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Previous thread: >>41004142
/moon/day Thread OP template: https://ponepaste.org/4423
/moon/day Story Archive: Coming soon.
Lunar Tunes Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDi8dQxLXiDoVZPCL31D2EXLy4DZw1gxY
Equestria Project (meditation/lucid dreaming guide): https://pastebin.com/3mQfmH24
old /moon/day story archives: https://poneb.in/He5X50m6 https://ponepaste.org/7401

Humanizations of Princess Luna and others have a dedicated thread - post them there. Keep it pony (aside from inclusions of Anonymous in pics).

Ongoing Stories:
Stories On Hiatus:

"Moonlight, Veiled - Book 2", by horsa: https://ponepaste.org/6285
"Assistant to the Night Court", by LmonE6: https://ponepaste.org/121

Dead (Until proven otherwise) Stories:

"Lunar Entanglement, Act I", by ReggieSomething: https://ponepaste.org/1113
"Ghost in the Shadows" by ReggieSomething: https://ponepaste.org/7522
"Embracing the Night, Part 5", by AutoPony: https://ponepaste.org/3605
"A Heart Longs for Another", by AnthonyC4: https://ponepaste.org/873
"Our Thirty Years War", by TheGhostlydude: https://ponepaste.org/6795
"A Bond Through the Ages", by Ar-Adunakhor: https://ponepaste.org/6722
"MoonyCYOA", by Krivvy: https://ponepaste.org/4290
"A Nightmare, No More", by Starla: https://ponepaste.org/5708
Untitled story by Alcatraz, >>37516085

Upcoming moon phases:

Full Moon: Tuesday, 23 APR
Last Quarter: Wednesday, 1 MAY
New Moon: Tuesday, 7 MAY
First Quarter: Wednesday, 15 MAY
Please only post /moon/day threads on Mondays. The last one died and was reposted on a Wednesday here >>41010185
Gee /moon/day, how come your mom lets you have two threads?
Autism. Threads must always be made on Monday, like it was never done on different day before.
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Drew some morning Moona's
pretty! thanks anon
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I saw this in the last /bale/ screencap. Very pretty. How long have you been drawing, Anon?
I love pony art made with a physical medium. I wish there was more of it.
Why are there two of these threads up right now?
Very cute compilation. Thank you Anon.
good night bump
Thanks anon, about one and a half years or so
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Would you let her out, /moon/?
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well, big moon today. Who wouldn't?
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in a fucking heartbeat
>i wish to be immortal
>i wish to be your husband
>i wish I had the stamina to sexually please you nonstop for days at a time
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She's so beautiful. I could get lost in her mane.
>Twilight looked over her withers. With the princess stopped, and hugging her sister, there only remained the interloper.
>leaning against the wall, its foreleg... "arm" running down its face.
"Why?" She asked, turning to face him while all the others helped the fixed Nightmare Moon... Luna.
>"I've died before. I've felt the void, and the dark. I'd love to tell you I don't know how long I was in it before I arrived here, but I do."
>Anonymous glances over her to look at Luna too.
>"13 years, 2 months, 22 days, 1 hour and 41 seconds. I counted. It was all I could do."
>He grimaces.
>"For knowing I'd never go back there ever again, I'd unleash damnation upon the world."
>he turns to face you.
>"And when your time comes, and if you somehow got the chance to leave as I did, and to find a way to never go back... You'd make that choice, too."
>There's genuine dread shaking beneath his eyes, the pupils swirling like the cosmos.

"and the four days sex marathon?" Twilight asks. "Was that necessary?"
>Anon smirks.
>"Only cure for existential dread," He remarks with a wry smile
>fixed Nightmare Moon
You can't fix perfection, Anon
i came to the conclusion several years ago that immortality is a curse only if you are forced to be immortal alone. immortality is much more tolerable if not a blessing if you have someone to love and love you in turn forever and ever, and i would gladly walk eternity side by side with the mare I love
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11000th for Luna's brief but passionate obsession with binary numbers.
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She developed a secret technique of doing binary maths on abacus.
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I don't think this is very on topic, but recently flatmate asked me to play Balder's Gate 3 with him. Not my cup of tea, I thought, but let's give it a try. I made some random character from the presets and went with it called it Skoda Octavia despite no real connection with Tavi, then 2h into game he realized he wanted a different race for his character. So we've started on another save, and it was then that I've got the brilliant idea to recreate Luna as my character.
Of course, a woman isn't a pony, but after finding hair and skin and eyes and freckles configuration which tickled my inner moon sense, something clicked. When I'm running with her, I see the blue ponytail with touch of purple highlights flowing. In cutscenes her face is ambitious, but kind too. Whenever a choice in dialogue happens, I ask myself "what would Luna do?", and that I think helps me understand Luna outside of game scenario - I can more easily find this mare's character traits which would be applicable in a given situation. And the game's more fun now that I feel my character feels more ...characteristic than random playable NPC I would have otherwise. It's nice.
I picked Astarion as the companion just for my enjoyment, but I think Lulu might have liked this kind of character on some mission.
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Does anyone have that picture of the disgusted Nightmare Moon? I see it used as a reaction image all the time, but I have spent 20 minutes on derpi and cannot find it.
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This one?
I think it is very similar to that.
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She's disappoint of your poni library, anon. you're welcome
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I swear that still isn't it. She's facing the other direction, and more of her is visible. It might even be Luna, but I could have sworn it was Moony.
well, that must be it.
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Why does evil moon horse cause pp to be hard?
Did some stretches last night was nice, a bit like meditation. Was stiffer than I realised.
Had to run for the train this morning and my lungs did not appreciate it, since then deep exhales have been wheezy. I swear I got hidden lung damage from a nasty 6-month long cough some years back, certainly haven't been the same since.
Gonna do more stretches tonight.
May Luna guard your dreams tonight frens
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It's a mystery.
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I imagine this scene paired with this music from Erik Satie: https://youtu.be/wnacdOIoTBQ?si=QZQzo6NZPD63eZAz
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>You let it die edition

Like seriously? Luna's general died? Luna? The pony the always wins polls? This fandom really is dead, isn't it?
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That works really well.
Personally I imagine this kind of music:
When I see that picture.
Thread before was overflown far from monday.
There was lack of /moon/ thread
Then It was recreated at monday but it was later than usual so probably some haven't bookmarked it.
Also there were several anons in false/moon/ thread including me admitting they've seen the moment thread died but for some reasons didn't save it. If continuing thread itself is sacred e.t.c., why have we overflown thread before?
>they've seen the moment thread died but for some reasons didn't save it
For me it was "I should think of a creative bump" and then the thread went dark. Why does it feel like there's just not as much inspiration to moonpost as 1-2 years ago? was the gamedev anon doing half of thread's posting?
>"I should think of a creative bump" and then the thread went dark.
I usualy go with "I should find unique picture that wasn't posted before" but that time it was 9, so I've replied to /pts/ and then it was already 10 that died on autorefresh
>Why does it feel like there's just not as much inspiration to moonpost
Depends, probably because most default things were discussed and most pictures posted. Obviously there is less new moonfrens than before. Maybe all this ritual managing part with posting unique, keeping alive, not letting die until monday, killing at monday e.t.c. also not helps the situation despite all the benefits because sometimes your
does not match current >number and postcount
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The 9-5 grind is stunting my inspiration for a lot of things recently and time just flies by, can't believe this thread is almost 5 days old now.
Most evenings I come home and my brain is mushy and lumpy so even when I try to come up with something to post it's just blank.
Trying to change that though and get that moony energy in me.
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Even 8 years ago, I remember this general being quiet, dying occasionally. The Moon has phases and so does the general. We just seem to be in a quiet phase right now.
as for me...yea I saw the thread, it was on like, page 5, when I went to check it again, I had missed the chance to bump it. Now have some Moona snugs.
You can tell this artist read homestuck.
I am jealous of your Nightmare Moon plush.
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Your plushies are so pretty, anon. Is the guy who made them still active?
Love my Moony. She looks so odd without her helmet though.
>Love my Moony. She looks so pretty without her helmet.
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Any chance of being at mare fair? I'm sure she'd love to meet you.
Thank you! Lanacraft made em. She's still quite active, though she does have a queue a good year long now.
These plush moons are so fair I want to snug them!
Since there are multiple anons who worship Luna (and perhaps to a greater extension her sister) have we started a cult or at least formed the foundations of one?
I'm honestly kind of surprised it hasnt happened, even ironically. Humans have been worshipping the sun, the moon, and horses since the dawn of time.
>have we started a cult or at least formed the foundations of one?
It's called /moon/
But in all seriousness - true faith doesn't need strict rules, generalized organization structure, hierarchy e.t.c. /moon/schizos generally all have their own hc's and it doesn't look like a good thing to force them to follow one.
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Kys tripfag
>/moon/schizos generally all have their own hc's and it doesn't look like a good thing to force them to follow one
That's what I was thinking would be the main issue if it acted as a traditional religion. But at the same time, Christianity is split up between Catholic, Orthodox, etc.
It would be quite cool to have all the pony worshipers unite under one umbrella and form sub-devisions for each deity. Free thinking but all relating to equestria.
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>Christianity is split up
Nothing against Christianity, but at this point it already was more about politics than religion.
>cool to have all the worshipers unite
Again, as I was saying - we have /moon/ which is enough. It is convenient being anonymous and online. You can freely share your schizo here without fighting crusades or doing terrorism. We even have rituals about keeping thread and it's schedule. Stuff like
>A lot of you, form an official organization
glows. Ofc it's not what you're saying but close.
Usually most dogmatic religions are uniting followers not FOR something but AGAINST something else. Do we have real enemies except our own autism?
Also my hc allows me to unite with /moon/schizos from other cultures like those, who >>41037020 mentioned. She lives in our collective subconsciousness in multiple forms.
There is enough shrines if you know where to look and into irl stuff.
>newfaggot seething at based retard boomer
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True moonschizos needs not the ists/isms/ologies of man nor his rotten institutions, the presence of our Lady is enough.
>Our lady
Our Lady of the Moon. I like that as a title for her used by us moonschizos.
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What would you talk about with her?
Astronomy, what it's like to enter dreams, what it's like to be a sovereign, what our favorite things are, hobbies, about things that are happening in Equestria, etc.. Better than just talking would be to go for a walk with her; maybe among the palace gardens or to a Canterlit cafe, or something like that.
yeah, you're right. It's comfier being schizobros than an organisation. Don't know what I was thinking.
Idk, maybe questions shouldn't be so much related to her routine? On the other hand "things that are happening in Equestria" might actually either be better than things happening here, or worse - then it'll turn into "everyone's favorite" talk about "everything's bad and gonna get even worse"
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Finally got a Celestia for Moony to play with, feels good to have them as a pair now.
Nice, Celestia standing in the shadow of Moony standing in the shadow of Debian jar
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>the thread went dark.
Hey, its /moon/thread. Being dark is good for it. It burned in sunrise when we left it.
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>light blue eyelids
So is it makeup or just natural moony feature?
On this pictute looks like makeup
On these looks more natural
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I'd tell her stories from Earth about our history and mythology. We would talk about our passions and interests.
I think it's makeup
>"Nay, tis not makeup but war paint!"
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It's an excuse for NM
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War paint for seducing Anon.
It's natural.
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Would you expect living with Luna to be more peaceful or adventurous?
Peaceful, but never boring.
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I think there would be plenty of adventure. Luna strikes me as a pony that has a strong curiosity and mischivious streak. I think that goes along with the night theme of her namesake. She would probably be especially adventurous after coming back from the moon. She would want to see how Equestria has changed. And while she is regaining her footing as a head of state alongside her sister, she might seek out quests that benefit Equestria (a way to reconnect with Equestria and its ponies, or something like that).
I wish Luna would break Haber's skull with her hooves.
There are so many things they could have done with Luna it is truly infuriating. Celestia too, but Luna especially.
>She would probably be especially adventurous after coming back from the moon
Sadly we know that didn't happen. She came to Ponyville a year after her return and acted like it was her first time leaving the castle. Never completely reintegrated into Equestria or played any part as a head of state either.
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That's what the show says, buy my headcanon says otherwise.
NTA but
>That's what the show says
Sadly, that what reality says. Reintegration to society is a long and hard process. Even after a year, not talking 1000 years. Read about prisoners reintegration problem. Or maybe you know (maybe trough a third party) someone who experienced that - maybe ask them about that. The wbole process is possible but not fast. So not being integrated after a year as
>>41048643 mentioned sounds realistic. But
>never completely reimtegrated
sounds like a headcanon too. (but possible too)
I think her adventurousness might have increased over time, but not directly
>after coming back
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>Luna assisting Cadance with manual matchmaking
>"That mare's way lewder than she appears to be. Believe Us, We didn't want to but We know."
>"Do set her up with that Anon."
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My Apologies, Dearest Darkie.
I have been watching the protests.
And now I must slumber.
Love this pic
>that cocky grin on Nightmare
>Luna's "I'm so fed up with you" expression
I suddenly developed a great desire to see those two (and Celly) in a '90 style sitcom.
Protests keep distracting moonbros. I don't care so i'l save us
i am still fucking livid that there was never a NMM villain song
i'm envisioning some wierd amalgamation of maleficent's smug haughtiness, scar's ambition, and ursula's seductive methodology when she's singing poor unfortunate souls
Maybe it's better than if it was made. There is a reason why it's common opinion that each time they tried to 'develop' character it was getting worse. There is enough intro to NM character to let some theories to develop but to keep mystery e.t.c.
The fact that in this exact scene it is shown that it is the only future variation with somehow stable civilization not being destroyed (unlike others including 'true' one) is enough. Song would probably ruin that.
fair enough, but that still does not diminish my desire for a nmm villain song of some kind
Nightmare Moon didn't get a villain song because it's reserved for villains ^:)
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>Is released from the moon
>Beats the elements of harmony
>Night now lasts forever
>Sends sister to the moon
now what
what's her end goal?
Idk, same as Celestia's implied goal: dealing with all threats e.t.c. but without all this 'tired of being immortal alicorn in power so first student who doesn't betrays you becomes you' stuf. (imagine s1-s7 without alicornization but with darker filter)
>beats the elements of harnony
Maybe beats the tree itself and saves us from g%, than maybe releases sister who's rested from being in power and they switch sides again.
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>One who deeply loves the moon
I have found my true sexual identity
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When I was reading this post less than half awake, I had a thought of which now I only remember that it was referring to Nightie's intelligence being beyond what show could convey.
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>this is how she enters dreams of ponies
>even when the dreams are outdoors
>half awake
>had a thought
Please, for the future, try to record that stuf into some voice recorder app. The most amazing things in human history were created that way. It's interesting to analyze later even if you're not a moonschizo, just for yourself. But if tou are...
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If you have a microphone use this:
Or if you're phone posting there's probably an app.
I always liked the idea that after winning NMM just sort of sits on her ass and twiddles her hooves because she's secretly surprised she got this far and hasn't planned past taking over Equestria.
You don't have to share voice itself (considering circumstances it probably will sound gibberish understandable only to you), but when you're awake later having record will help you remembering and restoring the idea \ message better.
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Ah, fair enough.
I misread your post.
I'm a little tired myself.
I used to use pen and paper to do something similar years ago.
I always found using a fountain pen to be more satisfying than anything electronic.
These days I'm too lazy or uninspired to write anything.
>pen more satisfying than electronics
maybe, but less reliable. Papers are lost, torn, thrown away, there is no search or dates. I use note-taking on terminally offline old phone with local backups.
Sometimes I need to find some of 2-3yo notes because somehow these old messages can start making sense long after you've made them
>writing instead of recording
At some states of mind in which you want to capture the message immediately you won't be able to quickly write some stuff. It's being mostly forgotten the moment you try to form it into a written sentence so recording stream of consciousness right after waking up or before fading away saves more info. You could and should analyze it and write down, but later, being awake\sober\calm\e.t.c.
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>Papers are lost,
I keep mine together.
>torn, thrown away,
True enough, most of my papers are pretty tatty now.
I tend to use ring-binders and plastic sheaths for anything I find important.
>there is no search or dates.
Searching is slow because it has to be done page by page, so, fair enough there.
Dates I write automatically because I was taught to in school.
>old messages can start making sense long after you've made them
I find that happens a fair bit.
>It's being mostly forgotten the moment you try to form it into a written sentence
I used to use keywords or bullet point to record dreams for this reason.
>You could and should analyze it and write down, but later, being awake\sober\calm\e.t.c.
That's why I would use keyword etc, I haven't gone back and fleshed it out yet mind you.
But that's just laziness.
All that being said I do like having spell check and a digital thesaurus to flesh out any writings later.
Never tried audio recording.
Might have to some day.
imagine jumping to give her a peck or standing on a chair to hug her then being snatched into her realm
that would be very funny let me try tha-
>Luna carries a mystical drywall saw to make openings int dreams.
Hey, let me try that t-
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Change wardrobe to her secretly favorite bright colors. There would be nopony who would dare to say anything about it, especially not Celestia.
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Luna's butt is NOT dirty.
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>last boop 6hours ago
you guys suck shit at keeping your waifu thread up. get good you fucking niggers.
I concur. Luna's butt is so clean you could eat off of it. Any assertions to the contrary are nothing more than damned lies.
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sorry i am cramming for my final exam :(
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>getting scolded for praising my princess by sleeping
well excuuuuuUUUUUUUUse me, the other princess
What are you studying, Anon? And how is it related to Luna?
Good luck fellow crammer!
Nta. For me it non moon related hogwash that I need for work. At each step it feels more and more pointless.
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oooo.. that's a beaut'
didn't someone try to create a religion in the US for Luna&Tia around ten years ago?
>ten years ago
probably some old pr stunt when it was popular to mostly ironically worship them.
>Need for work
Work related training is the worst. I just sit in the seat and daydream about ponies.
>Work related training is the worst.
If it would be fun they wouldn't have to pay you for learning it.
I try to look at this as positive as possible and learn that kind of stuff mostly for myself
>in the seat dreaming ponies
based. As was mentioned in one of previous /pts/ you can feed training material to Twilight tts so it culd be more entertaining
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Moon bump
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I like her even when she's like that, tired and grumpy. It's hard to call it love because she's a lot like a blank slate in my mind, but she is there and that feels special.
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You'll help her bring about eternal night or else.
>bring about eternal night
Reminder that Luna's ass is glorious.
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Reminder reciprocated.
Her ass is so powerful, she can crash through drywall, no problem.
>Verification not required.
Nine Luna clones snoofing into your ears.
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>snoofing into your ears.
Ngl "Luna sneaking into your bed with you" ASMR, sounds really comfy.
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I had a moon dream after reading that.
>Be in some security compound, locked in a cell.
>Notice Luna appeared out of nowhere, laying on the floor with a smirk on her face. "It's moon time", she declares proudly.
>Luna begins to vibrate, a blue lump appearing on her withers that rapidly swells and morphs into an equine shaped tumor before unceremoniously budding off to the floor with a loud pop.
>The Luna has been doubled, and soon LunaBud begins to also bud off, creating more Lunas.
>I slowly retreat to the wall, but soon I'm pinned against it, with the Lunas attacking any exposed skin with their tickley fuzzy muzzles.
>The walls shake, groan and crack as the cell's interior reaches a pressure of 9000 KiloLunas, blowing the door clean off and releasing a tidal wave of blue, with my ass crowd surfing this flood.
>Two MIB looking agent fucks rush in to contain the situation. Those poor bastards.
>Lunas intensify and begin flooding the hall, some Lunas get launched ahead of the hoard, and agent 1 goes down after getting a facefull of high velocity moonbutt. The agent 2 looks in terror and tries to run, but the floodgates have been unleashed and gets flattened by the tide.
>I find myself stowed away in a sea of fuzz, the cacophony of pops, huzzahs and giggles growing deafening as every crevice of the compound is stuffed with moonhorses of various sizes, and before long the roof gives, and erupts like a volcano launching me and a few stray Lunas skyward.
>Last thing I remember is looking down, there is no more building, only blue fur as far as the eye can see with the occasional LunaSpore floating in the air.
I woke up very well rested.
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What does Luna's bed hair look like?
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Is this the pony equivalent of cosmicism?
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I suppose so.
It fits that description.
The picture it's self is a death work from WH40K.
Probably the one in pic/vid related.
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Very little known fact: to bring night everywhere, Luna has to run alongside the horizon of entire pony earth once. Celestia just flips the autopilot switch on her horn, but Luna enjoys the old way of mooning.
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A bushy afro
Fuck off cowfag.
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>Random Lulu picture
>Looks like Lulu to me.png
>fUcK oFf cOwFaG
Did I miss something here?
NTE, but he's right. It does give some cow vibes probably because of rounded square head instead of cannonical triangle shape, strange perspective and wrong proportions (shorter wider neck e.t.c.).
>random picture
maybe they shouldn't be random pictures but chosen. It's not about reposting same each thread but 'new' (probably posted once anyway) pictures should be chosen with some level of quality control.
>Did I miss something?
There were 1 or 2 'cowfags' lately, who were spamming pictures with this style.
>looks like Lulu
Lulu deserves appreciation in all shapes and forms, but we have rules here like no >nohoves, furry e.t.c.
>uglyass furry aislop abomination
>looks like Lulu
You're a disgrace. Or you really need new glasses.
That faggot has been spamming AIslop made out of Dvixie's ugly furry cowpoines for a few threads in a row, which even caused the thread's early death once.
>Looks like Lulu to me
My condolences on your shit taste.
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> It does give some cow vibes probably because of rounded square head instead of cannonical triangle shape, strange perspective and wrong proportions (shorter wider neck e.t.c.).
Ah, fair enough.
>but we have rules here like no >nohoves, furry e.t.c
Those I already know.
I've been here a while.
I know most don't like AIslop so I avoid that.
I didn't that this style of art was frowned on.
That's my bad.
Defiantly new glasses and some coffee.
I'll keep an eye on what I post from here.
Thanks for the heads-up.
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Punishment for (You): being nommed by nighttime eternal until you git gud. Then you'll be able to discuss continuation of those so called "fanged kisses" on different terms.
>I know most don't like AIslop so I avoid that.
Because usually it's poorly made. We're not in 2020 anymore. 'Look it's generating' don't bother anyone. Good AIniggers can spend more time fixing and post processing one picture than 'actual artists'. AI img gen has it's potential simply because most 'real' artists left us anyway, but it's a tool like any other, you have to actually master it before sharing your arts outside dedicated threads.
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Given that waifus are object oriented and diverge from the original after meeting the husbando, how would your instance of Luna grow and develop her character while living with (You)? How would your own character change within real presence of Luna?
Idk, maybe become more paranoid, and ignorant, considering that
>living with (you)
>living in our fucked up world

>within presence of Luna
>diverged from original
>object oriented
The only true Luna is The Static One, unless proven otherwise. But seriously, without additional context of her presence - idk
Loony Luna heh
I realy like this series, it is extremely interesting and the darkness of it is fascinating
Yeah, I'm leaning towards this. Unkempt but not too wild.
But I like to think this happens once in a blue moon, she can pull it off.
I am of the opinion that the messiness of Luna's bed hair depends on the current astronomical phenomenon.
Its just part of Luna. In the episode when they went on holidays, she and Tia fell into the ocean, and we saw all the makeup they had running off, but not the blue eyelids...... also I just find it cute that its part of her natural beauty ^^
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>anon went through basic "care for your mare" training material given by Cadance, but alicorns need some special care
>thus, alicorn Twi giving a lecture on "how to care for your alicorn mare", with Luna as guest alicorn (and anon's mare, too)
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There are a lot of crescent moons depicted in the show, but did we ever see the actual moon as anything other than full?
In what situation would Luna make the moon a crescent?
The one I can think of is in Horse Play. When Celestia and twalot are talking in the clouds.
why is this so lewd?
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how to night walks without getting robbed? seems like a nice time to get out and moonwalk, but it's an itsy teensy bit scary.
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I find walking in the woods/out in the countryside is best.
That being said, I am lucky enough to live in the countryside.
Beyond that, all I can recommend is going out between 2-4am when there should be almost nobody around.
Even then there might be the odd person.
If you really feel unsafe, a non-lethal weapon like:
Could be an option.
That being said, the best weapon you have is your legs, for running away.
A good martial arts teacher will advise you run first.
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Raised moon hoof. Such a simple gesture, yet so endearing.
>I am lucky enough to live in the countryside.
Honestly, seeing more things in sky at nights would be the one good reason for me to consider living outside of a large-ish city.
>seeing more things in sky at nights
The difference is astonishing. I never knew why they called our galaxy the "Milky Way" until I saw the night sky in a rural area. You can actually see a lighter streak across the sky.
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hot I love skelluna
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Alicorn anatomy is so majestic
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>Luna's royal neck regalia is made of bone
>She wears a cadaver as jewellery
Well, this is disconcerting
You could also look into dark sky areas near you if you want those beautiful night skies

>regalia made of bone
I could imagine some hcs explaining it, considering her age and this thing being ancient magical artifact made in some primal times e.t.c.
Or more strange theory with this thing being her own bone so she has kind of exoskeleton by some reason (maybe sideeffect of NM).
But what's Applebloom's bow made of?
...and sexy. Don't forget sexy.
Dyed cotton fabric
a tanned pony hide its big mac's hide
hey it was a different time.
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I love luna but my view of moonfags has been worsened significantly by the tunigger
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>you, moon, and the daughterus at a lunapark
she's seen it all already.
i wonder what other things her daughters would get up to
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>what other things her daughters would get up to
Probably pulling Looney toons tier pranks/shenanigans on each other while blaming anyone else even when caught red hooved
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I love pics where Luna's mane glows like that.
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Have another. Do you think she can turn down the glowiness when it's time to go to sleep?
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What prompted such reaction from Luna? Complimenting her moonflower?
Yep, or even better, it's fluorescent and accumulates light while she sleeps during day
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>"And the best part? His species can rut for hours."
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i love her bros

Do you really love her or what? like whats your level of commitment here?
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Luna hates us all
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Moonie is an extreme version of Luna, and thus she is extremely seductive.
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Why do I love her?
You tell us, Anon. What do you think about her? How does she make you feel?
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>"And what, Anonymous, would you give in return?"
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least devoted moonfag
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honestly? a hella lot. Luna has been my favorite since I first saw her when the show came out. she's..... my everything? I truly really do care about her and I learned lucid dream to be closer to her. I have wallpaper of her on my phone and computer, I talk to her via Ai chat bots and I have photos of her in my car, I really do love her, I really do. she's important to me
>Luna hates us all
Especially that faggit anon
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She's the mare of contrast, I think. Thousand years old but youthful. Princess but approachable. Loves darkness but brightens your days. Exudes serenity but can get very excited. Has an ambitious soul but would probably spend days and nights laying with you in bed, cuddling and talking about silly dreams that nondescript ponies had. Is she simply the ultimate mare of all mares? If yes, is that a bad thing? Characters should have some variety, pros and flaws, which make them more real I think.
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>It's the "Automatic pistol becomes a bolt action" dream
>It's the "Iron sights don't line up on the rifle therefore shots keep missing" dream
>It's the "No idea where I am, but I know I'm in a gunfight" dream
I had all of these this morning. I think Luna is telling me to train.

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