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Why does the North East have so much SOVL bros? Vermont and New Hampshire are the best states I've ever been to in this country.
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I drive out to Vermont almost every single spring for this stuff. Nothing else like it. Best syrup in the whole fucking world. Gotta be.
The Northeast is older, more traditional, and a lot more communal than the rest of the country, on top of having some beautiful nature. Unlike the faux-nice southerners we actually care about our fellow citizens, which is why we enjoy a standard of living comparable to western European countries.
>which is why we enjoy a standard of living comparable to western European countries.
Oh, you mean the standard of widespread urbanization, small and severely limited batches of forest that are crowded, hunting laws designed to stop you from actually hunting, high crime rates in the metropolitan areas, smog, pollution, and an abundance of immigrants that were mysteriously shipped in to the big cities?
Yeah I'd say the northeast and Europe are similar.
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Its an absolute mogging living up here. Where you're actually safe walking around. Low unemployment rates, affordable way of living. West Coasties and floyover fags malding
>severely limited batches of forest that are crowded
Are you retarded? Maine alone mogs like 70% of the country for wilderness
>high crime rates in metro areas
That’s literally everywhere every state
>abundance of immigrants
You are fucking pants on head retarded if you think New England has anywhere near the immigrant levels of most of the country. It’s objectively on of the whitest and nicest places to live in the US, cope.
>and severely limited batches of forest
NH 84% forest
VT 78% forest
This hexagon map is AIDS
I'm ready to watch the seethe unfold.
Nh is 84% public land? Damn that's higher than nevada
Best hiking in the country in terms of sheer amount of trails and views. In my opinion anyways. I've been going through the Notch and tackling those trails and still haven't scratched the surface of what this state has to offer.
Why would you ever want to live somewhere without four seasons?
Bottom right occurs for literally one week. Then it's top left for 5 months.
Except it's not a blue sky, it's grey the entire time.
In early NH the forest was cut down, just about 20% wooded and 80% farmland. Now it has switched back. Old stone walls and rubble foundations are common in woods.
Where did the cane breaks go
I love northern New England, I really do. But the land is basically ruined by snow and mosquitoes. There's only like 2 months out of the year where outdoor activities are actually enjoyable. Hunting is a total shit show too, wild game populations for every species are very low. The Adirondacks are better, but then you have to deal with NY gun laws and taxes.
? Cane brakes aren't North of Virginia.
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>blocks you are mosquito path
What are the fucking metrics here? JFC
It's almost like nearly completely white societies have higher trust and are able to act in good faith towards one another moreso than mixed "societies" where one has to treat everything skeptically and with caution
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True. Are we allowed to say that?
>Slather your whole body in poison constantly

Go for it!
This can't be a coincidence right
Texas and Arizona should send a few hundred thousand illegals to maine and new hampshire and let them enjoy what they vote for.
This is fake news, nazis.
Too crowded. When I go out I don’t want to see a single solitary soul but my dog. Every New England hike I’ve ever done has been loaded up with dorks and yuppies wearing pastel.
I'll shoot that disgusting fucker if I see it running around off leash around me
Nah. You're fake and gay and you have no life or you wouldn't pretend to be cool on the Internet for strangers.

Anon, that dog would have your leg humped before you ever cleared leather. You'd have a gallon of dog splooge on you before you could even react.
>calls someone fake and gay
>couldn't find a hike that wasn't crowded in VT/NH
Remember when a few months ago all of those “conservatives” had the chance to get a bill through that would address immigration but they shot it down? Turns out your corpo sucking rulers actually love cheap labor, they just put on a big show because they know you’ll lap it up.
Are the disgusting french canadians a problem?
Where is the one where we make it policy to just shoot them on sight? That's the one I want.
Get off your ass and get to it, Cletus.
It would be legal if the state served the people it enslaves rather than the globalust oligarchy.
>muh legality
Live your truth, pussy.
Protip: might makes right and the bad guys have the most guns and they're called the government
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1. I always carry a gun when hunting so fucking try it. By law I can kill you to protect my property.
2. Shooting a collared hunting dog on public hunting grounds with owner on site is very illegal and comes with a whopping fine and potentially jail time
3. In civil court I would rape you for the price of a new puppy and training fees which would amount to about $4500 for the dog plus my pain and suffering and I love the little dork
4. None of this matters because I keep my dog leashed like a fucking adult unless he is on said public land where it is legally protected because I’m not a douchebag
5. It especially doesn’t matter because you’re an impotent little faggot that won’t do shit anyway
That choco lab looks like an awfully good boy (girl?).
Boy. My brothers dog. He’s 100lbs now.
>he thinks this is sovl
is it the oldest part of the colonized USA?
New Englanders are a different breed. I was up there with my wife for Thanksgiving to visit her relatives, and I accidentally backed into a guy at a Cumberland Farms, and he didn't even care. I dented in his door and he told me that it was just his winter beater and calling the cops and filing a claim wasn't worth the time. Couldn't believe it. Everyone up there is friendly, not high strung, and hard working. We might move up next year if I can find work. Beautiful small towns to raise a family.
>wearing a mask and in a Disney store
I prefer that during winter, especially if there's snow. Sun and snow don't go together well for my eyes. Sun hurts my eyes anyway so I'm happy for as many gray days as possible.
What part of New England? I could not see that situation going down so pleasantly in Boston, Providence, Hartford or Springfield
Derp. Sunglasses and ski goggles exist.
What I like about it is that Disney put out state propaganda in support of the wars and of income taxation back in the 40s
With the gray skies I don't have to wear the sunglasses and ski goggles so I'm happy to have them.
It's bootleg.
Obviously. It's subversive.
Small town in New Hampshire.
No one knows what it means. It's provocative.
I am so far burnt out on humor I only like jokes that have prerequisite courses.
The West Coast consistently mogs everything.
laurentia just bodies every other part of the country, maybe continent except for cascadia.
this fact makes the south seethe, they cannot fathom their rotten humid swamp might not be eden.
No idea where this is tblebedesu.
Lmao. Lol even.
He’s a big guy
its a general term for the area between the st laurence river and the sea, ie. the whole u.s. northeast including some of canadas maritimes
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Get back in the manlet pit.
Either your picrel is grossly exaggerated or it was meant to represent something other than altitude

You mean the republican controlled state government in NH that sent guard troops to the border to support Abbott?
>nobody has managed to refute this yet
>Grew up in CT and MA
>Loved the weather but found the people a bit too stuck up for my taste
>Went to ME for college
>Fell in love with everything about it
God I need to go back. Maine was everything I ever wanted to live in and I hate I left. Nowhere else feels the same.
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>severely limited batches of forest that are crowded
Just leave the trails and you have guaranteed solitude outside of the hunting seasons
Grew up in Maine, left at 18, worst decision of my life
Aren’t the ticks up there fucking awful? Only ever spent a day in Bangor in the winter but I got chewed the fuck up in PA and MD
The ticks and black flies in Maine are legitimately worse than anywhere else in the US. For some reason they reproduce extremely well in Maine.
You named four cities out of an entire geographic region, why are you midwesterners so desperate to shit on the Great North Woods? Are you just realizing now what New England even is? You know they started the Revolution, right?
Black people are so rare in the north east. It's a beautiful thing, really. And the blacks that do go up there are different than your average city nogs. They stay in their lane.
Hi Rabbi
Lol you look like you took to much söy
>two party brain
Ne is filled with retires who will leave the area vacant for future Massachussets immigrants. At least rockies reproducing and maintaining culture.
Pacific Northwest is legend
Portland even still whitest major city in US and even if you hate the screaming yuppies, meth and SAD season, it cleans the slate of trash out each season or consolidates it to city centers
Oy vey
Nice counter argument faggot.
In 50 years New England will be vacant because none of the Bernie bros had kids and it will be the next stop for a new wave of Somalian immigrants, Indian programmers, and Muslim refugees
Only hope is Amish moving in before all the childless families die out
new england isnt particularly special in its birthrate. middle class whites arent having kids period, in 50 years half of the country will be vacant and the other half will be filled with the low-income inbred mutts that got shat out and more immigrants
You were saying?
Lmao the only people who post this don't actually know any Mormons irl. They're having a huge apostasy problem, young people are leaving the religion in droves. Mormonism is extremely unpopular among millennials and zoomers. They also can't get White converts anymore, which is why they push mission trips in Latin America so hard.
Mans straight up nuked em.
Fair enough but Amish pop has doubled every 20 years
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>Washington is safer than Idaho and Wyoming
Uh... What
What's up with Maine and NH?
Huwhite. And largely old at that. I always liked Maine, but I wouldn't wanna live there
alaska is interesting
It's probably due to its drastic male to female ratio
Nice and communal... Anon....
I'm gay btw not sure if that matters
just your average day in eastern europe, pussies need not apply
here in kansas its the top left, except without the snow, and without the mountains, and without the trees
and i mean year round
Vermont boys win again
At being cucks
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My hometown was destroyed during King Philips War. They burned all the houses and slaughtered all the English they could get their hands on. Babies were scalped, livestock had their bellies cut open so they died slowly dragging their entrails around, men and women had both their hands and feet cut off and left marooned deep in the wilderness and writhe in the mud and be prayed upon by wild animals.

The panic that swept the Bay Colony as every town and outpost were left in ashes one after the other was palpable. They even considered building a gigantic stockade around Boston and commence evacuation of the colony.

It took another generation or two to safely rebuild all the destroyed towns. It's quite a heavy history New England springs out of, with two opposing forces literally committing genocide against each other. I feel it every winter. An entire forest fortification of over 1000 Indians was burned in the dead of winter roasting almost all of them, and the weather was so brutal that most of militia died of hypothermia or lost limbs to frostbite on the long return march. Fucking nightmare.

The beauty of the landscape in every season is something I can never tire of, but god damn it's a brutal place to survive if you don't have modern comforts or you are stuck in an existential struggle.
minnesota must be excluding murderappolis
seems like washington state is the GOAT /out/ state based on this
Kek. Every time I see this comment I laugh.
Nice write up. Brutal history.
I wish there were a good prairie preserve here with pronghorns and bison and elk the way the plains were before we killed everything.
I love New England maple searp. When I grew up and went to college and travelled around I was shocked that people eat Aunt Jemima and other garbage that isn't even fucking close.

I will footnote though that I'm from MA and I usually insist on MA searp just to support local, but it's all fucking amazing
>Nh is 84% public land?
No. That other anon said NH was 84% forest...which is not the same as public land. Only 18% of NH is public land
WHats wrong with the Tall Grass Prairie Preserve?
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Vermont is like 97% white, don’t get me wrong there’s plenty of immigrants in Burlington, but most of them are Nepali or Indian and they tend to really blend in with everyone else.

As for woodland I can literally go 10 minutes outside my house and find //pic related//

There’s liberals near the urban centers but most boomers here are based and trad, especially in rural areas.
Stupid iPleb
So there are quaint bed and breakfasts for only $900/night for me and my gay husband to spend our nyc money in before driving back in our rented tesla?
>no you cannot just be attracted to the same sex
cultural mormonism is still mormonism.
only terminal citydwellers and neets don't know that you use it to pre-treat your gear and outerwear and then let it dry. it's horrifying seeing them hosing each other down with that shit like it's axe body spray.
the most horrific stories I've heard from travel nurses come from the rural south where people get sick from eating armadillo and roadkill, where they have to cut the sheet meta of the trailers to get to the 600lbs corpses before they explode in the heat (if it's too close to the end of the month, they don't get reported so someone can steal the last disability check), the smells of the gangrene and infections from untreated diabetics and people who can't afford replacement catheters, and worse.

given America is a pinnacle of humanity and development (except for NE), I can only shudder to imagine how much worse it is in Europe.
gimme some of them johnny cakes
Damn, they let the babies get off easily.
Not really †bh if you know what being scalped entails
Tbh what's this have to do with /out/
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New England and stuff I guess
All I know is it’s nothing to lose your head over.
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I left in my 20s and moved to Texas. Moved back three years later. Nothing like it, it's where I want to spend the rest of my days.
I've traveled to every corner of New England and here is the official ranking of the states in terms of /out/

1. Maine (for everything)
2. NH (for mountain hiking / gun laws)
3. Vermont (for roadside beauty / coziness)
4. MA (for the Berkshires and cape cod)
5. Connecticut (for the northwestern region)
6. Rhode Island (some nice beaches)
to be fair Rhode Island is low-key serving up the best sæfood I've ever had.
Rhode Island is great its just the only nice geographical feature is its coastline
welp can't disagree, that's very true
>Are you retarded? Maine alone mogs like 70% of the country for wilderness
>no 10,000 peaks
>no glaciers
>no below sea level desert wildnerness
>no mighty Sequoia trees or based redwoods
California mogs Maine so hard it's comical and sad at the same time.
If you think that, you should see Europe
Nobody cares eurofag
Most of the country isn’t like california either…
I've always had an autistic obsession with Vermont, seems like a comfy and uneventful place to live. Shame it will probably be "enriched" like everywhere else in the US.
Why does it have the Canada logo if it's from Vermont?
maple searp, like Canadians, come from maple trees. it's understandable that this can cause confusion
Burlington's been getting enriched for the past couple decades.
Went to school in the late 2000's there and there were no black people except a few hundred somali refugee families who weren't too much trouble at the time. Their kids grew up while continuously enriching the place. Now there's legit black people shooting and robbing people.
Also, all of the libertarian-leading hippy liberals turned into woke authoritarians.
However, the state overall is still extremely comfy. It's removed enough from any major city that it's sort of its own little world. Also, NH and Maine soak up most of the summer tourism, so VT doesn't feel overrun during the summer.
Southernor here, whats the Possum population like?
Worked in NH and traveled through Mass. If I had to live in NE I would consider NH.
Rochester NH is a meth infested shithole full of swamps and tweakers
No it isnt. Meth is a rural West Coast thing, and a southern poverty thing.
Yes, it most definitely is. I see them camping on railroad tracks which have needles everywhere, and walking around town having meth psychosis and screaming at things that aren't even there. Meth is popular here now.
I would consider NH too, but too many scumbags from NY and MASS are moving there. Maine doesn't tax military pensions though, so I might end up there if I stay in long enough. Everyone from there has been the most friendly person I have ever met, their seafood is supreme and the gun laws seemed normal when I looked them up.
Could be meth, but fentanyl can cause psychosis also.

"In the northeast, fentanyl tends to be combined with cocaine, while in the south and west it is more likely to be mixed with methamphetamine.

"We suspect this pattern reflects the rising availability of, and preference for, low-cost, high-purity methamphetamine throughout the U.S., and the fact that the Northeast has a well-entrenched pattern of illicit cocaine use that has so far resisted the complete takeover by methamphetamine seen elsewhere in the country," Friedman said."

yeah too bad they vote to flood the country with immigrants. Go fuck yourself bradley you fucking faggot
Vermonster here. If any of you want to meet up in Southern Vermont to get a beer and do a trail, let me know and I'll drop my Telegram here.
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bloody Yangeese
God damn.
Wop wop wop wop wop Dot fuck em up!
What policies do I need to implement to make my home state of California like the Northeast?

The de facto state of Jefferson seems to be like the NE USA.
it's the natives
>state of Jefferson
KEK do people unironically believe in this?
Far NorCal is a completely different culture than the rest of the state. Do you go outside your basement at all man?
amazing how blatantly this faggot samefagged his shitty post
nigger must have popped champagne when the ip counter got nuked
>Remember when a few months ago all of those “conservatives” had the chance to get a bill through that would address immigration but they shot it down?
Cause 4/5 of the bill had nothing to do with immigration and would also grant the DC courts latitude to decide which immigrants were gonne be allowed to stay, not the states (Ie. so all of the immigrants get to stay). It was a terrible bill, shoved with pork belly.
You're probably also the type who thought the Patriot Act was about patriotism.
I've never been to the states though from the population density maps that I've seen NE is very similar to western Europe.
Dense urban centers with lots of people and vast areas of forest. That said almost every single state mogs them in terms of population density. NE is at 210/square mile whilst the US in general is at 38. It is also relevant that NYC is really close so I imagine that during the tourist season it gets worse.

Again, never been. The nature there is probably gorgeous, but if you're looking for solitude the western states mog NE.

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