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Its Mother's Day. Show appreciation for your own mom and the older moms of Ponyville.
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For me it's Cloudy Quartz
I feel so evil for wanting to fornicate them.
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Why does Twilight Velvet look like she could be Twilight's sister?
Just in time for the new mom
Unicorn nobility age slowly.
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None of them live in Ponyville, retard.
Stellar the best.
One DID before she dropped dead.
Cookie Crumbles does.
Why do those lines under the eyes only look hot on mares?
WTF is going in the middle?
In contrast to all the other moms, she doesn't always have bags under he eyes. Except Cookie, but she has other things that make her seem like a silly old mare. Maybe she does just age better. They do seem to be the most well-off of the parents. Or maybe she got started kinda young.
invisible anon
I'm pretty sure all of the Mane 6's moms don't have bags under their eyes.
She's too hot to resist.
they do not, they only look hot on NEET mares
You're a faggot.
Pretty sure, but are you sure sure? Windy and Posey both have bags.
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Best mom
My mom was a literal prostitute, she used to tell me things like "I'm gona slit your throat in your sleep" when I was around 13 years old and left me with an unmedicated literal paranoid schizo when I was 16.

I'm not appreciating any of that ...
womp womp
Satan had it rough
>unmedicated paranoid schizo dad
Can relate there
>wah wah my parents were so bad
Try having famous politicians, business owners, scientists, headmasters etc going back a hundred years as famil.
Then you plop out as a semi-retarded lazy faggot who won’t amount to anything. I just want to work minimum wage 2 weeks a month for the rest of my life
>literally betray and banish their own mother
More like shitlings
It was my older brother, my father was disturbed by the fact that I had no fear response when he flew into alcoholic rage and have let my mom convince him that I would kill him when I get to a size close to his so he fucked off around that time too.
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Uuuooohhh hag mare erotic T_T
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Well, I hope things are better for you these days. Things sorta worked themselves out on my end, even though the damage has been done over the 20-ish years that it was an issue
Anyway, mommy Velvet makes my pp the hard pp. Which pony mom gets you going?
Being Obama's son must be tough...
As every normal redblooded anon I also have a broken relationship with my mother. Still got her a present for Mother's Day though. What about you, anons?
Being a nigger must be tough...
Literally who?
Busting a nut to eye wrinkles!
You forgot to fix the eyesore in the middle
human ass on pony coombrain dead receptors
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love it or hate it, pinkie is a canon milf
her daughter looks like fluttershy... surrogate shy?
You’re completely right. Don’t care, it’s sexy.
damn nag ... needs correction
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My mom is similar to Windy so I love her the most!
Based mom appreciator. I hope both you and her enjoy the day, Anon.
God damn thats hot
>I just want to work minimum wage 2 weeks a month for the rest of my life
literally me
God damn they were fucking stupid to animate this. They all look like Granny Smith.

My mom is like velvet, so I associate with her
It's a boy, and he's the son of Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich.
*a cuntboy
erm, xe's a nonbinary qveen acturllly!
right screams oh a mommas boy huh
ill be your mommy
I like all of the moms, they’re very simple but likable characters. Pear is unbearably cute and has easily one of the top two episodes of the back half of the show. Windy is also fun. But Velvet is so fucking hot it’s unbelievable, especially since she’s just a Twilight clone with just a minor change to the mane. She’s the reason I’m now into milfs at all, both pony and human. She’s also an interesting character in the sense that her son, daughter, daughter-in-law, and granddaughter incredibly important ponies and could all be main characters in their own shows (one is). Out of all the great moms Twilight Velvet stands above the rest, despite getting almost zero characterization.
she's portrayed as a thrill seeker in once upon a zeppelin, that makes her interesting enough in my book.
I would love to be a porch monkey living off colt-40s and driving a brand new mercedes around.
I can still be into pony and with the modern corruption of women, they want to settle down with me! Despite me being a belligerent ape!
I want mommy!
I want milk!
I want to be held!
I want to be comforted!
human ass on pony is a boner killer, not sexy
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>tfw youre always ignored on Mothers Day because you dont have foals
>1000+ years old virgin
Should I help her or keep her amazing wizard streak?
It's a slow day at work right now. Which mom(s) should I doodle?
Posey and Windy
royal mommies, celly or cadance
sleeper pick young Granny Smith.
I like this, just because there’s so little fan art already.
granny smith's mom
Spoiled Rich is a terrible mother. Maybe a heart warming gesture could help her heart grow a little.
Cup Cake and make her extra chubby
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>happy neighing intensifies
wtf i love her
What is this meme, they're not even married
That eyeline is so love
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what are you confused about
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I was confused by something else entirely
Kill yourself.
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Sorry, I'm not the one who named them
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Nice trips
>not a single Cup Cake
i hate you fags so much it's unreal
niiiice based delivery love the pegasi milfs
>no cadance
well i'm not posting her just to keep it going
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pink slut
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She looks like a cryptid.
ugly af
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Does Twilight count?
wew lad
milf pony butts are the best

I'm gonna request a Mrs. Cake doodle, if you're up for another
She was the one who betrayed them by treating them so shit.
Chrysalis is the worst mother there is.
>Fluttershy made Pinkie raise her kid
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Based Cup Cake appreciator
This, but a few days before she was a mother, if you understand.
UNF and kek, very nice work man love your art
>Show appreciation
I wrote something for best mom, inspired by a friend's really hot artwork which I will link at the end
>You smile, breathing in deep as you close your eyes. The pleasantly warm spring air begins to give way as you challenge gravity’s hold.
>You can feel the fibers of the rope in your hands as you gently pull, prompting the flame above you to flare up. The basket gently creaks at the acceleration and the growing breeze.
>As you open your eyes the fresh, crisp air makes them water up slightly.
>What a view.
>Ponyville expands out from under you, more of the town entering your vision the higher you go. There’s town hall, Rarity’s elegantly painted boutique, and Twilight’s library. It’s grown a bit taller since your last flight.
>The wind carries the scent of fresh apples as a gust blows from Applejack’s western fields. You feel your mouth twitch as you start to salivate.
>Tying off the rope, you reach down to Rainbow’s saddlebags to fetch two Honeycrisps, tossing one her way.
>She catches it with her wing, the dexterously beautiful blue feathers barely making a sound as they cushion the impact.
>Her mane whips slightly in the wind as she smiles at you briefly, passing it to her forehooves before taking a bite.
>Tangy juice bursts in your mouth as you bite into your own sweet, crisp apple.
>Looking up into the distance you can faintly see your destination. Shining pillars seem to grow from the prominent cumulonimbus. Spilling rainbow falls and sharp, pure white architecture in various places proudly proclaim the pegasus home of Cloudsdale, always present somewhere in the Equestrian sky.
>No matter how many times you see it, that flying city never fails to take your breath away. Every place in Equestria has such incredible beauty. The earth itself feels alive no matter where you go.
>Yet the land doesn’t compare to the sky. That open expanse has always called, drawing you in. It doesn’t hold a candle to the beauty of its residents though.
>Natural flight. Powerfully sweeping wings on beautiful mares. Who could really blame you for being infatuated?
>Every one of them was pretty. Each one held the spirit of the sky in some way.
>As you admire the sunlight flickering off the liquid rainbow surface of one of the falls in the distance, you see reflections of your wife.
>You smile at Rainbow again as you turn to her in thought. Normally she’d be interested in getting you to your destination faster by pushing the basket, or talking with excitement about what you’ve got planned.
“Something on your mind, bluebird?”
>She glances over to you, licking her soft, deep blue lips clean of apple juice. Her brilliant rose eyes look between you and the cloud city as she scrunches her nose a bit.
>“Just thinking about my… gift for mom, yeah… eheh.” She stares at you as she clears her throat, finally smiling weakly.
>You take a step to cross the distance, wrapping your arm around her back as you plant a kiss on her warm fluffy cheek.
“Hey, listen. I know I’m new to Equestrian culture and this is our first time celebrating this together. Heck, I’ll probably always make slip ups, but we had Mother’s Day too back home. I think I’ll do a good job of making your mom feel loved!”
>She coughs at your particular choice of words. You grin at her as you give her a reassuring back rub.
“I’m still not sure why you didn’t want me to bring a separate gift, and you didn’t want me to see your gift yet either. I promise I won’t spoil her surprise!”
>You look at Dash’s face hopefully, not catching the meaning behind her sudden blush and eye roll. “Don’t worry, you’re bringing her a gift alright…”
>You glance down at her saddlebags again. Maybe she’s picked out two presents? One from her, and one from you. Might be Equestrian tradition for son-in-laws to give something particular.
>Knowing Rainbow, she probably just took care of those logistics. You do make a seamless team together.
>Her mind still seems to be distracted, but you know how to fix that. Without dropping your cheeky grin you stare at her as you daringly reach a hand down to her saddlebags again, this time going for the pocket she told you not to.
>She scoffs, rolling her eyes again as she effortlessly swats your hand away with her long, soft feathers. “Alright hotshot, don’t get ahead of yourself. You’ll get your chance, don’t worry.”
>You didn’t get any real answers, but you’re ok with that. The attempt accomplished your true goal: getting her to smile and softly laugh.
>You could listen to that sound for hours. Intentionally beautiful music from the Canterlot Royal Orchestra pales next to the pure, effortless chimes of your wife’s voice. Nothing else makes your heart soar quite that way.
>As the air thins you feel her wing drape over your back, her warmth staving off your goosebumps for now.
>Time passes in comfortable silence between you as you run your hand over her strong neck and back. Peace and fulfillment wash over you as the balloon continues to drift.
>Before long, Cloudsdale dominates your vision. You can see individual structures and pegasi flying between homes and storefronts as they wave at each other, some stopping to chat. Many carry flower bouquets or small boxes – no doubt full of chocolate treats.
>A few gaze curiously at your balloon. It’s more common than it used to be, but non-pegasi visitors are sure to still garner attention.
>Rainbow Dash reluctantly disengages from your embrace to clamber out of the basket as she grabs the lead rope in her teeth. You make no effort to take your eyes off her shapely backside as it fills your vision. You make sure to breathe deeply and sigh, just to tell her you’re enjoying her natural scent.
>She flicks her tail in your face in mock annoyance as you inhale but you know she loves that you love her body. The soft strands of her tail tickle and caress your cheeks, your pulse racing at the sensation even as it unfortunately obstructs your view.
>Her powerful wings gently flap as she guides the balloon toward her parents’ house. They had excitedly built a landing area off the back of their cloud even before meeting you, and although you’d only been married a few months now you’d landed there more than a handful of times already.
>As Rainbow ties off the rope to the cloud post you set turn off the burner and begin to vent the balloon. You climb out of the basket, testing one foot first on the clouds. The garnet inlay in your wedding band glows and hums slightly as you feel the cloud push back under you.
>It’s a sensation you’re not sure you’ll ever get used to. Alien and wondrous all at once, you’re just thankful it works as you set about stowing the balloon.
>“There’s my handsome son!” You hear an enthusiastic voice call out, the raspy tones just about bursting with happiness.
>You barely manage to turn around in time to receive one of the strongest bear hugs of all time. Windy Whistle’s joyful squeezing caught you off guard the first time you met her, knocking the air out of your lungs. Now you know better, holding your breath as she flies into you full force.
“Oof! Chipper as ever Windy! Happy Mother’s Day!”
>You do your best to return the hug’s power, faltering as she squeezes you even tighter. You feel her husky laugh vibrate through you before you hear it escape right into your ear. You blink in instinctive surprise as you feel her lips brushing your skin.
>“Ahahha… oh dear! Please… call me mom~”
>You blush as you feel a tingling shiver travel from her your ear, down your spine and straight into… well, your pants. Surely she didn’t mean anything by… woah!
>Yep, she’s buried her face in your neck, not letting up on the hug in the slightest. Your goosebumps return as you feel her warm breath condensate on your skin. Is she… sniffing you?
>You feel her muscles tightening under your hands as she greedily fills her lungs over and over. Your mind continues to reel in confusion and dismay at your body’s reaction. Unsure of what else to do you continue supporting her weight, gently running your hands over her as you hug.
>An awkward, heated eternity later you hear Rainbow clear her throat to your side. “Hey mom… happy Mother’s Day!”
>You feel more vibration as Windy speaks again. “There’s my Dashie! Oh it’s so good to see you both!”
>Defying your expectations again, Windy does not let go of you. Instead, she reaches over to forcefully pull Rainbow into the hug, pressing her daughter’s face against the other side of your neck as she continues to inhale.
>“Gah! Mooom! C-cut it out!” Rainbow squirms, reluctantly hugging back even as she can’t help but breathe against your skin.
why the fuck would it be mothers day?
I wanna worship those rumps.
>“Oops! Hehehe, you know how mothers get. Not gonna apologize for that!” Windy gives one final, extra enthusiastic squeeze before letting go with a smile. “I just had to show my amazing son-in-law how much he’s loved! Now, why don’t you come inside~”
>Windy giggles excitedly again as she turns away, her body hovering right at your eye level. You’re unsure if that is intentional or not, but you are now very sure that her short cropped tail hides very little when she flies at that particular elevation.
>You blush, but you don’t want to come across as rude, so you follow Windy’s sizeable freckled rump into the house. You do your best to ignore the vast blue speckled… canvas that is her backside, but her scent wafts straight into your face. It’s so familiar yet unique.
>You briefly close your eyes as you find your body acting on its own, deeply inhaling as you try your best to do it quietly. That underlying spice is slightly different compared to Dash, but that tangy ozone and rain is exactly what you’re used to. It makes your eyelids flutter open… wait, is she getting bigger?
>Your face collides with Windy’s tail, her strong dock keeping it firmly in place. “Whoopsie! Silly me, I should’ve told you I was stopping to open the door!” She giggles, taking her sweet time as her tail hairs tickle your face gently.
>An exasperated groan peals out from the mare next to you as she bears full witness to the… accidental? contact. You just stay in place, unsure if you should make a move and risk making things worse.
>As the door squeaks open Windy flicks her tail up briefly before landing and trotting inside. No way to know if that was intentional or done to balance weight on the way down, but the brief flash you got looked pretty wet.
>Rainbow rushes into the house right behind her mom, keeping her head down as her tail flicks impatiently. You clear your throat as you follow her, trying to shake off the blush coloring your face.
>“Come in, sit down! Would you like any tea? Oh, I’m so happy you both made it today!” Windy’s adoring voice echoes from the kitchen. Rainbow sits on the couch, looking away from you as you join her. “No thanks mom!”
“No thank you, Wind- er, mom!”
>You squirm a bit on the couch, not used to calling her ‘mom’ as your persistent blush burns hotly on your cheeks.
>“Mmmm, that sounds just so right to hear, thank you!” Windy’s raspy voice cracks as she trots out of the kitchen with a cup of tea balanced on her strong wing.
>She sits down across from you and Dash as she starts to sip. She looks deep into your eyes with every gulp, tilting her head up to show her neck.
>“Ahhh! That’s better. I was feeling so thirsty! Oh look, the pictures!” Windy gestures to the table between you. Several photo albums are laid out, the newest one featuring you and Rainbow on your wedding day. Windy reaches out to that one with her wings, quickly opening it to the first page with a snap.
>“Oh, just look! Bow and I when we first heard you were dating! We were so happy for you both, had to capture that moment! You know he’s just as proud as I am of both of you. You’re Equestria’s best power couple, after Bow and I of course!” She laughs gently. “He’s off today visiting his mother, so we’ve got the house all to ourselves! Oh look how handsome you are in that wonderful suit!”
>You blush under all the compliments as Rainbow rolls her eyes. You know she loves her parents, and you also know very well how extra supportive they are. You figure you’ll do your best to go along with Windy. After all, it is Mother’s Day.
“Ah ha, thank you… mom! I had to look my best for our big day after all!”
>“Mmhmm, you certainly did! Still very handsome, my human.” Windy nods in approval of her own words. “You could have any mare you wanted… even now!”
>Dash groans again, but her heart is just not in it. She knows her mom means well of course, but you have a suspicion there’s something else running through her mind.
“Thank you, mom… Rainbow is very special, she’s the only mare for me!”
>At these words, both mares in the room look at you intently. You keep your smile up even as a vague sense of impending doom lurks in the back of your mind.
>“Of course dear! That’s exactly what every mother wants to hear from her son-in-law!” Windy’s warm smile shifts into a hot, smoldering look as her eyelids lower and she blushes slightly. “Of course, it’s up to my Rainbow Dash to decide what to do with you, isn’t it?”
>You blink in confusion as Windy shuts the picture book closed with a snap and waits expectantly. You look over to Rainbow at your side just in time to see her massive blush mix with a determined look. She leans onto you, whispering “Do this for me, ok? This is my gift, for you… and her.”
>You’re caught off guard as Dash pins you back into the couch with her body, kissing you as her wings work swiftly to unbuckle your pants. You try to lift your arms but they’re held in place by her strong hooves.
>“That’s it, go Rainbow! Show that stud why he married you! Oh, isn’t my daughter the best lover? She’s just so good at everything she does!” Windy keeps up the praise as she clip-clops over to your couch, cheering on her daughter as Dash slides down your body.
>Both mares come face to face with your crotch as your shaft is freed from your underwear, springing up violently. Twin gasps echo through the room as your mind reels, barely able to compute the situation.
>“Wow Dashie, he’s got a lot of love to give huh? Look how excited he is, just like when you flew your first race!”
>Rainbow’s face is over half red at this point, her eyes darting to her left in embarrassment even as she starts to lick at the side of your hardness. “Mom… h-happy Mother’s Day. I hope you like your gift…”
>Windy gasps, fanning herself with one wing as her other reaches out to wrap around your cock. “You already gave me such a great son-in-law, and now I get to show just how much I love him? Oh Dashie, you shouldn't have!” Her hoof reaches around Rainbow, giving a genuine hug at first.
>“We should do our best for your husband! He deserves it after all.” Windy’s hoof pushes on Dash’s back encouragingly, prompting her to bury her face into the base of your member. Rainbow huffs your scent between licks, her tongue circling your balls as she gets more involved.
>Windy’s wing starts to move, pumping up and down your shaft. It’s an incredible sensation, the feather light softness cushioning the tight grip she has around you. The quiet rub of her feathers on your skin mingles with the lapping Dash gives. As you gasp from the combined feeling you realize their motions are perfectly in sync. With each stroke Windy gives, Dash wetly licks over you.
>Your hips are already starting to buck instinctively. “That’s it! Enjoy it, make this day memorable dear!” Windy breathes hotly, bringing her lips to give your tip a wet kiss. Her tongue gets involved, swirling around intently. “Mmm, so virile! I bet I’ll have grandfoals in no time right Dashie?”
>“Mooooom…” Rainbow whimpers, pressing her cheek against your pulsing shaft. Windy’s encouraging words and expectations ignite visions in your mind of Rainbow heavily pregnant.
>“Oooh, I think he likes that idea! He’s so good for you. Only the best for my perfect daughter! Hmm…” Windy trails off, pausing her strokes to really squeeze you while she thinks. “Of course my Dashie gave me the BEST son-in-law. She’s the best mare there is after all!”
>With that proud declaration, Windy speeds up her strokes. Your pre is cascading down you shaft now, adding wet noises to her intense attention. Amid the noise of her feathers and Rainbow’s licking, you hear a squishing noise coming from behind the two mares. No… it’s two separate squishes, but they’re so in sync it’s hard to tell.
>Both mares are winking rapidly. You know Rainbow will squirt without any stimulation when giving you her special mouth hugs… maybe her mom is the same?
>You gasp as Windy kisses your tip again. “When you two get home I want you to get right on making those grandfoals! First though, I’m going to enjoy this very special gift my amazing daughter gave me!”
>Windy proceeds to gently, lovingly wrap her lips around your head with a moan. Her tongue fervently begs you to spill as she alternates swirling it around and lapping at the underside, licking in perfect sync with Rainbow’s tongue.
>Dash’s hoof strokes your abdomen in time with her moans as both mares look up into your eyes with pure love. They both intensely want to bring you over the edge, and they’re about to get their reward.
>Your thoughts get hazy as you get close. Rainbow’s words echo in your mind, and you find yourself locking eyes with her mom as you groan.
“Windy… m-mom! I’m-”
>Your shaft fires its first shot before you’re ready, almost knocking the wind out of you as the intensity slams into your brain. Windy’s eyes widen as it splatters the back of her throat, and she dutifully swallows, sinking her lips lower and lower until they meet your base.
>Dash moans against your balls, her eyelids flickering as she orgasms at the same time as her mom. Both mares vocalize their appreciation of your gift, squirting wetly in an arc behind them. Each time your shaft throbs and spurts, they wink and squirt in immediate response.
>Your mind is at its limit just to keep up with all the physical and mental stimulation. The sights, sounds, scent of these mares as Windy’s throat undulates around you with each swallow are almost too much. Sparks flit across your vision as your pelvic muscles clench over and over, until finally the intense wave passes.
>You’re left a panting mess, the pleasure still almost unbearable. Yet both mares caringly slow down. Windy expertly prolongs your orgasm, her tongue and lips continuing to gently stimulate as she pulls back. Rainbow lovingly licks at you, cleaning up all traces of fluid.
>Windy carefully releases suction, still licking at your tip before she places one last soft kiss on it and gulps the remainder of your gift in her mouth. She proudly shows off her neck again as she does before letting out a deep sigh of satisfaction.
>Rainbow continues to pepper you with licks and smooches. Her eyes have never left your face, and though her contractions have slowed down you can still hear her wink in response to your approving gasps and moans.
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>“You did great!” Windy cheers as she catches her breath. You’re not entirely sure if she’s talking to just you, or you and Rainbow together. “You’ve made me the proudest mom in Equestria! And the happiest too!”
>She gives her daughter another warm hug as both of them rub their faces on your crotch. “Hmm… so warm. Thank you both for the wonderful Mother’s Day gift, I won’t forget this! In fact…”
>You blink as a camera bulb flashes your vision. “Ugh, mooom! You said you wouldn’t take pictures…”
>“Oh I know Dashie, but this is such a good moment I just had to, look how happy we are!”
>Rainbow groans, blushing and rolling her eyes as she slides up to join you on the couch. She looks too satisfied to give any more protest, remaining silent as her mom plants herself against your other side.
>Both mares pointedly do not make any attempt to put your pants back on.
>As you cuddle the two, running your hands over their amazing bodies, Windy reaches for her tea and another photo album.
>“Now, I think it’s time I enjoy the rest of my gift hmm? Spending some quality time with my daughter and her wonderful husband on the best Mother’s Day of my life!”
>Both mares’ hooves roam over your body, each shift of their fluffy bodies tickling your skin in a delightful way as Windy lovingly talks about her memories.
>They continue to operate in tandem with their motions. Rainbow leans up to kiss your neck lovingly, and at the same time, Windy puts her lips to your ear again, her breathing tickling you in a whisper. “Thank you for giving Dashie your love, and sharing that with me today. You’ve been wonderful.”
>You feel your heart melt a bit at her genuine love in those words, before it starts to beat faster as she kisses your ear. “I think I’ll take my gift for another spin in a few minutes, and bake some cookies after. Would you like that, my dear son-in-law?”

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed. Here's the pictures my friend drew that inspired the horsewords today:
Ponepaste for this green as well: https://ponepaste.org/10047
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holy UNF blessed green lad
>Would you like that, my dear son-in-law?
Yes, I can't be myself if I left a mare unpleased. Wonderful job. I'm glad you didn't quit writing greens.
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>I'm glad you didn't quit writing greens
Thank you! I know I could do a lot better. I don't think I'd intentionally quit. Hard to keep up with general busy-ness but I've got lots of cool ideas that I think would be fun to explore. Only way to get better is keep writing.
Thanks, glad you enjoyed! It does make me happy to see people having fun with my greens.

Have more Windy, I want people to appreciate mother mares more than just one day. This thread must live
Definitely a top unf green. That was fucking sweet.
Rainbow is best marefriend. Windy is best mom. So sayeth the story!
Cute mombutt.

I bet this is a common tradition for Equestrian couples. Gotta satisfy the moms. Hopefully Rainbow won't make her husband suck Bow's dick.

>We were so happy for you both, had to capture that moment!
I'm willing to bet that Rainbow's parents spied on them while they were dating just to take perfect photos.
oh, yeah, I meant wife. Rainbow is best wife. i'm tired, lol
It's a good green but I Just can't imagine myself being a husband at all. Especially to Rainbow.
Thank you, sir, for this wonderful green, for showing best MILF some love, and for giving me a boner.
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Very nice
Thanks senpai. Glad to see her get more art.
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Time to sire Bright Mac
nice apple mare
>Hopefully Rainbow won't make her husband suck Bow's dick.
Hopefully she will.
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Best mare mom in terms of actual parenting?
In the same sense that Applejack counts. Both are raising orphans as their own children.
Pear Butter, she raised someone hardworking not a prissy faux slut, an obnoxious screechy and lazy cunt, a social recluse, an introvert or someone who just wants to blow balloons and party 24/7.
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What if I don't like my mom and have mommy issues though.

For those interested as to why, here's the limited breakdown from what I know.
>be unintentional pregnancy
>around the age of 1-3 I was kidnapped by mom and flown to new mexico
>live in new mexico until around 4-5 years of age
>flown back to home country
>don't recall anything else except me getting sick with food poisoning and a bee stinging me as a young child.

fuck you mom, fucking hate your manipulative lying psychotic bitch ass.

On another point, I'd totally be Applejack's hubby, giving her much needed help and honesty.
what happened to the bee?
Thank you for reading! Glad you liked it. She's truly best mom, so enthusiastic, happy and full of energy. I ran out of green or I would've posted pic related too.
I salute your sacrifice brother /)
would help to attach the image
Built for hoof holding
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The most forbidden fruit in Equestria.
>not a single person has posted best mother and daughter
Bubbles isn't a mom though.
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I just made her a mom twice git good
> Literally who
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KEK and checked
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Posted this in the drawthread, didn't think to look for this kind of thread until just now lol but here's a WIP I'm working on
We love hot moms
Looking good so far.
>she doesn't always have bags under he eyes.
I imagined she's kind of a homebody like Twilight and stayed indoors often so her skin is a bit more youthful as a result
Something about their faces feels off to me, but I think they'll look better once colored. Liking it so far! :)
Yeah I love how Windy came out but I might need to exaggerate Velvet's expression a bit more, mainly in the eyes.
And thanks fren
Luchy anon.
Fuck yes, that ass squish is top unf. Well done so far
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Velvet she gave twilight the best possible life.
Nice! I won't say no to marechub, but I feel like Windy would be the most fit out of all the moms.
We were robbed of a mom's night out episode.
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nah, over the hill pegasi are fine
>no beach episode
>no proper fun flashback episode
>no proper parents episode just cameos or one of the M6 acting like a cunt to them for some trivial reason
>endless episodes devoted to some unicorn abominations antics and the antics of a yak, changeling, bird-thing and a dragon
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Lineart is done, gonna practice coloring a bit more before taking a crack at this but really happy with how it came out
Give Windy butt freckles pls
You're all perverts who just want to have sex with characters twice the age of the protagonists.
wrong, I also want to have sex with characters the same age as the protagonists and some under the age of the protagonists
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here's a doodle just for you since I'm in a good drawing flow rn
Hey, do you think you could draw Twilight Velvet when she and Twilight junior were a little bit closer, if you understand me?
>butt freckles
ah my favorite windy pic, clearly I'm gonna have to give her tons of freckles everywhere when I go to color her lmao
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Damn right.
love mom hoers
What about the guys that are closer in age to the mothers than the daughters?
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Not if I decide to consider Twilight to be Spike's mom.
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Goooooooood marening mom mare appreciators! Here's some mom hearts! Which tail is your favorite?
I love it, thanks anon! Glad you liked the suggestion. Fitting that the most active mom would encourage stretching, especially before certain rigorous activities.
Disgusting shit learn how to draw ponies before you try coom
Yawn, pyw
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Don’t even respond to it. Just love moms.
Everything about it is wrong, l2d or stay in /bale/
Hey you can keep trying to bait but you're just keeping the thread bumped up for us
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You’re not helping, fren. If you recognize it as bait, then just leave it. Don’t give it the attention it’s begging for.
>Having standards is le bait
sure is deviantart around here
Standards for something that’s being produced for free? If you’re gonna criticize his stuff, at least try and say more than “everything about it is wrong”. If you honestly think that makes you look smart, then you’re fucking retarded.
Dont even bother arguing with it
This fag spends every hour of every day for the past two years shitting up drawthread anytime he sees something that doesnt live up to his personal standards
Its either godtier perfection or you get a 60 post rant about bale

retards who are crabs in a bucket and won't succeed and instead focus on circlejerking with medicore coom-only drawings.
Pear, I like the tail consistency.
I don't care very much about what one bitter rando thinks lol, I will simply keep drawing hot moms and improoving because it's fun
Alright, which mom is your favorite, and why?
Thank goodness I stopped watching after Season 4
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Mrs. Cake, bruh
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That's nice
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>Mrs. Cake
Wonder why, heh...
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>We love hot moms
This looks like it's the intro frame of a porn video.
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> raising orphans as their own children.
Haha yeah...
>incredibly married
Yeah to me
Nice trips Satan
>butt freckles
Need a milf mare with a chunky belly to caress
Why didn't we see the rest of the foals of the main 6? did the not want to offend the other ships?
Rarity's an old maid.
AJ and Dash are lesbians.
Fluttershy and Discord are different species.
And nobody would fuck an ugly giraffe.
Is Zecora a milf?
shes not a mom
Underrated MILF?
Give me a few years of dating, marriage proposal, a wedding, the honeymoon night and 11 months afterward and shell be a mother.
No but I should try drawing her as one later
Unironically this thread may have awakened me to hot older women
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You mean mares right?
Also yes
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>be me
>want to make something of myself
>stuck in 'da hood'
>shootouts every other tuesday
>gooberments promises help (that was 10 years ago)
i'll probably die here and i've learned to accept that
I really wish they did more hoof patterns like hers in the show
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ah same bud.
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Just get up and leave that shithole behind. What do you have to lose?
>everypony Twilight knew and loved will all die within the next half a century
How will she cope?
she’ll reanimate their corpses.
Stuck in what way? Too poor? Too stupid? No connections?
she counts?
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playing around some momma Zecora designs and I really like her in braids
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always liked dreads and braids.
I have no mom. Fuck you.
I DEMAND MORE PUDGY WINDY and, lmao at how those words sound when put together like that
Need zeeb horsepussi
I think she has bigger problems considering the moment she took over Equestria everypony became racist again
she is the mother of mothers technically
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I always liked her nightmare night look, but the left draw is doing things to me
Does pic related have a name btw, anyone know?
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milf horse
Those dimples...
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Holy smokes. She would be such a chill, kinky momma.
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Imagine her making plans for you...
...Being groomed by mommy Snowdrop?
Didn't she die at young age?
4chan ate the reply or I'm retarded was supposed to be for this >>41096487
>MILFdrop spending all day "accidentally" bumping into your crotch just to get you riled up
Time to give sunburst a brother.
the juxtaposition of cartoony horse face and hyper realistic pussy and asshole is funny
I’d just want to help her around.
Imagine the smell.
I just want to lay under her and vigorously suck on/fondle her teats.
imagine suckling from the same teats the world-famous Rainbow Dash did
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I want to fuck the mom six and make a new cast of my own.
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Saus/artist? Really nice work
>Windy's milk makes you confident & bold. A fresh, warm drink from her in the morning will have you feel like she's cheering you on through your day.
Imagine the possibilities
Would they make a new show following the new cast of pones?
Cute fillies.
>Beauty Mark
Huh. I didn't think anyone still remembered her.
to this day neither starlight's mother not sunset's parents are, what a world
Are what?
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Who else loves this milfmare?
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the queen.
What did he mean by this?
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Why did no one mention that Cherry Berry is a milf?
If you cut this image in half and flip them it shows Fluttershy's true nature lol
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horrifying how did posey manage her
she cute
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I think he means something like this
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Rules for thee, not for me
has someone made an anon edit of this yet?
>nice cock
>to this day neither starlight’s mother nor sunset’s parents are known, what a world

There Anon
The only appropriate response
who's ur fav mom and why
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Windy Whistles. She’s cute and sweet. I desperately need her love and support. Even thinking about it has me wanting to try and find her
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Posey is sweet and wants to do the best for her family plus I love a mare in glasses
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posey I just want her presence near me.
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Cloudy Quartz, her reservedness makes her vulnerable moments that much cuter. Her usual expression is also cute as well.
i want to cum deep inside pear butter and cadance
How deep?
>pear butter
>inb4 to the bone
I wish I had Rainbow's parents in general growing up, I'd rather have had parents that were too supportive and affectionate than not at all.
But I guess that applies to almost all of us these days huh
>milfucker thread
>no Harswhinny, Chrysalis, Spitfires mom

You all suck
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Or Mrs. Cake.
Today is mother's day in Poland, polackfags get ITT!
Also don't forget to get something for your real mom for putting up with your poni addiction
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Stormy Flare has been severely underrated since she appeared.
whinny isn’t a milf though, still a nice older mare
Goddamn, that put tears in my eyes. I’ve always had a soft spot for her.
Because she was in a shitty episode, and the fandom was dying g at that point. Agreed she's a great milf though.

Some of us define milf a 'mature (female) I'd like to fuck', rather than strictly a mom
>mare standing next to filly
>she must be her mother
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>those numbers
They aren't just standing next to each other though. They are walking together with saddlebags and smiling at each other. And they are attending the Traders Exchange at Rainbow Falls. This isn't the same thing as a random background mare standing next to a random filly in Ponyville. These two clearly travelled together from Ponyville to Rainbow Falls for the trade event. That's something a mother and daughter would do, not a random mare and random filly.
Chrysalis isn't really a milf. Yeah she's literally a mother and I would like to fuck her, but she just doesn't have that milf energy.
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hey that reasoning got us pretty far
Or a big sister and little sister
Considering how prevalent big sisters and little sisters are in this show, that seems more likely.
Not every mare needs to have wrinkles to be a mother.
Nice bits.
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Without pregnancy, there can be no MILF. This is definitional.
I'd give her a few more foals
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Why do most of them have low lust?
Because the chart is wrong. Pear Butter had three foals, and Cloudy Quartz pumped out four. That's not zero lust; that's them doing what comes naturally.
I also think it should be hire
what are you hurtin for a job?
Not that I'm complaining, as Shy's mom is my favorite m6 mom, but where did all the interest in her come from all the sudden? Few seemed into her back in the day, and now she seems to have jumped way up in the milf hierarchy.
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dunno but from what I’ve see it’s because she’s the Mom6 that gets the least attention.
Post more pregnant mares.
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Which is odd
I'd think that Rarity's mom would get the least amount of attention
Yes as a pool boy
Yeah, I bet Harshwhinny would like a bunch of 0s.
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Nobody has even mentioned her ITT let alone posted her.
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Would you?
Be the change you want to see in the thread anon
Write something! Sketch something! Discuss moms
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She's one I'm only occasionally into, but when I'm into the mood, she's hot as hell.

I wish the show had had some nobility miles. Unf. Haughty older canterlot unicorns, needy as fuck but still making sure you know it's them that is doing you the favor.
ehhh maybe crystal clear?
shame shining never made mlp porn when he was still around
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Upper Crust doesn't have eye lines, but she's always looked pretty milfy to me.
SIF has one pornographic image he drew. Now he just draws furfag porn shit.
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mistmanes mom
ooo very rare
I like her dock tail wrap
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Cream Heart is best mom
Sure, why not. Let's go with this. Let's get weird at the Gala or something.
rare indeed she has literally no fanart.
File deleted.
I wrote a green for her a while ago I could linky it if anyone's interested
Actually I'll just do it now incase this censor isn't good enough for the jan
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I remember that one thanks for the milk delivery anon.
Will read later, I do not wish to get a stiffy at the doctors office.
>tfw no milfnurse mare or milfdoctor mare to both give you a dangerous erection and treat it
>pic deleted
pfft land of the free huh?
HOly fuck she mogs g4 milfs
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>tfw no milfnurse/milfdoctor mare to keep giving you regular followup appointments to monitor your "chronic spontaneous severe erections"
>tfw no milfnurse/milfdoctor mare to order you "home health visits" in addition to the appointments
original image here https://ponerpics.org/images/1738988
finally someone understands proper teat placement
Her ass looks so grabbable too
Shame jannys deleted something so nice, even when censored
>finally someone understands proper teat placement
sorry anon, nobody does yet. it was ai.
God this is so cursed it legit made me cringe

Still hot tho
She feels more like a GILF to me. Specially with that grizzled hair.
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I kek'd sensibly.
If g5 is fair game then come forth, racist karen mommy.
AI better at anatomy than most artists confirmed??
Definitely confirmed. It's something I've come to really appreciate. AI is seeing a return to somewhat believable proportions and anatomy.
Someone link me the original. I missed it and now I'm mad curious.
I hate her snout.
Remove 4chan.org from the url bar and write desuarchive.org in its place, leaving the rest of the threads url intact.
I miss the mom threads
Uncensored here
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>This was what your mom used to wear? Hmm, what if I try standing like...
It's June 1st dumbfuck.
>most motherly pony in all of Equine Land
>nobody thinks of you at all
thats hot, cute, and sorta weird
My mom was larger technically the clothes should be bigger on you.
There's something odd about Windy. I can't quite put my finger on it, though...
Why did your mom wear a collar?

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