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Orienteering thread? Orienteering thread.

>What is orienteering?
Orienteering is a competitive sport that combines running with navigation. Participants use a map and compass to navigate from point to point in diverse and usually unfamiliar terrain, aiming to complete the course in the shortest possible time.
>What equipment do I need?
For a beginner, all you need are comfortable outdoor clothing and sturdy running or hiking shoes. Clubs often provide maps, compasses and short introduction courses for beginners.
>Do I have to run?
No, you don't have to run. Orienteering can be enjoyed at your own pace, whether you prefer walking, jogging, or running. Many people start with walking to familiarize themselves with map reading and navigation before increasing their speed.
>What if I don't know how to use a compass?
That's okay! Many beginner courses are designed to be navigated with minimal to no compass use. However, learning to use a compass is easy and orienteering is a great way to learn and practice compass skills.
>What if I don't want go to a meet or see other people?
Many permanent orienteering courses exist that can be ran outside an official meet. There are even apps like UsynligO that allow you to run virtual courses. See your local club's website for more info.
I used to love orienteering in boy scouts, there really are a lot of courses all around
Heyy, I used to do this with my dad when I was younger. Bought a set of maps for Nordmarka this summer, gonna try to pick the habit back up again.
I went to my first meet a few weeks ago. All old people and families. I did the intermediate course at a leisurely jog, took a restroom break and spent 10 minutes searching around for a flag in the wrong group of trees and still got second place.
Is this the way to meet hot nerdy /out/ girls. I always see them doing this stuff.
sounds fun, i won a small meet one time and they gave me a little plastic compass as a trophy

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