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There is this beautiful barista at my local Starbucks and I want to let her know I love her but not straight up say it. I want to come in every morning next week and each time give her a new origami.

I am new so please give me simple origami designs a woman will like. Thanks.
Who's wife is she?
She's single AFIK if she was married he wouldn't have her working. Anyway I want origami ideas not life discussions.
>Anyway I want origami ideas not life discussions.
Here you get both, you know that. This is 4chan, after all.
Can’t tell if op is 13 or 31
No one really cares how old he is.
they meant AFAIK (= as far as I know)
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After working in a coffee place all day do you think she wants a scrawny childish piece of paper?
Just flirt with her and leave her one with your number on it
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I'll have to check those numbers mate!
Well, i can recommend you, cute and cliche things (Cliche is not bad when you know how to use it) Leave the heart for last, but try different things cute ones, like the squirels, those butterflies from your post are a good recommendation too, mostly to see which style she can like more, probably animals are more to his liking, from there you can search for the type that she enjoys (If she likes animals, folds animals, if she likes abstract things like geometrical shapes well, fold that moebius strip hahhaha). In mostly of the cases girls like minimalistic things so if you can make them smallers that could be a plus. I hope that you manage to get your soulmate <3
Noooo. do the creepy desperate thing instead.
This girl is totally not a slut that goes for bad boys and has a subscription on monthly boxes with dragon dildos
Try this one
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I made this for a coworker I fancy. Probably a little too intense for a complete stranger, though.

It's a Kawasaki rose with Copic highlights.
only a retard thinks a working woman actually likes them. she gets paid to be nice Anon.
do this OP. if you give her anything more than something extremely simple it will be a weird creepy tryhard thing.
Should just leave them around your rable or w.e. I've left cranes and shit and had women grab them and follow me or ask about it. No I'm not a handsome beefy dude or anything. If it works you opened a door to giving her new shit or teaching her. Less creepy.

Look up Dollar Bill Oragami and leave her a tip that way.

Good luck!
>/po/ - Papercraft & Origami
Great advice at least she still has the value of the dollar to be appreciative of instead of more work if she decides to throw it in the garbage. Unless she really liked you I doubt it would show up as a decoration in her living room. Maybe flattened in a book or something at best if she wanted to keep it. But it is a pretty creative idea imo to do this anyway. Plus she’d likely think it’s cute. When you’re dating then you could make some little origami things and put them around the house in places she might find them
This is untrue. I for one care how old OP is
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