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Stamford Connecticut, plagued by Democrat election fraud (see: Democrat Party Chief Convicted of 28 felony counts of election fraud https://archive.palanq.win/news/thread/1093612/) just had legislation shot down by democrats which would have required 1 year jail time for election fraud - the city has been plagued by Democrat election fraud with many convictions, but democrats are not serving any jail time for their felonies
Democrats resoundingly voted to support election fraud and their recently convicted party Chief.
HARTFORD — The law-writing Judiciary Committee on Friday killed legislation that would have created mandatory jail time for people convicted of a wide range of election-related fraud.

The bill, which would have required a minimum sentence of one year in prison for anyone convicted of election fraud. It was voted down by Democrats who have a 24-13 majority.

Democrats on the Judiciary Committee opposed the bill which was in response to the irregularities in last September's Democratic mayoral primary in Bridgeport, which included video of people allegedly placing multiple absentee ballots into a collection box.

"We saw on video, effectively, some election interference and the Republican caucus, both the House and Senate, have been very forthright in making sure people understand our desire to address these problems," said Sen. Rob Sampson of Wolcott, a ranking Republican on the GAE Committee. "There are a number of election-related crimes, everything from election officials interfering with a tabulator machine or producing improper ballots, to people that are actually engaged in ballot harvesting and interfering with elections. All of those things are already crimes, but to my knowledge, no one has ever served a moment of jail time in Connecticut for any of those things in the past, despite the fact that there having been convictions."
Stafstrom, who led Democratic opposition that killed the bill, offered Sampson the hypothetical of someone wearing a National Rifle Association T-shirt, standing outside a polling place in a threatening manner that could discourage a voter from entering the building.

"As I read this language," Stafstrom said of the bill, know as Senate Bill 390. "I am reasonably fearful that person may have a gun and that influences me to stay away from the polling place. A (class) D felony, particularly for someone who has never had any run-in with the law before, is eligible for accelerated rehabilitation," and avoid a prison sentence. "Under this language, the judge's discretion to give that person AR, would be taken away and the individual would have to serve a year in prison."

State Rep. Matt Blumenthal, D-Stamford, a member of the Judiciary Committee who is also co-chairman of the GAE Committee, said mandatory minimums have been found not to deter crime.

A couple hours later, House Minority Leader Vincent Candelora, R-North Branford and Rep. Gale Mastrofrancesco of Wolcott, a ranking Republican on the GAE Committee, said they were both disappointed with the Judiciary Committee action.

"It seems as if Democrats will pay only lip service to keeping our elections clean and addressing serious alleged violations that have been caught on tape. Keep in mind, SB 390 was wholeheartedly supported by the very agency that has oversight of violations of election laws, the State Elections Enforcement Commission," they said in a joint statement.

Meanwhile, in an early afternoon vote, the House of Representatives voted 150-0 to approve legislation that would require video surveillance of election drop boxes and limit political campaign workers to taking out no more than five applications for absentee ballots.
Connecticut has been having a huge problem with democrat fraud lately.
Interesting that democrats don't want election fraudsters to serve any time
>"I am reasonably fearful that person may have a gun and that influences me to stay away from the polling place. A (class) D felony, particularly for someone who has never had any run-in with the law before, is eligible for accelerated rehabilitation," and avoid a prison sentence.
What the fuck is this even supposed to mean? The dudes like "well, im afraid of guns and so that's why we shouldn't make people do jail time for committing election fraud"
Like wtf he just spewed out some democrat talking points and anti gun fear porn and used it to justify why his democrat buddies should not face any consequences for election fraud
The only fraud around these here parts is you and the illusionary fallacy of "American Democracy".N'yuck N'yuck
Go and vote and pretend you have some power.
What a bunch of delusionary losers you melted potters are.

Get a life punk.
And get of my lawn.
Larping now, are we?
summerfag go back
I see you realize that democrats behavior is inexcusable as well, and have turned to low effort ad homs
Wasn't this that same state where a judge invalidated an election like a year ago because of all the democrat ballot fraud?
Yeah... Bridgeport
Meanwhile the Republican Presidential candidate is on trial for campaign finance violations.
>campaign finance violations
Wow bigly! Paying someone to keep a rumor quiet is so much different than election fraud. It really is tho. What democrats do is much worse than paying someone not to spread a rumor
The problem is nobody cares about your pearl clutching. You don't give a fuck about rule of law. Conservative defended and continue to defend Trump and Republicans when they tried to overturn a legal election, now we're supposed to take you seriously when you talk about your concern for election fraud? Don't lie to yourself, anon. Your concern is Republicans losing elections, not the law. If you cared about the law you wouldn't be here shilling for a dude who is under 91 felony indictments for fraud and corruption.
Jesus christ what a giant hypocrite you are.
If you cared about the law you wouldn't conflate 91 accusations with criminal culpability.

You would also keep in mind that 'overturning' in this context is a lie. But you have done nothing but lie, so you can no longer differentiate fact from fiction. And in your confusion, you have begun to persecute the innocent, irrespective of the natural rights afforded to each man and the constitutional protections pursuant to such things.

Your actions betray your intent, and your intent betrays the true nature of your heart. Every attempt you make to lie, the further you divest yourself from the truth, and like a bird to winter shores, you will find yourself isolated, cold and alone.
Imagine getting paid to run damage control for a corrupt billionaire. Now imagine doing it for free.
>If you cared about the law you wouldn't conflate 91 accusations with criminal culpability.
This is a great criticism of Republicans. Their response isn't "Well, lets let the court do its process and we'll decide what to do when we get the verdicts". Their response is "The trials are all sham they're all fake he's innocent no matter what we support him no matter what". Conservatives give no fucks about the rule of law.

>You would also keep in mind that 'overturning' in this context is a lie.
Its not. Sending fake electors to send slates to congress claiming you won when you know you didn't is absolutely trying to overturn an election. You're defending because you don't give a fuck about the law so long as it gives you what you want.

>Your actions betray your intent, and your intent betrays the true nature of your heart. Every attempt you make to lie, the further you divest yourself from the truth, and like a bird to winter shores, you will find yourself isolated, cold and alone.
The reason you and I both know I'm right is because you have no argument. This irrelevant slam poetry you've typed is meant to portray me as wrong and evil because moral outrage is the only weapon you can use. Factually, you know you're wrong. You know you don't care about the law. You cheered when Trump tried to steal the election. You cheered when Texas violated federal law by trying to patrol the border. You're a hypocrite.
>Conservatives give no fucks about the rule of law.
You literally belong to the same demographic of voters that believes men can give birth. You and truth are completely separate from each other on an intrinsic level.
>The trials are all sham they're all fake
I mean, the points to this being a political persecution rather than prosecution.
The fact that you ignore that NY is actively changing the laws to get dRumpf doesn't make you enlightened.
Trump is the canary in the coal mine. Regardless if he's vindicated or convicted, nothing changes.

He's hoping for a Caesar.
>He's hoping for a Caesar.
Here is*
And honestly, the more democrats do this shit, the closer we crawl to a civil war.
Do you honestly believe anybody will give a shit about the law if they use it to arbitrarily imprison their political opponents? Or rather, that they should at all? Don't be retarded.
Do you think a servant of the people should be allowed to commit crimes without consequences? Sounds like bootlicking to me.
How is asking someone to keep quiet about having sex with you even in the same world as election fraud and vote rigging?
Like what the literal fuck is wrong with you?
Last I checked Biden was facilitating genocide, so I don't know who the fuck you're trying to fool.
Yeah the Bidens really need to pay for all their Ukrainian corruption schemes
Shhh. Democrats will impeach you for attempting to look into the obvious corruption, then change laws in states they control to prosecute you.
Who is supposed to be fooled by this?
Whatever you need to tell yourself to cope with the fact that Trump is going to jail for is crimes is fine.
Once again anon, you honestly would prefer that a politician go to jail for paying someone to not talk to people about their sex life, and you would prefer the politicians who were caught committing election, ballot, and or voter fraud, to have no jail time?

Your priorities are fucked up and I have the feeling it is literally only because trump is involved and you are suffering from TDS
Who's supposed to be fooled by show trials?
Anyway, people who believe men are women aren't the arbiters of truth, obviously.
I want the Trump apologists to leave
I want the trannies to leave.
I don't care about political affiliation, I just want the retards to go away, which is why I really wish you'd stop posting here

“This is just a ‘tiny’ part of what’s happening in our country with voting. It’s all a giant scam!” Trump posted last week on Truth Social, his social media site.

That claim from Trump, the nation’s top election denier, is a massive distortion of reality, experts say. If anything, they note, the Connecticut case shows once again that when fraud happens, it’s almost always on a local scale, and often gets caught.

“To election losers who have claimed for three years that their election was stolen, Bridgeport was discovered within days or weeks,” said David Becker, founder of the nonpartisan Center for Election Innovation and Research. “There still hasn’t been a shred of evidence presented to any court demonstrating widespread fraud in 2020.”
amp links aren't real
Witch hunts are not the same as real election fraud, which seems to be done almost exclusively by Democrats.
It didn’t take long for this thread to turn to something something Trump something.

You’ll always be a faggot like the jannies

You’ll never know the touch of a woman without paying her first.
trumpsexuals can't stop thinking and posting about trump
Does it ever enter your brain that maybe it isn't a witchhunt and he's actually guilty?
weird how they waited until he was running for president during election year to bring charges
not really considering you can't charge a sitting president and they didn't start investigating until he was out of office
You're listing the effect and trying to say it's the cause. He's running for president to get rid of the charges, not the other way around.
libshit mindreader expert
>not really considering you can't charge a sitting president
exactly what one of the cases is about and here you are giving up the gold before the race has even started
Imagine having no argument. Oh wait, we don't have to imagine it, because you have no argument.
>Waaaaah they aren't respecting our obvious sham trials! Gag him, gag him so he can't point out the judge's conflicts of interest!

How many clickbait articles were there gloating about how biased the judges were and how they were gonna lock up orange man for sure? Dozens, hundreds?
Most of the country will just quietly go its own way, much like the Western Roman Empire stopped listening to the Western Emperor several Emperors before Odoacer went "this is stupid, I'm deposing this kid."
The funniest part for me is them whining that there isn't enough evidence of widespread voter fraud...in deep blue states where looking for evidence of voter fraud is outright illegal.
>Experts say
Coincidentally these experts all are leftists
>Muh local fraud is easier to prove
Yeah because the feds are the ones with standing to investigate massive fraud, and they'll say they did nothing wrong and it all looks legit to them.
No, because I can read, and because you don't need to change the law to specifically hang one man if he's guilty. We have laws against doing that exact thing, but if the Bill of Rights doesn't apply in blue states neither do other laws.
I'm sure you think Aloha Spirit overrides those too, lmao.
The problem with that theory is the people who keep trying to charge Trump have done nothing but lie about him for 10 years, up to and including trying to charge him with a felony for investigating voter fraud in Georgia. So whatever they assert is almost certainly the opposite of the truth going forward.
This. They keep trying to lie to us as if we haven't caught them telling the same lie over and over again already.
Good posts
faggot fascists get punched in the face, and nobody believes your victim stories
This is why no one take you children seriously.
You've got Democrosis of the brain.
>rigs the election with the help of brown shirt union workers
>public and domestic policy directly shaped by corporations
>threatens physical violence on dissenters, allows violent protests (except when they protest Israel)
You are the fascist, retard.
Not your echo chamber. You either deal with different opinions or find a website that only promotes your political views.
How many mental illnesses are you treated for?
No, just actual fascists.

Do you people ever get tired of being the perpetually whining minority nobody gives a fuck about or is this wannabe martyrdom like your whole political identity? Do you really feel that oppressed by people rejecting your dogshit ideology? Does it make you outrage?
projection: the post
this post triggered fascists
>incoherent whining
This NPC is broken. I hope there's enough rubles in the budget to fix it.
go implode somewhere else
>incoherently whining and regurgitating chud memes from 2 years ago
Broken and outdated. To be expected from obsolete soviet hardware.
Why are you like this tho? Is it the mental illnesses you suffer from?
>Does it make you outrage?
Holy shit chang, I know you just got finished rage posting in the other thread about the falon gong and all, but your English is getting a little off base. Take a breath and calm down a moment
so you admit you're a china shill? next time don't make the lines so easy to read between
Go complain about falon gong and whinnie the poo somewhere else, shill, I literally do not care about these things
>incoherent whining continues
You guys are really easily triggered
you are literally a shill, and you suck at it to boot. there, i gave you an english idiom to steal
>Why am I temporarily blocked from posting?
>Users are temporarily blocked from posting when there is a pending ban request placed on their IP. This block lasts 15 minutes from the time a janitor submits a ban request, and is removed immediately if the request is denied by a moderator. If the request is approved, a regular ban is applied.
Wow, I guess the ccp pasta really does make the CCP shill's bosses angry.
Sorry, I'll stop posting it I guess.
Are you going to cry again?
delete your post to play victim again? you suck at your job stupid
Oh shut up retard. There's 3 people on this board right now and apparently one is the janny so it's probably you just playing retard again thinking anyone is dumb enough to fall for your shenanigans.

Are you mad a moderator denied your attempt to ban me?
you can't help but copy people, can you. do you have no shame
On a side note I now know that the jannie on this board is also the person who rage posts about falon gong.
>yes, i am a china shill
well, thanks for admitting it
>Copy people
Literally no idea what your referencing with this one.
How many mental illnesses are you treated for again?
>There's 3 people on this board right now
..this is actually a good point. Why the fuck does this board exist? It's literally just me, you and two other guys shitposting at each other.
study up shill anon
>I accuse a jannie of being a CCP shill due to their falon gong rage posting
>I post CCP pasta and jannie tries to ban me. Moderator denies it
>I post that I now know the jannie is the one who complains about falon gong on this board
>His response implies I am a china shill
Your not even making sense any more.

You are literally not a sane person.
tldr, your emotions are showing loser
That word wasn't even in my post retard.
What the literal fuck is wrong with you?
Post the mental illnesses you suffer from
it was, you just don't know enough english to know you were wrong
Ah wait it was in my post. My bad.

Regardless, are you mad the moderator denied your attempt to ban me? Does the CCP pasta make you that angry?
are you shilling after being this exposed
Shut the fuck up china shill. You're salty af the mod denied your attempt to ban me.

Did the CCP pasta really make your boss that upset at you
you're not a very convincing liar anon. you don't have to delete your posts next time
The great leap forward
stop hitting yourself china shill
Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region
Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution
Are you going to try to ban me again CCP jannie?
Is your boss angry with you yet?
apparently the tianenman square copypasta works, the shills have internalized it
Yeah it does work.
Post it to the jannie here who complains about falon gong and he deletes your post in 2 minutes and tries to get you banned.

It works fkn great.
you know the mods here are virtually nonexistent, right, bad liar?
You know, I've dealt with you before.
The last time a jannie on this board deleted something I posted and tried to get me banned, the moderator denied the ban request that time as well

And when I called you out on it you did your same schtick of "hur dur you just deleted your own post nobody believes you"

It's you and me on here faggot. You know I'm right and so do I. There is nobody else on this board right now.
You are literally doing the equivalent of farting in an elevator with one other rider, and then trying to blame it on them
why are you this desperate to control the narrative
>"Well that wasn't me, it must have been you"
you deleted your post to whine about being a fake victim, it doesn't work on this dead board and you're making increasingly less sense
Bro, you a abuse your power as a jannie, delete posts you don't like, your ban requests fall thru left and right, and you somehow think anyone will believe you when you say *they* are trying to control a narrative

Go back to rage posting about falon gong, because I car even less about that
That's what I mean.
You are literally farting in an elevator and thinking the other person will believe you when you blame it on them

You are never going to convince me that I deleted my own post and faked giving my self a temporary block while a moderator reviewed a ban request.

Literally. You will never be able to convince me that I deleted my own post you retard. What you are trying to do is stupid.
and now you're incessantly talking about farting. strange behavior, probably not very effective
What mental illnesses have you been diagnosed with?
I'm genuinely curious
you think i'm mentally ill for not talking about farts over and over?
Sure, if you're shy I understand, I'll take a guess we can make a game out of it. I name one, you tell me if I'm correct, and if not, give me a hint with one of your symptoms for a mental illness you have that I haven't yet guessed.

well since you're this mad and have abandoned your original argument i'll just claim victory. bye
Guess I hit the nail on the head. See ya, assblasted jannie. Better luck next time
>There are a number of election-related crimes, everything from election officials interfering with a tabulator machine or producing improper ballots, to people that are actually engaged in ballot harvesting and interfering with elections. All of those things are already crimes
It makes sense that people who commit election fraud of some sort should serve jail time, why don't democrats want this?
Do you know what "they're already crimes" means
When you tried that you got your asses kicked by Christian elders and big construction workers.
Are you just typing random strings of cope now?
If he ever does become a mod I'm gonna spam the "how to ban evade" copypasta from /k/. The commie will NEVER have power here.
still mad you lost?
Donald J. Fart
democrats don't need to vote for election fraud
if every citizen voted, democrats would win every election. this is why republicans work so hard to suppress turnout by any means
Pulling things out of my ass for $500
Whatever pays the bills, anon

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