G-Witch babbies so fucking much.
Back to Twatter with (You).
Native yaoifujos are being pushed out of the natural habitats by invasive yuritroons. Sad.
But who the fuck still uses tmblr since they banned porn?
actual trannies
Imagine biting such obvious bite. Fucking retard.
Is there any site that hasn't banned porn?
That explain why sulemio is popular there
yes, many actually
Then where are they
Tumblr still exists? Could have fooled me.
Only trannies remain and trannies love yuri so there's a shift
Trannies are coomers and migrated to twitter after the tumblr porn ban.
many actual trannies (not agp (if that's even possible)) stayed because they have the entire site to themselves, and since there's no more porn now there's a lot of kids running around the site
I just remember seeing a lot of actual biological women talking about art and cabins and woman stuff once all the porn left
>many actual trannies (not agp (if that's even possible))
non agp trannies are just gay men so women won't be mind keeping them around
It still exist, but like a dick with erectile dysfunction. It loses 30 million dollar a year and is on life support by a private company, Automattic. Literally no one use it anymore aside from remaining old accounts.
Anon, majority of Tumblr users are women. That site was a pro feminist site during its prime.
Something changed because no fucking way a yuri couple can defeat a yaoi couple with women around
>actual biological women
Yeah, about the biological part...
People still use Tumblr?
I wouldn't call them "people".
>Shipping 2 brothers
Listen I used to be on that shithole a lot when it was still a force worth complaining about, it was a very vaginal place despite trannies being rampant too
People ship the twins from Oshi No Ko. Though, from what I heard the show does too to some extent.
>But who the fuck still uses tmblr since they banned porn?

Tumblr sort of walked back that policy. The staff were purging the site of porn. Then saw no one was using Tumblr anymore and daily users dropped like a rock. I guess people lost interest.

Now porn is allowed again, but is kept behind an 18+ gate. You need to register an account with them, and go into your settings to specifically allow 18+ content on your search feed. There are a few other minor rules about erotic material that I can't remember, but yeah they allow porn again. They were afraid of losing their userbase.

Kind of a shame since they purged like 1 to 2 decades worth of erotic material before changing their minds. Stuff that cant be found anywhere else apparently from what I've been told. No one thought to back it up either. Tumblr was made during the era of when cloud storage was being pushed and saving stuff to your hard drive was considered old fashioned.

It doesn't affect me since I mostly use Tumblr for mecha pictures, but I'm probably in the minority. It was really funny seeing Tumblr shoot themselves in the foot in real time. Places like Reddit, Tumblr, etc from what I hear get 80% of their traffic from 18+ content being posted. No idea what Tumblr was thinking.
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so much seething in this thread holy shit it's hilarious
The brothers are Sam and Dean.

Unless Castiel became Sam at some point, idk, I only watched the episode where they go to a fan convention.
Sad to hear the damage done, but at least they've walked back the decision now that Twitter is going down the techbro shitter.
>No idea what Tumblr was thinking.

Advertisers, banks and payment processors fucking hate porn, especially when it's not in its own specific porn ghettos. They see it as a financial/legal/PR liability.
>No idea what Tumblr was thinking.
They got bought out by Yahoo I think, and of course these bigger companies rarely know what to do with the shit they buy so they do shit like this solely to please advertisers.
Twitter is a shithole now thanks to Elon but I doubt that's going to revive tumblr, though I have seen people flock to Newgrounds kinda so who knows
>Twitter is a shithole now thanks to Elon
Lefty revisionism at its strongest.
This man pays 8 bucks a month
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>Twitter is a shithole now thanks to Elon
Elon fucking improved Twitter. Nowadays you don't have to scroll through 100+ food, then another 200 cat pics pic just to find a single artwork of random Japanese artist you are following.
This man uses keeps hoping Elon pays him once a month, and still waiting
Let me ask you this, anon. Find me one actual bad changes in modern day twitter. And no, i don't give a fuck about the bird logo or the wording changes. The site still the same, and nowadays you don't even get banned for saying "Faggot", which is a good thing.
This man uses "Grok"
You cucks always complain about Elon, yet you are still operating on Xwitter. Why is that?
Wait until you find out 4chan's past relationship with Tay AI
Absolutely uncontrolled deluge of porn bots
Bot problem in general is completely unaddressed
Completely rampant disinformation vendors run riot
Blue check system makes actual verification totally irrelevant, anyone can pay to be "seen"
Artists in general shadowbanned hard
Site breakdowns more frequent
Twitter mod staff and staff in general reduced severely
Advertiser revenue dipping severely by Elon's own admission

I think it's a bit of a wrong move to blame Japanese artists for having a billion pictures of food on their feeds. The problem with twitter in regards to imagery is that is's a decent social site, but at the end of the day it was simply never meant to be an actual gallery or real artists' space.
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>Artists in general shadowbanned hard
I wish i can have this level of "shadowban" with over 1000 shares.
>The problem with twitter in regards to imagery is that is's a decent social site, but at the end of the day it was simply never meant to be an actual gallery or real artists' space.
It literally has "art" in newsfeed customization.
>Completely rampant disinformation vendors run riot
But enough about 4chan.
>Blue check system makes actual verification totally irrelevant, anyone can pay to be "seen"
Who cares? Just block em.
>Twitter mod staff and staff in general reduced severely
>Advertiser revenue dipping severely by Elon's own admission
4chan is literally the same. Why are you still here.
If you don't use a private account, whatever think you tweet and gets minimal traction you get swarmed by "nudes in my profile" bots and other bots randomly liking your tweets. What's worse are the blue checks bot that makes every reply section of any tweet a nightmare.
Elon wanted to get rid of bots but made things worse and killed several useful 3rd party applications or made them work like shit.
>whatever thing you tweet
lmao btfo'd
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>If you don't use a private account, whatever think you tweet and gets minimal traction you get swarmed by "nudes in my profile" bots
I don't use private account and i rarely see them. Twitter instantly filters out that line of text and automatically hides them.
Have been putting several words in the word filter and the experience on twitter has been fantastic.
Nice self reply.
>Says Faggot on twitter
>Doesn't get banned
Wow, instantly better than Reddit.
This man will never be a woman.
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Twitter is in its prime.
>There are people in this thread criticizing the free market
Bots and shits are literally non issue when you are a real person with real followers and not a fake influencer. I use twitter to follow artists and literally my newsfeed is full of artworks, so i have no idea where is this " artist being shadowbanned hard" even came from. Uninteresting content results weak reach, simple as that.
>but enough about 4chan
And twitter apparently
I have no idea how one can come to this conclusion. Paying to be "seen" means that you're paying artificially to be at the front of the line (since twitter now elevates bluecheck posts or replies to any given tweet) and to be more relevant when in reality your words may well mean nothing. This is now in fact more or less the case, where the replies to any large tweet will now be a wall of bluechecks fishing for likes and frequently posting irrelevant garbage. A website where those who pay get to be front and center is a website lacking in meritocracy as well as allowing literally anybody to say that they're "the real" version of X, Y, or Z. Verifying yourself arbitrarily is a worthless measure.
>just block 'em lol
I have been getting literally 2-3 bots following me a day. It should be immediately obvious why this is not tenable or acceptable for a website which is supposed to be professional
Site breaks more often and more idiots run uncontrolled
>why are you still here
I use twitter solely to follow artists. I otherwise despise twitter and see it as a cancer: the sooner it dies the better. If Elon drives it completely to destruction, I'd be happy, and it would be the only good thing to come from his tenure.
I don't give a shit about 4chan ad revenue and it has, so far as I know, literally never been profitable. It is also about the only website of its kind where I can discuss some things openly and just as I like.

> They felt good and were a much healthier relationship
Nigga, watch the show, they had zero chemistry.
Dean and Cas are unironically better and I don't even ship them.
>Artists in general shadowbanned hard
Assuming this is true, its the only thing you posted that is 1)bad or 2) din't happen prior.
>All these "Tumblr still exists?" posts

Yeah, the neighboorhood got real nice when the porn ban drove all you fuckers away.
I can use phone and it will count ad 2 IPs, anon. You are not proving yourself very well. Back to topic, who gives a shit about these trivial matters? You are using it to follow artists and it is serving your purpose. Who cares about the ad revenue shit or what billionaire owning it? Elon can just step down right now and a disgusting tranny nigga replace him. Guess what? I won't give a flying fuck because it ain't my business as long as the site still serving my needs.
>Elon fucked my mom and i'm mad
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>will now be a wall of bluechecks fishing for likes and frequently posting irrelevant garbage.
Majority of the guys who designed your gunpla have blue checkmarks, anon. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. You might as well burn all of your gunpla and set the paints on fire due to this. Literally the most "who cares" problem you are sperging.

>Site breaks more often and more idiots run uncontrolled

>I have been getting literally 2-3 bots following me a day.
Who cares?
it's over millennials... nobody cares about SEED any more. the zoomers have chosen WfM.
That's great anon, but I am not and have never been a phoneposter myself and IP counts have been disabled across 4chan for the past few months. I also am not in the habit of trying to fellate myself. If dudes don't like what I have to say, I'm more than fine with that. Never brought up trannies or whatever. I do not see Elon as a particularly competent or intelligent businessman and do not think he has made good decisions for Twitter, if he gets replaced, I agree, it'd be no big deal, but to be honest I'd like it most if twitter died thanks to everything it's fostered and its godawful format.

I'm not exactly bothered if people who I care about do or don't have blue checkmarks and you don't seem to get "why" I am even mentioning blue checkmark devaluation. Twitter, like it or not, is a website where people can do things like get news, information, and see where people can talk about things. Blue checkmarks, at one point, could be used to assess with certainty the validity of a user. I don't play Armored Core and don't buy 30 Minutes Missions, but if I wanted to find the designer of those works' mecha and could not do so because someone decided that, say they'd take that designer's name and spend all day shitposting, I am no longer really able to tell just at a glance who is who.

The other items you're calling "good" and "who cares" respectively are direct degradations of twitter's usability as a website. I assume it would be great to you if all of 4chan was a sea of "horny milfs in your area" level phishing scams.
>Blue checkmarks, at one point, could be used to assess with certainty the validity of a user.
NTA but kek, no. Blue checkmarks just told you whose opinions retards relay.
You should use it as a learning experience.

>I don't play Armored Core and don't buy 30 Minutes Missions, but if I wanted to find the designer of those works' mecha and could not do so because someone decided that, say they'd take that designer's name and spend all day shitposting, I am no longer really able to tell just at a glance who is who.
You might be legit retarded if you have this issue and can't figure it out.
Nobody here used tumblr, you are thinking of /co/.
Get some real problems dumb nigger.
Turns out whatever the fuck "Permet" was is strong enough to kill Tumblr oldfags
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Apparently a whole bunch of people being retarded the minute blue check open season started crashed the stock price of a company. I think that that's hilarious but I also think that, looking at it very broadly as a popular platform, that could be a problem. I'm sorry my theoretical included too much drool and spittle to be understandable. Maybe you could buy me some meds?

If you could name some I'd be happy to hear them. Believe me I have plenty already, I'm just arguing about this one now.
More like the lesbian renaissance honestly. The only reason Sulemio won was because Yuri is more popular now, especially the super cute cringe happy ending with no/few hardships kind. Tumblr is a shell of what it used to be. Honestly I didn’t think my opinion of it could get lower but at least the oldfags were interesting in their degeneracy.
>muh stocks muh ads muh shadowban muh business muh
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Yeah, muh internet in general. I think a shittier internet is bad. If Elom Musks's takeover of twitter makes it shittier, that's bad. I already hated twitter before Musk took it over. I still hate it now. I also hate that under Musk's tenure it is even worse. I'd be really happy if twitter died but that hasn't happened yet. Apparently it's not doing so hot. Maybe it'll happen soon inshallah.

Also, question: since some people(?) ITT seem to be happy with the current state of twitter, can I legitimately ask why it seems that people thinking twitter is now more a shithole than ever seems like a common opinion? Again, if you got meds for me I'll gladly take them.
Damn you have a looot to talk about this subject, you should make a youtube video or something because nobody here cares.
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Deviantart GODS getting rich selling their fanfics to Toei and Toriyama.
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Nah I don't think I will till I feel like it teebeeaych. Someone else in fact did some of the talking for me some time ago, maybe you could watch his shit, good youtuber.
Cared enough to reply thoughbeit.
This needs an update now that Gohan Blanco is canon
>Race mixed homosexual grooming

Who the fuck watches anime anymore?
Well you got anime (Bravern, Shinkalion, Grendizer U (inshallah), Kyoukai Senki) and "anime" (gbitch, metallic rogue, 86).
>Apparently a whole bunch of people being retarded the minute blue check open season started crashed the stock price of a company. I think that that's hilarious but I also think that, looking at it very broadly as a popular platform, that could be a problem.
This is an entirely different point to what you were mentioning earlier that's completely unrelated to the discussion at hand.

>can I legitimately ask why it seems that people thinking twitter is now more a shithole than ever seems like a common opinion?
Because Elon Musk is the designated billionare to hate by the left, so him being involved means flaws will be either made up or blown out of proportion.
It has nothing to do with how the site actually works. Neither was twitter's rise to popularity to be fair.
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It is entirely the kind of problem I have been talking about this whole time: of twitter becoming a place where nothing can really be trusted in any way and which is full of spam and junk. I said that in my very first post in >>22636183

Later, I said >>22637880
>Twitter, like it or not, is a website where people can do things like get news, information, and see where people can talk about things. Blue checkmarks, at one point, could be used to assess with certainty the validity of a user.

I also am inclined to question the "libfag kvetching only" idea. I have zero admiration nor particular dislike for Musk but under his tenure things have gotten no better. I've been saying this entire time that bots run rampant, the site breaks regularly, people feel stifled, and sills run amok, and then someone told me those are good and based.
>twitter becoming a place where nothing can really be trusted in any way and which is full of spam and junk
Yeah back in 2009, but apparently it's only a problem now.
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Okay. So, like I said earlier, twitter is a horrible, awful website useful only for a few things, and possessed of many bad qualities innately which were present long before the tenure of Elon Musk. Right? And then, in the view of many, Musk comes and they get notably worse or do not improve, But this latter fact, along with some notes which could in fact support it, are not worth bringing up. Am I understanding you?
Yes. Elon Musk is our ally against the communists. Anything he does is justifiable for the sake of victory.
>It is entirely the kind of problem I have been talking about this whole time: of twitter becoming a place where nothing can really be trusted in any way and which is full of spam and junk.
Which is a different thing to the stock price. And it happened prior to Elon.

>I also am inclined to question the "libfag kvetching only" idea. I have zero admiration nor particular dislike for Musk but under his tenure things have gotten no better.
You have yet to post an issue that happened under him that wasn't there prior that twitter users did complain prior to him entering the picture. Otherwise, at worst twitter is the same as it ever has, which is pretty much how it is.

> then someone told me those are good and based.
who? saying those things happened prior to Musk isn't saying they're good.
Elon this Elon that. No one cares.
>I don't play Armored Core and don't buy 30 Minutes Missions, but if I wanted to find the designer of those works' mecha and could not do so because someone decided that
You can literally type Ebikawa in English on the search bar and that exact designer guy pops up. You see his works, his insights for his designs, etc. Unless you are a 3 years old who don't know how to use a phone or keyboard and cannot regconize pattern.
>Blue checkmarks, at one point, could be used to assess with certainty the validity of a user.
It never was and no one cares. You can tell what is real and what is fake from the account's content alone.
All of these " Elon Musk talks" came from you, anon. We were talking about Tumblr's history and its downfall. Then you jumped in and decided to sperg about Elon. Literally no sane person with a life cares about who the fuck Elon is.
>and decline continues or accelerates, it is worth noting. Why tolerate things which are worse and be silent about them?
I use Twitter on both time period and honestly, Elon's Twitter is better. I can see less tranny and nigger-cocksucking content now.
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I think it is a mistake to say nobody cares. Perhaps to a bunch of niche users it doesn't matter much what happens in a hellhole like twitter, but again, like it or not, it is a site used by many for many purposes. I don't like it and wish it was dead, but until it's dead, it should be better, and if it ain't, that's something to think about.

No, actually, I came into this thread at random and answered a question >>22636170 asked because I felt I could. I provided a list of problems which weren't about the bird logo or wording changes. Ever since then I've been told apparently these are not problems, which I find a strange notion.
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If you've been using twitter that long you have my condolences.
>Ever since then I've been told apparently these are not problems, which I find a strange notion.
All of these "problems" are fucking non-problems. Bots? Block them. Idiots? Oh you mean people with opinions you disagree with? Mods don't work? Oh you mean you cannot take down people who are claimming to be "problematic"? Fuck trannies, Fuck Jews, Fuck Nigga, Fuck Feminist.
>Nah, I see these things as connected inherently.
If functionality and success were ever interlinked then twitter would have never taken off as it was always inferior to facebook in basically every way. Pretending those are important now is gaslighting.
>Why tolerate things which are worse and be silent about them?
Because all the issues were there prior to Musk(things aren't worse as, again, you can't point out a flaw), so if you, allegedly, don't tolerate them with Musk then your issue is Musk, not twitter.
>I wasn't serious guise!!
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But I was and am dead serious. I think twitter's horrible and want it to die and I also think that it should be improved if possible. If I see the current leadership as failing in that regard, am I to say nothing? I thought little of the previous and no better of now. These things aren't mutually exclusive, you know.
Pic related's one of the artists I use twitter for by the way, it's good stuff.
Tankies are pro-communism, dude. Elon Musk is an ancap.
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Hmm, you blocked this Scott Hampton guy. I wonder why...Oh you also happens to bitch about Elon Musk for days...Hmmm, i wonder what kind of person you could be...
You are blocking Rightwingers on Twitter >>22639396
Your problem isn't Elon, bots or the site's rare power outages. Your problem is that you have a political bias, a personal favourite political view and you can't accept people with the opposite properties. I suggest you look at reality and live in the reality instead of living in a comicbook world where there are superheroes and supervillains.
Literal clown behavior
Why was this thread allowed to exist for more than 5 minutes in the first place? This board is fucking garbage now God damn
Is a queer ship between two females, one of color and the other white. Why it would not be popular in Tumblr?
Add the idea of compulsive Heterosexuality to the feminist movement that has taken stage in these last years and it will start to make real sense.
>81k votes
>25k from fujos
>55k from yurifags + "I've never seen this anime before but I want those faggots to lose" + "I don't know who they are but I might watch it for this yuri couple"

Pretty based
We currently have three threads joking about Amuro's VA being a sex creep.
And they are the best threads in years.
She's too cute to be black
G-Witch is a lot like Avatar: The Last Airbender. It's a mediocre show that people swear is the second coming of Jesus Christ for some absurd reason.
>g-witch is the new wing
when i mention gundam without specifying UC, people are going to assume i'm talking about this
>g-witch is the new wing
Bullshit, there's only one pretty boy that people will yumejo for, and both his possible girlfriends are preferred as being with each other than with him.
who the fuck you even talking to
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It is very popular.
HFSP normie
retarded yuritroon
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>Spam bots that are auto-hidden by twitter's purge system
>Aarrrhhhhhh i can't spam 10000 left leaning posts on that site anymore!
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I'm neutral on Gwitch, but I wonder how it's impact will be in the long run.
Will all the newcomers it brought move to other gundam shows? (or even mecha shows as a whole)
A lot of people who like G-Witch I think we're mostly in it for the yuri. I think the yuri and the moe MC was why it was so popular in the West with the Tumblr crowd. It still isn't that popular in Japan, but Sunrise is pushing it hard because it was such a surprise hit in the West. However overall I think this show will have no lasting impact and be basically forgotten about like IBO.

The fandom is a bunch of newbies who think they will get a movie or something because SEED got one recently lmao
It's not. I was in Japan last month. It really isn't that popular there.
>It still isn't that popular in Japan
Oh yeah, it's totally as popular as Unicorn, 0079, and SEED is. What the fuck was I thinking lying like that???
>be basically forgotten about like IBO.
IBO's dead mobileshit game is getting an anime
Kinda wish Vanadis Heart got the same treatment since it seems more interesting than G-Witch iself
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It's pretty popular.
VH is not, it's less interesting and bad. That's why no one cares about it.
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Do you honest to God really think G-Witch is as popular as 00 was? Honestly?
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It is.
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Is G Witch going to be remembered 30 years from now like G Gundam?
>No u
Please stop replying to that autist.
Are you the idiot that pretends G-Witch didn't sell well?
I think G Witch is like Wing. People who has it as their first Gundam show will remember it and love it, but otherwise it's kinda forgettable.
Sell well compared to what? Other anime or other Gundam?
Schwarzette was pure sexo.
It's overrated
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People hyped it a lot but I like it. Pharact and Daril-chan were sex too.
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Yes, as the one ugly stepchild that reminded Bandai execs to put leashes on their Directors and Staff next time so that they won't change the entire agreed-upon concept into a yuri-fest that belongs in other Sunrise works (My Otome sequel fucking when?). And also just by proxy of being the one series instantly overshadowed by everyone when the SEED movie dropped and showed that SEED is easier to sell and make new stuff for while pushing for more hetero couples.
G-Witch will be fondly remembered by the larger gundam fanbase outside of /m/.
>Sai x Meyrin
...Is that a thing in Freedom?
It is in anon's brain.
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It's a JP fan's what-if pairing. Moreso since Meyrin was a salvaged Fllay design (esp. with her hair down).
This whole world is fake and gay and a lot of people need to die brutally. That is our current reality.
>Meyrin was a salvaged Fllay design
Wait, so they did actually intend for Flay to serve on the Archangel bridge? Then why the fuck did she never do anything as a soldier on the Archangel except hide in her bed?
Sunrise will find out that tumblr popularity doesn't mean real popularity. Trannies are just really loud and they don't have lifes
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Some of the earliest drafts for SEED had Fllay take a larger role in the story, becoming the "princess" (figurehead) of the Earth Alliance much in the same way Lacus was the "princess" of the PLANTs and Cagalli the almost-literal princess of Orb.
- In at least one of them, Fllay was supposed to end up piloting the Strike Rouge, which had a Combat AI doing most of the fighting based on copied data from Kira's combat data, and all she had to do was mostly pull the trigger and know how to maneuver the thing. She was supposed to lead an army in her name trying to fight against the bad guys, only to die taking a fatal shot meant for Kira.
- In another, Fllay instead ended up as a bridge bunny, but who gets kidnapped at some point and develops Stockholm syndrome for her ZAFT kidnapper(s), but ends up wanting to try and reconcile with her friends, only to end up becoming an unwitting suicide bomber when her craft detonates inside the Archangel's hangar after recovering her.

Meyrin was reportedly a salvaged Fllay design and role; based on an alternate hairstyle of Fllay, and included just because one of the staff members really loved Fllay's character design. So they cameo that fact when Meyrin lets her hair down and looks almost exactly like Fllay. Meyrin also being a semi-useless comms bunny is reportedly based on one of the drafts were Fllay was the comms bunny instead of Miriallia.
Good thing G-Witch is popular with all audiences.
Source? And don't bother posting that sales chart because model kits are bought by losers. The same demographic that's been following gundam since 0079

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