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"Make my day, Pal"

Biden proposes June and September debates with Trump, who accepts dates
The president said he will not participate in the traditional televised showdowns organized by the Commission on Presidential Debates.

By Michael Scherer and Josh Dawsey
Updated May 15, 2024 at 9:52 a.m. EDT|Published May 15, 2024 at 8:00 a.m. EDT


President Biden said Wednesday that he will not participate in the decades-old tradition of three fall meetings organized by the bipartisan Commission on Presidential Debates, instead calling on his Republican rival Donald Trump to join him for two televised presidential debates in June and September.

Trump responded minutes later saying he accepted Biden’s offer. “I am Ready and Willing to Debate Crooked Joe at the two proposed times in June and September,” he wrote on Truth Social. “I would strongly recommend more than two debates and, for excitement purposes, a very large venue, although Biden is supposedly afraid of crowds.”

“Just tell me when, I’ll be there,” he continued, before referencing a tag line from professional boxing. “'Let’s get ready to Rumble!!!”

The public announcement follows private back-channel discussions about possible meetings. The officials with the Biden and Trump campaigns have privately had informal conversations on debates in recent weeks, focused on meetings that would not involve the commission, according to two people familiar with the discussions who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss private events.
The Biden proposal, outlined in a video message and letter to the commission, called for direct negotiations between the Trump and Biden campaigns over the rules, moderators and network hosts for the one-on-one encounters. He proposed a separate vice-presidential debate in July, after the Republican nominating convention and before the Democratic nominating convention.

“Donald Trump lost two debates to me in 2020, and since then he hasn’t shown up for a debate. Now he is acting like he wants to debate me again. Well, make my day, pal. I’ll even do it twice,” Biden said in the video released Wednesday that referenced the weekly break in Trump’s New York criminal trial. “So let’s pick the dates, Donald. I hear you’re free on Wednesdays.”

Biden campaign chair Jen O’Malley Dillon cited the commission’s proposed schedule and past struggles to keep candidates from violating the debate rules in the letter explaining the decision.

“The Commission’s model of building huge spectacles with large audiences at great expense simply isn’t necessary or conducive to good debates,” she wrote. “The debates should be conducted for the benefit of the American voters, watching on television and at home — not as entertainment for an in-person audience with raucous or disruptive partisans and donors, who consume valuable debate time with noisy spectacles of approval or jeering.”

Trump and the Republican National Committee have also expressed interest in bypassing the commission, which has convened presidential debates since the 1988 election. The commission has already scheduled one vice-presidential and three presidential debates, starting on Sept. 16 with a presidential candidate meeting in Texas that would have been simultaneously broadcast by major broadcast and cable news networks.
>only agrees to two debates
>nothing in October
Lmao, they're gonna stick Sleepy Joe in the basement again the last month before the election and hope for the best
>5 cuts in a 14 second video
You made this comment 18 minutes ago,
>Debate after early voting starts
No but it's a good point- can't even film a 14 second video of Biden without having to stop 5 times to wrangle him back to the now

They need to drug test him before and after the debates, everyone knows how theyre gonna keep him from wandering around like a chicken with dimensia
Who remembers trump wanting to debate Biden on joe rogan and then Biden running away
>on joe rogan
You already said this,
@RinTinTech. Your Russo bot isn't working.
Everyone under the age of 50, so not >>1295183

Are you honestly suggesting that I am several different YouTube users conspiring against you? I can read the same comments you fucking retard faggot, I'm posting them here because they raise good points and because I like making you cry in your own agitprop threads
>Bots existing are a conspiracy theory now
I guess they save all the better Russobots for more important websites.
Where did he say you were those people? You just made a consciousness of guilt statement.
>everyone who disagrees with me is a bot
You're so painfully asswrecked, it's delightful

>for more important websites
Then why are you here? Didn't score high enough on the shill asvab?

>Where did he say you were those people?
You, mr samefaggot, quite literally tagged those people's usernames in this thread thinking they were me. They are not.

>You just made a consciousness of guilt statement.
You're literally crying right now aren't you?

>Where did he say you were those people?
>You already said this,
>You made this comment 18 minutes ago

Are you actually retarded?
>He's an ESL and reconfirms his consciousness of guilt.
Also nice projection at the end too, for both your posts.
>still literally crying

Aren't you going to accuse me of being another one of the meanie YouTube people making fun of Biden?
>Still projecting
>still crying

So to recap:
-gave up denying you didn't claim I was the commenters after I proved you did
-gave up claiming I am a bot
-gave up defending having to cut 5 times in 14 seconds of footage because Biden is a literal zombie

And now you're trying to get the last word through bitter tears because... you don't know what else to do with yourself? Your supervisor is making you post? I don't get it. Just take the L and go.
Not him, but you arbitrarily declare victory like this every time you lose an argument.
>Not him
No one believes you bud

>but you arbitrarily declare victory like this every time you lose an argument.
Sure thing, mr "I accept your concession"

Also reminder: you lost the argument, not me. Maybe if you try to say I'm a Youtube commenter, again, before denying you said I was a YouTube commenter, again, you'll feel better
Everyone else believes me because no one else here is as mentally ill as you are. You always give away who you are through your catch phrases about "last words" and "bitter tears". No one else here has that level of mental illness but you.
>Everyone else believes me

>You always give away who you are through your catch phrases about "last words" and "bitter tears
You always give yourself away because you always take my bait and keep fishing for the last word through bitter tears. You expect me to believe you're not the same retard I make fun of all the time, for this reason exactly, yet you have a long memory of all the times I called you a retard cause you kept taking the bait?

Lmao. It seems like you're my biggest sub.
>everyone who disagrees with me is a bot
>You're so painfully asswrecked, it's delightful
No. Just bots who use literally the same talking point every 5 minutes.
>So to recap, here's a bunch of strawmen.
You're not escaping the consciousness of guilt doing that.
Just to recap, there are at least three people calling you out ITT but you incorrectly think they're all the same person. Also you lost and you have no argument so all that is left to you is lashing out.
>claims I'm a bot because I only say the same things
>says the same things over and over

You're not escaping being a buttwrecked schizofaggot

Enjoy your day of posting agitprop for pesos
>Just to recap, there are at least three people calling you out
IP counter says you're wrong

>Also you lost and you have no argument
Now who's projecting? Lmao

Come suck that last word off my cock faggot, you were so obedient last time.
>muh agitprop
Why are you even on this board? Do you like being outraged by facts you disagree with?
There is no IP counter you moron.
>Can only resort to personal attacks because he got called out correctly.
The debate should be held at 10am just to see if Trump can stay awake since he's always sleeping during his election interference criminal trial.
>N-No U!!!
Okay Botboy
Yes, you.
Concede first. Then we'll talk.
I'm not that poster, but his argument has more merit.
>I'm not that poster
Show proof.
I thought you had your fancy botnet tell you these things so I don't have to.
So Biden wants 2 debates instead of the traditional 3 and also wants them much earlier, which makes them less impactful? It's consistent with his strategic incentives, which are that he can't be seen as ducking debates but he's not particularly confident he'll win. You're supposed to be the candidate who stands up for norms and traditions and now you're ducking this tradition?

"The President will not be participating in the Commission of Presidential Debates' announced debates."
That's hilarious considering Trump didn't debate in the primary at all.
Neither did Biden you insufferable retard
Biden didn't have a primary, retard. Just some literal who author and some guy who changed to independent after failing hard to get over 10% in any polls.
>Biden didn't have a primary.. except for the primary
Usually the incumbent president doesn't, because there's rarely any in party contenders. Trump not doing it during this Republican primary, simply because he knew he was so popular among the GOP that he didn't need to, is kind of unique.
If you're undecided, you're the dumbest moron.
>Except for the "primary" that was a clean sweep by an incumbent president
Maybe that's how I know you're both the same person.
trump edited his covid video.
And what you're doing right now is called "being wrong", but I understand how you were misled by your botnet. Many such cases.
Still no proof. Sad.
The Donald better wear an xtra thick diaper, because i predict a lot of pants shitting.

VP running mate:''MR tRump, did you shit your pants today again, sir?

tRump:"No, fuckface, i didn't shit my pants today again!"

VP running mate:"Are you sure you didn't shit your pants again today sir sir? I definitely am getting the smell of shit when I stand near you''.
tRump: ''The jokes on you, you dummy, that shit in my pants is from yesterday".
>CNN and ABC
So Trump has the home court advantage because of both these networks conservative bias.

>Trump wanted one of Fox News too
Now he's being greedy.
When you figure out why that is you will be a much more worthy poster.
You lost.

Concede and move on.
Trump's campaign didn't think Biden would not only agree to a debate, but also took the offensive to be the one to dictate terms.
Why are you so obsessed with feces and diapers. Leave your tranny shit fetish to /lgbt/
In theory, Mr. Trump could be serving time in New York when the debates take place.
Wouldn't he be out on appeal?
Trumpfags already preparing to have Trump pussy out.
He forgot how he was supposed to be boycotting them from the last election.
People found guilty don't automatically get out of prison during their appeal. A judge makes that decision.
he's going to drop out, isn't he
Trump would burn down the country before he gives up and goes to prison.
This is the guy who staged a coup to try and stay in office.
Libtard fanfiction is wild
>Jan 6th and Trump already setting the stage for a 2nd coup is not happening
Debate over prison phone lol
They have openly talked about all the effort they are doing to subvert the election this time. It is not a secret, Trump says it at every rally. “ if we win the election was fair. If we lose we will not accept it.”
>IP counter
This feature was removed from 4chan months ago
He doesn't know that. He's being misled by 4chanX, which hasnt worked properly in over a decade.

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