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Geocaching is what started making me go /out/side. Does anyone else still do it? I bring a mountain bike and head to trails.
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Last week I was enjoying some trail time after work. I found a geocache under an out of the way boulder. I wasn’t looking for it, I just happened to be in the same area. I looked into it when I got home and learned that they have a paid subscription model and that damn near every geocache along my favorite trails require a premium (paid) amount to see them. Pic related.
Now this pisses me off. They are making money by leaving garbage out there.
Once the mountains thaw out some more I’m going to get a free trial premium account then fine and remove all of them. Fuck geocaching.
Well, with people like >>2724242, >>2724244 and >>2724254, are you really that surprised there's a bit of gatekeeping?

That being said you can have plenty of fun with opencaching, which is a free alternative. I agree that "official" geocaching is an annoyance and I don't use it.
Commercializing public land and claiming to preach “leave no trace” while leaving garbage outside is not “gatekeeping.”
Besides, the ones in the screenshot are all premium because they are more difficult (as defined by them), which inherently filters most people.
>Commercializing public land (...) is not “gatekeeping.”
In this case it is.
Public land is already heavily commercialized, anon. This pretty low impact compared to other uses, like grazing, for example, or guided hunts, or survivalist training.
Welcome new friend.
I geocache a lot. I prefer leaving caches these days. I made a new one yesterday. Sometimes I see people doing the ones I put near my house and say hello, they're all very nice.
>near my house
I just hope you're not that one faggot who leaves caches in boring, ugly and unremarkable places. Or make them more annoying than anything else (like a leaf-shaped micro in the middle of a shitty forest with bad gps coordinates).

People that didn't found at least 100 caches (probably not you) shouldn't be allowed to make any new ones.

>I see people doing the ones I put near my house and say hello, they're all very nice.
I vaguely remember that you could design yourself as a geocache - you'd say what are your usual whereabouts and people would have to meet you (and eventually learn a password from you) to claim they've found that cache. Did I hallucinate that or was that a real thing? I can't find anything about this kind of cache right now
I left a condom full of shit in one on a trail near me. A kid and his dad found it and the dad made a massive fuss about it on local facebook groups kek
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What does /out/ think about leaving and searching for caches on privately owned land?
Why is a random patch of bare sand in a forest called ground zero?
The area isn't called Ground Zero that's the name of the cache.
Ground Zero is where the geocache was located before the landowner removed it. What does it matter what it's called?
he really hoped it would be cum instead of poop?
>I vaguely remember that you could design yourself as a geocache - you'd say what are your usual whereabouts and people would have to meet you (and eventually learn a password from you) to claim they've found that cache. Did I hallucinate that or was that a real thing? I can't find anything about this kind of cache right now
bump, I'm still not sure about this one.

But while going through old wikipedia edits of their article about geocaching I found some really interesting types that don't seem to be a thing any more, like:
>Guest Book caches
>use guest books often found in museums, tourist information centers, etc.
>Finally, a USB Cache or Dead Drop cache
> location has a USB drive embedded into walls or other structures. The cache is retrieved by connecting a device that has a USB port and that is able to read standard text files.

Shame those USB caches are no more - it would be fun to see what kind of fucked up shit people would leave there.
My caches are spots I think people would enjoy. Ranging from funny ones, beautiful ones, tree climbs and child friendly ones. I found an NFC one recently however it was on the side of a highway in some ugly bush scrub. I don't understand that shit.
What the fuck are you talking about?
one of the funniest things i think i have ever done is shit in a geocache lmao
Today I've finished cleaning, oiling and fixing up my bike and went out to find a new geocache someone made recently in my area. It was a really fun trip and I've touched some grass :) I just wish deet would actually work for scaring off mosquitoes.
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>noo, you can't look for cashes you didn't find yet!
>this basic function costs extra!
Ugh. geocaching.com is such a corporate, commercialized trash. Thank God there are geocaching apps that let me do that without relying on their site.
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We only ever had one anon delivar photos of a pooped in geocatch and that was like ten years ago.

We need a hero
did it a ton growing up with my dad around places in willamette valley Oregon, ton of fun and gives a real sense of adventure, hopefully will get back into it
You must have met zero people who engage in this hobby. They are weird autistic /out/ists. I've met several who have found my caches and they have all been fucking crazy. It's awesome.
>geocachers are autistic
Huh, interesting. I mean, I knew I was both autistic and a geocacher, but I didn't realize it was a common combination.
>Does anyone else still do it?
Not knocking it, but it's always seemed like there'd be no significant challenge - enter precise GPS location, go to it, find some random thing.
Seems like it just adds unnecessary complications to going for a walk.
>it's always seemed like there'd be no significant challenge - enter precise GPS location, go to it, find some random thing.
Most geocaches are like that, I agree: it's just a fun excuse to visit new places you wouldn't otherwise knew about.
That being said some geocaches are absolutely brutal.

Geocaches usually have fairly accurate difficulty ratings associated with them, so you could focus on only the most difficult ones if you wanted, but understandably there won't be as many of those as the casual ones.
>no challenge
Then use a map instead of a GPS
Do you have any powers?
No, I'm the "that creepy weirdo that's too smart to get autismbux, but too dumb to hold any job" flavor
And I'm that low-IQ autist that makes too much to qualify for any benefits but makes too little to afford my own place. Shit sucks.
>Shit sucks.
Yeah, it really does :/
Few months ago I was trying to join army. They're always hiring, they pay really nicely, I liked the routine and clear rules they have and I thought that enforced discipline would help with my executive dysfunction.
Being told by their psychologists that they don't want me, while accepting people that are literally retarded, was awful. That's also when I learned that I'm actually autistic and not just quirky.
Tell them you're a woman; they'll fast-track you to LTC and give you your own battalion
Or AoC
Autist of colors
i’ve run into a few while camping/hiking. they’re either empty or have small kids toys with notebooks and messages.
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it really fell off in AK. I stumble across abandoned caches sometimes
metal detector
>Does anyone else still do it?
stopped when smart phones became a thing
the whole point of a geocache was printing off the 3 or 4 lines of cryptic text and going innawoods with that piece of paper and solving the puzzle
now every single one has a Google Map pin, GPS co-ordinates, multiple Youtube tutorials and 15 zoomers TikTok Twerking in front of it with their phones out.
not to mention last i checked Geocache website now requires a monthly subscription
ur old
>complaining about 40-somethings on a website mostly populated by 30-40 somethings
k lol
no one evern post pics of even just dog poops in a geocatch
Only on out because gen a doesn't go outside
>the whole point of a geocache was printing off the 3 or 4 lines of cryptic text and going innawoods with that piece of paper and solving the puzzle
uhm, no? GPS co-ordinates was a part of the game from the very beginning. You're mistaking it with the treasure hunting or letterboxing, which are different activities. Go read a wikipedia article.
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19 sauidis crashed airplanes there.
High trust society.
geocatches dont care about private property

no one should be able to remove one

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