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Here is your pocket knife bro
Nice rage bait/fake news. They're going to produce a version without a blade as a PR stunt. They're not removing the blade from existing versions.
>corkscrew stabbings up 400%, police mystified
I use the plastic toothpick on my victims. But they have to cooperate or it just keeps bending away.
>stabbing with a Swiss army knife
enjoy the blade closing on your hand
just hold it in a fist with the awl sticking out between your knuckles
They took the blade out, haven't you been paying attention
A swiss army knife without a blade is as much use as the swiss army.
>PR stunt.
Why make it as a pr stunt? Im sure there's a market for a carry-on version.
if it's airplane carry without tsaniggers stealing it i'd love that.
Ready for darning needle related crime
There are not enough words for me to fully express the absolute disdain I feel towards br*tish (((people)))
....so its not a knife?
I can see value in having versions specific to certain tasks that don't generally require a knife, but it still seems stupid because a knife is the most basic, general purpose tool that exists.
This. As a guide who flies to location and has changeovers and doesn't have time to wait for checked baggage, this is what's needed. Fuckin TSA
>On flight to whatever, USA
>mindin my business sitting at the front of the plane
>a gaggle of Swedes get up from their seats and rush towards the cockpit
>Flight attendants shriek in horror as they’re almost at the door
>Pull out my trusty TSA approved swiss army not-a-knoife
>the potential terrorists stop dead in their tracks armed with knives and box cutters that they were easily able to sneak pass the TSA agents
>I deploy my trusty corkscrew as the first Mohammadian lunges forward with his non-TSA approved weapon
>dodge his blow and proceed to stab the throat
>the corkscrew is unable to be pulled out for the panicking paki
>his flailing body blocks the entrance to the cockpit
>Air Marshal pulls out his pistol and proceeds to go absolute Fallujah on the failed hijackers
>Swiss army knife saves the day
I would buy a knife less swiss army knife because i always carry a dedicated fixed blade anyways, more space for tools is more useful in my case.
Do you have the right license from the king to be posting here, Achmed?
it's just a Swiss Army now
>he doesn't take some thread for patching with the awl
>he's never had a splinter
>he's never needed to open a can or bottle while out
>he's can't fathom needing to screw something shut in a pinch while out of doors
>he doesn't even take a bottle of wine backpacking
What the heck!!! I carry two because I always have a classic on my keychain (the scissors are handy day to day) and have a spartan in my pack
Great way to create demand & move the old stock quick.
Inb4 re-branding to "Swiss Army Multitool"
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what is it with bongs and their shitty stabbings? no other EU country has this problem especially outside big cities and even with immigrants
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Was told not to bring this thing into work because somebody saw it on my keys. There are vulnerable people around yes, but why would someone ever let them get hold of their keys?

The demoralisation never ends, but we persist regardless.
>go to america
>get shot
>go to UK
>get stabbed by a fork
Like when dodge said they were discontinuing the charger just to be like “oh never mind”

Cheap marketing tricks. 3 months Swiss will say “due to public demand we’ve decided to continue production of the knife variety”
How could they remove it from existing knives lol? Did you think Victorinox was gonna come to your house and remove the blade from a gimmick knife you bought 20 years ago
New productions of existing models you obtuse moron.
Dude, wtf. I just checked the one in my nightstand. Its fucking gone. Those swiss mountain goblins stole the blade off my knife while I slept.
lmao, my drunk friend tried to stab someone with one this new years eve and we had to stop him xD

the blade in those was useless anyway
Swiss mountain goblins, kek.
They thought weapon restrictions would do the job.
Turns out there is also some socio economy elements at play that increase the factors, and that means society resort to stabbing when shit gets dire.

I'd image Sweden would also have mass stabbings in the ghetto, if they tightened down gun control to avoid random post Soviet weapons floodiing the entire EU.
Those are strange keys. What do they unlock?
The only ones worth stabbing anyone with have locking blades.
We have an enormous number of foreigners in our cities that really hate us and each other, but don’t have access to guns, so just have to make do with continuing their millennia old conflicts and expressing their total contempt for the natives, who’s taxes pay for them to kill around on the streets all day doing nothing, before working as Deliveroo drivers in the evening, by stabbing everyone for fun and profit.
turns out that people who want to hurt others will find a way to do it whether they can get a gun or not. people seem to forget that you can cause a lot of damage with pretty much any car and they're everywhere, no need for a weapon
So... a new model? With a new design, newly manufactured?
>due to crime wave
fucking where? they think anything happening 'murica or even UK affects the largest pocket knife manufacturer in the world, located in Switzerland?
they're just looking to expand and being so dominant they only just now found an opportunity - a BRAND NEW, TSA safe product
it's the problem of an english language that it has no word for a multitool of the style
mine does
Your heart :^)
construction equipment.

100% a legit euro headline. remember the nahrwal tusk stabbing?

the thing the media doesn't tell you is its ethnic on ethnic gang members shooting each other in America and hate crime against white people by immigrants in the UK. I go to chicago for work frequently, one of the deadliest gun violence citites on the planet. All guns are "illegal" there, you can see how much that helps. The key is stay out of the shitto. If we really wanted to lower crime we'd just make murder and stabbing double really serious crimes instead of banning things.

absolute state of this board is appalling
>They're not removing the blade from existing versions.
Like I would let some swiss faggot come into my house and remove the blade from my knife. Come and Take It motherfuckers.
they did discontinue the charger and the platform it was based on
the new car is unrelated to the previous model in every conceivable way. it doesn't even have a v8.
So what's your strawman? That you should carry around a sand grinder in case you're lost? That a pocket knife not coming with a blade is OK because you should be putting it on yourself?

I haven't seen a post this retarded in years, you've really outdone yourself.
i can out do that
just you watch
i will start foaming at the mouth and jack off and scream in the middle of a forest at 3am
>he goes out into the wilderness without a belt sander
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>gb ''''news''
>twitter screencap
yeah fuck yourself op you newfriend cunt
Friendly reminder that violent crime has fallen every year since 1992 and is currently at an all time low. Violent crime in 2024 is down 12% vs 2022.
Yes retard that's what "produce a version without a blade as a pr stunt" means fucking hell
Have a bump
are people aware of how many stabbings are done with screwdrivers?

Victorinox are swiss faggots anyway, as this guy says its only a PR stunt >>2729422, nobody thinks it'll accomplish anything except generate a fuckton of clickbait replies and give publicity

[spoiler]ngl, I still really like the victorinox swiss army knives[/spoiler]

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