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Riding a bike in a way that causes harm to others to be treated the same as murder under new UK laws.

>'Cycling where people are walking needs to be done responsibly' Said Rishi Sunak, 'And people who put the lives of other people at risk should know that the full force of the law will be used to punish the, should they cause harm to others', the PM added - 'Cycling may be good for the climate, but dangerous cyclists are a menace and this new law is long overdue.' - The law change comes after a spate of fatalities involving cyclists and pedestrians, including the death of 6 year old Hannah Dobbs in 2023, who was struck and killed by a man on a mountain bike as she walked home from school.

Everyone hates cyclists, even environmentalists, who themselves are vile, despise the two wheeled cretins. 14 year jail sentences inbound.
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Mountain bikers don't wear lycra but ok, england definitely doesn't have bigger fish to fry like mandatory penis inspections in every toilet
interesting to see how this will play out. maybe they'll bail on it when municipalities start getting sued by cyclists who were forced off the sidewalks, or maybe it'll revitalize the bike infrastructure push
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>Rishi Sunak
Okay but can we please first jail all the cagers ? Their activity is highly dangerous and always harmful, at least indirectly, to others per se, and unnecessarily so.

>Under the change, dangerous cyclists could face up to 14 years in prison.

sounds based
I really wish he died in that crash.
You act like it won't turn out the same way automobile fatalities turn out.
>Your honour, the defense agrees the victim was struck by the bicycle operated by the defendent.
>Yes, prosecutor, but for the hundredth time what's your evidence the defendant was cycling 'dangerously'?
>Your honour, the defense agrees that the....
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>but for the hundredth time what's your evidence the defendant was cycling 'dangerously'?
Assault bicycle speaks for itself...
if i ever see richie in public im riding into him at 100% sprint speed then when hes on the floor i will thrash him to death with my bikes chain
then scrape the shit out of his rangerover collection
This little rat won't be here in 6 weeks so no.
Yet death by careless driving is only a few points on your license.
https x com ChaponaBike123/status/1788217377588486361
Arrogant cunts like him are seething
Cyclists kill what, one person a year?
why do the tories want everyone to hate them?
Why? He's probably the only decent British politician.
>dangerous cyclists are a menace
Is this his final revenge against Boris?
Unfortunately it's not enough, the hope that a future punishment with keep cycletards in line is wishful thinking as they've consistently proven themselves incapable of operating their missiles with any care. Just ban the damn things with the exception of a few designated routes and save everyone the pain of living with them
how does this not just fall under manslaughter? fucking UK always has to make new laws they just love doing it
He's not even an actual politician. At least now we get to see how long it takes his constituents to boot him out after electing him.
>to be treated the same as murder
The UK is a grim country.

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