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Previous Thread: >>40987791
Post pics and love Sunset.

Sunset Sunday Ponepaste - https://ponepaste.org/3956
GreentextSavant’s Pastebin - http://pastebin.com/u/AlexanderGrey
BG9's Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/u/BG9_Reborn
Gritsaw’s Pastebin - http://pastebin.com/u/Gritsaw
Zharkaer's Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/u/Zharkaer
Tstar231's Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/u/Tstar231
HolytntDiver's Pastebin https://pastebin.com/u/HolytntDiver
Holy's Ponepaste https://ponepaste.org/user/Holy

Sunset Greentexts
Sunset x Anon by XMRWRITEFAGX - https://ponepaste.org/3957
Burning Sensation (NSFW, Mutant Sunset x Anon) by SUPERKEATON - https://ponepaste.org/3958
Cold by BOLTGREENS - https://ponepaste.org/3959

Sunset EQG Shorts - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNXV9Mb7egjHnPs8HxD56ec6qea0A-b7e
Good Vibes - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ygTvEUnXW8 [Embed] [Embed]
Sunset Shimmer sings https://clyp.it/q5dz4aqe
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First for my waifu.
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Second for fuck you she's mine
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Woah Shimmy, I think you really let yourself go.
>all those iced treats
>at least 3 big ass scoops of butter
She must really love her Pinkie
Not sure where you're getting the three scoops of butter from.
One of the waffles has a big ass scoop of butter, and then there's two random ass scoops of butter in that big ass pile of sugar Shimmy deleted out of existence.
I don't think those are butter, Anon. They look more like some kind of sweet roll to me.
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>Twilight panties
Cute but... where did she get those?
Morning Snack:
Not a huge fan of dykeshit, but the POV is top-tier.
Nice. Would love to see more of this two going at it or like a reverse of this.
So, I think I got Anon working
look up Mr. Anonymous on Civitai
pic related is gend with the model
Damn that's really cute.
Thanks based trainer.
I seem to be having trouble getting Anon to be eyeless. Is there anything I should be doing to make that happen?
I use:
1boy, green skin, no eyes, bald, business suit, red necktie, white collared shirt, black suit pants, average body, white background,

the "no eyes" seems to work well
also putting "eyes" in the negative prompt seems to help

I also use:
All Disney Princess XL LoRA
Styles for Pony Diffusion V6 XL (Not Artists styles)

it seems relatively consistent
hands... still working on those, but AI has always had problems with them
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Trying that out led to some cursed Sunsets.
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I'll figure this out eventually.
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I wanna smack 'em.
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there's a way to get it to focus the "no eyes" on him, by either using "BREAK" between characters or starting a new group of prompts with hitting the enter button for the next character, otherwise it'll group ALL of the prompts onto ALL of the characters more often

I searched for images with multiple characters and looked how their prompts were written and those two things seemed to help
Ah! I'll have to try that once I'm back from my vacation. Thanks again, Anon!
I want that so bad.
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I need to tongue wrestle this woman.
I get you. I need to cuddle on the couch and explore the inside of her mouth.
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>Sunset Plushie
Has AI gone too far??? CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT!!
Wow! That's interesting. Also, nice spiderteddy.
now in cartoon form!
i need this to be real
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>those pronounced nipples
The AI who made these plushies was a horny bastard
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Fire mage Sunset Shimmer is canon in my heart.
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>'Why can't Anon be real?'
I empathize with that. Why can't we be real for each other?
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>fire mage
The word you're looking for is pyromancer, but I agree
Yeah, I forgot the word pyromancer but wanted to post it anyway.
Now post the other one.
>*zooms out a little*
Very nice. Post more.
haven't figured out how to do the neon lighting part, but...
Hell yeah.
>Grumpy Shim
Cute, but why does she have cat ears?
supposed to be the grumpy cat meme, but also the pony ears tend to make her b&thro
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>Sunny Grump
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I'd love to listen to her hyperactively explain Equestria.
>"Who want's to practice some CPR with mouth to mouth?"
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>mfw I put her CPR training to test for real
I too want Sunset to break my ribs.
Kek, imagine Sunset aggressively saving you from drowining, to the point where you're alive but your whole body is bruised from her throwing you on the ground and beating on your chest.
Sunset forgot to take her adderall this morning...
her eyelashes are deadly weapons.
Don't worry she'll nurse you back to health
Hiking with Sunset:
fuck you and your zoom shit.
Based and Sandlot pilled
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still not sure how I feel about AI slop but these look nice enough. wouldn't mind if Sunset's titties looked a little more rounded out, really love that bolted-on, hard look, but it's seemingly very hard to find


these look INCREDIBLE. I love everything from the lineart to the boobshape.
>wouldn't mind if Sunset's titties looked a little more rounded out, really love that bolted-on, hard look, but it's seemingly very hard to find

probably because most people aren't into fake looking tits, but to each their own
all you'd have to do is make use to put in the negative prompt, heavy breasts and sagging breasts, or add in the regular prompt rounded breasts to get the result you're looking for
meant to have pic related attached
"bimbo breasts" seems to work well too

thanks, these are real nice, eating good


I'll keep that in mind if I ever resume working with SD. or maybe I'll write a green or two, some of these pics have inspired me
Not that Anon, but if you write I'll definitely make some busty bimbo Sunsets.
I posted it on that /other/ thread >>41104621. happy reading anon!
Well, thanks anyway.
Is the best
It's just not my thing. Though I'll happily make some big tiddy Sunsets.
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Let it never be said I'm not a man of my word.
J'adore, anon.
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Now if only I spoke French.
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lucky bastard, that Anon
Look how ripped he is, he's earned her.
I should start picturing Sunset during my next workout. Reps for Sunny!
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Lift for her, so that someday you'll find a Shimmer of your own.
I used to have one but heh —
They tricked you into taking your meds… damn.
That, and also she did not want to have kids.
That's rough buddy. I hope you can find another that's ready to start a family.
thanks anon. I'll start searching as soon as I save up for a house and a bit of land. I want to take the rural pill. Hope there's a Sunny out there who likes nature
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Look at this mare
>never worked on that FiMfic about a bored Flash Sentry talking Sunset into turning back into a pony to spice up their sex life
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I really love her eyes the most I think.
It's hard for me to choose a single part of Sunset that I love more than any other. They all come together to create a wonderful Marewoman that's better than the mere sum of her parts.
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That's what you call the full package.

based opinion. I would say her colour palette is what makes her stand out the most though.
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by inky heart
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Well, a tornado just touched down nearby. Post cute Shims to help me get through this tough time.
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That's really bad news. I hope you're OK. Have a Shim.
So far it looks like it's moving away from me, otherwise I wouldn't be on my computer.
Stay safe then, I wish you good luck!
Eternal Summer:
>Not wanting to be whisked away like in the wizard of oz to the land of Equestria Girls
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Still gonna need Shims to manifest that.
For real though it would be a good idea for a green. Good crossover.
You could be the perfect one to write it. Real tornado experience.
Ray is such a cute little guy. I'd feed him all the hornworms and crickets he can eat.
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I want Sunset to look at me like this after I get bodied by a wave at the beach.
How would Shimmy feel about Flash dating a milf?
She'd probably be suspicious that he's getting taken advantage of.
Surprised that there's no fan content on this premise.
There isn't really a lot of fan interest in Flash, so I get why no one's done it.
Still feel that he is under used.
What happened to the writers?
In case you really want to do something about the samefag.
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Critically low levels of inspiration.
t. Writer
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Is there even fan fic that stared those two? Also didn't she adopt a cat?
No, she fed a street cat once.
Cute Shimmy. Does the artist have any more?
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I guess I can see that. I personally don't know what I'd even do with Flash if I started writing again though.
Ray is literally my dick.
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you mean you got your dick tattooed to LOOK like Ray, right?
Reminder that Shimmy never apologize to Flash.
She wanted to, but Flash said they're cool because he enjoyed fucking her so much.
Why would she? She's WAY out of his league and he got to date her. So what if she was evil at the time?
Reminder that Shimmy had no reason to forgive Wallflower that quickly.
How can you not forgive someone this fuckin cute
I just mean that both it and Sunset are always that excited to see each other.
Nah it's fine they kissed out backstage after that one backstage pass short.
Nice try but that didn't happened.
I mean why else why would they be there?
That looks more like Celestia.
Bad writing of course.
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Let us all speak the Shim Sham Prayer
nah def making out.
But neither are lesbians.
stupid egg troons lol go spread your grooming left wing shit somewhere else i hate you guys
capcha: ownd
yeah they aren't.
they're both bi.
How has Sunset not been expelled from CHS yet? Is nobody concerned that she's like in her mid-30s still going to biology class and dating the students?
She's got all the paperwork saying she's probably around 17-18 years of age, and Sunset Shimmer, who knows what happened to the original Sunset Shimmer, but that's what our Shimmy is up to.
>the mane 5* who know her past have thought about it
>they asked the question too
>sunset showed them "her" birth certificate, social, license, everything
>ask how she got those documents if she came through the portal already grown
>she encourages them not to ask any further questions
>only Sunset knows
You wouldn't like Sunset when she's asked too many questions...
The squiggle tells her how she must do these things. The squiggle tells her why she must do these things.
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I thought Derpy was dating Mr Muscles himself?
Weren't they related?
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Yes they are, it's just yet another example of Flash getting kek'd
>Derpy is always there to console Flash when he strikes out with either Twilight/Sunset
>Is seen with him in multiple scenes/clubs implying that maybe she isn't just trying to comfort Flash but show an interest in him
>Flash can NOT let go of his unobtainable horse pussy and ignores Derpy
>Bulk Biceps, a real man, comes in and sweeps Derpy off her feet and gives her the love and attention she deserves
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Still don't see it.
I'm gonna bulli that nerd with my dick.
Is there a fan fic where Shimmy realize that friends got plowed but her?
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Probably not, because that wouldn't make sense.
For real it seems like a fun idea.
Can you try that again?
BUT or BY? You're leaving open two routes to two VERY different premises
I was asking if there was a fan fic where Shimmy finds out that friends had already lost their virginity.
I wouldn't mind Flanksy making a mural where I work.
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>TFW on christmas cake Sunset to cuddle with.
I want to taste the tar and nicotine on 30+ year old Sunset's lips
I want to help her quit smoking by eating her out every day she goes without a cigarette.
If EQG came back what do you expect and wanted out of it?
In a perfect world, I'd want to get the last special that Confalone had talked about.

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