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Former president of England Boris Johnson was turned away from voting because he forgot his photo ID. England, like the rest of the first world, has common sense voter ID laws that make it too difficult for blacks and illegal aliens to vote because democrat say black people and illegal aliens don't know how to drive a car or go to the DMV and get an ID
The UK lets anyone vote by mail simply because they want to.

You can also remotely apply for a photo ID to vote if for some reason you want to vote in person, and it will be mailed to you. This is instead of needing a specific form of ID and having to go to your local DMV/BMV.
vote by mail should be banned. if you are too much of a retard to go to the polls you shouldn't be allowed to vote
Counterpoint: If you're too much of a dipshit to figure out you can just vote by mail, your vote should go in a shredder. Mail is faster and easier. We as a society should be collectively filtering out the brainlets standing in line and anyone defending that shit from having any role in selecting the government.
vote by mail is not secure. might as well just let russia count the votes at that point
>vote by mail is not secure
No, paperless voting like in Louisiana is not secure. Your fucking mailman isn't gonna steal your sealed ballot, erase your answers, and remark them for who he wants to win.

Adding a couple more government workers to chain of custody for ballots doesn't suddenly turn them from guaranteed clean elections to criminal operations.

Stop smoking meth and maybe you'll be a little less paranoid, dipshit.
paste the article newfag
cite the rule
>reddit spacing
dems do ballot harvesting and make up fake ballots you reddit faggot. there were even vids in 2020 of black poll workers throwing out trump voter ballots you cocksucker
>reddit spacing
You failed the test.

>ballot harvesting
Isn't vote by mail, you dumb cuck.
>reddit spacing
and vote by mail literally had ballot harvesting you nonAmerican faggot
>cite the rule
I knew it was you. Why do you hate this board so much?
>and vote by mail literally had ballot harvesting you nonAmerican faggot
Vote by mail is not the same god damn thing as ballot harvesting. Ballot harvesting allows someone to have someone else deliver their vote either to a mailbox, a ballot drop box, or a polling place subject to certain restrictions. Vote by mail is voting through mail. You can have vote by mail without ballot harvesting and vice versa. Every state has some form of vote by mail, few have ballot harvesting.

Call other people foreigners after you learn how American elections work, shit for brains.
>reddit spacing
there was literally ballot harvesting and fake ballots made in 2020 you fucking faggot. in both 2020 and 2022 there were those mysterious 3am ballot drops in notoriously corrupt blue counties.
vote by mail is not secure. half the country doesn't think it is secure. it should be banned
>there was literally ballot harvesting and fake ballots made in 2020 you fucking faggot. in both 2020 and 2022 there were those mysterious 3am ballot drops in notoriously corrupt blue counties.
>vote by mail is not secure. half the country doesn't think it is secure. it should be banned

I didn't say there wasn't ballot harvesting in 2020. California had legal ballot harvesting, as do other states to limited degrees (eg only relatives can harvest ballots). As for the rest of your nonsense, facts don't care about your feelings, or your delusions.

>still harping on about reddit spacing
Bitch, "reddit spacing" is a term invented by some autistic newfag a few years back and you using it only tells me you've been here for less time than I have cause double spacing is a normal fucking part of 4chan. You should have shut the fuck up and lurked more instead of embarrassing yourself, dumb parrot. I told you you failed the fucking test and I fucking meant it. God damn, do I wish election tourists like you would fuck off and die.
>reddit spacing
cool, so you admit that the 2020 election was rigged and vote by mail is not secure and also you have no dick.
>so you admit that the 2020 election was rigged
Just cause you don't like the rules doesn't make an election rigged
>and vote by mail is not secure
Cry moar
>and also you have no dick
Pretty sure current meta is to say I'll never be a woman, not to accuse me of being one.

You have no president, btw. And never will again.
>cite the rule
>/news/ is a text board for sharing and discussing current news articles. When starting a thread you must include the complete URL of a news article from a credible news site
TL;DR You're a faggot
you are clearly the one here seething, reddit spacer. Doesn't biden have like a 30% approval rating. Don't count your chickens before the hatch. especially after the GOP won the 2022 popular vote in hte house
there is a cumplete URL in the op
>gives clicks and ad revenue
Are you msm?
lmao do mutts even
American voting is equal to russian voting: completely useless as jews will always win
>vote by mail should be banned.

It should be only allowed for senior citizens over the age of 65, military personnel serving overseas and those who are legitimately handicapped.

Voting isn't just about casting a ballot, even beyond the common sense ID requirements to prevent fraud, it's a cultural experience that should be shared in person with your neighbors.

And in that regard, election day ought to be on a Sunday when the maximum number of people have the free time to go to the polls.
Considering it's a tranny colony I am within reason to have much hate and many reasons to hate this putrid wasteland
>I knew it was you.

He don't need no name faggery like me, because his mental illness just shouts at us through his words.
>Considering it's a tranny colony
Why do you hang out in 'tranny colonies'?
You cruising for some action?

> let’s make voting about “culture” and “bonding”

No let’s not. Let’s make it about picking effective representatives.
>When starting a thread you must include the complete URL of a news article from a credible news site
Weird how it doesn't say anything about posting article text. Looks like you're just full of shit.

>vote by mail should be banned.
It doesn't need to banned. it just needs to not be an unregulated free for all that Dems want it to be.

Like every other first world country, all voting should require an ID.

Absentee/mail in voting should also be done like other first world countries- you need to file paperwork and present proof of ID, requests must be made a head of time and you must show cause as to why you can't/won't go to a physical polling location. If a ballot comes in and its not on the pre-approved list of absentee/mail in ballots, the ballot gets put aside and not counted for security reasons.

It works for every other country that does it, it will work here.
All you have to do is never come back to this place and the trannies would be eternally seething
>Let’s make it about picking effective representatives.

How is requiring people to show up in person to vote preventing that?
And this is why Russia is a shithole because you gave up Ivan.
>Absentee/mail in voting should also be done like other first world countries- you need to file paperwork and present proof of ID, requests must be made a head of time and you must show cause as to why you can't/won't go to a physical polling location. If a ballot comes in and its not on the pre-approved list of absentee/mail in ballots, the ballot gets put aside and not counted for security reasons.
That's fucking how vote by mail works in the USA, you dumbfuck. Minus stating a reason cause that's dumb as fuck and other countries like the UK don't so that either.

You have to register to vote with ID to get a mail ballot.
About the only sensible things you said are election day should be on a weekend and nobody should be listening to senior citizens.
>being too retarded to use adblock
>reddit spacing
only actively deployed military should be allowed to vote by mail, though they probably should just set up polling stations on military bases for the troops to drop off their ballot. the old and the disabled should be forced to go to the polls. keep voting on a tuesday, not a nationally holiday. fuck those poors
it isn't you reddit spacing faggot. jews just send out ballots to everyone even if they didn't request it and they train blacks to steal people's mail to cast their ballots. there were tons of fags in 2020 that said they stole their parents ballots and voted for brandon with them
If OP had only pasted the article text Russia wouldn't be a shithole anymore
Russia is a shithole because it is run by communist jews
Sounds like you shouldn't waste your time voting because elections are rigged.

Also, registering to vote is equivalent with requesting a ballot. There is literally no reason to separate those processes except to dick people over that forget to do the latter. If you registered to vote, you wanted to vote and to vote you need a ballot.

Also, we get it, you're new. No need to keep bitching about reddit spacing. Nobody fucking cares.

Just start using a username if you want everyone to know you're an annoying dumbass newfag attention whore. It is less effort.
>reddit spacing
there is no reason to send out mail in ballots since they have such a high rate of fraud you dickless faggot. not my fault dems are too retarded to show up to the polls before 9pm
Blacks have no sense of time, and can't afford ID.
You're a racist because these things are true of blacks and you want to create rules.
They don't have a high rate of fraud. States like Oregon have been using mail in ballots for decades and no one cared until Trump lost.
How did you get like this? Did a black guy steal your girlfriend?
states like oregon have massive rates of fraud. see the gun laws they passed that every county outside the capital is against
Being from Reddit, I offer my white girlfriend to black men all the time.
I'm not certain why they won't breed her while I watch.
>since they have such a high rate of fraud you dickless faggot
That sounds like a you problem. Voters requesting a ballot is enough reason to send one out.

Although if you think voters wanting a ballot shouldn't get one, I encourage you to note vote to show the government you shouldn't have gotten a ballot.

Lead by example.
chud headcanon is so wild
>reddit spacing
voting should only be done in person with ID. its the only way to protect against voter fraud
Fake ids are a thing. If your end goal is no voter fraud, you just don't want elections.

The important thing is no significant amount of voter fraud that might impact an election.

But your probably don't want elections at all, do you newfag? Seriously, just don't vote. Then it's not your problem. Your opinions are shit anyway and you think your elections are rigged. Why cast a vote you think will get offset by fraud?
>reddit spacer calls others newfag
easy, if you use a fake ID to vote you get hanged. and voter fraud changed the results of the 2020 election
t. Sidney Powell
I call you a newfag because you are a newfag. If you weren't, you'd know reddit spacing isn't a thing.

It's okay to be new. Your problem is you don't shut the fuck up and learn the site culture before posting.

And it sounds like you think voter fraud did more good than harm, so I'm not sure why your delusional ass has a problem with it. Whatever the case, I'm glad you live in the world you've constructed for yourself.
>more reddit spacing
>jidf talking points
sure thing there reddit spacing shill
have a rupee
I'm not playing zelda, faggot
Really? Cause you look like a fuckboi and whine like a /v/irgin.
how would anyone know what I look like? we are on an anonymous board. do you think this is twitter or reddit, you homosexual?
Fuckboi hands typed this.

Also first rule of denying something is actually deny it, lmao.

As an example, I am not a homosexual, fuckboi.
>easy, if you use a fake ID to vote you get hanged. and voter fraud changed the results of the 2020 election.


Easy(capitalize the first word in a sentence).
>and voter fraud changed


This was a compound sentence and didn't need a period(.) before and voter.
But even if it was the beginning of a new sentence, you still didn't capitalize 'and' .


This shows that you are a young semi-illiterate punk who learned all his spelling and grammar on the internet.
Perhaps a high school drop out or the product of today's public high schools.


I like young punks.... if they have nice tight buns. But most of them today are flabby. Are you flabby, punk?
and America is a shithole because it is run by liberal jews
both sides of the same coin
I'm not russian, no need to call me Ivan. You don't have to be russian to dislike american practices, more than 2 countries exist on this planet.
Jews made you 5 foot 4?
>That's fucking how vote by mail works in the USA, you dumbfuck
Confirmed for not living in the US. They blankly mail out ballots to everyone registered and verify them with nothing but a signature when they're sent back. There's no ID check, there's no paperwork filed.

>Minus stating a reason cause that's dumb as fuck and other countries like the UK don't so that either.
Lots of countries require showing cause. See: Spain. But thank you for admitting you live in the UK and have no say in US politics.

>You have to register to vote with ID to get a mail ballot.
Uh huh. You register once and never have to verify yourself ever again.

If needing an ID to register to vote isn't a problem, needing the same ID to actually vote shouldn't be one either. If you argue otherwise, you're doing so in bad faith.
You're not american
holy shit reddit spacing jewish homosexual samefag getting fucking toastie in the comments
You haven't been paying attention the last decade or so.
There is no chain of custody in the United States postal service or general mail. If the postal worker dumps there entire vehicles worth of mail into a creek who will know? Even FedEx and UPS have had this issue in the past if I recall correctly.
That stick with your ass is distracting you from being able to more openly think for yourself.
you sound incredibly mad again

t. Sidney Powell
Why do you hate Paul revere
paul revere didn't work for the post office, retard
not at all, you are projecting
You hate the forefathers traitor
no, that would be the dems who are pro tax, anti gun and anti free speech
What the fuck does Paul Revere have to do with anything I posted it?
Is that stick scrambling your brain?
traitor scum
I'll bite on your bait. What's with the stick reference? Are you dropping a new strawman on us?
I heard that the line for clinical mental retardation used to be around 80 but then they lowered it to 70 because all the niggers were scoring low. I thought that was funny.
Who taught you to be racist?
Are you the racist guy from the Mississippi story? >>1292667
No but that sounds based. If cancel culture wasn't a thing I would've been like 'ook, ook, ook."
having to interact with blacks
Oh now there's two of you? When did that happen?
The only straw man here is your inability to repost that are being replied to.
All you are doing is showing how disingenuous and dishonest you are.
Notice how you didn't actually explain anything of relevance.
You probably don't even realize this but two different replies responded to you. Myself and direct reply to you and a different anon on who joined in.
The more you know.
Make that three.
>Your fucking mailman isn't gonna steal your sealed ballot, erase your answers, and remark them for who he wants to win.
No, but a DNC vote harvester will.
No one believes you.
Or you.
He's right though, you are traitor scum.

And what does the RNC vote harvester do?
Your opinion isn't popular.
>Just cause you don't like the rules doesn't make an election rigged
>we cheated but we said it was okay
And just like that federal elections lose relevance and the President of the United States becomes a ceremonial position.
No such thing as an RNC vote harvester, cheating elections and importing immigrants to bribe with welfare is a Democrat ploy. The only traitors here are Democrats, who openly whine about the Constitution every chance they get.

Biden isn't, commies aren't, and anti-semites definitely aren't.
is this what you think an american sounds like?
>No such thing as an RNC vote harvester
Oh how safe and powerful your headcanon must be

Facts aren't opinions but you people are obsessed with popularity over veracity.
I have a hand cannon
>Facts aren't opinions
Men can't be women.
Please continue to be the board's most retarded poster with the most buzzwords.
>we cheated but we said it was okay
Both sides fucking harvested ballots, dipshit. Because it was within the rules.

Learn what cheating is and fuck off. God damn, start sports gambling or something. At least there you actually have a case against the refs.
>doesn't have an argument
>obsessed with trannies
>projecting wildly
You wouldn't know a real American if one kicked you where your dick used to be during a "protest", antifa faggot.
>the rules allowed us to subvert democracy because we rewrote them that way!
>y-you did it too, we swear!
Don't need "a chance" against them, we just won't be one country anymore. Dems lost the first Civil War, they'll lose this one too.
White southern conservative racists lost the first Civil War and their ilk are waving Confederate flags at Trump rallies. You want to try to repeat history, feel free, but you'll just end up bleeding out like the Babbit worm. Also why would Dems need to wage a Civil War when you're arguing they have elections rigged in their favor? Dems just win. gg

>y-you did it too, we swear!
I don't need you to take my word for it. I can just come up with sources. You know, that thing you are incapable of doing.

>people voting subverts democracy
I am certain you don't know what that word means, nor would you want it if you did.

Anyway have fun losing elections in perpetuity and watching your political leadership die in prison.
Conservative Americans own half the world's firearms, Republicans won the Civil War because they had more guns that time too, and this time we have all the useful Southerners on our side. Cope and seethe.
>b-but an unarmed middle aged woman was shot by a young armed black man!
Would've gone differently if she was actually there to hang Democrats, because she would have had a gun
>Also why would Dems need to wage a Civil War when you're arguing they have elections rigged in their favor? Dems just win. gg
Are you retarded or ESL? Elections won't matter if you rig them, red states will not respect them, and you'll be limited to increasingly impoverished and thirdiefied blue states where businesses are already closing down or fleeing. Enjoy your food riots. The only people who will die in prison are you unarmed serfs if you try to stop us from doing whatever we want, lol. Also I notice your article immediately says "breaks with party" and then goes off on wild technicalities and hypotheticals, more fake news, sad!
You're arguing with someone who is literally mentally ill.
The fact that you think "increasingly impoverished" blue states would somehow be the first to suffer if infrastructure breaks down really communicates the depths of your delusion. California could shut down 1/3 of it businesses today and still not be as dogshit poor as half of the southern states. Your copeium is strong.
>red states will not respect them
Lol. Lmao even. So you're saying your side will start a Civil War cause you can't win elections (why does that sound familiar?).

Feel free, bitch.

>Also I notice your article immediately says "breaks with party"
It doesn't. Those words never appear in the article or title. You're illiterate and/or delusional.
It's like you think other people outside of your hugbox share your delusional worldview.
Define "Poor" for us please.
'Cause I'm pretty sure your definition of rich is having tons and tons of homeless people and an inflated economy.
Poor is a person who owns no real estate and rents at a cost of 30% of their income or more.
Neither of you can explain how I'm a traitor.
I simply pointed out somewhat recent examples of parcel delivery persons who tossed there charges into trash or creeks instead of delivering them.
Its up to you two to tie that to being a traitor.
You both are nothing more that hot air.
Noone believes me what?
That you actually made a post implying that you don't know how to follow a discussion backwards up the reply chain?
That is all on (you), dipshit.
There is no need to be upset.
democrats lost the civil war. dems also have no guns now so idk how they think they aren't going to get BTFO'd a second time
Upset? Fuck, you completely miss the tone. I can barely reply, laughing at the absurdity of your replies. Do keep it up, its a riot watching you love that stick.
The parties switched last century.

I disagree.
>The parties switched last century.
they did not. dems have always been anti gun and pro slavery and are currently anti gun and pro slavery
The southern strategy courted the racist democrats and made them conservatives.
Nope, that would be sepsis. Terminal even. You know what needs to be done.
for that to make sense FDR would have had to have been a conservative
t. joe "you ain't black" biden
learn about the party systems and come back to us
cool, so you don't have a real argument. by your logic FDR, Truman, Kennedy and Wilson are conservatives
>The Sixth Party System is characterized by an electoral shift from the electoral coalitions of the Fifth Party System during the New Deal. The Republican Party became the dominant party in the South, rural areas, and suburbs
there, i did some research for you. you get no more freebies
The Southern Strategy didn't start until the 60s, dumbass. However you had Strom Thurmond leave the Democrat party to found the States Rights party in 1948, over the issue of civil rights for blacks, and then he became a Republicans afterward.
>democrats lost the civil war
Arguable. While the people that lost the Civil War were Democrats, the Democratic Party managed to offload the conservative dipshittery responsible for the Civil War onto the Republican Party as a direct consequence of the downstream effects of the Civil War. I'd call that a win, even though I'd have preferred all the shitwads propagating that shit hung in the first place.

Maybe if you ever actually get the second Civil War you want, next time you'll be hung.

Seriously, people like you are such a waste of carbon
>muh states' rights
>muh unfair elections
Biden is your president and you'll never have political power again.
DemonKKK-rats btfo
Don't say ever again. Only niggers think history doesn't repeat itself.

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