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Jerry Seinfeld Commencement Speech Spurs Walkout at Duke University
The comedian's steadfast support of Israel resulted in calls to cancel his graduation day appearance.

MAY 12, 2024

Jerry Seinfeld has steered clear of controversy for decades, saving his strongest opinions for the arguably mundane. But it appears his recent comments on what’s acceptable fodder for comedy, as well as his ongoing support of Israel, have prompted a new wave of frustration with the comedian. That aggravation boiled over today, in the form of a student walkout at Duke University’s graduation, just as the Seinfeld star took the stage to deliver the school’s commencement speech.

According to a video posted to social media, Seinfeld’s introduction by school president Vincent Price was “drowned out” by chants of “free free Palestine.” The rallying cries appeared to come from both the soon-to-be-graduates seated on Brooks Field as well as folks in the surrounding rows at Wallace Wade Stadium.

Another video shows be-gowned students standing, unfurling Palestinian flags, and leaving the stadium as Seinfeld prepared to speak. According to The Daily Beast, the livestream of the graduation ceremony cut away from the protest as it occurred.

Seinfeld, who also received an honorary doctorate from the school, didn’t allude to the protest in his speech, which focused on general life advice for the graduates. WRAL reports that the still-working standup announced three keys to life: Work hard, pay attention, and fall in love. (All activities, one should note, that seemed to eternally elude his namesake character.)
who cares these "protests" so fucking stupid. they have zero influence on what Israel decides to do or not to do. College kids are really out of touch and it's cringe.
t. Genocide apologist
the woketests are americans expressing their opinions under the 1st amendment
everyone needs to see I have the RIGHT opinion
Maybe it teaches the jews they better fucking quit with their shit?
you could stop here and appear fallaciously reasonable but i'm sure you won't
Facts. These protests doesn't mean shit nowadays. They act like these protests compare to protests during the founding fathers days when they had a common set of core beliefs and always knew the Jews were always brewing trouble and wanted to overtake us, and they weren't having it. The nu-soy masses with no real ancestry or sense of family, tradition, God, or half a brain, and worse yet controlled by Jews who are much more powerful than a few centuries ago, really believe they can change anything. Delusional
Why would I stop there? I've studied the history of the world wars.
I won't.
But if you like, look into the found of Israel, the Balfour Declaration, and the Mandate for Palestine.
>i won't
well, i guess you're just an asshole then
I'm not your history teacher and this isn't a debate.
And yes, I am an asshole. An asshole who told you where to find the answers to your question.
>it isn't a debate
no it isn't, you refuse to argue your unpopular opinion
The protests were incredibly mild and they have these kinds of protests all the time. What made them noteworthy was the police brutality response. Seinfeld is the comedian of choice for your most annoying friends, nothing was lost here. Why they chose Seinfeld for the class of 2024 is the real story.
police brutality response has been an issue since rodney king in the current zeitgeist
>protests during the founding fathers days
Uh..they didn't protest. They rioted, tar and feather, destroyed merchandise, defaced/destroyed statues and attacked British officers. Moderate pearl clutchers would've hate them.
>I'm very educated and have studied history
>Well, I can't explain any of it, all I can do is name historical events
Very based. I'm sure you're very well socially rewarded for having the correct opinion about an issue you know nothing about.
Only facts were expressed. You didn't want to research them. Why would I debate you on history?
>Jerry's standup was always lame.
too soon
Seinfeld: "Israel's just defending itself from the terrorist attack on October 7th"

Larry David:"yeah I started game of thrones halfway through the series and thought joffrey was the victim too"

Zionist Seinfeld confirmed being unable to take a joke, we knew that already though which is what makes it funnier
Black response to policing has been a problem since before Rodney King got beat for trying to resist arrest multiple times.
Glad their wasn't any bullshit happening when I graduated. I'd be pissed if a bunch of affluent sjws tried to ruin one of the biggest days of my lives, all because of some islamic extremists are being bombed somewhere.
>my lives
My phone either thinks I'm a cat, or hindu
you only have 1 life, genocidal scum, and then hell awaits you
They're just labeling the protestors as anti-semites and saying they'll have no career because jews control corporations and govt. Anything short of the Arab states intervening and the US cutting off all funding won't stop them. And the Arabs have a terrible history of fighting israel.
Fuck Israel and fuck Palestine. USA doesn't need to give either of them any money anymore. Let them all blow each other up into dust, I don't give a shit. Americans need American money more then either of those places.
let the tranny college zombies take the lumps this year, brother. it will do them some good to be humbled and humiliated by the jewish system they've been so fervently sucking off

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