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"Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers: Twice & Always" Edition

>Power Rangers Cosmic Fury:
Currently available on Netflix

>Official YouTube Channels:

>24/7 Streams:

>Boom Comics Recent Releases/Announcements:
- Ranger Academy
- MMPR: The Return
- Godzilla vs. MMPR II
Main comic seemingly ending with the finale of Darkest Hour.

>Power Rangers: Legacy Wars Recent Releases:
- Cosmic Fury Evil Blue Ranger/Ollie Akana: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKExRTp1iCw
- Zenith Ranger/Zayto: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fObYr1jJfw4
- Pink Lightspeed Rescue Ranger/Dana Mitchell: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3ocUbSOLM0

>Previous Thread:
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Damn, over an hour for a new post.
Tommy Oliver
It's over anon. Time to move on
He sure was, buddy.
Tommy Oli ver
Red's looking anorexic
Yeah, I don't get why his suit isn't fitted to him better than that. Yellow has the same problem, though not as bad.
Gets me on how Yellow has a black belt and central triangle chest mark, but still has the gold headband.
Did they ever comment on why they chose to make Lost Galaxy's main villains a bunch of OG insectoids instead of Zahab and crew?
The suit is from the Gokaiger days and the actor wearing it almost certainly isn't the one from back then. They keep the suits for a long ass time and only make it to fit the original suit actor best who usually doesn't wear it in follow ups. See also: Almost every Heisei era lead Kamen Rider now that the usual guy who always suit acted them retired. In fact he was the same guy who originally played Alien/Ninja Red, although he wasn't playing him in Gokaiger.
Are Toei and Hasbro now releasing their specials on the same day, from the same source material?
That's fast for this general
The Kaku suits in general are kind of a mess in terms of design consistency. They made Yellow's belt and triangle black because I suppose they felt gold on yellow was too similar, yet they had no problem doing it the next season in Oh Ranger. What I find especially weird is that they had no issue with Black having a black neck triangle, White having a white V around the neck triangle, or White having white bands around the glove/boot cuffs, as those all blend together. The lightning bolts being black on 4/5 but white on Black is another inconsistency. I don't understand why they used white and black as accent colors in the first place when there were White and Black Rangers on the team. I don't know how I would even fix the team without changing White or Black to a different color because the color blocking is all over the place.
Hasbro isn't releasing anything live action Power Rangers related these days.
What kind of story could you even tell with an Alien Rangers Return that would actually be interesting and not just fanwank?
Who even likes the Alien Rangers?
tommy went to their alien planet to hook up with alien prostitutes but caught their alien STDs and died so the alien rangers are back to return his corpse.
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You know, say what you will about Wild Force, but Senki worked surprisingly well as the final form of a guy with a costume cobbled together from the Gorma Emperors
For me, it's Lothor
Why did Jindrax and Toxica become his hands? Does that imply he killed and absorbed them off-screen?
No idea, it makes no sense in the Sentai either cause Yabaiba and TsueTsue weren't fused into Senki with the Highness Orgs
In Gao at least they did the ritual that created Senki so they at least have some link to it. In WF it doesn't make much sense since they had defected from the orgs in the first place. I just rationalize it away as the org heart containing "data" on them as well as on the org generals that make up the rest of the motifs.
Don't think so, but it probably has to do with the fact that most of Zahab's footage includes Shelinda
Also, those insectoids stilk had counterparts to Sambash (With Hinelar's suit cause the Sambash suit wasn't available) and Budoh
Their connection to Ninjor?
Solicitations should be up next week
Do you think we'll get a new creative team/ongoing announced or are we skipping a month sans Ranger Academy?
What if Kane portrayed Black Alien ranger instead of Ninja Black?
Then it would be a huge waste. Though if Alien Rangers got a full season, it'd be funny if they did the exact same character arc for Black, but he's an alien instead of an American.
I wouldn't be surprised if it were both. You know, build up anticipation for the next run.
What extremely embarrassing things has this franchise/fandom experienced in the last month? I'm a bit behind
ASJ pled guilty a week ago.
You know, it's bizarre that out of all the "this character or aspect from a season 10+ years after MMPR actually appeared in MMPR" nonsense the comics have pulled, we've never gotten a team up of some kind between the MMPR and the MMAR. Seems kinda like a no-brainer. I think this Lord Drakkon flashback was as close as they got.
I think they were in Shattered Grid
They were corruption fodder for Darkest Hour
I expected an Omega Ranger side quest where Hydrohog would be the head villain of an arc
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Rangers of Aquitar: The Next Generation
What is this screenshot from?
Did you know that Kibaranger (the White Tiger Ranger)'s actor played child Burai (Tommy's Zyu counterpart)?
Kakuranger 30th Anniversary TTFC Special
I can't get over the molded-on muscles that are clearly a vest. Absolutely embarrassing that American costume designers can't grasp that these characters are supposed to have the body type of Spider-Man, not Superman.
God these suits look so bad what were they even thinking?
>it worked in the 90s
Ah, yes, the suit that people have been making fun of since 1997. Brilliant.
Muscles sell toys better or something to American boys
Not sure if this mentality holds up but it's why Ruby Spears Mega Man was initially faithful to the designs of the game's artwork but changed to sell toys better

>body type of Spider-Man
Spider-Man's muscle definition varies from comics to films to toys
>In fact he was the same guy who originally played Alien/Ninja Red, although he wasn't playing him in Gokaiger.
I thought Takaiwa played him in Gokaiger? As well as Ninninger?
Power Rangers Mask Force 5
Why are PR fans so uncreative at naming things?
To be fair, the actual show came up with "Super Mega Force."
He played him in Nininger and in the beginning of the movie where it shows the battle of the previous teams but for most of Gokaiger the suit is only used when Marvelous changes into him where he's played by Marvelous's suit actor.
They designed them wrong on purpose. As a joke.
No, seriously. Hasbro wanted the suits as simplistic as possible for the sake of easily mass produced figures. Then they just didn't make them.
its crazy to me that the fucking toy company is the first company to really put the rangers on ice, even disney kept churning out seasons
It's crazy to me that the toy company made new suits specifically to sell new toys, only to not bother making any toys of them.
It's crazy to me that they brought back both Rita and Zedd and 1) They never met up and 2) They both got fucked on proper final fights.
>they brought back both Rita and Zedd and 1) They never met up
Or even mention each other.
Same reason we didn't get Gokaiger — Saban thought pirates are wrong.
On a network that airs Spongebob, where every single episode opens up with a singing pirate? Why would he believe this?
He thinks pirates are still evil and has a mindset that is close to the 80s. That's why he got big in the 90s to 00s but failed hard later on when everyone moved on from that mindset. He needs someone to give him a reality check but there was no one to do so.
>He thinks pirates are still evil
Then why adapt the pirate season? And keep all the pirate imagery? Nobody was fooled by the Supermega shit, even toddlers knew they were pirates.
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Anniversary show please understand NEW POWERS AND NEVER BEFORE SEEN ON EARTH. He also didn't want to spend money on making Gosei 2.
>Saban thought pirates are wrong
Why? He's jewish, the pirates of the modern day.
Seeing 4/5 of the Changeman team in Super Megaforce almost gave me a heart attack.
MMPR red transforming with the graphics for Sun Vulcan was fucking hilarious. He even adjusted his helmet like them
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>Saban hates pirates
I find that hard to believe
What's up with Cosmic Fury not really having any toys?
They were already clearly giving up on Power Rangers by the time Cosmic Fury was going to air. Dismissed the production but clearly the reboot had been silently shelved.
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These things happen
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I kinda got the sense that they've given up on Cosmic Fury and just let it die.
Isn't every Saban/Disney season post-In Space a soft reboot? New setting, new rangers, new villains, etc.?
I don't see anything wrong with a reboot and adapting a more recent Super Sentai.
They don't want to adapt Sentai anymore, and shuttered the NZ team. That door is closed.
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>They don't want to adapt Sentai anymore
Ah, so they don't really want to make new Power Rangers anymore. That explains the MMPR fellating that's been going on recently. And why the series is going to die.
>That poster
Jesus fucking Christ every time I'm reminded about this piece of shit I get infuriated.
Yeah basically, they want to make Power Rangers on their own terms with 100% original footage and not have to deal with Toei at all. Hasbro probably finds it very hard to adapt some of the more recent Sentai teams with either outlandish designs or designs with motifs so obvious that it is hard to ignore. I imagine they also hate the fact that Bandai handles the Super Sentai merchandise and toys and cannot replicate the Changers/Morphers within the US strict toy laws.
Fucking nips need to learn their place. Disney forced Toei to hand over the old costumes when they initially refused. Why are they upsetting their gravy train when they should make sentai easy to adapt to PR since it makes more money for them?

Give it a few years and we'll have another series in some form or another. Hasbro should just buy out the rights to make cartoons since Toei doesn't do it. PR cartoons would make more sense and give them freedom to do ideas that American kids would like.
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>Hollywood: We can make our own mechs and suits better than the Japanese can
No, no you can't, sad deluded bastards.
I miss Stan Winston
Yes we can. There's plenty of US talent that can produce better than what the japs make. 2017 was a quick cash grab because Haim wanted a cinematic universe.
I thought they were cool as a kid. Great suits and who didn't like aliens.
Same here. I liked how the Rangers were kids and they relied on the Aliens.
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>Power Rangers cartoons
They would already face steep competition by the cartoons that have already been made using Power Rangers as a template.
Hasbro killed most of their film department. They don't want to make live action stuff let alone expensive cartoons. They're just licensing it out for cheaply made crap now to other companies.
How long before they get juggled back into Saban's hands, again?
I loved the suit designs and an alien team made it feel more like there were rangers all over the galaxy
I don't think he's gonna rebuy it a third time. The formula doesn't print billions anymore and he's not gonna be able to sell it a third time either.
Such as? I can't think of any live action designs from western projects that captured anywhere close to a similar appeal to Megazords.
It's not 1:1 with what makes Megazord designs appealing but Pacific Rim?
Iron Man 1?
Not everything is Bayformers or not-Knightron
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Seems like fans have to do everything nowadays
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This is gonna be a Zeo Morpher fetish thing ain't it?

>Fucking nips need to learn their place. Disney forced Toei to hand over the old costumes when they initially refused. Why are they upsetting their gravy train when they should make sentai easy to adapt to PR since it makes more money for them?
And why should they? Super Sentai isn't doing so well these days with or without Power Rangers. What Toei doing is at least breathing some life into the franchise by being experimental and doing new and wacky shit that works. You really expect them to dumb down their franchise to make it easy to adapt for a corporation like Hasbro who either doesn't give a shit about Super Sentai or doesn't like it enough that they're willing to divorce Power Rangers from it?
better than the boom comics
Yes, but nobody will
Hasbro would have plenty of options for adaptations considering how they aren't doing one to one since Saban's 2nd time. The big trouble here was that Hasbro thought there wasn't growth in Sentai adaptations and they needed to go big with fully original high budget PR. See how the last season got shafted toy-wise even though the suits were American original.

But then they suddenly seemingly decided to shelve that reboot project too after their recent losses, effectively killing the brand.
>there wasn't growth in Sentai adaptations
Because there isn't. Anybody who has the PR license wants to make MMPR money again, and time has shown that adapting Sentai seasons won't do that anymore.
Power Rangers without any budgetary limitations or connection to Toei results in Boomshit. A cartoon would be cancer of the highest magnitude.
Nah, nips aren't to blame for the recent squandered efforts of Power Rangers, the Americans need to do better at making Power Rangers. Hasbro should've just either brought Super Sentai over and dub it or do what Disney did and adapt them almost 1 to 1 to the states. Trying to continue the MMPR story well after a decade with Sentai seasons that are virtually incompatible by design necessitating Hasbro to downplay certain motifs or outright ignore certain teams like ToQger clearly isn't working out for them. Also cartoons just isn't going to work in a heavily competitive field, one reason Power Rangers worked is because it filled a niche, the Tokusatsu niche where it's all live action.
And haphazardly naming the other Sentai team as Blitz and shit. And don't get me started on the Megazord names. Back in Disney era you'd get cool names like Thundersaurus, Delat Squad, Jungle Pride. Nowadays? (team name) Megazord. That's it. Even Beast Morphers had everything named Beast-X so even when their upgrade is called Beast-X Mode it reeks of uncreativity.
>implying casuals don't already think Power Rangers is cancer
>one reason Power Rangers worked is because it filled a niche,
But that niche doesn't exist anymore since everybody and their mom made a live-action superhero show, and I can easily find martial arts movies like Ip Man, John Wick, or anything with Jackie Chan in it on Tubi instead of needing to drive to a Blockbuster to get them. Power Rangers was only any successful when kids had no access to anything else, and it was either watching Power Rangers or watching what was on Kids WB. But now that's gone because a kid can just watch whatever's on a stream.
Pretty much, on top of that the method of splicing Sentai footage with original Power Ranger footage is outdated nowadays when we have easy access to Sentai subs with mostly better stories and message than what Power Rangers provide.
I wonder if back then people were more receptive to non-American actors, if Saban would just have dubbed Sentai over instead of making his own footage. It'd probably have been way cheaper.
IIRC Godzilla films back in the 90s in the west were simply dubbed versions of the Japanese release and people were fine with them so probably the same would be said of Super Sentai if they were dubbed instead of spliced back then. Reminds me that Tsuburaya Productions were once approached by Saban (and DiC apparently) who wanted to adapt Ultraman Tiga to the west but Tsuburaya denied them because of the splicing American actors footage method that they used and instead went to 4Kids because they were willing to only dub the show rather than alter the footage. And in the long run Ultraman has a big reach across the globe and raked in more money than Super Sentai (and probably Power Rangers as well).
>Hasbro should've just either brought Super Sentai over and dub it or do what Disney did and adapt them almost 1 to 1 to the states.
And it'd fail. Sentai doesn't sell outside Japan. Especially in the US.

My godsons loved Dino Charge. There's still a market for this; it just needs to be handled properly.

Orientals aren't marketable.
>Sentai doesn't sell outside Japan
It sells in Korea, HK, Taiwan, SEA and now Mainland China, dumb nigger. And stop touching your godsons.
>Dino Charge
That was 8 years ago.
>all bugmen countries
No shit Sherlock. I'm talking about the West. And projecting much pedo?

Yes and that was their first PR season they saw. Then I took them to go see the 2017 movie which they loved despite never having seen MMPR. I think they stopped around halfway through Dino Fury because of those stupid mid-season cuts.
>Orientals aren't marketable.
Show me all the popular shows and movies headlining them?

>but muh Kpop
Only teeny bopper girls like that shit. And their music is absolute shit and just rehashing what we had in the 2000's
So are you saying anything asian has virtually no presence in the west? Do you know what website you're in? But since you ask so kindly.
>Squid Game
>Godzilla Minus One
>Crazy Rich Asians
>Everything Everywhere All at Once
>All Hideaki Anno Shin films barring Evangelion
>Battle Royale
>The Last Samurai
>13 Assassins
Those movies or shows are all I remember off the top of my head. If you got any nitpicks then you should be more specific, otherwise the films and shows I've listed and remembered are those that contain predominantely asian actors and actresses and has had a western release in general.
All foreign flicks that were imported and most of those were only for niche fandom that like oriental media. I'm talking about Hollywood productions that showcase them as leads. Name me a dozen of their actors that westerners would know.
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Exactly my case in point. Harry was the bottom bitch of Voyager. He didn't even get a promotion.
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That's only because he mouthed off to Rick Berman. Garrett Wang is only one of two Star Trek leads to make it to People Magazine's 50 most beautiful people.
>Everything Everywhere All at Once
>Crazy Rich Asians
>foreign flicks
Well that's his dumbass for not keeping shut. You don't bite the hand that feeds you. You just do whatever the producer says because Hollywood is a freelance business and you have to play ball.

>most beautiful people
Obvious token vote. How the fuck is he considered attractive?
Michelle Yeoh isn't an American. Only Constance Wu is and her 5 minutes of fame was that and Fresh off the Boat
That's like saying Rush Hour is a foreign film because Jackie Chan isn't American.
Well why didn't you say so in the first place? But since you brought that up, you can already include Eveeything Everywhere and Crzay Rich Asians since those 2 films are Hollywood produced with a mostly asian cast and lead. There's also
>Mulan live action
>Enter the Dragon
>Life of Pi (if you consider India as part of asia)
>Enter the Dragon
>Rush Hour series
There's a good number of movies with Asian-Americans as the lead.
Chan is funny back then but he overstayed his welcome in Hollywood and he's a hardline PRC supporter.

Asians don't sell in the US. Maybe a token qt Asian girl once in a while but that's because of exotic sex appeal. You get an occasional film where it sells but they don't have a box office draw like Cruise, Denzel, Reeves, etc.

The japs had decades to market sentai in the west and it failed. That's why PR succeeded because it made it acceptable for western audiences.
>>Mulan live action
Absolute shit. The animated movie was way better
Sucked donkey dick
>>Enter the Dragon
I'll give you this. This was a comfy kung fu flick
>>Life of Pi (if you consider India as part of asia)
Heard of it but never saw it. But Indo movies don't usually sell in the US.
Never saw it
>>Rush Hour series
1 and 2 were good but didn't like 3. Funny oriental guys like Chan aren't that special.
>it's a /prg/ talks about race episode
How old are you? 60?
The barometer of whether an ethnic group is marketable is whether or not its males are paired to a white woman

There are several western-produced movies pairing a black guy with a white woman

Name three western-produced movies or shows released in the last ten years where an asian male is paired with a white woman
>Name three western-produced movies or shows released in the last ten years where an asian male is paired with a white woman
Someone speaking some sense here.

Asian dudes aren't seen as masculine and don't get white girls wet
The Fast and Furious movies
Into the Badlands
Last Christmas
Lost Girls and Love Hotels
Solicits should be out tonight
No news of a new ongoing but we're getting this
>Power Rangers Infinity will follow the formation of the Infinity Force, "a ragtag team of off-kilter rangers from across the Grid." Led by a diehard Power Rangers fangirl named Lola, the Infinity Force "must come together to face off against the mildly dangerous D-list villainess Poisandra who has managed to snake her way across the fragile multiverse." In anticipation of Power Rangers Infinity, the BOOM! Studios annoucement included word from the book's writer, Sam Humphries:
Groaned at first but then I realized it's just a one-shot
>Written by Sam "Dogfucker" Humphries
Ehhhhhhhh......I heard he did get better, I like his Green Lanterns run initially but didn't keep up
Honestly thought he stopped doing comics altogether but I'd take him over Marguerite Bennett
Seems like it has potential for a decent comedy one-shot (I don't think they're actual Rangers, just figuratively a whole team of Richard Browns) but if this DOES become our MMPR replacement going forward then holy fuck we're screwed
At the very least, I can solace in that they have distinct visors
Almost forgot Han existed
This along with Ranger Academy looks like they were tailor made for the guy in the fandom who got chased out for liking shota porn
Except for Kpop twinks for some reason
That Tiga dub was hilarious. They treated Japanese as an alien language.
>They treated Japanese as an alien language.
Hey, just like Saban
Except it was the spoken language and not moon runes
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Page 2 inked
Wait a sec
>This comes out in August but is a one-shot
>SDCC is in July which is when November solicits come out
Son of a bitch, they're gonna package three random one-shots for one trade paperback release and the next ongoing won't be known until July at SDCC for a November release
Also I find it funny that even after the show dies and the franchise is entering Robotech levels of oblivion, there's still a likely chance Sledge continues his unintended "comes back every 2 years" shtick
Right looks better. Left looks like some boxy piece of shit your kids made in your garage.
why would that be a problem if you're just dubbing an Asian show
And a show for little kids, unless you want them to fuck Asian guys?
Because dubs look stupid and American kids aren't going to watch Asian people
>on a live action series
What is this?
The only way dubbing might work is if they got popular EN vas like Christina Vee with their own small fanbases on it and had them market it with their Social Media and try to sell it to the anime crowd. It still wouldn't make 90s PR numbers, but it might make some money and it would probably be cheaper than making an actual show.
Zeo Morpher fetish comic
What now?
There's a guy who commissions a lot of art of people using Zeo Morphers
Disney Princesses, Archie girls, etc
Anon is talking how >>22645609 mentioned that a selling point in Hollywood has to be women. This is very true since women are actually the prime movie goers when their dates take them out.
Based, any pics?
Adult women don't watch Power Rangers unless they have kids who do, anon.
To be fair Ultraman's recent english dubs have been pretty solid.
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August Solicits are up
>Godzilla vs Mighty Morphin Power Rangers II #5
>This is it! The final battle between Godzilla, the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, and theterrifying combined forces of Rita and Astronema! And the fate of the multiverse hangs in the balance! But can the Teenagers with Attitude and the King of the Monsters stand a chance against the Kaiju Psycho Rangers now that they've absorbed the powers of Destoroyah, Megalon, King Ghidorah, SpaceGodzilla, and Gigan?

>Ranger Academy #9
>The worst has finally come for Tula with her expulsion from Ranger Academy, but Sage won't just sit by and let her take the fall for the forbidden morph, especially with the Headmaster's deception...
>And beyond helping Tula, Sage will have to take a leap of faith, trust in her friends, and search for her dad if she hopes to finally discover the truth!
>Discover an epic start to the final arc of the fan-favorite series, diving even deeper into previously unexplored reaches of the Power Rangers universe!

>Power Rangers Infinity #1
>In the wake of an event that has shook the Power Rangers universe to its very foundations, the stage is set for a brand new adventure when a diehard Rangers fangirl named Lola somehow finds herself mixed up in a wacky mess spanning multiple universes!
>Get ready for total mayhem as the new Infinity Force team faces off against the bombastic and fantabulous villain Poisandra, a D-lister with a dangerous level of insecurity, with all of reality at stake!
>Will Poisandra's world-wrecking rampage lay waste to the fragile multiverse, or can this totally ludicrous team come together in time to stop her?
>DC superstar Sam Humphries (Harley Quinn) and acclaimed art team Brandt&Stein (CROWDED) create a truly unique and outrageous Power Rangers tale that brings a morphinominal spin to multiverse stories such as Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse.

Kind of surprised Ranger Academy is ending this soon
>fan favorite
Come the fuck on
I don't know what's worse, the fact that the current run of comics is essentially ending on a hokey self-referential parody, or that it might be the best thing to come out of Boom since Darkest Hour started. And it's written by the "Our Love Is Real" guy.
What a silly time we live in.

God, I hope so. I honestly don't mind the comics ending after all this time, but it'd feel like such a wet fart to end on this note.

I think it's a given by now that any time a solicit uses the term "fan favorite", they mean "the writer's/editoral's favorite".
>the fact that the current run of comics is essentially ending on a hokey self-referential parody
Technically this is outside of the ongoings as its own self-contained one-shot (unless it turns out Darkest Hour is how Poisandra traversed across the multiverse to begin and the next ongoing is essentially "Anything goes")
>but it'd feel like such a wet fart to end on this note.
If it is part of a package deal with one to three more one-shots to last until July's reveal for November, we should expect a trade paperback listing on Amazon or Barnes & Nobles to get an idea what else is happening.
I can't picture it being paired with yet another meta-commentary gag one-shot.
The comics aren't 100% ending, we're still getting an SDCC announcement for the future of the line.
>I think it's a given by now that any time a solicit uses the term "fan favorite", they mean "the writer's/editoral's favorite".
True, I just ran out of space to give my full thoughts
It really did seem like Ranger Academy was supposed to be bigger than it ended up being
They got an acclaimed YA writer on board for it, gave it an FCBD preview issue, and the first issue's back matter outright hinted the series was supposed to head into a 4 year storyline with each year having a new thing
So Ranger Academy lasting less issues than GGPR means
A. The writer can't handle an ongoing schedule/is busy with her other work
B. Sales simply weren't good enough
C. Both
Which leaves the future of the title either it ending period or moving to trade/miniseries' like Fence
From what I saw of it, I didn't entirely hate it (aside from the Ranger designs) but I immediately declared it not for me and just ignored it
I'd be lying if I said I'm not at least glad that if they want a second ongoing (granted probably not soon) there's a vacancy available right after November
*self-referential parody one-shot
Wrong choice of words earlier
Fucking Hell, I just realized if Groom's 2024 pic WAS hinting the last spot being Power Rangers at BOOM, it might be a one-shot rather than an ongoing
>Sucked donkey dick
shang-chi was the only decent thing to come out in that year, although yeah the climax was horrible
>Heard of it but never saw it. But Indo movies don't usually sell in the US.
also what, Life of Pi is a commercial success and the book is hailed as a classic
You miss the point of the gist of the earlier convo on why Asians aren't usually given major roles and coverage I'm Hollywood. Hollywood would rather cast white actors because it's what burgers are used to and want to see. Or change the race of a character from their original depiction to suit DEI.
The anon said in general Indian movies aren't going to sell in the US. The Bollywood style is off putting to westerners.
By this thread's logic, Hasbro should've passed on filthy Asian-tainted MMPR and bought Tattooed Teenage Alien Fighters from Beverly Hills.
Anon, multiple Hollywood movies and shows starring Asians were brought up to prove you wrong. You're just being obtuse, and ignoring the original point that people regardless of race don't give a shit about Power Rangers anymore.
Motherfucker, all you do is have Archie characters morph because for some reason that's what gets you hard and then they just do Archie slice of life crap but in spandex! They don't even wear the helmets. Where's the karate? Where are the zords? Where are the characters who those morphers ACTUALLY belong to?
There's ever-growing 90s nostalgia to capitalize. PR still has a large following and many casuals grew up having fond memories of it. It has staying power.
This show deserves more love. The heroes didn't get along in the beginning and the villain's underling actually fucked over the heroes. Also liked how the mentor actually screwed up in the past.
What does Power Rangers have that Super Sentai doesn't?
Did someone mention white women?
>And it's written by the "Our Love Is Real" guy.
Dogfucker wouldn't have been out of place when the comics were prioritizing getting relatively new B-List Marvel/DC writers
>It has staying power.
It ended last year and every TV project is in development hell.
just got here
tdlr on what all of the discussion is about?
Tattooed Teenage Alien Fighters from Beverly Hills because Power Rangers are dead.
I'm watching Abaranger and got to the episode that the DT Rangers watched
There really was no other way to use this footage, to be honest
It has gotten much more appreciation on /m/ over the past few years
It's not "good", but it had actual good ideas that were ahead of its time
>Prince Gasket and Cogs
Wait wait wait, this stupid fucking thing actually has villains? I thought they just stood around and smiled and morphed the whole time.
International recognition. Nobody cares about sentai except for japs and weabs
But it's less fame and more awareness. People know what a Power Ranger is, but they're not jumping to watch or buy anything with Power Rangers on it. It's like Robin Hood. Everyone knows who Robin Hood is, but we haven't gotten a hugely popular Robin Hood movie or show in so long.
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>red, black, green, blue, orange, and gold
Ugly as fuck. The color assortment was perfected 50 fucking years ago.
>Don't forget Romeo must Die.
>Shanghai Noon series
>Jackie Chan Adventures
>Bulletproof Monk
>The Crow with Brandon Lee
>Walking Dead
It's Jews but I still argue there was some vague tolerance of it due to expecting not to be the norm and subversion and Black being the most common minority for 500 years or so and more expose as long as the american media was started.
Had there ever been a suave badass Asian dude who knew how to banter and quip and got the girl in the end? This thread made me realize practically none of the Asian movies encapsulates this while other men of other races get this. I always thought Asians had nothing to complain since they're the model minority but they're also kinda shafted in media.

And whose idea was it to have Mark Wahlberg present the award for Everything Everywhere All at Once? I didn't know until recently that he was a racist POS that assaulted 2 Vietnamese dudes and threw rocks at black kids.
Next thread should be a Tattooed Teenage Alien Fighters from Beverly Hills thread. /TTAFfBHg/
Thanks a lot.
I hate to admit it, but that would be a better idea than forcing PR to be something it's not. You look at the way they handle the character dynamics in the Boom Comics and you can tell it would've been a much better fit for what Hasbro wants the series to be.
>I hate to admit it, but that would be a better idea than forcing PR to be something it's not.
No it wouldn't because only 4 people in the world are nostalgic for TTAFFBH. The only reason these comics exist is brand recognition, and who recognizes TTAFFBH besides geeks like us?
Which is why this should be /TTAFfBHG/ instead since only us 4 TTARfBH fans are posting.
Tattooed Teenage
Alien Fighters
Tattooed Teenage Alien Fighters from Beverly Hilllllsss
Oh fuck. BoonBoomger IS NOT ADAPTABLE I REPEASE: BOONBOOMGER IS NOT ADAPTABLE. Those fuckers at toei actually put the show's title on Boom Violet's suit. I'm pissed
Not unlike the tattoos of the Tattooed Teenager Alien Fighters from Beverly Hills.
The Sentai anniversary numbers in Zenkaiger didn't already tip you off that they don't give a shit about Power Rangers?
Fans were coping and suggesting that they could be robot model numbers in an adaptation, or hoping that the toddlers watching don't know what numbers are. It didn't occur to fans that if PR aimed at an audience too young to know what a number was, then we're more infantilized than Sesame Street viewers.
Pretty sure kids could distinguish between Power Rangers, the show with 5 guys and Tattooed Teenage Alien Fighters from Beverly Hills, the show with 4 guys.
everyone's known asian men can't get the girl forever
We could get a Sentai season where every Ranger is covered in dildos and fleshlights, and adaptationfags would still try to explain how they're still adaptable.
Not really. It's usually asexual martial artist (whose usually short) that doesn't fuck or even kiss a hot woman.

>>22647777 brought up Romeo Must Die. The original ending was supposed to have Aaliyah and Jet Li kiss in the end but that got changed. I'm legit surprised AMC got away with Glenn fucking and hooking up with Maggie.

As for Wahlberg, his publicist probably tried to use that as leverage to improve his image after people got wind of his racist past. I knew he was a big of a thug in the 90's but it wasn't until I saw Inside the Actor's Studio and him admitting (in an oblique way) how he attacked a Vietnamese dude with a stick that he was worse than I thought.


Bruce Lee only made 1 Hollywood movie and then went to Hong Kong to become an established actor. And ironically he played a bad guy in Marlowe contrary to his usual heroic roles. He wanted to play a hard-boiled detective like any other American actor he once expressed but that was never gonna happen.

>As for why he didn’t get to make a Hollywood movie until near the end of his life, the reason is linked to how Hollywood studios felt about casting Asian leads. Lee has said in the past that studio executives were worried about how audiences would respond to an Asian star.

Hollywood is a very cutthroat business. It's a clique of like-minded egotists and old boys club that are quite sexist and racist. Look at Harvey Weinstein, Brett Ratner, Dan Schneider, Matt Lauer, James Toback, Joss Whedon and other creepy figures in the industry. They virtue signal while deliberately constructing a narrative against anyone who isn't considered "mainstream" i.e. white Christians. So it's no surprise Asians don't really get much of anything but a few scraps tossed to them.
Knowing how much Hollywood is pushing DEI, I wouldn't be surprised we'll get a trans Ranger and other wokeness for kids.
>post didn't mention trans people at all
>still bring up trans people
Rent free.
I respect this and Mystic Knights of Tir Na Nog for actually being 100% original and not deriving from another series. It proves that the US can make their own sentai-esque shows without cribbing from Japan but Hollywood is too cheap and lazy.
They stopped caring after they went through alot of effort to make Kyuranger palatable for PR only for Saban to sell the property to Bandai's rival. And to top it all off PR didn't even use the suits because fucking Hasbro was too cheap to make proper figures for it.
>The japs had decades to market sentai in the west and it failed.
It did well in France and Brazil. Germany even had Metal Heroes. It's only burgers that are retarded.
while there is that PR knockoff, it honestly felt more Ultraman-like
Well yeah because they fighting a giant monster using pro-wrestling. That's Ultraman in a nutshell.
Yeah but America is a bigger consumer market than all these countries combined. If you don't have an audience in at least America or China, your product can't be called an international success by any means.
Indeed it's why Tattooed Teenaged Alienated Fighters from Beverly Hills, Los Angeles County, California, United States aka America is the stronger franchise.
>America = the world
I'm a proud American but not everything has to cater to the lowest common denominator which unfortunately dominates our demographics.

I'm actually glad Japanese manga and anime are streamrolling US comics and animation because at least there's SOME titles that focus on entertainment value and not wokeness. Even the Chinese could only market Genshin Impact by passing it off as Japanese instead of using the Chinese title Yuánshén Impact.
I would ditch them too, what faggots.
I actually wonder how Toei is reacting to the last couple of years of Saban selling PR to Hasbro and now it's been passed off to Playmates. Bandai is obviously not too pleased.
man I really wish I could read whatever unholy mess the original licensing contract between saban and toei was
Not if they can't count! But they can always count on the Tattooed Teenage Alien Fighters from Beverly Hills.
There's a copy of it floating around the Internet.
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IIRC the contract basically gave Saban (and eventually the others Saban sold the rights to) the perpetual and exclusive right to use Toei's footage so long as it has been individually licensed. Every year there'd be an amendment to it including the new show Saban wished to acquire.

Basically from MMPR to Ryusoulger, Sentai is forever off-limits for the west unless whoever currently owns PR decides to release the show. I assume Kiramager-onwards hasn't been licensed, which might explain why these shows were so aesthetically and tonally different than what might be suited for a PR adaptation.

Considering though how Zenkaiger and Donbrothers use a ton of PR adapted Sentai, and how King-Ohger used Kyoryuger/Dino Fury and now Boonboomger with Go-Onger/RPM, releasing those to the west would probably also incur into a lot of contractual issues that might need to be sorted out if Toei ever wished to do it. Which I think they don't anyway, given how PR isn't too hot right now so there is no reason to think Sentai might do significantly better.
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>he doesn't know
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Now the Batsuit actually looked good, nipples and all, whatever the fuck the cosmic fury suits look like just look like some kindof weird mix between those shitty fake muscle suits and a body positivity movement.
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>BOONBOOMGER IS NOT ADAPTABLE. Those fuckers at toei actually put the show's title on Boom Violet's suit. I'm pissed
>"Project Go-Onger"
>"Zandar Thunder"
If you think the name of the show being on a suit makes the entire thing unadaptable, then your autistic ass just isn't as creative as the writers have already been.

He could be a someone who runs "Boonboomger Auto Repair" shop, "Boonboomger" could be an intergalactic power source and also race sponsor looking for publicity, HE could be the "Boonboomger". They could just have the American suit make those words solid colors, and then just visually edit static shots of it in Japanese footage. You wouldn't notice it too much in motion. Or they could just fucking ignore it like they ignored an entire pirate motif for a whole season. Calm down and breathe. They're not adapting any more Power Rangers anyway, your nerd rage is wasted energy
Man, I'm all for Orange Rangers, but whoever decided to put orange, yellow/gold, and beige together on the same team needs to be shot.
>orange, yellow/gold, and beige together on the same team
Not to mention for 9 out of the 10 episodes, they didn't have blue, so there was a huge deficit of cool colors, I guess outside of those times Billy and Heckyl were there.
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Gold? More like mustard.
Hey gotta show how diverse they are by having tanned, brown and latino all on the same team represented by their colors
Wonder if Toei will just take back everything so they have total control for sentai internationally
And then what? They'd just sell the US rights to some other company and we'd be complaining about them instead.
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Or maybe they'll just hold onto it until they figure out the best way to distribute sentai. The market has changed since covid allowed streaming to go to greater heights. Japanese media is ever more popular in the West. The One Piece adaptation on Netflix is having casuals get into the manga and anime.

Maybe not by this decade, but in the next, there may be a direct streaming market for sentai, Kamen Rider, and other toku heroes. Japanese companies are getting more savvy in how to handle international markets and while it's far from perfect, the younger generation is more receptive to seeing Asian faces than their retarded predecessors.
It's not happening, anon. Even English-speaking studios use licensors when marketing and releasing their media. The erosion of cultural barriers will never make liaisons obsolete. Besides, are you really waiting a decade in the hopes that some shows for toddlers hit Netflix? You already have old Sentai and KR on Tubi.
They'd have to buy these rights back, and I don't think they'd care to spend that money on an IP that most likely wouldn't be much of a success in the west anyway. It'd be just setting money on fire. Unless they have some surefire business strategy to monetize Sentai in the west, I doubt it's worth it.
Toei can just refuse to renew the rights, they just have to wait until the next renewal comes up.
The contract gives PR's right-holder perpetual exclusive rights to the licensed Sentai properties. No renewal needed.
Who the fuck agreed to that? Do jap lawyers even understand English?
You are really overestimating Toei's competence. Remember that 4Kids never actually wanted to buy the rights to One Piece because they knew that editing it for Saturday mornings would be a mess, but Toei insisted on it.
Not quite.

>Saban's term of rights in Toei's material is ten years with an option to renew for an additional fifteen years;

The perpetuity part was more about the material already produced (So, Power Rangers' owners will remain owners of the produced episodes and the Toei footage therein even if they don't license anything more from Toei ever, but it doesn't mean they have unlimited Sentai license).
Stop being so fucking autistic
If they do, macross wouldn't be in the position it's in now
Well, one piece is a children cartoon in japan. They never watched american tv I guess.
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Saban's battlizers looked awful
Toei also took it back when they found out 4kids was failing to sell one of their hottest properties.
Does that include the Sentai material in the episodes as separate content or just that they can forever have the footage as used in PR but not the Sentai shows themselves?
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>>Get ready for total mayhem as the new Infinity Force team faces off against the bombastic and fantabulous villain Poisandra, a D-lister with a dangerous level of insecurity, with all of reality at stake!
Wow that sounds awful
There are ways to salvage this premise and not make it complete ass (Dogfucker's track record has him actually improve as a writer) but I'm not getting my hopes up
>battlizers looked awful
Let's be real, the number of battlizers that weren't awful could probably be counted on one hand
DT battlizer
SPD battlizer
Mystic Force battlizer
OO battlizer
Samurai battlizer
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Which series had the best distinctive style and/or aesthetic?
Just the final footage from PR. The rights to the original Sentai footage is what would run out in 10/25 years if there's no renewing (which is still a lot). Like if Hasbro really stopped licensing anything and those numbers haven't changed, they'd still will own the Sentai rights up to 2033 with the option to renew for more 15 years.
Renewal would be the question of if Hasbro wants to spend the money to keep the rights to something they aren't using, which unless they turn their fortunes around by then might be a no. There's also the chance the Japanese side doesn't want to renew the contract as well, which they might if Hasbro is just gonna renew to sit on the rights to cockblock Toei. This was the problem with Macross for so long, one of the major rights holders of SDF in Japan kept renewing HG's contract against the other companies wishes to spite them because they had a big falling out. Toei doesn't have that issue. Of course that assumes Sentai is even still running by then, as their sales have not been nearly what they were and some people thing they're just holding on until the 50th anniversary in two years then ending the series at least for a while. Which isn't impossible as they ended Metal Heroes back in the 90s and even Kamen Rider and Ultraman have been out of production for a long while before they started up again.

Either way though it looks like it will be a while before anything happens on that front. Unless Toei wants to pay Hasbro to end the contract early. Or Hasbro sells it to someone else, although that's probably never happening. The only potential buyer probably would just be Toei wanting to have the global rights back.
Did you read the whole contract? The rights include both the ability to use the footage in their own productions and to distribute the original versions. And that shit's all in perpetuity now, and seemingly was amended to encompass all Sentai at some point, not just the ones used for PR. Sentai & PR are pretty much inextricably tied at this point
Overdrive really had some shit crossovers, didn't it?
>DT battlizer
You meant to say NS, right? The Triassic Battlizer was pretty shitty compared to the Tri-Battlized Armor.
I'm out.
>Sentai & PR are pretty much inextricably tied at this point

Hasbro's not so fond of that part. They don't even want the Sentai bits anymore

Does anyone know where I can buy high-quality morphers? Specifically the Ninja Storm and Dino Thunder ones. I grew up watching those and just wanted to relive some old memories.
Boomboom can easily be explained as the thing Hasbro, Disney and Saban have done in PR's pants
This comes straight from Gaoranger and always bothered me there too
But it always annoyed me that Wild Force only had two leg Zords, not counting Animus', so all four Megazords couldn't be out at the same time
Go-Onger's Ginjiro had Go-Onger stamped on the side and RPM adapted it as the Ground Outdoor Operational Network General-Purpose Explorational Rover
didn't the belts sometimes show ZYURANGER in the first season?
KYORYU SENTAI ZYURANGER, yeah. And the Megaforce Cards had Gosei this and Gosei that and we all know how they dealt with that.q
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>Did you read the whole contract? The rights include both the ability to use the footage in their own productions and to distribute the original versions.

That's what I said.

>And that shit's all in perpetuity now

Nope, you're the one who didn't read the entire contract.

>Saban's term of rights in Toei's material is ten years with an option to renew for an additional fifteen years;

It's specifically said Saban's rights over Toei's material have a term limit.
>It's specifically said Saban's rights over Toei's material have a term limit.
That was before it was extended to perpetuity, that's literally in the next paragraph.
They aren't obligated to use any Sentai footage. But they'll want to hold on to those rights so they can continue to exploit MMPR, even if they are no longer using any Sentai footage in their current productions.
>give away exclusive rights to one of IPs in a way that locks you out of the richest half of the planet FOREVER


what the fuck were those people thinking
SPD, RPM or In Space.
Even if original source was made to be related to tech, the suits were too good for a space related season.
It's same contract, not an update or anything like that (actually, at least in the version I'm seeing the paragraph with limited lengths is the one listed as an amendment, so it'd be actually the newer one).
How much high quality do you want? If you just want the toy versions for nostalgia, you can find them for various prices on eBay.
You can get the Memorial Edition (prop quality) of their Japanese counterparts (Hurricane Gyro & Dino Brace) on Kotetsu Toys Japan for about $140 apiece if you don't mind Japanese voice lines.
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This fetish is weird.
Do you mean Tattoos? Teenagers? Aliens? Fighters? Or Beverly Hills?
>Beverly Hills
Yes, this one.
>comics ending
>they specifically said after tmntxmmpr 2 its a trilogy
>will never get the final one
damn, it wasn't good but it did all the cool nostalgia things it needed to do, just need a white ranger splinter to end it on
April Ranger made my dick hard
>>comics ending
It's only the MMPR ongoing that's ending
We don't know what's the future of the line but BOOM hasn't lost the license
It's more alive than say their use of Magic The Gathering or Buffy (which I'm 99% convinced is going to Marvel now) especially since the latter hit a crisis of identity early on and never recovered
>will never get the final one
Even if they were ending regular monthly ongoings, TMNTxMMPR 3 would still probably happen since it's a guaranteed seller.
What if Tom Scioli did TMNT/MMPR like he did Transformers/G.I. Joe? Not as a continuation of the previous crossovers but as its own distinct thing, maybe a couple of years after a proper third entry comes out
Is it wrong that I felt so much catharsis seeing Simon immediately retract a paragraph long support speech when he found out why the dude got cancelled to begin with?
I'd be all for his brand of insanity being added to the PR universe. Especially if he does something like have the whole thing set in the '95 universe to explain how Mordant came to be.
Let's do a quick rundown: What mainstream figure line was your favorite in the Bandai era, not counting the Super Legends and Legacy figures? I actually like the RPM Full Throttle line because they give you mostly accurate figures despite the extra muscle Bandai puts in their figures since Ninja Storm, IIRC. The right amount of accessories, and the signature weapons combine, especially with the main five being able to assemble the RPM Enforcer. Lastly, we get all 12 Zords in a manageable scale that can be fired with briefcase launchers included with the girls, obvious analogs to the Engine Casts from Go-Onger.
i didn't buy any tattooed teenage alien fighters from beverly hill toys despite watching the show.
Zyuranger cameo in the Return and sequel bait with white ranger.
He just confirmed that project isn't coming out this year with something smaller taking its place
If we're getting a new ongoing, it won't be him
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The Return just concluded
Ended on a cliffhanger
I wanna think its Kat but I don't think AJJ would even go that far given how the rest of the ending turned out
Wait......how the fuck would Return Tommy even have a normal life after all of this? EVERYONE thinks he's dead and he hasn't aged a day
>That's only because he mouthed off to Rick Berman. Garrett Wang is only one of two Star Trek leads to make it to People Magazine's 50 most beautiful people.

Garrett Wang was constantly late to set when shooting the first 3 to 4 seasons of Voyager. He was super unprofessional, and it was a big issue causing delays in the shooting schedule.

It was so bad that the staff were planning on firing him (and killing off Harry). They wanted to have 4 women and 4 men in the main cast. But had to fire Kes' actress instead when the Harry got the token award.

Kes' actress had a mental breakdown because of getting fired. The role meant so much to her, and she never recovered. Janeway's actress was pissed because thought of her as a daughter, and took out her anger on the new cast members like Jeri Ryan.

Ric Berman, the writers, and producers were not pleased with Garrett Wang and his antics and lack of professionalism. Garrett even got fat in later seasons and they had to put him on weight loss plan and gym. Really hard to write stories about survival and running out of food when one of your main characters was getting chubbier on screen.
>Really hard to write stories about survival and running out of food when one of your main characters was getting chubbier on screen.

The writers couldn't even remember basic facts like Tuvok being married, let alone anything related to their struggle to survive. A guy getting chubby was the least of their problems. He probably put on fewer pounds than the number of shuttlecraft Voyager lost.
Technically because SDCC is happening after the second to last Friday of the month (which is when solicitations usually drop), there's a possibility the next ongoing is instead coming out on December

The hell is this? Cause it looks like they're charging money for it.
Payment seems to be optional given it's asking for $0
Might be akin more to "tipping"
Not sure about how legalities work but the team behind it years later would do an official comic story in one of those hardcover collections
I remember seeing the writer on Twitter make a post about desperately wanting to work on an official Power Rangers comic and that inspiring his book series for kids
Equinox was a glimpse of what Voyager was supposed to be but they chickened out.

Wang is just as bitchy as Takei. They should both be grateful they got work in a major sci-fi production and have some recognition than being talentless hacks that bitch about muh racism.
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Do these bitches even transform?
>He could be a someone who runs "Boonboomger Auto Repair" shop,
So you'd want the adaptation to be like an American version of Carranger?
An earlier page showed Gasket and the Cogs attacking the city, so hopefully.
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To be fair they probably didn't expect weebs to be a thing back in late 80s/early 90s. As far as they're concerned, sentai is just a tiny low budget production in the corner of the world.
>No helmets
The ninja suits are wasted on these ugly aliens who arent even ninjas
Even the head looks like Jindrax
Not allowing Sentai shows and merch to leave Japan, even to non Americans
Can't believe Abaranger is supposed to be silly, even with the evil Abarekiller
That's the japs fault for allowing that to happen. I swear nips are retarded as fuck
>the MMPR fellating that's been going on recently
that's been a thing for years, even before hasbro
>that forehead
that's your usual japanese indifference towards the west

the bigger 'villain' in macross mess is tatsunoko, and they know exactly what they're doing.
Been thinking about Astronema's feet lately

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