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>work a day job, not much time outside of weekends to take photos
>want to shoot more
>started carrying my camera with me on all times, on commutes, on walks, on errands, etc.
>taking lots of great photos, able to recognize and react to moments as they develop

>over time, feeling like quality is starting to drop off
>commutes are the same, not much new to see
>I'm too busy looking for photos on my days off to really engage with people around me/with me
>my photography has become much more passive, don't really have any active thoughts around what photo I want to look for
>now all of my photos feel like I didn't "earn" them because I didn't plan them out

I know it's because of photo fatigue, but the idea of not having my camera and missing a good moment kills me. How do you guys (suggest to) go about this/have you had this happen to you?

I usually have a personal project on the side to keep my mind focused and give me a sense of direction, but I don't have any going on currently.
Take different routes.
Perhaps visit some place you normally never do.
>because I didn't plan them out
If you want to plan out and construct pictures unironically become a painter
Garry winogrand was a disgusting talentless hack so i am directly opposed to “photowalking” especially in cities. Cameras should be carried with purpose and snapshitting random pedestrians is immoral.
Morality is for the weak, I am going to take a photo of your ugly visage with the flash on.
Bringing your camera isnt about constantly seeking out a picture, its about having one when you see that moment that would otherwise be lost to time.
Study up and graduate from reactionary snapshitter to consummate gearfag
This. The best camera is the one you have on hand.
The virgin "i-i take photo that mean me chad"
The chad "dont care ur filmin cunt ill pound ur ass and go chug a goon sack to celeberate cunt"
Quantity does not equal quality. Photography is just the degenerated form of cinema. You can take a million photos and they can only hope to be good if they all work towards the theme.

Photographers almost noticed this with winogrand, who took photos so often it was like a random selection of frames from a movie, but they missed the point entirely.
Try to meet people you care about in places you like with your camera. Don't plan anything in particular. If the moment is right, you won't resist snapping a few pictures.
Much less on me, I carry a camera in hand most places I go (cellphone)
I have a gr iii as a backup camera. You can take that thing anywhere and I do.

Bought it 'open box, like new' 4 years ago thinking I probably overpaid and looking at the prices now it's actually appreciated in the value. Lol.

Thanks YouTube!
Nice to see another Dutch Anon posting.
I've in a similar situation, but rather than a job I've got studies. I had the exact same experience with that quality drop off and also becoming bored of the same route every day. I commute 4 hours in and out of Amsterdam every day, so train photos got boring quick.
I still keep a camera on me though, and I think what helped is that while the moments became rarer, on random nights out, or spontaneous walks I'd still occasionally get good photos. Also, sometimes an area can look really different when good lighting hits.
I shoot less often, and not much on the commute anymore, but I think keeping a camera around allows you to capture the random beautiful moments in your life.
take it as a challenge
the more things are the same the better you have to be to take a better photo each time
also >>4309285 is correct
you need to come up with a project to work on. try some new things. fatass
>it's because of photo fatigue
you're taking the same types of photos and seeing the same types of photons online and getting tired of it so maybe move on to a new challenge. i can think of like 930253 things to do that are not "walk around and shoot candid photo of woman who is not looking at me" but im a genius so
maybe try using a flash with a 21mm lens and jump out from behind a trashcan shouting FOOOOGAABALAAAAA and get their face filling the frame as this happens
i would see how this goes and maybe make a book after doing it for about 3 years
You will get shot (literally) in about 3 days doing that bro
shot with what

Man photos of all the office workers in rush hour are so depressing, giving me bad memories OP of packed public transport on Monday morning with every single person looking miserable.

Anyway your problem is simple, swap to shooting naked women and all your problems will be fixed, you are grinding out that job for something right?

why don't you read the creative act by rick ruben you turtle's cock
>swap to shooting naked women and all your problems will be fixed,
Anon you make it sound so simple, I know we all want to do this but getting women to actually agree is impossible unless you pay them. And the ones who will do it for pay aren’t necessarily the ones you want to shoot naked so better off just necking myself metaphorically I guess.
nta but you just have to start being around the right (wrong) women. ime very liberal women and any woman who self-identities as an 'artist' or part of the lgbt stuff. Love the idea generally. I think it's because they want the attention, same as every woman, but if it's artistic nudes they feel released from the shame of it being strictly pornographic. They are, however, insufferable people to be around, so pick your poison I guess
it's illegal to take pictures of people in public in first world countries
laws are for the weak, I am going to take a photo of your ugly visage
imagine caring what jews and women think should be allowed
dirty thirdie dogs spotted
stay in your favela shithole you poor freaks
Dutch arthoes induce extreme fatigue, it's true.
that's not true, do you have a specific country you are referencing?
panaromas aren't street photography thirdie
taking pictures of people in public is legal in first world countries, street photography is legal in first world countries
was hoping to see what countries you were basing your claim on
kind of seems like you just want to make stuff up or maybe simply misunderstanding the actual laws
seems like a really easy thing we can verify, if you care about truth
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>he doesn't know first world vs third world
here's a hint
if you don't have this you aren't a first worlder
i'll keep the thread tab open for ~2 hours btw so you can give up or ask for another hint anytime you'd like

Voy a mantener la pestaña hilo abierto durante ~ 2 horas por lo que puede darse por vencido o pedir otra pista en cualquier momento que desee*

sorry, it was rude of me not to also phrase it in your native language, especially as deepl is a click away
so you don't have any specific country in mind and were just lying or misinformed
id think it would be easier to just name a first world country and prove me wrong? id look like a fool!
but i guess its easier for you to just make shit up and not answer simple direct questions
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need another hint?
just reply
>deflect and dont answer
>deflect and dont answer
>deflect and dont answer
>dumb amerimutt
no wonder you think it's illegal to take pictures of people in public in first world countries
not in our lands
come here this summer
try and take pictures of a person for the euros
you'll learn then how the law works here :)
he means Germany you fucking mong
You do know the EU is not a country, right? Different countries have different laws. I was hoping we could go through the laws from whatever example country you are referring to. The more people obfuscate, the more it seems like you don't know what your talking about.
In germany, it is legal to take pictures of people in public. If you disagree, you are either misunderstanding the actual law or applying extra conditions to the photos.
wrong, you can take pictures __with__ people, not of __of__ people
inb4 he thinks it's allowed "as long as you don't try to sell it"
Nope. That is the problem with making overly broad general statements like you have. There are many circumstances where it would in fact be legal, even in Germany.
Initially, you only mentioned first world countries (not just Germany), so what other countries is it illegal? Or is Germany the only one close enough?
ah it's a midwit
come here and try it
Thank you for confirming you are incorrect.
I'll ask again, what other first world countries do you think it's illegal in? Or is Germany the one and only first world country?
just try it lad
come and find out hahahah
You should stop posting, you really have nothing else to say.
I live in France and I don't think it's permitted. But I do it anyway because who cares?
just try it pierre
>i live in france
kek it's a new worlder
every fucking time
come and get your skull bashed in if you're unlucky
apprehended by the police if you're not

you have no clue what will happen here if you try that garbage
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they'll do it with your own camera btw
they dont fuck around

would be a pretty cool picture. since more than 6 people will be in it it's legal to take :)

heiBt panaromafreiheit mate

come and learn in person
Surely the response of someone who has the facts on their side.
Indeed legal and permitted in France.
You're not first world then.
Not Frenchie, asking again, what other first world countries is it supposedly illegal in?

>>431833 >>4318329
>no facts, cant answer simple questions
>mostly ad hom after ad hom
>multiple threats of violence
Sure are making Germans sound like the first worlders here
hit enter too soon lad
see that post? i'm warning you
it's a helpful tip
you can easily get your skull bashed in by the asi (asocial) people here

stay safe
stay secure
stay the camera at home

a requirement of a first world country is that it is illegal for strangers to take your picture in public

if other lands don't have it, they are not first world
>a requirement of a first world country is that it is illegal for strangers to take your picture in public
Thank you for clarifying Germany is not first world by your own criteria.
Wish you could clarify which countries you do consider first world though.
just try it
>hururrrrr but if they say it's ok
if you get permission, it's by definition NOT street photography
>just try it
That's not an argument. That only suggest that German people are prone to violence, which is not very first world, and also actually illegal.
>if you get permission, it's by definition NOT street photography
I agree, totally irrelevant to everything above though. There are consent requirement in certain situations (mostly concerning publication), but even then, it's not illegal to take pictures of people in public.
>it's not illegal to take pictures of people in public.
guess you'll be arrested when you try it
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Also, not an argument. You are the one incorrect on the law. I suggest you read some more about your rights as a photographer in Germany. Since you don't know the laws, I'd be happy to link some more information on it for you. Here's the wiki summation for starters.
Have you given up on their being any other first world countries?
>he thinks the anglophone one is accurate
just try it
I love learning new information, so if you have something to add, love to see it.
German wiki says the same, just more specifics on the restrictions. Doesn't say illegal.
Found 1 recent & relevant court case in Germany, but that explicitly affirmed the legality of it.
just feel free to try it
Not sure I'd want to go to a country of people who would bash my skull in for doing something legal, doesn't sound very first world
police carry weapons
society defends society
do stay away then though, especially that camera
it's illegal btw, you are a criminal the picosecond you press that shutter
focusing is premeditation btw
You have no idea how badly this makes me want to get arrested for it. I would hang my mugshot on the wall
please, come and try it
i recommend dresden, lots of good opprotunities there
>the charges being brought against you are one charge focusing with the intent to photograph. three charges of taking a photo without a loisence and 4659 charges of distribution of a photograph

I would btfo anyone who ever accused me of being a nophoto ever again. I would have legal proof of being a photo taker.
come to dresden mate you'll enjoy it
you should try it
did you ever wonder if maybe dresden deserved to be firebomed?
again mate i recommend you try it
Post hands.
try it lad
this is what the general population has been doing with smartphones.
remember : try it you fucking cunts, especially in Dresden
Is this your way of trying to organize an anon meetup?

Actually, maybe the next Photo Challenge thread should be centered on Dresden schizo sightings.
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I'm out in Dresden RIGHT. NOW. I've been snapshitting since before dawn. Where you at nerd? You won't do shit.
try it
now do a person, person from the east
>be civilized first worlder
>eat raw minced meat like a mudhut dwelling savage
>you country is actively being colonized by turks

fuck outta here
>person from the east
I see now. You're not a German at all. Go back to your own country ahmed
"try it" as they say
You really should take your meds.
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No excuses.

Carry your shit. Are you going to let a fat autistic truck driver outdo you?
Depends, how fat and autistic are we talking here?
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[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeCanon
Camera ModelCanon DIGITAL IXUS 960 IS
Maximum Lens Aperturef/2.8
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Lens Size7.70 - 28.50 mm
Firmware VersionFirmware Version 1.00
Image-Specific Properties:
Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
Horizontal Resolution180 dpi
Vertical Resolution180 dpi
Image Created2024:03:26 11:37:05
Exposure Time1/400 sec
Lens Aperturef/2.8
Exposure Bias0 EV
FlashNo Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length7.70 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
Image Width2640
Image Height1320
Exposure ModeAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Focus TypeAuto
Metering ModeEvaluative
ISO Speed RatingAuto
Shooting ModeManual
Image SizeLarge
Focus ModeSingle
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Flash ModeOff
Compression SettingSuperfine
Macro ModeNormal
Subject Distance1.590 m
White BalanceAuto
Exposure Compensation3
Sensor ISO Speed160
Image Number106-2964

I can still hike 5 miles while dragging that RB and its lenses so probably more autism than fat
>autist carries his dell tower pc into starbucks
>expects me to be impressed and envious
How many pairs of cargo shorts do you own and can you talk about scifi without mixing up firefly and babylon 5?

Zero and I've never watched either. You mean to tell me you're such a weak ass bitch you can't daily carry an RB67? Do you even lift bro?
you really should try it
You sure someone isn't trying it already? Maybe you should walk the streets for a bit and see if you find someone taking pictures.
I got a real laugh out of watching and reading this thread. But there's a few things I should point out.

1. Germany is not a first world country. Hasn't been in a long time.
2. The reason for Germany's photography laws from what I've heard date back to them being protective of former Nazis. They didn't want to be photographed in public.
3. I personally photographed random people in Berlin (even in that s*** hole area around the O2 center), Munich, Lepzig, Duesseldorf. I've even interacted with the police in Berlin and Munich and they were cheerful and supportive of my activities.
It may be because I've been told I look intimidating to bad people and inviting to others.
Your experience may vary, I suppose.
come and try it
You'll have to do better than just repeating the same thing like a feral animal. Do you have any specific laws you can cite, or any real world examples of how and when it's enforced?
i recommend empirical tests
Go back to your shithole, you're no German.
>The reason for Germany's photography laws from what I've heard date back to them being protective of former Nazis. They didn't want to be photographed in public.
hmm that's why there are no photographs of nazis in public...
it's because germans are backwards, autistic pseudo-janteists who have "freedom" except at any point that freedom is interpreted to in any way threaten the social order and conformity
i guarantee you publishing photos of someone without their permission is illegal in germany because someone once took a photo of someone dancing without their permission and the german people collectively went "oof ve cannot be having zat, no more pictures"
I've never met a single german that hasn't come to america and complained about my country to me, unprompted, with an appeal to authority.
>"i am havings ze trouble unterstanting vhy your leaders allow zis to happen, in geh-many ve ah not allowings people to carry ze guns arount and ve haff a very peaceful existence"

consider how a tremendous sperg aspie would write laws in his perfect country and you'll have a 1:1 match with germany
fuming thirdies

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