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top kek, have fun dying for israel
can y'all make up ur minds lol, first ur complaining about muslims in germany, now ur complainin about dyin for israel, jus stop the tomfoolery like omg smh.
>xe doesn't hate both muslims and jews
he's making threads again
The Germs will never pay back what they took from us.
I lost my great great 2nd cousin Sarah, and my great great great 3rd uncle David. They wound up as cabbage fertilizer.
Never again.
The Germs must bear this burden until the true Messiah returns to free us.
Why are you obsessed?
OP is the same schizo who whines about reddit while also being a literal confirmed redditor.
I'm not the one who hates this board and its customs, that's you
You've been doing this cope for over a year now. Don't you have any self respect?
Everyone else here except the gun schizo hates you and wants you to go back.
Cool, that's never happening so you can>>1294416
stop coping now
sounds like you are having delusions
why would I care about trannies hating me?
Why would you come to a board you think is full of trannies every single day?
to try to convince you to 41% and to stop you from getting a foothold like you ruined /n/ and /gif/
This is to reverse low troop readiness related to a convrntion war against Russia, as they promised at the lasr NATO meeting

hahaha. Cant wait to see private Akhmet yelling at Lt. Von Hitlerhoff: "DUU STRESS MICH!! WIESO STRESST DU MICH!! DU STRESS MICH!! WER BISS DUU!!?? DU STRESS MICH!!"
atleast I stan loona... >:)
They need to kill the officers that refuse to kill their globohomo masters, and take their country back exterminating all the jews.
brown shill, the nazis weren't on your side. just a reminder
>considering to reintroduce mandatory military service now that conventional wars in Europe are back on the menu
Wow, who could have seen this coming?

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