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It's /sun/day! Let us bask in Princess Celestia's gentle radiance.

/Sun/day Story Archive:
/Sun/ Music Playlist

Have a Celestia story that you want added to the archive?
>Link to story on Pastebin or Ponepaste
>Say whether the story is finished or unfinished, or if it is a one shot (this is important for sorting)
>Provide a synopses of the plot (please do this, I don't like writing these)
>Any other important information that you want to add, such as the thread of origin.
Broken Pastebin URL? Replace pastebin.com/ with poneb.in/

Humanized variants of Princess Celestia and others are unwelcome here.

Previous thread:
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congratulations. you found the one way i could grow to dislike the sunhorse
this is one of the weakest things Ive ever read
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Pretty sunnybutt
Celestia abolished taxes several hundred years ago, much to Luna's dismay when she came back and found out.
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is celestia happy or sad on mother's day?
She is either sad about the passing of her children, or sad that she has yet to be a mother, no other way to see it i believe unless she is already numb to the feeling
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oh my princess
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>see pic related
>like pic related
>decide to check out some pic related versions of Celestia
>none of them are even remotely as good as pic related

How the fuck did this happen? Celestia and dragoness should be a natural mix. I went in expecting to find Dragonlestias with beauty, grace, and nobility, and instead I find horrors beyond my comprehension.

0/10 no big mom energy
i dont care who the IRS sends; i am NOT paying taxes
As the princess of the sun, Celestia births stars. Every last twinkle in the Equestrian sky came from Celly's loins.
That sounds painful.
>Celestia births stars
Anon, those are kidney stones.
they are where she has opened portals to relieve her gas through, when the mass becomes large enough to begin fusing she moves the portal to another spot
supernovas happen when she has too much buttercream icing
don't get overheard sharing these facts or you'll be taken and banished to h
She has no shoes on! CELESTIA'S BARE HOOVES!
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Natural beauty.
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Now this is hoers.
She's so pretty.
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What happens when Celestia's birthday doesn't land on a Sunday?
Happy because the three mares she birthed (I made her pregnant) made adorable little mothers day presents in school for today and we are all going to celebrate as a loving family.
She makes it sunday, and no one can stop her
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This is amazing
Imagine breath play with this
You mean sharing breath, right?
Absolutely would, without question. Simply beautiful.
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One of the top hoof images.
would hold for hours on end
>Celestia using old as an argument
>As a 1000+ years old alicorn
Not the best choice to be honest.
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>Sun on 10
Not today.
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Her cake fueled farts.
How much time does Celestia spend working?
Being a pretty princess is a full time job
But also damn rewarding.
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Damn, I read that in the voice of Alumx.
What would it be like to cuddle two Celestias at once?
All legs and wings
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Impossible. Unless...
Would Celly be more open to anal sex? Or Luna,
I bet Celly has a glorious ponut.
>Implying the sisters wouldn't continuously try to one up each other to prove they're more into anal
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No, she's as untouched as virgin snow because in thousands of years she's only ever been treated as a mother figure, and you wouldn't let your mother be exposed to vulgar material, would you?
How good is Celestia at chess?
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I like to think she's so bad that the ICBM opening works on her every game, but then she turns around and masterfully manipulates politics and government the rest of the time, she just never draws a connection between the two skills.
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Sunfags, is this not true?
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How am I supposed to read this? What the fuck does a sadism level mean? Is 1 high or low? How do you guarantee confidence? Where were the samples collected from? These are just meaningless fucking numbers Anon.
It says that sunfags are by far the least sadistic.
No, kys degenerate americuck/germoid
>sadism level
self-reported sadism of the interviewee
amount of people at each sadism level
favorite pony
>red bracket box thing
I guess?
why is trixie that high?
I don't know

and some another anon said it was sd.
They are confidence intervals.
ah i see, thanks for the clarification
only sadists tolerate her voice
i bust fat loads to celesita on the daily
>Celestia is managing record levels of diplomacy on the daily because there are a number of her about at any given moment
>Each clone has but a fraction of her physical and mental capabilities from when she is a single whole, but each inferior copy still surpasses the average pony in strength and wisdom without so much as a sweat
>The amount of cake required to efficiently run Equestria has notably spiked in recent times, however
Really? I thought Trixie sounded pretty hot.
she does sound pretty hot, anon is just a faggot
they will run out of cake one of these days
what are the consequences of a cake shortage?
The princess starts shrinking.
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I am only sadistic towards those who deserve it
And that would be?
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As much as I like the idea of picking ponies up, I also like the idea of having a big ol' 1200 pound powerhouse horsewife.
imagine the warmth of a 1200 pound sunhorse’s pussy
Does Celestia own a tea business?
This. The princess is meant to be tall.
Strangely hot
she can do both thankfully, let you ride her and use a spell so you are able to lift her
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She owns a country???
Is it true that Princess Celestia keeps an aurora borealis localized entirely within her kitchen?
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No! It's the kitchen that keeps an aurora borealis localized entirely within it's Celestia!
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why is she looking at me like that bros?
Enticement. In such a position objects will slide down her throat with much greater ease.
What flavor is Celestia's magic?
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Anin, the sun horse is so majestic I just can't handle it.
I want to be the Royal Cock and be pampered all day long by Celestia's servants until she needs a Royal Fucking.
It taste like metal (you are being irradiated).
the same as her horse pussy (because that's the last thing her magic was touching)
Doesn't she ever wash her magic when she's done? Or does she get off on that sort of thing?
Sounds like a bonus.
Still would.
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Praise her glorious divinity, tiny mortals.
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God fucking damnit.
why is she so angry?
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Because those tiny ponies are so fucking cute
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Give me a fucking break. This is just astrology with extra steps.
what would she do if suddenly smooched on the snoot?
Look surprised if nothing else. Especially if it's done in public.
What does Celestia like to think about before bed?
This is meant to look sexy, but it ends up looking adorable instead.
Act surprised, smile and then return it ten fold
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pondering the name of the foal you just put in her oven
Gotta think at least of two. One for the colt and one for a filly.
My Goddess is a thoughtful Goddess
Or she's just a kinky bitch who wants to feel like being a helpless filly in a human's arms
ftfy im aiming for twins
How big are her celesticles?
What is Celestia doing right now?
sleeping, she needs 10 hours of sleep to function
making breakfast for (you)
Busy not being real
I would love to make breakfast for her but she would probably get up earlier and make it for both
Trying to see how long she can keep her sleeping sister right on the verge of orgasm without waking Moonbutt up, bringing her off, or both. It's been one of her favorite past-times since before Luna was ever banished.
Luna knows
That's oddly specific.
I dunno I think I could bust a nut to it
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A boop to save the mood.
Destroying the toilet.
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What is your relationship with Celestia like?
Just like me!
Ideally? Or realistically?
What is Celestia's favorite position? What is Golden Feather's favorite position?
Because she caught a severe case of Alumx.
It's Sunday! What do you think she's planning for today?
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I wouldn't be able to survive that
celestia is very vanilla, so probably doggystyle for her and goldie. the fun part is you get to show her the pleasures of missionary which probably would only be compatible with a human
>missionary which probably would only be compatible with a human
What makes you say that?
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No. Horsiestyle.
>Verification not required.
take that back
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Who could be behind such a post?
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Celestia and Luna visited me in my dream once. But only once, and I never saw them again.
Did they reveal any deep, cosmic truths, or did they just point and call you a faggot before peace-ing out?
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There was some story in that dream but I don't remember it anymore(it was over 10 years ago). It was a simple task/errand for Celestia which was completed successfully. They were nice and thanked me, but I do remember being inadequate or somewhat undeserving of even looking at them and I left. The dream made it work perfectly. I regret not remembering it better. I wish they would visit me again anon.
Those are not mutually exclusive.
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A man with taste.
Her pancakes must be so fucking buttery
Butter churned from Celestia's milk?
>Uses her own milk in the pancake dough
>Uses her own milk for the butter
>Uses her own milk for drinking
There's literally no getting away from it is there?
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>objectively the best waifu, the picture of innocence, beauty and femininity
>all 6 elements incarnate
>would provide you with a massive castle to live in, all of the food and servitude you could ever want
>also the tightest gripping and hottest horse pussy in the land
how is she so OP, sunbros?
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You literally just wrote why she's so OP, anon.
But you forgot.
>Makes you pancakes every morning
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Sun and her purple cat
Once she puts her shoes on I'm gonna make out with the inside of one of her slippers
She doesn't like that, anon.
>would provide you with a massive castle to live in, all of the food and servitude you could ever want
Honestly the least important point of them all. I like her for the mare she is, not for the material wealth or power she has at her disposal.
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For me, it's because beneath the preternatural grace and royal poise, she's a complete troll and shitposter extraordinaire, and so is her pet.
I would love to brush her mane. Probably, you would need some sort of level 5, or higher, enchanted brush.
it’s just a side benefit, you couldn’t possibly hope to bring anything to the table that is better than that so might as well see it for what it is
Don't forget the best winghugs
>tfw you wake up and she's nursing you
>tfw you look over and Luna's on the other teat
>she looks the same way you feel right now
What would it be like to be in Celestia-hair land?
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Warmth and the scent of morning dew on a spring field
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>After you've introduced Celestia to the disco hairstyle
Sunny bumps.
She doesn't like mares doing it, she loves when I do it
>”not again!”
>”get out of my hair anonymous! right now!”
You get a helium voice.
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Anon's POV
What was Celestia like when she was younger?

Personally I imagine her having been somewhere between Pinkie and Dash. Not quite as hyper as the former, not quite as brash as the latter.
A combination of Twilight, Pinkie and Rainbow. The nerdiness of Twilight, the prankster attitude of Rainbow, and the giggly nature of Pinkie.
>Impying that's a bad thing
I didn't imply that at all
I imagine she wasn't actually that different, just more energetic and less motherly.
I actually want to see that now.
Praise the sun!
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I want it to be sunday already
or saturday, saturday is cool too
Almost there
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>the piggy nature of Pinkie.
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love that mare
Cute Celly pic.
>lipstick on pones
I can't help it, but this always looks a bit weird to me.
I am now remembering that autist several years back who measured the size of the planet ponies live on based on the map of Equestria and how many days it appeared to take to travel between locations in certain episodes, and concluded it was approximately 4x the size of Earth.
Celestia may not be the princess of gravity, but is there anything she could do to prevent your body from collapsing in on itself or you not being able to move?
The size of the planet doesn't determine its gravity, its mass does. From how quickly objects fall, we can say it has roughly earth's gravity, so the planet must be pretty hollow.
That sounds like sinkhole hell.
I’ve always thought it looked incredibly cute
That lipstick is cute!
That sounds awesome.
The pony tongue thread just died ;_;
Hollow equestria, where Aryanne lives.
>tongue thread
Thread filled with ponies sticking out their cute pony tongues, like that Celestia gif earlier.
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I bring a gift from the tongue thread (which wasn't much of a thread, really: >>41115883)
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god i wish that were me
Does Celestia prefer these flashy days of fancy public appearances or the average day to day around the castle?
She seems to enjoy purposefully causing trouble at the gala
What was the green this pic inspired?
Yeah but at the Gala she's just standing around doing nothing for several hours.
I like to think she used to do crazy shit every year, but as the centuries passed, she started getting a kick out of inviting zany characters to the gala so they would cause mayhem instead.
>survived the week thinking about celestia
>got barely any work today and got invited to playtest a new game
just great, i love her
what game?
a volvo one
new headcanon acquired, method called "clownmax" added to the list of methods that will lay path to forbidden spell section of the Canterlot archives
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Make us proud, anon.
>"Now you're thinking with ponies."
it's been 17 years already, fuck.
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that must be uncomfortable but kind of hot
I love Celestia.
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I want to spank her fat fucking ass and sprint away before the guards even realize what's happening
She'll chase you and bite down on her shoulder, lifting you up like a ragdoll before tossing you 15 feet away and kicking you.
Nah, I'd win. And I'd grope her massive mare milkers too.
And swallows!
worth it and i would do it again
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Went looking for the pic in the archives, found this: https://ponepaste.org/3584
that was good

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