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A sex discrimination lawsuit against Donald Trump’s campaign has triggered new accusations that Trump’s lawyers have intentionally covered up settlement payments to women in violation of federal law.

On Friday, watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission, demanding an investigation into the alleged cover-up. The complaint cites new allegations from 2016 Trump campaign aide A.J. Delgado, which she lodged in a sworn court declaration earlier this week as part of her ongoing discrimination suit against Trump’s political operation.

Delgado’s filing presented evidence of top Trump attorney Marc Kasowitz openly admitting that the campaign wanted to use a law firm to cover up a potential settlement payout in 2017. The arrangement, as Delgado described it, appears specifically designed to evade the consequences of federal disclosure laws that require campaigns to publicly report the identities of payment recipients.
“In other words, the payment would be routed through a middleman, to hide the fact that the Campaign had settled, from the public and the FEC,” Delgado stated. “I thus have direct, personal experience with the Defendant-Campaign hiding settlement payments to women, routing them through a ‘middleman law firm,’ which to the public would only appear as payments “for legal services.”

Delgado also claimed to have “information and reason to believe” that other campaign payments have hidden settlements with women “who raised complaints of gender discrimination, pregnancy discrimination, and sexual harassment.” Those payments, she said, are related to the $4.1 million that flowed to Kasowitz’s law firm over a two-month period immediately following the November 2020 election, as well as millions in mysterious legal reimbursements to the campaign’s compliance firm, Red Curve Solutions, which The Daily Beast first reported earlier this month, prompting a federal complaint.

The declaration is particularly significant in that it captures a direct admission of the campaign’s actual intentions behind this middleman arrangement—to keep the existence of a settlement from the public, and, by doing so, from the FEC itself.

In a statement to The Daily Beast, CREW president Noah Bookbinder demanded an investigation, saying that Delgado’s allegations raise serious concerns about a potentially illegal cover-up.
FEC will ignore this complaint entirely. They're already aware because of the NY court case and FEC won't do anything until that court case completes.

This complaint is literally "news" created by a lazy journalist.
The anti-censorship crowd will not see a problem with this.
Another case of election interference by Trump.
No pixs of tRump kissing his boys at all.
>Another case
>It is the same singular incident that was public knowledge before the 2016 election
>public knowledge before the 2016 election
If you're going to lie, maybe don't be so obvious?
Are you seriously uninformed or intentionally retarded? This was in the news when the access Hollywood tapes came out.
Cue the whataboutisms
>Rehashing old news from 2016 for attention

All the access hollywood tapes did was confirm Trump raped women.
The specific women he raped didn't come out because Trump engaged in election interference to silence them.
Please stop making a fool of yourself and projecting.
The access Hollywood wasn't about him corruptly burying important stories that might dissuade opinions about him.
don't respond to the sealion retard
>Rehashing old news from 2016 for attention
The news is literally from today.
yes of course OP's photo was taken today
The news is not the picture a 4chan user chose for his post. The news is the words in the article. I'm glad I could clear this up for you. Let me know if you have any other questions about how news works.
Post another 5 articles without text so I can laugh at you trying to tell me what news is
I mean, it's not a good look for Trump to be with a convicted child sex trafficker that he also had murdered while kissing a child without consent.
Says the guy who thinks news is user uploaded photos on 4chan
>what is an imageboard
>I am a giant summerfag
We know
Have you seem them? The older boys are retarded.

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