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California is reeling from huge spikes in illegal immigration after Texas secured their border.
Texas, home to about 70% of the US-Mexican border, decided to secure their border against illegal immigration against the mandates of despot Biden.
While this has directly resulted in a large overall decrease of illegal immigration nationally, California quickly saw their illegal immigration rise by roughly 50% as smugglers now use California beaches for entry
California Beaches Are a New Gateway for Illegal Immigration

Enright was swimming off the coast of La Jolla, Calif., just north of San Diego, on a sunny Tuesday morning in January when he spotted a boat racing toward the shore, headed straight for him.

As he swam out of the way, Enright said, he initially didn’t know what the white pleasure craft was doing. “But when I saw there was a boat full of people,” he said, “that’s when I knew.”

It was, he realized, another smuggling operation carrying migrants into the U.S. illegally via the sea. When the boat ran ashore, about a dozen people ran out and up a rocky walkway toward a nearby street, where they disappeared.
While illegal immigration by people crossing the U.S.-Mexico border has risen to record levels in recent years, seaborne smuggling of migrants has surged as well—particularly in Southern California.

Their dramatic arrivals, some of which locals, including Enright, have caught on video, have become an increasingly common sight for people who visit or live by beaches, sometimes sparking fear and anger.

The number of times migrants illegally entered or attempted to enter California by boat has more than doubled from 308 in the federal fiscal year that ended in September of 2020 to 736 in the same period last year, according to Customs and Border Protection.
The migrant boat landings are adding to an already chaotic situation around San Diego, which has recently become the most active stretch along the border for illegal migration. Federal agents there have made more than 220,000 arrests since Oct. 1, putting this fiscal year on track to be the busiest in decades.

The crush of arriving migrants, mostly asylum seekers, has far exceeded capacity at Border Patrol stations, prompting authorities to release more than 100,000 people since October. Most are dropped off at public transit stations in the city with orders to report back to immigration court at a later date.

Those releases have caused an outcry and have strained local government resources. A county-funded welcome center was closed earlier this year after running out of money. A new one was recently authorized using money provided under a federal grant intended to help local governments manage migrant arrivals.

Like ghosts
Most migrants who enter illegally by land immediately surrender to authorities and request asylum. Those arriving via boat, in contrast, typically speed away in waiting vehicles.

“The big concern for us is we have absolutely no idea who these people are,” said San Diego County Supervisor Jim Desmond, a Republican. “We have no idea what they are doing. They’re ghosts.”

CBP said its agents have made nearly 8,000 arrests for illegal entry into the U.S. in maritime smuggling incidences since 2020.

The federal government hasn’t provided information on the nationalities of any of those people. Most are likely Mexican nationals who were previously deported or have a criminal history in the U.S., according to Rafael Fernandez de Castro, director of the Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies at the University of California, San Diego. Such people generally aren’t eligible to request asylum.
“They risk that, if they are seen by police, they will be immediately thrown out or even serve some time in jail,” Fernandez de Castro said.

Some more-affluent migrants, meanwhile, might be misled by smugglers to believe sneaking in by boat is their best or only option. They typically pay the highest smuggling fees, which can reach $30,000, according to Fernandez de Castro.

Desmond said he thinks a 2017 California law limiting when local law enforcement can work with federal immigration authorities is helping drive the beach arrivals. He said even if local law enforcement officers were on the scene, they wouldn’t be able to arrest migrants whose only known crime was entering the U.S. illegally.

“In California, we are laying out the red carpet and welcome mat for illegal immigrants to cross the border,” Desmond said.

A spokeswoman for Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom said local authorities are still able to work with their federal partners in immigration cases involving serious criminals, but Congress needs to act to address border security and improve the asylum system.
Zipping past surfers
A few of the most daring smuggling occurrences in the past year have been captured on video by beachgoers and posted to a social-media account run by Britt Mayer, an independent journalist who chronicles migration issues in San Diego.

In April, a boat carrying at least a dozen people raced on shore in Carlsbad, about 50 miles north of the Mexican border, on a Saturday afternoon. Video showed it zipping by bobbing surfers before landing on the beach not far from a young girl playing in the sand.

The migrants aboard ran to a parking lot where a pair of vehicles were waiting, then sped off. A few left behind darted into a nearby neighborhood.

“It’s becoming more obvious that they don’t care if they are seen,” Mayer said.

Many landings happen under the cover of darkness, according to Robert Butler, who runs TowboatUS San Diego. His government contracting firm salvages migrant boats, which are frequently abandoned on beaches.

“I believe the objective is to get on the beach, drop off cargo and run back to Mexico,” Butler said. “But they are very, very bad at that.”

His company routinely gets three to four calls a week to salvage an abandoned smuggling boat, he said. One day in mid-April, two calls came in about an hour, one in La Jolla and another just to the north in neighboring Orange County.

“If it’s a foggy night, I’ll actually have a crew staged the next morning ready to go,” Butler said

Womp womp
>Their dramatic arrivals, some of which locals, including Enright, have caught on video, have become an increasingly common sight for people who visit or live by beaches, sometimes sparking fear and anger.
>The number of times migrants illegally entered or attempted to enter California by boat has more than doubled from 308 in the federal fiscal year that ended in September of 2020 to 736 in the same period last year, according to Customs and Border Protection.
Wow, that's almost two a day.
At that rate, it's sure it will dominate right wing media for the next month or so to make it seem like it's yet another screaming hoard of illegals who are going to take our jerbs, suck up all of our welfare because they won't work, and rape our women if we don't vote Republican.
>Wow, that's almost two a day
Most of these are drug smugglers according to the article.
California loves their fentanyl
Well, they did vote for this.
> “The big concern for us is we have absolutely no idea who these people are,” said San Diego County Supervisor Jim Desmond, a Republican. “We have no idea what they are doing. They’re ghosts.”

I envy their privacy
take the blue&pink pill opie
i did.
now i look lovely in a dress(my breasts grew, and my legs and face stopped growing hair)

>he said the campaign slogan again
>he's samefagging again
Wow your off your meds again! What a twist!
>illegal immigration rise by roughly 50%
[x] doubt

By what measure are they getting this number?
You may have a point if Republicunts didn't deny funding for setting up already purchased fentanyl detecting machines for the border because they wanted to complain about fentanyl entering the country.
No one really cares about astroturfing on problems republicans are causing to blame on democrats.
Yeah the 50% figure has been debunked, it's a actually just 45.1%, not nearly as big as the 50% op says
>Put 5-10 good things in a bill with 100+ bad things
>Nobody wants all that bad stuff
>"But why don't you want good things!??"
You can't point at random people and say yep most of those people are drug smugglers. That is not how it works.
The DNC shillbot is on the fritz again
Live in california, never heard about this "problem"
cope more conservashits. texas is a failed state and already crapping out excuses for why its free murket electric grid needs to warn people about "planned outages" this coming summer.
cant wait to hear about water prices spiking there too soon.
>reddit spacing
biden only lies so he is doing nothing to deport all the illegals in the country
they are smuggling drugs and bringing crime. there is no reason why the coast guard and border patrol shouldn't just shoot them
Biden's making more illegal immigrants legal.
Where's the lie?
>The crush of arriving migrants, mostly asylum seekers
Poverty and shit food is not a reason for asylum.
Actually that is how it works. Its just that its apparently "reeee racist!!11" to assume things even though you are correct most of the time.
>A Californian, living in the "brownout" state, presuming to ridicule Texas about its power grid
Lmao, this is the pile of ashes calling the kettle black
Don't forget. California has managed its power grid so poorly about 5-6 years ago their power lines owned by the state managed power company, PG&E, burned down an entire town of people, Paradise CA, and since then (unless if they finally got their shit together) they've been turning off electricity to large portions of the northern half of the state every time it's windy outside, to prevent further unlawful death suits.

You see, Texas gets power problems 1-2 times a year due to uncommonly bad weather, California gets it dozens of times a year due to windy, dry days, which are quite common in CA
no illegals should ever be made legal, they are all, without exception, evil
By what metric?

You do realize that even if Texas had a magical shield that magically repelled all illegal immigrants, California's illegal immigration rate wouldn't go up by 45%.
Imagine being this radicalized
my position is extremely moderate
Imagine being so radicalized that you think everyone you disagree with being evil is a moderate position. Online politics has actually turned your brain to mush.
not everyone. just illegals
I hope you seek help and get off of the internet. It has truly ruined you as a human being.
post medical credentials, faggot. no one who has interacted with illegals likes illegals
You're right. That's pretty moderate.
Imagine burning your life away attempting to troll people, unsuccessfully, on 4chan.
Every time. Democrats think like children and just assume everyone else does too.
Yep, it's spamming noise to get people not to discuss Biden's Border.
because dems include shit like this as riders in bills that have like 200 things in them and like 75% of the things in the bills are forced castration of children and sending money to afganistan women's studies programs
calikeks btfo
dems didn't write the bill dumbass

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