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Which Micro camera from these, The G92 the GH6 and the OM-1, would you say is the better overall camera?
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>which lot of shit is the better log
This is your question, op. Look into a real sensor size.
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You do realize for less money you could have a full frame camera which will perform better in most cases?
maybe that might possibly be the fact but I'm not interested in them those things are too unnecessarily big, bulky and heavy
OM-5, the G92 and OM-1 are too stupidly large for what they are.
Same size actually

M43 only looks small until you put equivalently fast lenses on it. Then you get to shit no one wants to use like f8-12 100-400 equivs. THOSE are small. But they are also hot garbage. So are your AI enhanced photos.
If you use good lenses a high res apsc like the xt5 or r7 is much better and if its canon the lenses can be used on many other cameras instead of a system so dead the #2 brand has re-released the exact same fucking camera twice
>will perform better
not really
>in most cases
at least you admit there exist cases in which mft outperforms foolframe, it's a start.
The G9II and the S5II literally have the same body. It's not smaller.
>g9ii weight: 658g
>s5ii weight: 740g
yeah still taking the g9ii any day
go older, cheaper, and lighter, and get an EM5 before some youtuber makes a video about "this old olympus's digital grain at a whopping iso 200 looks like FILM!" (it doesn't, but it's admittedly satisfying to my eye) and the prices skyrocket instead of continuing their decline since olympus's impending death. if you want newer and/or panasonic, look at the gx8/85/9/etc rangefinder style line. the fact is that m43 is a system of compromise, as much as i like it, and you might as well play to its strengths by getting a smaller, lighter, neat and "fun" body and a small prime or zoom. the EM1/OM1 still has a little bit of a reason to exist since it's the only place you'll find the features they stripped from the EM5 line past II like metal bodies and the flash sync port, plus they're just really comfortable and nice to handle and shoot with, but the g9 is actually pointless and that's sad
om-1.2 > g9ii > om-1.1, but they're all extremely close. i wish the om-5 would go back to having a metal body but i've abandoned all hope for om system doing snything new ever. it'll be 2040 and they'll be releasing the om-1.23 that has one more fps than the 22.
>not even 100g difference
lay off the soilent and go to the gym
trolling is supposed to be subtle
Now say it in kg or lb so we can laugh even harder

Full frame outperforms fool turds in EVERY situation that matters.

Being a poor bitch does not matter.
average mft user be like
>le heckin reach… per dollar… per pound… ;_; *trembles due to muscular atrophy and psoriatic arthritis* m-martha whens mah next welfare check
micro four thirds shooters are an interesting Freudian case. They are neurotics who exhibit acts of self-sabotage reminiscent of castration. That is, they don't want to use full frame because they need a handicap to point to as the reason for their imagined short-comings and because they do not feel fully male in the sense that they are afraid of coming up short in the sex act of creation; in this case photography. They feel like imposters, who don't deserve full frame. The same way they feel only a 'real' man 'deserves' sex. So to protect their ego they give themselves an out, so they do not need to compare themselves to others they castrate themselves or perhaps the existing castration causes the inclination to buy m43.
11% lighter, but I am sure you philistines would not notice the difference in weight unless it was hanging off a barbell and was inscribed with large, easy to read lettering
>Full frame outperforms fool turds in EVERY situation that matters.
>in EVERY situation that matters.
>that matters
there you go with those qualifiers again lmao, you can't help but admit that foolframe is not superior in every regard as compared to mft
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Correct, micro four thirds is better for poor bitches. So you admit you are a poor bitch?
omg he's literally me
The one you have with you
The one you find most comfortable to take photos with. Specs are irrelevant beyond it can do what you want it for.
I wouldn't notice the difference because I'm not weak. Insane to me that a grown man acts like a little girl over 10 crackers worth of weight. What do you eat a small snack and can't get up because of the immense weight? Retard
Sony a7c+24mm f2.8 G mogs this shit
no thank you, keep your playstation camera.
>admits lacks ability to distinguish physical sensation
>calls another retard
go skip leg day or something, Neanderthal
So it underperforms, is overpriced, AND is for "poor bitches"
Do tell more, lol!
Neanderthals were more intelligent than you

Yeah thats why m43 is basically dead.
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I just think they are neat.

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakePanasonic
Camera ModelDMC-GF5
Camera Softwaredarktable 4.4.2
Maximum Lens Aperturef/5.1
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)54 mm
Image-Specific Properties:
Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
Image Created2024:04:13 21:35:08
Exposure Time1/400 sec
Exposure ProgramAperture Priority
ISO Speed Rating160
Exposure Bias-1.3 EV
Metering ModePattern
Light SourceUnknown
FlashNo Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length25.00 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
Image Width3985
Image Height2209
Exposure ModeAuto
Image QualityUnknown
White BalanceAuto
Focus ModeUnknown
Spot ModeUnknown
Image StabilizerMode 1
Macro ModeNormal
Shooting ModeAperture Priority
Flash Bias0.00 EV
if I wanted my comeback I'd wipe it off ur mom's face
Something can be both cheap and overpriced, that is not a contradiction. Imagine I was trying to sell you dog shit for $3, that would be cheap but is also not worth that much
Oh you are actually retarded my bad, I thought you were just pretending
So you believe it is smart to pay $3 for a bag of shit? Because if you do im gonma be fuckin rich
go study for your test kid
for what purpose?
the G9II
I'm not the retard that thinks $3 for a bag of shit is cheap hahaha
>admits he’s been paying even more for bags of dogshit
I am not sure why you are obsessed with both bags of shit and the price of, are you german?
The problem with m43 is that it costs too little. Because the more it costs, the better it must be.
impossible. m43 costs a lot for something that is worth very little.
How much do you think it should cost?
No you don't understand, like imagine how good a $7000 Panasonic gh10 would have to be. Surely then it would be better than a $1200 full frame camera.
1/8 as much as full frame
1/4 as much for having 4x more noise
1/2 of that for losing two stops of everything to “equivalence”
Thanks, that tells me all I need to know
I really don't think you get the point of M43. I use my EM-1 Mark II I got for dirt cheap for action sports photography in the rain, snow and mud. I've had the camera buried in snow for an hour, I've had it so caked in mud it could be passed off as a brick but it has never failed. And I can just clip it onto my backpack and drop a cliff on skis and not worry about it at all. It's the perfect travel platform. Light, small and the weather sealing is top notch. You wouldn't catch me lugging around a full frame Sony that costs double the price is heavier and isn't as durable. I wouldn't bring the Oly if I wanted to get some shots at night or if I wanted to take a portrait with a strong depth of field. Every platform has it's purpose.
which photo will be cleaner? keep in mind DoF, FoV, exposure and total light gathered are equal

>FF f/2.8, iso 12800, ss 1/30, 100mm
>MFT, f/1.4, iso 3200, ss 1/30, 50mm
>he doesn’t know about iso invariance

Only shitty cameras are iso invariant (like m43 and canon). All it really means is 'a camera that doesn't have a dual native iso'. It's marketing speak to make a negative sound like a positive and is there to trick retards. In this scenario (you)
The Canon R7 + RF 100-500 is basically everything M43 morons jerk themselves off about with 'light, fast, small, weatherproof' while allowing you to use your lens on a variety of bodies.

In FF terms, the A7x series is everything m43 tards think they own (perception vs reality) as it's small, light, powerful.

Look, m43 had a good run, but it was ultimately a technological bridge. It became obsolete sometime around Canon and Nikon releasing well built FF bodies, and then died a second death when Fuji's retrolarp was better executed than the EM10 and OM5 bodies.

This was the eye opening thing for me personally; I got an S5II because I'm a contrarian faggot, and the photo quality was incomparably better than m43, even at several stops higher ISO. All my m43 gear went in on trade-in after that.
I'm so glad our resident m43 schizo is back. I was missing these threads with the m43 cultists.
In real cameras these wont be equal - MFT will be about a stop darker because MFT cameras by a large margin mislabel their ISOs. You would then have to push it in post and end up with an even noisier image. MFT is designed to meme you into ETTR to cope with how shit the sensor size is.
The FF camera is also most likely to have more pixels, which allows retaining detail better

FF would have more real sharpness OOC without aggressive large radius, low threshhold sharpening - even with the same number of pixels - so it would look more like a photo and less like a phone snapshit

Assuming lenses with the same sharpness per pixel pitch is unreasonable because panasonic/olympus lenses are so fucking shitty that the oly 20mm f1.4 "pro" is baby butt soft compared to a budget lens from sony like the 40mm f2.5 G. Even when they make their lenses huge and expensive MFT sucks!
Same, I'm getting into mountaineering this year and I want something that I don't have to worry about getting wet or snowed on. My OM-1 proved its worth in a sleet storm on my capture clip, when I got back to the car a few hours later it still had ice on it I hadn't noticed earlier and it wasn't a problem, not to mention the WR flash for macro. It's the ideal outdoors camera for me.
The Voigt 42.5mm f/0.95 is surprisingly good for this. Won't work for sports or action but for other applications it's well worth the used price.
>muh sleet, snow, ice
This is nothing, and absolutely nothing special
Basically any canon, nikon, or 4th+ gen sony that isn't an aps-cope budget shutter is weather sealed. Only fuji and early sony ever weren't.
>Voigtlander (it's cosina, a budget knockoff brand, they bought voigtlander so the name would allow them to charge more for objectively mediocre stuff)
Lmao, manual focus lenses on anything but an ORF or SLR OVF+microprism...absolute joke. Just to have an f1.9 equivalent. Sheesh. No wonder olympus essentially went out of business and they've just called firmware updates "new cameras" thus far.

Any praise voigtlander gets is wholly unearned. They make a good lens from time to time but the majority of their lenses are overpriced and underperforming for manual focus junk. A manual focus lens should never be more than $250 (sorry leica, but those MTF charts tell me "$250", leave your character cope at the door, ttartisans lenses have "character" too!)

All it really is: dirt cheap, and mirrorless
If you are not a bitch canikon DSLRs are also dirt cheap, and full frame, just not mirrorless. Slightly larger but we're talking about not being a bitch here and to be honest with you DSLR autofocus is actually more capable than the shit they put on m43. m43 autofocus is somewhat close to nikon Z autofocus (excluding their top 3 cameras) - quite shit and incapable of keeping up with framerates over 6fps. It only has a recognizable hit rate because the DOF is almost always very large.
Glad you like it. See if you can eventually snag an Oly 45/1.2 for cheap. That's a robust lens with a really nice look.
The Panasonic G9 is a great deal for $500 used.
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whats the point? super tele zooms are smaller, perhaps
Just get the one that suites your needs and biggest usecase and call it a day you fucking faggot
I bought a G92. Generally considered better than the GH6 similar to how the original G9 was considered better than the GH5 in most respects. If you visit forums, a lot of people are waiting for a GH6II that incorporates all the G9II features. It would be nice if the much improved autofocus and dual gain tech found in the G9II and GH6 trickled its way down into smaller bodies.

Picking a camera is very subjective so the reason I went went with the G9II because I take video and the IBIS is good enough to walk with; maybe as good or even better than the Olympus. Better dynamic range and low ISO performance as well with some caveats.

If I were doing photography, I would probably pick the Olympus. It's lighter, smaller, has top-tier weather sealing, plus I like the Olympus lens lineup better. BUT, you can get full frame or APS-C cheaper and get all the quality benefits that entails for the same or less weight. My trusty old A6500 is higher quality (lower noise and better autofocus) than the G9/G9 II and it is much smaller and lighter. That's tough to beat unless you really hate tripods/gimbals or need very long exposures. Even though many m43 fans say the superior IBIS in a smaller sensor is guaranteed through physics, I think full frame will catch up to at least have IBIS that works when walking and I will definitely switch. Came real close to getting the R6 II or A7SIII as those are the only full framers that I know of that shoot full sensor 4k60 but IBIS is top priority for me.

One thing I hate about the G9 II is the time it takes to go from "off" or even standby to actually record. Battery life stinks so I'll probably have to just carry a handful of extras to avoid that issue. All that bulk on a m43 body and they couldn't get a bigger battery?
Full frame already has 8 stop IBIS. The gimbal effect in video is a software issue.

>olympus has top tier weather sealing
Their marketing department says so. In reality everyone but fuji has the same weather sealing. If panasonic breaks all the time and i dont know about it, thats because there’s maybe 200 panasonic users>>4315168
on earth.
>Full frame already has 8 stop IBIS.
On paper. Here's a walking comparison https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VHqhhLgJeE

The S5II looks pretty good but the G9II beats it in his newer comparison at longer focal lengths. https://youtu.be/C8juBf3quOw?t=490 I wouldn't walk at 120mm equiv in video but I do sometimes at normal ones.

Sony famously failed a weather sealing test with the A7III I think. Definitely different grades out there and the anecdata suggests Olympus is one of the best if not the best.
Software issue. Stops are CIPA rated. Video aesthetics like out of range movement handling are not.

>le a7iii
One fails they all fail forever? Whats with all the em5 and em10 models on ebay with random dead parts then? The om5 tripod mount breaking? Does that make the om1 less sealed or is it a different body design? The a7riv was the first to get a body redesign and now sony weather sealing is fine. Until one warranties against water damage they are all the same but fuji
I'm definitely keeping my eyes out for good deals on the 1.2 pro lenses from Oly, they all look great. Love their rendering.
>Software issue. Stops are CIPA rated. Video aesthetics like out of range movement handling are not.

CIPA testing is definitely better than nothing but you have to understand that number in context. The purpose of image stabilization is to reduce the camera operator induced motion blur. Their vibration machine is an attempt to simulate movement that a human might create but ultimately, how it performs in the hands of actual humans doing the type of shooting they actually do is what matters most. So for someone like me who often shoots video while walking, real life side by side tests blow any CIPA rating out of the water.

Maybe the video warpiness and jarring herky jerky motion on the "8 stops" rated R6 and A7RV can be fixed using software. I doubt it. My guess is it's hardware. Either way, I'm not going to ignore their awful walking stabilization because it's """out of range""" of what CIPA tests.

>One fails they all fail forever?
Nope. Just disproving the retarded idea that
>In reality everyone but fuji has the same weather sealing.

>he a7riv was the first to get a body redesign and now sony weather sealing is fine.

Maybe A7RIV and later are competitive with Nikon/Canon/Olympus since the Imaging Resource article came out https://www.imaging-resource.com/articles/2017-weather-testing-nikon-d850-vs-sony-a7riii-canon-5div-olympus-e-m1II but who knows. If you know of any actual tests with recent bodies, by all means share. Otherwise it sounds like you are the one eating up Sony's marketing drivel. The fact no one warranties against water damage doesn't make all weather sealing the same.

I have both the Panasonic 25mm 1.4 and Oly 1.2 Pro. The Oly is definitely my favorite of the two image quality wise.
I wanted to buy the G9II for almost a year now.
The japs could buy it for $1350, the amerikikes can buy it for $1400, we get it for 1800merkeldinars.

So I will LITERALLY fly to Korea, buy it with a tax return for the equivalent of 1210E (not region locked like Japan models and they throw in a Sennheiser MKE200+battery) AND have a nice vacation. form the price dfference.

Fuck the jewropeon jewnion.
imagine going through all that effort to buy a dogshit camera that doesn't look any better than your phone.
>imagine going on a vacation
yeah, i know, who does that....
you left out the part where you're going to waste a bunch of money on a bad camera. You instead buy a good camera or even take a second vacation!
>a good camera
and what would that be?
>not region locked like Japan models
Lumix cameras sold in Japan only have japanese in the menu, can't change the language.
m43 is fine if you're only taking pics outside during the day or you need a ton of zoom
something with a crop factor equal to or less than 1
such as?
Lumix for hybrid photo/video, ergonomics and menu system, OM is cute and better color science when sooc.
t. GH5 and PEN E-P7 owner. Lumix is a fucking tank and Oly is a pleasure to carry for family days and other snapshit moments.
The GH6 has been amazing and has replaced all my ff cameras, except for my Sony s7iii up until recently.
It’s just better in every single way except the autofocus.
And I need to be able to trust the autofocus when I need it, and that’s where to Sony worked great… until it ran hot way too quickly on multiple occasions.
In the end I actually ended up with a camcorder instead of the Sony, and it’s been perfect.
So now, I mainly use the GH6 for studio stuff and when I need it rigged out to look more professional. I don’t have a heavy rig, but the GH6 is heavy itself so with some extra things attached, it’s not very comfortable to use without a tripod.

The camcorder does all the run and gun shooting, and if the screen was a bit bigger and I could change the lens, then It would be perfect, but I’m still happy.

If GH7 has Sony level of autofocus, then it will be the best camera for video you can get.
And I think they should shave off some of the weight. It’s heavy.
>micro four thirds makes a better camcorder
duh, camcorders have always had small sensors just like cameras for fine art have always used the largest possible sensors

video image quality doesnt really matter, just the color and the compression artifacts, so even 16mm film is good enough
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watch full frame fags reconsider all their life choices the moment they realize that this (incredibly talented) beauty supports micro four thirds
>this is a 10/10 in bongland
What camcorder? Hard to get the A7Siii low light performance in anything close to the price. As for the GH7, the G9II is basically the GH6 with phase-detect and the autofocus is great. Not Sony great but way better than the DfD garbage in the older Panasonics. The G9II is also pretty big though. Really hope they come out with an updated GX85 or GM series.

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