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May 9, 2024

Manchester Teacher Impregnated by One of Her Students While on Bail for Having Sex with Another Student

A teacher in the UK got pregnant by one of her pupils while on bail for having sex with another student, a court heard.

As reported by BBC News, Rebecca Joynes was on bail in connection with grooming a 15-year-old boy and gifting him a 345 pound ($430) designer belt.

The case is being heard by Manchester Crown Court where the 30-year-old teacher is facing trial on six counts of engaging in sexual activity with a child, including two while in a position of trust. She has denied all the charges.

Joynes was arrested after she allegedly picked up the boy after school in her car and took him to her flat, where they had sex twice. An investigation was initiated against the teacher after rumors started circulating around the school. The teacher was suspended by the school during the investigation. She was subsequently bailed on the condition that she have no unsupervised contact with anyone aged under 18.

"The case was then adjourned to await the rest of the trial, but in the meantime it turned out that Ms Joynes had been in a fairly long-term sexual relationship with another of her 15-year-old pupils," said Prosecutor Joe Allman.

"In due course (Boy B) gave his own account. He said Ms Joynes was his teacher that they were in contact while she was suspended, and that he went to her flat when he was 15. They kissed and then, after he turned 16, they struck up a full sexual relationship from she which ended up pregnant," the lawyer added.

"Of course she can't deny that sexual relationship because she became pregnant with (Boy B's) child and she had (Boy B's) child," said Mr Allman.

The court heard she had told the boy she was unable to conceive. Her trial is scheduled to last two weeks.

i bet he was a big strapping 15 yr old, with a goatee and a large penis, like i was at 14.
Donald J. Trump
>male teacher fucks minor student
>right-wingers: "Pedo! Groomer! Tranny!"
>female teacher fucks minor male student
>right-wingers: "BASED! It's natural for a male to be attracted to a woman, so of course he'd naturally want to have sex with her. If my hot teacher wanted to fuck me when I was still in school, I'd do it too"
Why does this double standard exist? Why do right-wingers fail to acknowledge statutory rape laws still apply even if the teacher is a conventionally attractive female and the victim is a horny hormonal adolescent boy?
>Male teacher rapes boy
>Left wingers "Love is love!!!"
>Female teacher has consensual sex with a boy
>Left wingers "I can't believe a gross old man didn't rape the boy!!!"
Why are they like this?
>Why does this double standard exist?

Because men are instinctually predisposed to fuck any chick they come across, that's how we insure the continuation of the species.
Why even respond to that stupid faggot?
The dumbass fag has been phishing with that crap for ages.
Everyone, but that stupid faggot, knows that there are differences between the way men and women are wired.
That's probably because he's a fucking no-dick tranny, or a dyke doing a real life short, dickless man impression.
Statutory rape laws disagree with you. How do you reconcile that?
I've never seen leftists defend statutory rape to the extent right-wingers defend female teachers fucking underage male students. Or the way right-wingers claim priest fucking kids isn't that bad because teachers supposedly fuck kids more (which is a false claim made based on a right-winger's faulty interpretation of data from a study)
>Male teacher rapes boy
>Left wingers "Love is love!!!"
What the fuck are you talking about?
>I've never seen leftists defend statutory rape to the extent right-wingers defend female teachers fucking underage male students
Leftists defend this save exact thing.
Faggot Maximus
>i bet he was a big strapping 15 yr old, with a goatee and a large penis, like i was at 14.
>Donald J. Trump

Many such cases.
>Leftists defend this save exact thing.
Where? When?
Quit being soooo fucking jewish you child rapist.
>I've never seen leftists defend statutory rape to the extent right-wingers defend female teachers fucking underage male students.
Are you sure it's just right wingers doing this or is this another one of your strawmen?
>Or the way right-wingers claim priest fucking kids isn't that bad.
No it's bad when homosexuals slime their way into a position of authority and rape boys.
Threadly reminder: those "priests" were homosexuals.
>because teachers supposedly fuck kids more (which is a false claim made based on a right-winger's faulty interpretation of data from a study)
No one said that homosexuals disguised as priests raping boys is better than homosexual teachers raping boy, you psycho faggot.
Homosexuals should be kept away from children. Period.
Where do you get this shit?
because men and women are very different
Butt MUH jender rooooolls r muh social construct!!!
>Are you sure it's just right wingers doing this or is this another one of your strawmen?
For the record, there are at least three (3) posts ITT selectively defending statutory rape committed by females on male minors, on the basis of it supposedly being innate biological nature for boys to want to fuck hot women.
>For the record, there are at least three (3) posts ITT selectively defending statutory rape committed by females on male minors, on the basis of it supposedly being innate biological nature for boys to want to fuck hot women.
This is true, because that is true.
Now you need to prove that this is a right wing position and not something common sense to prove your ridiculous claims.
Or just fuck off and hang yourself already. You're a fucking idiot.
Then why is it against the law?
>Now you need to prove that this is a right wing position
Look up child marriage laws then see which states have them and which party supports them.
>Child marriage is legal in most of the US
>The age is usually 16 or 17
>California and Washington have no minimum age requirement for marriage
Well, why did I even take my time to respond?
Anyway, speaking of who advocates for what, the left wing position is to pump kids full of hormones and mutilate their bodies.
Even if what I've just reviewed and ruled as false were true, marriage isn't anywhere near as bad as what Faggocrats want.
I'm not certain why demonic creatures such as yourself believe you get to be the moral authority, you fucking satanic baby killer.
wow, you put real effort into that projection

>Kentucky has the third-highest rate of child marriages in the nation. Currently, Kentucky law states that, although you must typically be 18 to marry, a 16- or 17-year-old can marry with parental consent. With a judge’s consent, and if the girl is pregnant, there is no minimum age. Senate Bill 48 would change that. First, it would allow 17-year-olds to marry with the permission of a judge but only if the other spouse is fewer than four years older. In addition, a 17-year-old can obtain judicial approval only if the judge considers factors such as the maturity of the teen, any history of domestic violence by either party and whether the minor was impregnated by the putative spouse while she was under the age of consent.

>The proposed amendment to existing Kentucky marriage law, SB 48, stalled in committee last week and was criticized by Republican Senator John Schickel because it takes decision-making power away from parents. But the real force behind the bill’s delayed passage comes from Family Foundation of Kentucky. Family Foundation of Kentucky is a conservative lobbying group that has created a website with links of “insights” into several bills before the Kentucky legislature.


>Marriage is currently legal in Missouri at age of 16 with at least one parent’s consent. That’s a relatively recent development: Missouri lawmakers only banned marrying children who were 14 years old or younger in 2018. Fifty lawmakers — 38 Republicans and two Democrats — voted against that bill at the time. Before the 2018 legislation passed, Missouri had one of the laxest child marriage restrictions in the country, which, some argued, made the state a refuge for sex trafficking.
Why do you post on this board? You're a fucking retard.

>The Republican-dominated Senate Judiciary Committee rejected the bill on a 9-8 vote, a week after it passed the House of Delegates.

>The vote came shortly after the bill’s main sponsor, Democratic Del. Kayla Young of Kanawha County, testified briefly before the committee. She said that since 2000 there have been more than 3,600 marriages in the state involving one or more children.

>Currently, children can marry as young as 16 in West Virginia with parental consent. Anyone younger than that also must get a judge’s waiver.

Cope. Republicans support adults having sex with minors and vote against bills that would stop it.
u mad
Great. What's wrong with 16 year olds getting married though?
No, but you are a fucking retard.
Protip: anger can be projected via text without one actually being angry, slapnuts.
Go kill yourself.
>he thinks he's not mad
Good post
>selectively defending statutory rape committed by females on male minors

I wasn't defending her actions and she should be prosecuted, I was just pointing out the biological reality that males will fuck anything that moves because a bazillion years of evolution has hard-wired our brains that way and furthermore, unless the teacher did some kinda deviant shit, neither of these boys will be harmed either physically or mentally by this, whereas the same isn't true for a young gal and older man.

Back in high school I had a smoking hot young English teacher and if had she come on to me, I would have absolutely tapped dat ass and cherished the memory (and never breathed a word about it).
Terrible post that assumes
1. A 16 year old is a child
2. These "children" are marrying adults
3. That marriage is bad.
4. The post was made by a homosexual child rapist that molests 5 year old boys.
>What's wrong with 16 year olds getting married though?
16 year olds marrying other teenagers with parental consent is ill advised but probably should be allowed. Grown adults in their 30's, 40's and beyond marrying children under 18 is fucking horrid and, as you saw in the post, Republicans support it. I listed three examples of bills that would've closed loopholes that allowed children aged 16 and under from being legally given to adults for sex and guess who voted against them? Republicans. Conservatives support child rape. Cope.
>Marriage = sex
A tranny's lack of socialization is palpable and it's head canon is wild asf.
>males will fuck anything that moves
>unless the teacher did some kinda deviant shit, neither of these boys will be harmed either physically or mentally by this, whereas the same isn't true for a young gal and older man
such a sexist post. women want sex just as much as men. if a dude isnt around women will fuck themselves with anything they can find hairbrushes, vegetables, massagers and even dogs
Reminder: your mom's a slut that loves getting creampied.
>I'm not defending statutory rape, I'm just saying it's not harmful when a woman does it to boys
They should take the settlement money from the lawsuits levied against these pedo-teachers from teachers pensions and teachers unions who protect pedo-teachers should be disbanded
>unless the teacher did some kinda deviant shit, neither of these boys will be harmed either physically or mentally by this

Let me guess- you also believe sex transition for kids and teenagers is safe and reversible?
And that statement is correct. In fact, statutory rape laws were created specifically to protect women with boys generally excluded (unless homosexual sodomy was involved).
Why are you so hung up on this?
Do you believe women are men?
Also, before you go off on one of your unhinged "GOTCHAS!!!" I'm not the anon you were originally harassing with your idiocy.
>Let me guess- you also believe sex transition for kids and teenagers is safe and reversible?
How do these things work in your crazy little head?
Recognizing the differences between males and females is the opposite of gender faggot mutilation.
>And that statement is correct.
It is not.

>statutory rape laws were created specifically to protect women with boys generally excluded (unless homosexual sodomy was involved).
That doesn't mean boys aren't harmed by being sexually abused by an older women, that just reinforces that women pedophiles are a blind spot in society

Can we get to the part where you say you wish an older female teacher raped you so we can write you off as a porn-addicted retard?
>>How do these things work in your crazy little head?
>Says the guy defending female pedophilia
>It is not.
Explain why without ad hom, stupid shit poster faggot. Or just kill yourself.
>>Says the guy defending female pedophilia
Once again, your idiocy knows no bounds does it?
Might wanna get some basic definitions.
I'll go ahead and accept your concession at this point.
>Explain why without ad hom
No. You're a porn-addicted cumbrain who thinks young boys being sexually bused by an older women isn't a problem because boys naturally want to fuck. You're using pseudoscience to defend grooming and pedophilia.

>Or just kill yourself.
Kill me yourself, you porn addicted pedophilia enabling pissbaby. Go goon for 3 hours, maybe you'll feel better.
>pedophilia defender mad at getting called out for defending pedophilia
You could always just... not defend pedophilia, dontchaknow
Wow. People don't just concede like this on a regular basis. Thanks again for your concession.
>you conceded!
>you're a pedo enabler
>I said you conceded!
>you're a pedo enabler

Pedo enabler gonna enable pedos
>Groomer is pissed he has no argument.
Oh well. Nice attempt at trolling. Thanks again for that concession, bitch :)
>n-n-no ur the groomer
>still literally defending female pedophiles

Mad pissbaby pedo enabler is a mad pissbaby pedo enabler

Hit us with some more bro science about how you think the age of consent should be lower, why dontcha
Everyone picked up that you're an angry grooming LGBTQ that wants to "stick it to the fascists" that won't let you teach buttsecks in school.
Minors cannot legally consent to sex, under any circumstance. No matter if the minor is a horny teen male who wants to fuck his sexy female teacher. The sole exception would be if they were in a jurisdiction with a Romeo & Juliet law that allows the sex between the adult and the minor within a certain age threshold, and both people involved fell within that threshold.
Stop defending pedophilia.
Then why do homos keep raping boys?
>females raping male minors is bad
Uhh, they're bad too? What does that have to do with a story about a female teacher raping a male student?
projection, obviously
Because every boy who is sodomozed is raped by a homosexual.
It's true. 100% of chomos are LGBTQ.
and the catholic church would be happy to relocate that rapist to a new diocese free of charge
Well, it was infiltrated by homosexuals and became a homosexual organization.
Homosexuals have to look out for their own.
>all gay rape is gay
Seems logical, but then again that's not what russia says
>he doesn't know why confession booths had screens installed during the counter reformation
Including female teachers that fuck their male students.
>Doesn't know the discussion was about the boy anus destruction phase cause by homosexuals
Well now, aren't you silly.
What's with the unending slew of female teachers fucking their child students? Wtf is gong on? It really seems the west is entering a really fucked up period. What the fuck is wrong with people now?
are you implying the catholic church has been lgbt since the 1500s
Yes and liberals voted for this.
>It really seems the west is entering a really fucked up period.
If right-wingers are anything to go by, this is a golden age.
Catholic church? Yeah probably.
It's well known that fags were sent to the priesthood quite regularly.
However, homosexuals have a longer history of raping boys, so I'm no sure what your point is.
Additionally, you're the one that voted for the Catholic so, the fucks your problem?
cute revisionism, it's absolutely retarded but i'd expect nothing less from /retardedonpurpose/
Joe Biden is Catholic and rapes children and you voted for him.
Get over it.
nobody will pay for you fanfiction faggot
You lost.
keep pretending
Imagine losing this hard.
Ashley Biden's diary is real, and Joe Biden is a Catholic child rapist.
The only news here is that he hasn't raped any boys, that we know of yet.
And you trapped yourself and lost. That was some amazingly shitty shilling, slapnuts.
The double standard exists because the differences between human males and females exist.
Why doesn't statutory rape law account for these supposed differences? Why is a male predator and a female predator equal in respect to how they broke the law by having sex with minors?

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