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Inevitably, this once again proves Trump is being bought and solid by the Russians and Saudis.


Donald Trump dangled a brazen “deal” in front of some of the top US oil bosses last month, proposing that they give him $1 billion for his White House re-election campaign and vowing that once back in office he would instantly tear up Joe Biden’s environmental regulations and prevent any new ones, according to a bombshell new report.

According to the Washington Post, the former US president made his jaw-dropping pitch, which the paper described as “remarkably blunt and transactional,” at a dinner at his Mar-a-Lago home and club.

In front of more than 20 executives, including from Chevron, Exxon, and Occidental Petroleum, he promised to increase oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, remove hurdles to drilling in the Alaskan Arctic, and reverse new rules designed to cut car pollution. He would also overturn the Biden administration’s decision in January to pause new natural gas export permits which have been denounced as “climate bombs.”
Welcome to politics
>Donald Trump dangled a brazen “deal” in front of some of the top US oil bosses last month, proposing that they give him $1 billion for his White House re-election campaign and vowing that once back in office he would instantly tear up Joe Biden’s environmental regulations and prevent any new ones, according to a bombshell new report.

First, no one trusts tRump
second, even oil execs know the pitchforked villagers are closing in
>First, no one trusts tRump
Then why is everyone giving him money and towing his propaganda?
>First, no one trusts tRump on the internet because they are all foreign actors...
Cue the whataboutisms.
>Fund my campaign cause ill get you back in buisness bros...

He was gonna do it anyways. May as well get some $$$$ out of it..
Cry more Greta.
The Saudis don't want competition from US domestic oil. Competition means lower prices which means less profit. Please think before you post.

Also there are different types of oil and oil extraction. Some are cheaper than others. Saudi Arabia has oil that is cheaper to extract. Offshore, fracking, oil sands and shale oil are more expensive than your basic reservoir sweet crude.
I get paid not to think and to distract others from thinking.
>Asking for campaign donations from companies and promising to remove legislation that hamstrings them is a bribe
>legislation that is responsible for kicking off the current inflation circus

Trump pushing domestic production of oil was a direct threat to the Saudis. Biden's anti-oil EO's have been a boon for the Saudis oil profits.
Hunter. Briben.
That is all.
>Then why is everyone giving him money and towing his propaganda?

only ma & pa retards and the rich (gambling to get another 2018 tax break)
>no one trusts tRump on the internet because they are all foreign actors...
the majority of Americans trust him even less than foreigners(except ignorant Africans and Russians)
That $50000 he made seems like small change now, huh?
called it
If you honestly believe all that degenerate incest fucking crackhead made, then there’s no hope for you.
Is that why the Saudis and Russians are conspiring with Trump to keep prices high then?
ohhhhhhhh, so it was the saudis and the russians and the trumps that made biden kill the keystone pipeline and campaign on the promise to end fossil fuel production. it all makes sense now
Are you outraged that Hunter Biden made money?
>Keystone pipeline
You mean that pipeline that would have increased prices anyway because it was Canadian oil being moved across the entire US to Russian and Saudis back refineries in the south, to then be shipped overseas?
The US has been producing as much or more oil than we did in the peak month of Trump's administration almost every month since July of last year.
Source: https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=pet&s=mcrfpus2&f=m
How does that gel with
>muh Biden killed muh oil industry cause he hates murica?
they're pathological liars, they'll just call you a transexual or something and keep lying
This has been debunked 100x
We're actually producing slightly less while importing significantly less. Biden dun goofed
>This has been debunked 100x
Every place it's been argued. Provide a source or concede
>We're actually producing slightly less while importing significantly less. Biden dun goofed
I provided a source showing we're producing more. Where are you seeing we're producing less?
>it's sealioning again
Man someone needs to update your programming
/pol/ hasn't gotten any updates since the Russians stopped spoonfeeding them in 2016. It's very sad.
>Every place it's been argued
Like where?

>Provide a source or concede



misspoke. we're producing slightly more under biden. imports are much lower
none of those articles substantiate what you're claiming. you're literally quoting articles from 2012. needless to say the oil landscape is significantly different now.
>none of those articles substantiate what you're claiming


>The pipeline would not add to oil supply coming into America for at least 15 years. This is because there is currently around 2 million barrels per day of spare pipeline capacity between Canada and the United States. Keystone XL would therefore divert oil that would have been processed in the Midwest to the Gulf Coast.

>Midwest refineries have been enjoying discounted crude oil prices for the past 18 months. This is due to the glut of Canadian and American oil in the region. The stated purpose of Keystone XL is to relieve that glut and raise the price tar sands producers receive for their oil both in the Midwest and in Canada. Midwest refineries will pay more for their crude and will either pass on the cost to consumers or reduce their production, which eventually will have the same effect.

This quote is from an article in 2022 and it 100% substantiates exactly what I said. Engage with it. Don't run away now that you don't have an argument.

>Had the pipeline been built, it would have delivered 830,000 barrels of oil per day from Canada to the Gulf Coast, where refineries would process it into gasoline and other finished products. TC Energy never said where those products would end up. They could have been sold in the U.S. market, or loaded on tankers for export to other nations. It’s flawed logic to assume this would have represented a huge boost in U.S. gasoline supply that would have lowered prices.

>U.S. refining capacity hit a record high at the beginning of 2020, right before the COVID downturn. The portion of oil arriving at refineries from domestic sources also hit a new high, with foreign oil from Canada and elsewhere dropping from 69% of refinery input in 2010 to just 28% in 2020. With imported oil from every source becoming less important, imported oil from a single pipeline doesn’t even register.

>Capacity utilization at refiners would also have fallen if the missing XL oil left refiners short of oil. That also hasn’t happened. Capacity utilization actually rose from 2008-2019, which indicates refineries were getting all the oil they needed.
>imports are much lower
Imports have been on a mild downward trend since Bush left office, and are currently at about the same levels they were for the later half of Trump's term, depending on the month.
Source: https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=pet&s=mcrimus1&f=m
Where are you seeing they're much lower?
And even if they were, if domestic production is up, isn't that a good thing? Reducing our dependency on foreign oil?
Don't forget the Saudis and Russians have been jacking up prices in order to interfere in the US elections and help the republicans.
Also don't forget that illegal immigrants have recently been getting caught stealing entire truckloads of oil for the cartels from the Permian Basin in Texas
Hadn't heard that. Got a link?
I saw it in a dream.
How do you low-info faggots miss these wide reaching stories when they happen?
Are you too busy watching bitchute videos?
>Fox News
Also, the fact that the Saudis and Russians cut oil to jack up prices is not a secret. Nor is that both parties favor Trump.
Web searching really is foreign to you boomers isn't it?
Web searching really is foreign to you boomers isn't it?
>TexASS crime
Looks like Republicans are a fuck up again.
>Biden passing restrictive EO's on oil that drive up costs domestically and further entrench the Russian/Saudi oil hegemony is because Russians/Saudis secretly want Trump

Mental gymnastics are not your strong suit
Still trying to push the failed Trump campaign narrative about Biden's EOs, eh? Better luck next time, kid.
>if I believe Biden EO's aren't real then they arent real
Troon headcannon is wild
You get debunked every single time you post that, yet you still keep trying to push the same failed talking points. Are you being paid?
>[troon noises intensify]
How exactly have Biden's EOs been debunked anon?
>Muh fuggin' blog post says your wrong.
Nice blog faggot.
Speaking of EOs, 90% of Biden EOs were for fags and Biden is the president of fags.
But aside from that:
And despite 90% of EOs being fag EOs by the president of fags he also found time to fuck over apprenticeship programs revoking Trumps EO
And recently undid that thing he never did to DRASTICALLY INCREASE gas prices that never affected gas prices in the first place, despite the sharp jump right after fucking around with oil leases.
More like Joe Burden mirite?
Keep getting BTFO and whining about it, I don't care. Either way you're still wrong and you know it.
The Saudis gave Trump $3 billion when he left office, and now he wants more?
He already spent it all on lawyers
Trump doesn't pay for his lawyers, the RNC does.
Fine, go vote for Joe Burden the Catholic child rapist again.
>The EO's didn't exist but if they did, here's why they're a good thing
Gotcha, thanks for playing
The EOs never did what you claimed they did.

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