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Last thread: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/39834537/#39949369
Quest Notes coming soon.
hey what the fuck put Mom back
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>You look over a sea of sand standing on an old wooden ship. Oddly, the word "tug" comes to mind.
>Unsure how you got there you run a hoof over your mane.
>Slowly, you recall your memories.
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>You hear a voice you recognize
>Shale: "Anon? ANON! Where in the name of the sands are you!"
>You can hear the worry in her voice.
Shale? Is that you? We haven't seen you in so long.
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>Shale: "Anon!?"
>You hear hoof steps run along the wooden planks and then up some stairs.
>Shale stares at you for a moment looking relieved only to be quickly subsided by anger.
>Shale: "Where did you go? I've been looking for you for half of the night!"
>The angry mare stomps closer to you.
>Shale: "Everyone is on the yacht ready to go, this was my last ditched effort to find you! I prayed to Oasis that I didn't have to explain to our Alicorn friend that I lost you!..."
>Shale swallows down her true emotions as her voice started to crack.
>Shale: "This isn't the place to go wandering...Leave that us nomads..."
We were hugging cute skelepones
Sorry. I don't know if anything is wrong with this place, but, indeed, we choose bad time to let ourselves get lost in thought. How's our new tribe member doing?
We haven't inducted him yet, we still need to boop him
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>Shale: "...I think you've spent enough time in the sands..."
>Shale glances over the side of the tug.
>Shale: "She's in the yacht with Dream...By the looks of it, both have grown tired of waiting."
>Shale shouts over the side of the tug.
>Shale: "I've found him! We will be right down."
>You hear two voices call back up to hurry.
>Shale: "We should go. We still need to get you back home..."
Let's hit the road. Sands. Whatever.
Only us? Come on, you like Sam's village too. Or it's your way to get back at us for making you worried?
Alright, I am officially confused.
Shale, what just happened?
feels like i haven't seen you in a year, shale. but that would be silly, haha
shale I’m going delirious it feels like months have passed.
Home. Yes.
I am filled with a great urge to boop Rush.
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>Shale: "Of course I was worried."
>Shale: "I was talking to Dream, one moment you were there, next you were gone...I honestly believed the sand spirits had taken you...It's common for ponies to vanish out here..."
>Shale turns around mentioning you to follow.
>Shale: "Let's get you back home."
>Shale: "Rush. Yeah...Just don't mention to her that I lost you...I don't think I can handle going hoof to hoof with an alicorn."
It's fine, I wouldn't let her hurt you. A perfectly safe wrestling match, maybe.
Lead the way, Shale
Follow that tush.
Maybe it were sand spirits. Maybe we're back only because you asked your Oasis. You gotta teach us how ponies thank him, just in case.
You didn't lose us. We lost ourselves. Its a very important semantic difference.
You waited for us all this time and never stopped looking. I'll pat you for that.
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>You follow Shale.
>Shale: "I'd rather not get on her bad side...Even if she appears harmless...I can't help but still be wary of her when I think about it."
>Shale: "Maybe I consider you as a friend Anon."
>Shale: "What frightens me is how...What is the word I'm looking for...I can't think of one, but something tells me you are used to it."
>Shale: "Maybe she did hear my prayer. But here you are acting like it's nothing."
>Shale looks over the side again, resting a hoof on the rail she sighs.
>Pausing for a moment or two, she slowly shakes her head.
>Shale: "Anon, before we return to the yacht, I want a simple answer. Are you from the time before the sands? It's been on my mind since we spoke to old Splint back in Caspio...You seem to know much about the past but not the present."
Yes and No at the same time
We are from a time where the sands never came.
I don't know for sure if we've ever been in the past or future of this place. And neither I can say when we're going to disappear forever, I only know it will happen sooner or later. Sorry in advance for that. The simple answer is, we're adrift.
Why exactly does it matter? If you want to talk to somebody from before the sands, our best bet must be iron ponies.
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>Shale: "...A time when the sands never came...I get it now...To save Rush from this "god" Sam, you tricked him by casting you, Rush and himself into this world...To save her you gave up living in a world where the lowing of the sun never happened..."
>Shale looked up at you.
>Shale: "I should be saying you have Sand-madness..."
>Shale looked shocked by your response unsure what to say.
>Her mouth slowly closes as she looks away.
>Shale: "It matters because...I don't know...In a way, you are like a nomad like me. I can spot a well-traveled pony when I see one...It's all in the eyes..."

>You hear a voice shout from below.
>It sounds like Dream, the stallion you and Shale found on the lower deck of the tug.
>Dream: "Hey will you two stop yapping can come down already! I want to get as far away from this thing as possible!"

>Shale: "We should go..."
No need for Sand-rudeness, Dream.
Well, we didn't intend for it to be a wasteland apocalypse kind of world, that was an unfortunate roll of the dice, but yes, we did shackle him, Rush, and ourselves to the rules of this world. It's very meta.

Don't get your panties in a bunch Dream, we're on our way.
Lead the way, then.
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>You and Shale descend the rope ladder from the side of the tug.
>You climb into the yacht along with Dream and May.
>The wind catches the sail and the yacht starts to move.

>Dream: "Finally. We're moving...Though it's a little cramped in here..."
>Shale: "You can fly you know."
>Dream: "Would if I could sweet kann. Damn, Roam plucked my feathers and they just grew back too..."
>May: "And you're just fine travelling with us?"
>Dream laughs.
>Dream: "Like I have a choice. Besides any chance of seeing my Beryl again, I'm taking it."
>Shale: "You're brother Rhode is there too..."
>Dream: "Oh yeah him too..."
>Dream quickly changes the subject.
>Dream: "Soo...Anon is it? May here told me you wandered straight into Caspio and then powered her nose with sand. Brave move my friend..."
>Shale: "It was a misunderstanding..."
>Dream: "And no stallion defended her honour? Ouch...I would for such a cutie..."
>May: "...They didn't...But it was maybe for the best..."
>May trailed off not sure what to say.
>Shale: "Do I have to remind you about your pregnant mare?"
>Dream places his forelegs on the side of the yacht.
>Dream: "Hey, I'm not looking for a herd. Just calling it as I see it."
>Dream: "And no stallion defended her honour? Ouch...I would for such a cutie..."
Please tell me we didn't go all this way just to deal with a fuckboy, Beryl doesn't deserve that.
We should boop him too
Hardly saved from certain death in the sands and already acting like nothing ever happened, huh? You really fit Beryl's description of a guy who always somehow scrapes by. Anyways, why were you alone here? How did you escape whatever the Roam did?
I mean, we offered to beat ourselves up to defend her honor, but, apparently, it doesn't work this way. Talking about brave moves, what made you go against the Roam? Should we expect them to come after you?
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>Shale: "No more booping ponies Anon."
>Dream: "Probably not if I keep myself hidden..."
>Dream says nothing more just looks out across the sands.
> Dream's ear twitches as he listens.
>Dream: "That mare knows me through and through...And I'm the luckiest stallion alive."
>His voice loses all emotion as he answers your question.
>Dream: "They walked."
>May: "We had the feeling they did..."
>Dream: "The hardest part is they unchanged me and unlocked my cage...Some slaves dragged others into the light along with the Roam tribe...Even some of them resisted...Then there were the screams of those who didn't want to go..."
> Shale's face falls to sorrow as she relates to Dream's story.
>May: "Didn't they drag you too?"
>Dream: "Not my proudest moment. I pretended to walk too and help unlock the other cages...And made sure I was last to leave the slave deck."
>May gasps.
>May: "That's horrible!"
>Shale: "You help them drag others into the peak light! What's wrong with you!"
>Dream: "You have no idea what it is like!"
>Shale: "Oasis knows full well I do! I lost my entire tribe!"
>Dream: "Then what did you do?"
>Shale: "I got kicked in the head...I don't remember...But I know I didn't sacrifice any of them."
>Unlike Shale, Dream keeps his voice low.
>Dream: "I didn't know these ponies nor cared for them. Judge me all you want. I bet Oasis is shaking her head at my actions too."
Thank you for honesty, I think I'd lie about it if I were you. Did you notice anything unusual before everypony got crazy? In others, or maybe in yourself? Strange dreams, perhaps?
Well, what's done is done. Now you just gotta live with your guilt while trying to fine a way to redeem yourself before your guilt consumes you.
That's fucked but I get it. It's not like you were throwing them into the light, just blended in until you could get away. Honestly you were lucky playing dumb worked. The bigger question is why that all happened in the first place though.
>Wake up
>see Westworld CYOA
One explanation is infrasound, like in Bermuda triangle. Shale, Dream, has it ever happened to you that everypony around you suffered from nausea, dizziness and irrational dread for no apparent reason but you felt fine? Or, do you perchance always know in what direction the nearest edge of the desert is, but you don't know how you know it? Or maybe it's not the edges, but some other landmarks or underground structures? Have you ever been able to find your way in the desert using nothing but some vague feeling, a feeling that may or may not be described as humming or tugging in your bones or your whole body? Or it may be the other way around: perhaps everypony else can navigate in the desert using this feeling but you two are deaf to it?
It's a pity Dream is spoken for. Infrasound or not, these two should produce offsrping for eugenic reasons.
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>Dream: "I don't lie. Like I said, I tell things how I see them...I don't know. Before it started I felt...Off...I just wanted to walk in one direction..."
>Shale looks over the sands as she thinks.
>Dream: "The sands know my brother and I done much worse to survive."
>Dream: "I would like to know too."
>Dream: "Infra-what now?"
>Shale: "A low hum..."
>Dream: "A hum?"
>Dream looks up at Shale who instinctively adjusts the sails and she thinks out loud.
>Shale: "When my tribe walked, I heard a hum...Like the sound of unicorn magic..."
>May: "Unicorn magic?"
>Shale: "Charge some magic in your horn..."
>May's horn starts to glow. You hear the familiar sound a chimes and pulsing of the magical aura.
>Dream: "I think I heard that too, but much lower..."
>Shale nods.
>Shale: "But it was really quiet. I only heard it due to being just before peak light so everypony was starting to settle down...Never thought much of it until now."
So, it might be like the Pied Piper and somebody/thing is using magic to mind control others and lure them to their deaths.
Or it could be unintentional, a side effect of something else
Like the one responsible has no idea what they're doing?
There's a good chance of that regardless
How much time passed between the onset of humming and the mass suicide? Perhaps we should warn other tribes about this warning sign.
>I just wanted to walk in one direction
But did you want to drag other ponies with you? I can imagine many things that could drive ponies to move in one direction. Fears, desires, natural phenomena that confuses biological navigation systems because ponies weren't meant to live on the ocean floor, or the spell that moves the sun through the sky may sometimes misfire and move ponies instead. What I don't understand is why it additionally incites ponies to move other ponies. This part seems too specific to be natural. Perhaps it's an ancient magical battle drum trying to direct an army that doesn't exist anymore? It wasn't meant to control minds, but when it gets no response, it tries to go louder.
>Perhaps we should warn other tribes about this warning sign.
Lots of things hum unfortunately and I'd guess when you can hear it it'll be too late anyways. Or maybe you can only hear it when you're not affected
The errant dream of a dead god, perhaps?
That might prove to be critical information.
But, it is of no use right now. We should mark the location of this wreck on out map and either sell the info or come back later to salvage the wood and whatever else there might be left.
Would anyone even buy a "dude trust me bro" tier info like this?
Waiting for my favorite mare.
Personally, I think the Iron Ponies are responsible.
Or maybe even an AM of some sort.
Stupid question, bear with me: how do you know where is East?
presumably the usual methods still works: from the direction of sunrise and sunset, observing the stars, using a compass...
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I love her like you wouldn't believe.
when were you when op die
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In every thread he's ever made
haven't abandoned the thread. Work has been a killer as extra shifts have been dumped on me.
I will be back tonight.
I must create some arts for rush.
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Still too much work?
I know that feel. I hope this edgy red and black alicorn OC in a desert makes you feel better.
I'm back now. Ended up doing a 15hr shift then another 10. I'll start soon. Just finishing up coding on a project I'm doing.

A Rush is always a good Rush.
Did you have a 25 hour work day?
I meant, 15hr then 10hrs the day after.
Please be patient I'm chronologically retarded.
I was more worried that you had an evil boss than made a mistake.
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>Dream: "Is he talking to us or..."
>Shale: "Just leave him be. It's common for him..."
>The stallion listens to you ramble on.
>Dream: "Really cooking up a sandstorm in that mind of yours huh?"
>Dream gives a short laugh.
>Dream: "Whatever it is, it appears to be random. Sometimes it wipes out an entire tribe or sometimes it could be one. One thing I know is that those who walk are pleased to go as if they met Oasis herself."
>Shale: "But Oasis would never call ponies to their deaths..."
>May: "But foals are known to drown in wells...And ponies who climb into them are punished...Even making entire tribes sick."
>Shale: "Not helping May..."
>Dream: "Easy. We are heading North East now..."
>Dream purses his lips briefly, then looks a little worried.
>Dream: "Why are we heading East?"
>Shale sighs.
>Shale: "It's where the village is."
>Dream: "There is nothing out there! But sand...Lots and lots of sand."
>Shale: "I originally thought so too..."
>Dream starts to look a little nervous along with May.
Apparently the mapmakers and whatnot did not look hard enough. Well, better for us since it means we can't be targeted. For now.
Now me saying the direction is correct probably won't do much, but remember Shale is a seasoned nomad and spirit of Oasis, she wouldn't lead you astray.
Isolation is one of the worlds greatest barriers. If people don't think you're there, they won't come. Our village can thrive in relative peace so long as we maintain a monopoly of information on its location.
If it makes you feel better the spot does exist on the maps, it's just not marked as a settlement
Our home is a small remote abandoned village with a well.

Sounds like collective hypnosis to me. They all believe that there's something worth walking out into the sands for, even worth dragging others against their wills, while forgetting why they shouldn't.
You just watched an entire ship's worth of ponies walk into their deaths and now getting taken to a village you didn't know exists makes you nervous?
Whatever I guess. Fear of the unknown is reasonable in a way.
this could just be a new manifestation of the walk. We sound convincing but we're just heading out into the desert as far as he knows.
>I'll be chard come peak light
On the bright side, you'd good in a soup.
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>Dream: "Like if I have an option anyway. Walking this far out and I'll be chard come peak light."
>Dream: "Spirit of Oasis huh...So some survived..."
>Shale frowns.
>Shale: "Just me."
>Dream: "As in the only survivor?"
>Shale: "I'm what is left..."
>Dream Lowers rests his head on the side of the yacht and stares out into the sands.
>Shale's expression softens as the stallion falls silent.
>Dream: "You too?"
>Dream shakes his head.
>Dream: "Still have my brother. They didn't walk either."
>May: "Then what happened."
>Dream shrugs his wings.
>Dream: "Ask my brother if you meet him."
>Shale: "Why don't everypony get some sleep? There is still a good wind, so we should return to the village by sunrise."
>The look on Shale's face tells she has grown tired of the sad conversation.
Good idea. Let's count our sheep until we sleep. Eh, you know what I mean.
Do you want us to drive? If you want to rest, that is. We're pretty nifty with the sail.
Anyways. Shale told us a lot of good about Spirits of Oasis, but that's a view from the inside. Dream, May, do you know any dark and scary stories about them? A whole tribe just being nice and sharing water for no apparent reason, I'm sure some ponies had suspicions and collected rumors. Throw your worst at me. Did Spirits steal souls? Were they communing with demons? Were they actually robots wearing pony skin? I've been listening closely but Shale doesn't clink when she moves. If she's a robot she hides it really well.
>Anon can't read the room even when it's spelled out for him
Take us away, Luna
I want to shove our hoof in our mouth before we say shit that will make everybody even more depressed and tired.
Seconding this Anon
>boop molars
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where myre
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Fine. I'll do it myself. https://files.catbox.moe/8o8x3x.png
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We have now 2 types of rush boobs
Waiting... for more.
>one week later
Surely OP will update today.
Probably not but no way i miss rush
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I'm not OP, but i can provide some Rush
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Battle of belli. (I don't have booba version of this pic
Yeah, i'm remaking this pic.
would lick hoofa
Pitter patter
We must wait, or we should draw some mares.
But that would require work
If this thread drops before we see Rush again, I'm gonna cry.
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We will see her.
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btw, imagine preening rush.
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>10 days later
Last bump from me. See you in the next one.
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>Shale: "I'll be fine Anon..."
>You cut yourself off midsentence by shoving a hoof into your mouth.
>Muffling the part of your mind wanting to speak out, you slowly fall asleep. Hoof in mouth of course.
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>Sam: "..."
Sup Sam! How's life?
Dot dot dot...
Oh sorry, are we not speaking in dots to each other?
Hi, what do you want to say?
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>Sam: "..."
>Sam: "Awful."
>Sam: "I'm not sure..."
>Sam awkwardly hovers in front of you.
>Sam: "It's how the system shows hesitation in the chat logs."
>The floating orange sighs.
>Sam: "I've been watching this new tribe who decided to set up camp at Spire Rocks. I watched this character enter the spire during a sandstorm only to get trapped by falling debris. It occurred to me, that I'm like her. Trapped...Well at least the instance of her would be terminated due to thirst and exposure. I'm starting to think I'm stuck here forever. The admin should have noticed my predicament by now, or at least the server would...time...out...the rm..."
>The orange shudders.
Did you at least try to help her?
Do you feel empathy for her, Sam? Seeing her in a position just like yourself? Would you save her?
I find it incredibly fascinating that, when you found someone in a similar situation to you, rather than help her as you yourself desire help, you felt it prudent to let her waste away. I'm sure Freud would have a field day with this. I diagnose you with repressed homosexuality.
Have you considered that, perhaps, the admin is well aware of what is going on and is enjoying watching things unfold with no intention of stepping in?
Spire is not too far from our position, right? Admit it: you secretly want us to save her in time. Is she from the Roam or from the original tribe that resided there before the Roam attacked them?
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>Sam: "Why would I?"
>Sam: "Okay okay, let's make it clear. They are characters. I just wanted to let you know that there's no need for any psychoanalysis. It's the same equivalent as saving a book from a house fire because they liked a character in it. Besides she's not dead yet, she passed out from exhaustion."
>Sam: "Who can simply sit there and allow another person to remain stuck in a server? The admin is doing his best to get me out. There could be connection issues..."
>Sam: "...No. I'm capable of doing it myself. No idea where they are from. Thanks to the world AI running amok, more characters and locations have been generated...Way outside the parameters that were set upon world creation."
Sam, I'll be blunt: the admin sees you as a character. Nothing more. You are in the stage of denial at the moment.
If you're capable of saving her, then why not do it? Maybe you'll develop a sense of empathy.
Physically, maybe you are capable of saving her. Psychologically, I doubt you are. No balls.
I'm a little confused about your role now. What is the difference between the world AI and the storyteller? It creates entities with excess and you prune the unneeded ones? Are you able to create on your own?
So do it then. Save her life and make a friend. God knows you need it. I can acknowledge we are somewhat hostile, but that's mostly on you. Maybe having a fresh start with someone else will make you less of a shit-eater.
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>Sam: "Excuse me. The admin complimented me multiple times on my great storytelling skills. Not to mention my creativity. Hence creating a red and black alicorn character for a joke was so funny among us storytellers..."
>Sam huffs, his floating ethereal orange body dips as he does so.
>Sam: "I do have empathy...For people...If a player were stuck in a server, I would do what I can to save them. But it seems you can leave whenever..."
>Sam: "I'll put it simply for you. A potter doesn't create the clay for his pots. It's the same concept, the World AI creates the world, NPC's and some background history, prompted by my keywords. From there, I create the story...And creating NPC's...No. I used to be able to...And I can save her. I don't see the point..."
>Sam: "Again with the character...And you want me to pretend to make friends with her? I'm not the player here. And don't put yourself on a pedestal here, you only use that nomad...What's her name...Shale. You only use her for your gain...Own gain...Actually..."
>Sam bobs up and down in thought, a sudden silence from his outburst.
>Sam: "...Actually...I might take a leaf from your book. You're right. I should make /friends/ with her and put her to use..."
The admin complimenting you doesn't mean anything. You've complimented characters too, remarked upon them, and so on. It doesn't change how you view them, does it?
Hello, mister admin, please let our good storyteller Sam here out of this world if you don't think he's only a character! He should have the power to leave if he's not a character, surely? This isn't right!
If you can't empathize with the characters in your story, then you're a pretty shit storyteller.
Ever played with self-inserts? They're you, but they're technically just characters who aren't aware that they're characters, right?
Try to have fun since you're stuck here anyways.
And if you want a hint about how to leave, consider the fact that this world was created to let Rush live a life of some kind. Once her story concludes, so should this world.
And you're a storyteller. You know a main character doesn't just die out of the blue to some noname nobody stabbing them at night since that's what you want to do.
What gain? Unlike you and Rush, we don't have any well-defined goals in this world. We just do whatever. It's hard to use somebody for your gain if you have no goals.
Well, let it not be said that good results can come from bad intentions. Good luck brainwashing her; we'll see how good of a job you do once we meet up again. Surely, we won't take a second character from you as well.
>you only use that nomad
You have a very distorted world view if you genuinely believe we view her as a tool.
I'm amazed you've made it this far as an apparently competent storyteller if you're so bad at reading a player that you think we're just using Shale. Also where's this admin coming from all of a sudden? You never mentioned that before, I thought you were the so-to-speak admin of these worlds you create. Are you trying to retcon your own past?

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