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I've tried asking on 'dog' forums but I get nothing but a bunch of hysterical fucking pearl clutching faggots who start throwing accusations and character defamation around because I may not be of the opinion that dogs are actually human babies.

I need a dog that can tolerate at the minimum sleeping overnight on its own, in a dedicated plush outhouse of its own, but still with some good guarding instincts and physical capabilities.

All the personal protection breeds are faggots who will start whining and crying and pissing themselves if they're physically separated from their owners and forced into the indignity of not sleeping in your house according to the literature.

Which rules out the otherwise ideal breeds ie Dobermanns, GSD. Any Anons had experience with dogs that are still down to ride like a Dobe/GSD but don't suffer separation anxieties?

Thanks outists.
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You can't go wrong with a Border Collie. They will behave any way you train them to. They will perform any task you want them to. Great all-rounders. Just make sure you give it daily exercise and stimulation. Great breed.
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For me its standard schnauzers. Good with kids, good at guarding, herding instincts. Plus they have a cool beard. Grooming can be a pain if you dont learn the basics yourself (it aint hard if u get the right tools to strip the coat without breaking the ends).
>pissing themselves if they're physically separated from their owners and forced into the indignity of not sleeping in your house
sounds like maybe you need a livestock guardian dog. They sleep out with the flock
i can imagine collies just watch as their owners get bludgeoned in the head by home invaders? no?
schanuzers throw down? i never knew!
something like that is more the bill yeah, i need to look into which ones are most adept at guard duty
he's literally me
I don't know anything about dogs but I think Rhodesian Ridgebacks are cool.
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Rottweilers guarded livestock for the Roman army. They are probably the most based dogs in all of history.
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I've known Collies who tried to attack people just for trying to hug their owner. You can train them to be guard dogs and they have good instincts. Sure, they aren't the #1 choice as guard dogs but they can do the job.
Google livestock guardian or property guardian breeds. You'll find a lot of mastiffs and shepherd dogs that'll fit the bill.

You'll still need to train it properly. They might be fine sleeping outside but you don't want them mauling some kid that walked by or getting bored and tearing up the place.
Look into schutzhund.

Once you've come up with a short list of potential breeds, go through them individually and decide which has the best overall temperament and the least chance of medical issues.
Pay attention to energy levels. A potential problem with livestock guardian breeds is that they're often bred to keep up with herds/flock on the move and they need to be constantly alert, keeping the herd/flock together. Keeping a dog like that in a yard all day is a bad idea, even if its a yard or property big enough for them to run they'll still get bored from the lack of intellectual stimulation. On one hand it's cruel, on the other they'll get bored and misbehave.
Livestock guard dog 100%. Watch some of these videos on this channel they literally beat the shit out of predators that try to hurt the flock. https://www.tiktok.com/@raventreeranch/video/7264783929201134890
Plot Hound pair. Good size and good temperaments for bear country.
Hounds are also more independent than shepherds and don't tire out as often as livestock dogs.
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German shorthaired pointer. Dumb as rocks but extremely loyal. Get a puppy and train it properly. They're equally good house pets and outside working dogs.

They can carry large loads for large distances, extremely tough dogs with very high pain threshold, which would be somewhat of a drawback it it was an aggressive shit breed like pitbulls but they're not.

Also try to get one before they dock the tail, docked tails are for faggots who can't handle a couple of love taps from their quite powerful tails
I'd love to know what got posted that got jannies butt hurt enough to delete this post but leave up all the racism posts.
The same idiot who complains about dogs being dirty in every thread moderately related to dogs. It's what wearing dresses and bending over four times per day does to a man.
Dogs are absolutely endemic to North America
Just keep them outside at night from the beginning. They will learn quickly. You might need to chain them up or fence them in if they run off or start attacking strangers. Consider climate. Can they handle cold weather if that's what you have in your area?
border collie 100%
just note that you need to work it
else it will go absolutely crazy
Beagle, basset or bloodhound
Pure guardian dogs are hard to train for a beginner. I spent 3 months living with and teaching a relative's 3 year old anatolian shepard with limited success. I got him to listen to "here" and "stay" and that was it. I would recommend a guardian x herding dog mix. Pyrenees x aussie or Pyrenees x collie turn out pretty trainable and are 60-100lbs usually.
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Black Mouth Cur like from the book old yeller. Depends on your climate, but they're good medium to large working dogs. Southern lines use them heavily as coonhounds and boar hunting dogs,

Western lines are a bit bigger and used often as cattle dogs. I had a 65 pound southern line female. Very athletic, very loyal to their family groups, tolerant of strangers when socialized but not overly affectionate to them. She slept inside, but lots of people let them sleep outside, consider getting two you, dogs are family creatures. I took her hiking everywhere and rabbit hunting and they take well to training. Tough as nails too, a German shepherd that outweighed her by about 20 lbs pushed my eldest daughter down when she was a youngun and my dog pulled the gsd down by the ears just like they do with pigs.
OP pic is a Belgian Malinois, not a German Shepherd.
Mali's are great dogs that make GSDs look like potatoes but their drive is so high they get severe separation anxiety even if they're getting enough daily exercise.
Only recommended for experienced owners.

>t. Maligator owner for 11 years
All dogs need companions. They're pack animals. It makes them uncomfortable to be without their pack while sleeping. Even livestock guardian dogs imprint on their livestock. If you're gonna have an outdoor dog it needs a companion.
Blue Heelers and Belgian Malinois are the only dogs that come with seperation anxiety, ADD, ADHD, and BPD pre-downloaded.
Literally any hunting or herding breed will do just fine.
true dat. funny that the breed that Navy Seals etc. prefer for their fearlessness is also the one that cries like a bitch when mom takes too long at the grocery store.
Fuck off you retard
>Most dogs are better people than most people
found the doglet.
will your pussy cats eat your corpse when you die alone in your small apartment and you have no one that cares about you so it will be weeks until your bloated fat all is found?
A pack of 20-30 killer dingos is the only correct answer, everything else in this thread can go in the bin
>unmatched outdoor survivability
>child eating capabilities exceed even a pibble
>will even jump the fence to remove potential intruders from neighbourhood kindergartens and playgrounds before they even reach your home
I’ve got a Malamute/GSD cross that has been the absolute ultimate bush dog. Mild separation anxiety. Howls occasionally. Told my neighbours to give her shit if she does it and now she just lays in the field looking grumpy when I’m gone.
I’m pretty sure it’s also because I was unemployed living in my van when I got the puppy. Dog grew up wandering the woods with me every day all day. Still gets lots of attention and outings.

She had puppies with a Bernese/Border Collie and I kept one. Seems to also be turning into an ultimate forest companion, but again. The mom practically trains the puppy for me. It’s sweet.
Just get 2 dogs, then they always have company. Plus, 2 guard dogs is 100% more guard dog than just 1!
Is there such thing as a dog or cat breed that's an effective mouser but also large and/or vicious enough that coyotes will go find something else to fuck with?
Coyotes will fuck with any dog if they have the numbers. Ratters have to be very nimble. You're going to have difficulty finding one more than 30lbs or so. Although, technically pitbulls and staffordshires have the pedigree. It's part of what gives them the high prey drive to murder children.
Most people don't own a malamute. Most domesticated dogs are imports or mutts and the population centers in the usa are well south of the zone on your map.
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Your map shows they’re not endemic to North America genius. Endemic means it’s only found there and nowhere else
Imagine the shits and how much food it'd need. Granted it can carry its own food.
Any shepherd breed, like a German Shepherd or an Aussie. Preferably a Mutt mix including one of those two, since purebred = inbred = disease. These won't even require that much training and exercise.
>You can't go wrong with a Border Collie.
Yes, you absolutely fucking can. You can teach those dogs anything, but if you won't train your Collie daily (95% of Collie owners fail to do that properly, you probably will too), it's going to go fucking Dingo mode. I have a vet in my family and he said that every Collie he meets behaves like a wild retard.

Also if you want a guard dog for camping in an area with wild animals like wolves or bears, having a dog near you highly increases the chance of an attack.
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I like a great Dane boxer mix myself.
If you are using the dog to protect animals get two donkeys
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Avoid dogs with a high prey drive, especially sighthounds, as you will probably have to put them on leash everywhere. IWalking around with a dog on leash everywhere and at any time is no fun, trust me. You want to be able to take them off leash as much as possible for the best experience, but at the same time not panic every 200 metres that they go off hunting. A dog with minimal prey drive that is well trained will follow you everywhere.

The second criteria that I would value is that it should be small enough that you can carry it, in case of emergency. A medium sized dog 16-20kg is preferable as you can strap them to or place them in a backpack for example if they are injured and can't walk, but still.big enough to do long treks and have endurance and a good bone structure. A dog with this size is also more convenient for so many other reasons (more space in the car, less prone to hereditary diseases like big breeds, longer life expectancy, can be carried up stairs when they are old etc etc).

Third criteria is health. Do research on hereditary diseases and avoid breeds with common health issues, especially in the hip area and generally compromised skeletons. Over breeding causes many popular breeds to suffer.

Many options out there. Depends on the breeds local to your area, but sheep/herding dogs and other collies, spanials, or medium scent hounds like vizlas are all very trainable and make great out dogs. Should be worth considering. Consider also mixes of these breeds, as this may ensure better health, but can lead to unexpected behavior traces. Still pure breds should not be a priority imo. I have a sheepdog spanial mix, have no regrets about my choice of breeds, although I wish hed act.like a sheep dog more (literally scared of sheep because he ran into an electric sheep fence as a pup, so hes basically useless for herding Kek ).
Just, to add to the last point. If you find a dog that is 50%-80% the breed that suits you, it will, for the most part, exhibit the behaviours you are looking for, with the added benefit of a more diverse gene pool. So don't worry about whether it is a purebred or not. In an ideal scenario, the breeder will show you both parents. In many cases, they may also have bred the same couple more often and you may get to meet grown siblings. This way you can get an impression of the character and appearance of mutts, so always ask a breeder for this kind of stuff. Use that to decide a dog's suitability over whether or not its purebred or not.
*Correction. Viizlas are not scent hounds, I meant to say they are pointers. Pointing breeds are cool because they will stop and point at prey and give you time to recall them, hence can be easily trained to wander around off leash all day. Scent and sighthounds, not so much. They are gone the second they notice any potential prey. The people I know who own them basically have them on leash their entire lives. It's sad really.
My blue heeler husky mutt has been a chill mellow dog, he's 9 years old now. The separation anxiety really wasnt too bad when he was young. He is intelligent and willful, but not crazy
>Scent and sighthounds, not so much. They are gone the second they notice any potential prey. The people I know who own them basically have them on leash their entire lives. It's sad really.
That's 100% a training issue.

My mum has had 3 greyhounds and 2 deerhounds since I was a kid and they were all trained to walk off-leash (in a suburb where every second house seems to own a cat, possums are common in the trees and the fields are full of wild rabbits) within a couple of years at most. The greyhounds were all ex-racers too so they'd been blooded and actively trained to chase small fluffy objects for most of their life.

You need to make an effort with the training, sure, but the idea that sighthoumds are doomed to live their lives on leads is just false.
I didn't know they had long tails
See: docking
Just don't get a dog. People like you are weird, you go out of your way to get one, get angry and act like its a burden, treat it like absolute shit, and when someone calls you out you're like "haha you're gay its just a dog." Why do you even want one?
Agreed and not what I was saying. Its just its very demanding for first time owners who don't know a lot about training. I see it alot in my area, hence my recommendation.
daily reminder that owning dog as a friend is mental illness
this guy beats dogs because they're just dogs lol. throw them puppies in the river boy. Dark skin
daily reminder that you are a subhuman
all dogs are chill and have great noses which will help in the outdoors and they will be a great companion

dogs are not tools

if u see dogs this way u r the tool

Border Collies tend to be pretty possessive of their owners but they aren't bitey or mean in general, so you aren't likely to get much of a guard dog (against people) out of one
Look up the livestock guardian breeds. Those are the only ones I've heard of that aren't attached to humans to the point where they can't be away from them. They have protective instincts, too. They are headstrong, usually massive, and can be dangerous to people and animals they weren't raised around. I bet they'd be loud and bark a lot as they patrol their territory so that might be an issue if you have close neighbors. You'd have to make sure you have secure fencing. They are paired with animals to protect so I don't know how they'd act if you don't have any. Might not make a difference.
It's funny that the mods keep deleting all the comments that call out dog owners for being slave owners.

Triggered jannies having a melt down and dog owners don't really live in reality anyways. Dogs are awful for forests because they bring in invasive plant species in their fur and their waste usually has worms and other microbes that are awful for the local plants.

Dog owners don't care about nature at all beyond how they can use it for status; to generate wealth or treat it like their servant.
Odd, seems you're the one justifying slave ownership. Project much?
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>tfw I own both a mal and a blue heeler

My household is a 24/7 fucking autism festival
My mon has a heeler/dachshund he got that shit in spades.
They delete them because hating dogs is Isis rhetoric and shall not be tolerated.
I don't hate dogs, I hate people that own them
We know you hate us, it's your religion to hate us.
>technically pitbulls and staffordshires have the pedigree.
Staffordshires are not pitbulls.
A staffie is a calm companion dog, often with a family of kids around. These days we've been seeing more pitbull type dogs here but the usual staff is a nice dog.
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And their half-Asian looking sister breed, the Bull Terrier. They never stop looking slightly odd, but they are a fun breed.
Im with you.

I dont mind dogs at all i have raised plenty. i have not raised any in last 10 years tho. because i dont wanna be one of those "dog" people AKA Socially stunted / autistic people who cant socialize or stand themselves being alone so much so that they need a constant dog around. Not because they love it. but like a shitty toxic codependent relationship they just cant stand themselves. And for good reason too. I mean you dumbass morons if you really go /out/ you know certain places a dog is BAD! and terrible idea to take. Because one it will shit and piss a lot. And than you make the area stink. ( yea i know your so use to the smell of dog piss and shit you dont see the big deal BUT IT IS A BIG DEAL YOU SMALL BRAIN) Nobody wants to go to a nice serene place and smell that. Unless your a dog obsessed weirdo who wont admit you have a dog piss fetish.

Most serious trails at national parks and REAL hiking in bear country etc. Having a dog is a liability and NO your lil HONCHO / lassie / whatever is gonna save you from a grizzly. Especially not at this time of year.
I hear Shiba Inus are pretty well domesticated.
>haha they are fun breed
>wakes up without a face

On no it's le owners fault not the dogerinos he said to himself while choking on bit of his face
>soulless empty husk noises
Can't you come up with something new?
Is that chicha?

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