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It has been 100 years since ancient beings, known as the Old Ones, walked the Earth with their two strong feet. Now they are gone and we animals now rule the remains that they left behind. With our new knowledge of sword and sorcery, we were able to survive in peace for a while, but then came the three factions.
The Apes: Strong giants, claiming to be as just as the old ones and believe they should be the ones to rule over the new world.
The Pigs: An intellectual but slothful group who wish to rule the world with an iron hoof and remain kings while the others remained as dumb animals.
Then there the Lizards: A fast and large group that want to set the world a blaze. Trying to forget the harsh past that the old ones left.
All three sides wishing to go war and destroy one another to bring in what they believe to be true peace.
But, unbeknownst to everyone, there was another group. One that was trying their best to find a way to heal everyone. To bring back order.
You found it.... and now you are taking care of it.

A D&D Homebrew Adventure.

Previous Quests:https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Rise%20of%20the%20Awakened
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To join the game and create a character, please follow the instructions on the PDF.
Last Time on the ROTA Campaign
>The party finally settled down in Canis Lupin where they started making plans.
>But not before they took down some spiders in the subway.
>They also end up making a new ally from a now thawed out human.
>The group then made their moves trying to spy and convince others to join their cause.
>Suddenly Mog ends up finding himself fighting against fucking cephlopods which caused a huge fight to break out.
>Kinny was about to make the finishing blow but will it be enough?
Find out in this thread.

Sessions are on Tuesdays and occasionally on Thursdays.

Sorry for not being here last Thursday Friends. Found myself in a family meeting to discuss some serious topics. Again sorry about that.
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Again sorry for being late.

>Kinny ends up bumrushing the faggot behind Ursus.
>Taking his dagger and shoving it right up his spine.
>Fucker barely saw it coming.
>He'll probably never see anything coming again after what you did.
>Another opponent was taken down.

Turn order was Kinny (27), then Ursus (15), Mog (2), Cephlopods (1)

So it should be Ursus' turn now.
It's fine, I'd probably be not available most thursday anyway. Good to see you back, hope the OC image is serviceable.
It would appear my memory kicked in at almost the same moment as this post was posted. Interesting.
bruh we start in 35 minutes technically
>Good to see you back, hope the OC image is serviceable.
As always your art is based Kinny.
Is everyone still here?
I mean it's just us two waiting for Ursus.
True yes.
Rolled 10 + 5 (1d10 + 5)

Ursus will activate second wind to regain some momentum
You still have your action. Second Wind is a bonus action feat.
>And now I’m turning towards the bear mog is attacking and rushing that bear
Kinny can you take care of the rest?
Rolled 18 + 4 (1d20 + 4)

>(OOC This I know I was just evaluating my targets, I mnot fast enough to get to the wall where the other animals are but kinny both has range and mobility)
>Ursus raises his axe and swings down upon the bear aiming for the nervous system
Rolled 1 (1d4)

Rolling first half of the damage
Roll for Damage
Rolled 6 + 2 (1d6 + 2)

Second half
is there's anyone even left except that bear mog is attacking?
The right wall
I need to wait before I say shit. Kinny is right I do need to refresh more often.

>Once the bear healed himself up, he then went on towards the next target.
>His aim going towards the opposing bear, our lovable bear then swung his mighty axe towards it.
>Hitting him square in the head.
>Splitting a bit of his skull open.
>As Ursus made that unruly gash on the head, you notice that there is no blood flowing whatsoever.
>Instead you get a peek of what your enemy looks like instead.
>The purplish skin was the most striking feature of the parasite.
>But it the the yellow eyes now staring at you that was now starting to freak you out.
By the frozen king what the hell are you!?!
Kinny freed his dagger from the corpse with some effort - stabbing from a running start was the easy part - and gave bear a nod.
I see now. That's the bar counter, not wall.
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Forgot the image.
Also yes there are only two enemies left.
"we are the future of this world, and if you let us bind with you... your savior."
"shuT THE FUCK UP!!" Kinny screeches at the mindsquid, his head still ringing from the mind attack a few seconds ago. "Or I'll bind my knife with your testicles..." He trails off, moving his attention to the still-walking corpses near the bar.
Mog is absent, posting Vatican to fill the gap in holiness: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p4YyEltSAV8&t=150s
This will be perfect for when he's repeatedly bashing the skull of the false prophet in.
Did you hitch a ride with the draconians?!?! Are you the reason the war between humans and dragons kicked off?!?! Or are you a new mess we have to clean up now?
>The fucker refuses to answer you.
>Just stare at you.
AH your silence speaks volumes parasite
Forgot my image again.
This is coincidentally the most savage fucking thing that has been said in these threads
I guess while we wait for Mog, Kinny would you like to go ahead and roll for your next turn?
Can I throw again or would that be faux pas? Don't think getting close to them is the best idea and I don't remember how to dnd
You can throw daggers yes.
Rolled 17 + 7 (1d20 + 7)

>Throws the Lightning Dagger at the more lively creature near the bar
>Move north towards the wall
Also heads up: once the fight ends, I'd like to immediately look for a back exit. Kinny already has it in the back of his head, only the mechanics limit him.
Ursus would you like to roll for your next action while we wait for Mog?
Rolled 2, 2, 1, 2, 4 = 11 (5d4)

Rolling damage, first die is physical damage to target.
Alright is the squid thing grabable? Im thinking of shoving it in a mason jar or something with a tarp wrapped around my hands
With air holes of course
I'm gonna say but with Disadvantage.
Rolled 12, 6 + 2 = 20 (2d20 + 2)

Ursus wraps his paw in a piece of tarp and grasps for the purple offender (this will definitely help with mogs case and the coming summit also if he’s right about his theory this will galvanize both dragons and humans to a common enemy
>I'm gonna say but with Disadvantage.
How the fuck did I miss the "yes"?!
Stop resisting you little slime ball
Sorry for being slow my friends. I just found out my fucking fridge just broke. It isn't producing any cooling and the food in it just got fucked, milk especially has to be used today! Making Mashed Potatoes tonight after this fuckfest of an afternoon.
AH SHIT go get some ice and if you have cooler containers use them, if you have perishables
I have a box freezer, which I used for the fridge freezer parishables like frozen veggies, butter, and bread. So that is at least safe. As for fucking fridge stuff, milk, eggs, bacon, and leftovers are the only thing in there that will probably perish before the night is over. Trying my best to get everything safe.
Sorry guys have to leave for a bit.
Do what you need
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Sorry for not being here guys.
Also I found out that I cannot have a fridge til Friday.
Damn. Sorry guys, wished I noticed this earlier yesterday. If I had then I'd have let you all know that I wasn't gonna be available today. I should probably let you guys know that I won't be available this Thursday either, in all likelihood. Though given that Kinny says he may not be available on most Thursdays, that may not be the biggest issue. Still, really sorry about this.

Sorry to hear about the fridge man, that sucks.
Not going to be avaialable tomorrow
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Update on the sour dough starter, I have made bread dough now I am waiting for it to rise before baking it
Pic was a bout 20 minutes in the rising process so it’s going to be good
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Bread has been achieved
I do not play this quest but damn. That looks legit. Now you are making me want to whip some up since I don't have anything to do today. Strong work.
Nice. What do you whip up to go with it?
First of all got a frigde for about $300 so that's a plus.
Also that bread looks good.
It’s literally just feeding a sour dough starter witch is a yeast culture that effectively digests flour sugar and water and then with a small amount of instant yeast to add to the dough mix when making the bread it’s really simple
Thanks man
No, I meant...what are you have the bread with lol? I know how bread is made.
Should be available tomorrow.
I'm here. Just give me a bit to write up a post.
Home made pistachio walnut and cashew butter
Rolled 8 + 6 (1d20 + 6)

Leaping from the enslaved bear's back, Mog nimbly avoided Kuma's grasping claws. Hitting the floor hard, Mog's weak leg held. He gingerly broke into a slow jog, appraising his opponent with new eyes. Kuma's layers of fat and flesh had served his master well, the puppet still had its strings. Faster and faster he ran, circling around the host, past Kinny as the cat deftly dispatched another assailant. Just as he'd completed his second revolution around the cephalopod, Ursus suddenly burst into the fray, hacking a chunk from the puppet's skull with fury.

"What the...!? By the Moon, what the fuck?! You're even uglier in the flesh than my magic lenses could ever portray." The alien yellow eyes peering out from the crack in Kuma's head startled Mog into a stumble. He tripped over his bum leg, dropping his sword as he exclaimed his surprise at the genuinely voidborne nature of the creature.

Seeing the two bear's wrestling and intuiting Ursus's intent, Mog picked up his blade once again and dashed for Kuma's legs a second time. If he could bring the puppet down, Ursus would have little trouble prising the puppetmaster away. Perhaps Kuma could even be saved.

Going between the legs of both bears as they stood up on their hind legs in a clinch, Mog aimed for his previous cuts. He'd bring the alien low with one blow!

>Attack with Advantage owing to Vow of Enmity. Declaring nonlethal damage, since Ursus had the good foresight to try and take the leader alive. Maybe we can save Kuma too, he didn't seem as bad as his cult leader or puppeteer.
Rolled 17 + 6 (1d20 + 6)

>2nd roll

Nice, fancy even.
Rolled 1, 2, 2 + 4 = 9 (3d4 + 4)

>Rolling physical damage and using my last spell slot for a divine smite!
Rolled 1, 8, 1 = 10 (3d8)

>Thunder and Divine Smite damage.
Not sure if it matters, but I think this would just be a 14, the 6 shouldn't count since Ursus has advantage from my Born Leader still. So they cancel out, I think.
Rolled 5 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

Sorry for being late guys.

>You are able to knock Kuma out.
>Not kill but put him out of commission.
>However, the cephlopod inside still had control.
>It then tried bringing Kuma back to consciousness.
>Only to fail.
>The other two cultists then began charging a teleportation spell to try and save their leader.
>Kinny saw what was going on and immediately took action.
>Taking a trusty Lightning Dagger and throwing it at the enemy killing one with the stab and another with the discharge of lightning Energy.
>Ursus then immediately tries to pull the fucker out of the bear.
>Knowing he could carry some great information with him.
>Even prepared a jar with holes for such an occasion.
Rolling oppsing dex save

Not at all, normally you post 30 minutes prior, but it was my turn, and I hadn't posted until when you normally would. So it's understandable.

>Opposed rolls

So Ursus wins right? See >>5997092
Beautiful truly
>With one powerful yank, the mighty Ursus was finally able to pull the unholy cephlopod out of the bear.
>Thankfully without any further damage to the bear and hopefully with him still alive.
>The octopus on the other hand was still struggling to get out of the bears grip.
"Let me go! I must serve my masters! We must spread the hate!"
The battle is over. What do you do?
I is not the mason jar you go little hell spawn
That’s supposed to say into the mason jar but autocorrect is autocorrect
"Such child's play! I will get out of this infernal containment by myself eventually! Just you wait! Then I will feast on all your blood and take control of your like that bear!"
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As usual. For some reason I forgot my image.
It’s a tab not a screw cap
Like clockwork, really. Or knocking dominoes.

Sheathing his sword and hoisting Kuma over his shoulder, Mog turned to his companions "Well fought comrades. I'll explain later, we have to go. If anyone asks, Kuma is our drinking buddy. A combo of the smoke from the fire and a night of hard drinking did him in, we're taking him home."

Hastily sucking in a last gulp of good air before the fires consumed the entire establishment, Mog surveyed the scene. Carnage and disorder abounded, no doubt the guards and firefighters would arrive shortly. Good thing the wolf thought to disguise himself as a guard.

To Kinny he said "Back exit, fast buddy," before seeing the cat was already on it, then to Ursus he said "Did you scout out any hideouts yet? Sold to us or not doesn't matter right now, we just need a bolthole to hide from prying eyes for an hour while we interrogate both the squid and Kuma."
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Ursus wraps the tarp briefly over the jar to avoid giving our prisoner any ideas, we have a location but I’m not risking this being sending out a distress signal, Ursus asks the little monster, how long does your body need oxygen before passing out?
We should also secure our “patient” and possibly heal them we can then question them at our leisure although I would recommend blind folds when we reach the secure location
"Whatever you have in mind hurry, we won't have much time to talk once we're out on the streets. The location is disposable, that's what they're for. Only our 'main base' matters." Mog retorted somewhat snappily.

He didn't want to mention the temple aloud, where the ceph could hear. The wolf strained under Kuma's weight, inching him towards Kinny's back as the cat led on.

"Could use your other arm when your done playing with the squid. Keep it out of sight, of us, and of any observers. Could attract attention, and the legends say mindflayers can afflict anyone they get their eyes on. Best keep em in the dark, though even that might not prevent their psychic assaults."
"Of course! When we are outta here. Lets go! Quick, lend me your arm."

>We ready to leave the bar now?
That is something I can do although i would also be careful on what surface thoughts you have and gaurd your minds for possible probes
Ursus lends his strength cradle if the tarp wrapped mason jar housed being in a foot ball carry in on hand and raising the bare with his other arm
God that autocorrect is really bad
>The monster refuses to answer.
>Instead it just stares at you with it's cold hate filled eyes.
>As the fires continue to erupt inside the building, they soon start to show up outside as well.
>Maggie was the first to notice the burst of flames outside the building.
"Oh shit. what the hell happened in there?"
>Maggie said to herself.
>She wasn't exactly sure what to do.
>So she just cried out for fire happening.
>The whole community around her heard.
>They soon started to gather buckets of sand, dirt, and water to try and put out the fire.
>Some priests were thankfully around and began using Create Water to try and help out a bit.
>Still unbeknownst to all of them, a little black cat and his unlikely group of a bear and a wolf, exited the back way.
>Allowing all of them to escape unharmed and undetected.
>Still you could see that the community was dealing with a fierce fire.
Help them out?
Hmm mog you take care of the fire I can take care of the fire, Maggie I will explain when we get inside right now is not the best time to explain kinny you do what you need
Mog nodded to acknowledge the bear as he joined the wolf in propping up Kuma between them. Together they followed after Kinny in exiting quietly into the street.

Thinking that Ursus caught on quickly with the whole mindflayer thing, the paladin opted to follow his advice, turning his thoughts to the present moment, the streets, the bustling crowds, the stars above. Anything but their personal details.
Instructions unclear. Do you want me or you to help with the fire. Who is going to carry Kuma, me or you? Someone also needs to fetch Maggie, then the others. We need all hands on deck, we can't be scattered throughout the city. We still have more info to gather tonight too.
Either assist with putting out the fire or help me get our “guests” to our “venue” either way I’m taking care of the “hospitality”
Rolled 1 + 8 (1d20 + 8)

"Got it, does Maggie know the way to the bolthole? If she doesn't, then you need to tell me so that I know the way." Mog queried.

He waited impatiently for the bear's answer, then slipped away from the group to organize the fire brigade.

Not before quickly telling his departing comrades "If I'm not there with you in my guard uniform, then you might be stopped by the nightwatch. If that happens, let Kinny do the talking Ursus."

He then quickly explained the situation that led to this whole fiasco as quickly as possible. Everything his hired contacts, Father Gawain and Kuma, what his magical sight revealed. Then he ran off towards the crowd.

>Separate from the party after telling them everything.
>Persuasion check to organize the crowd into a proper fire brigade.
Rolled 17 + 8 (1d20 + 8)

Fuck. I don't think I have Advantage, unless Maggie gives me it from Assistance. Rolling again, just in case she does. This'll be real interesting if she doesn't. I don't mind the bar burning down, better that it destroys the evidence leading to us, but I don't want the fire to spread to the rest of the city.
Will do if I notice people getting mental probed I’m shaking the jar lightly
You have advantage.

>Surprisingly the crowd was a bit of a mess.
>They could barely hear you at first.
>It wasn't until Maggie relayed Mog's message while carefully listening only to him.
>Being a rabbit did have it's perks after all.
>She could hear Mog clearly, even in a chaotic crowd such as this.
>She then immediately began to tell everyone what Mog said as she carefully listened to him.
>Soon everyone was now listening to the old wolf.
>It started to become calmer.
>There was barely any panic.
>Instead the fire brigade soon started acting more like a fire brigade and began putting the fire out more efficiently.
>Soon there was no more fires coming from the bar.
>Instead all that remained was nothing but a singed building with a few holes here and there.
>Still the town was safe thanks to Mog's leadership and Maggie's relaying.
>Though there was still trouble a foot.
"How did this fire happen?! There hasn't been a fire in Canis Lupin for years!! Who is responsible for this?!"
>Maggie then looks over to Mog.
"What do we tell them?"
>She asks the wolf quietly.
>You soon head over to the other safe house you spotted.
Question. Which safe house are you heading to?
Seed house It’s expendable and good for our purposes
Rolled 16 + 6 (1d20 + 6)

Mog started to shrug, then froze. This was an opportunity! With the shield of anonymity in their disguises and a war going on in the shadows of the ancient city, honour would have to lay by the wayside. This was a grand chance to spread some rumours.

He quickly told Maggie the plan, asking her to back him up.

Speaking up to address the crowd he yelled "I saw Father Gawain leave the building just before the fire started! And a bunch of those blasphemous hippies were inside too, the ones proclaiming to reveal a 'Goddess'! Really makes you wonder what they were doing together, consorting perhaps?"

He left the rest unspoken, letting the crowd draw their own conclusions. He'd sown the seeds of doubt, they would have to do the rest.

'Hopefully they'll blame the fire on the cultists, rather than Gawain. Heretic or not, I can't have the facade of the faith's purity be besmirched. If the obvious implication that this false goddess of the forest fuckers has something to do with Gawain's sudden discovery of a new scroll reaches the crowd's inner paranoia, all the better. I benefit from all three factions suffering, the cultists, Gawain, the squids.' Mog thought.

The paladin dared not cast a finger upon any of the proper Factions though. If he cast aspersions at a pig, or a ape or lizard, then the whole city might erupt in civil violence. Speciesism would ensure that the canines rooted out all others, root and stem. No matter how much he hated them, he couldn't let innocents be harmed. There were many such citizens who deserved no such horrors, pigs, apes, even lizards, they all mattered.

He stayed a time to rile up the crowd and address any naysayers or counterclaims, then departed with Maggie in tow.

>Deception/Performance check, maybe with advantage from Maggie helping. Plus, I did just help the crowd with the fire, so maybe they'll be more inclined to believe me. Basically, connect Gawain with the forest cultists in the crowd's mind, taint their images in the public consciousness.
Rolled 13 + 6 (1d20 + 6)

2nd roll for Maggie's help.
>The crowd soon believes the wolf and rabbit duo.
>They soon start blaming the forest guardians.
>Beginning seeds of doubt towards them.
>But they aren't going to riot at them.
>They simply don't treat them as well from this point.
>Still it was a smart move not to cause a riot.
"Probably best to meet with someone Ursus and Kinny now at this point."
>Maggie pointed out.
>You both then follow Ursus' scent to find out where he is.
>Ursus arrived at the seed house.
>Carrying the now very weak and starting to go pale bear.
>As soon as the area became a bit more clear, you lay the bear on the ground.
>Thankfully you still had Harold to heal not only yourself and Kinny, but also the injured Kuma as well if you wished.
>Still best not to do that just yet.
>You soon place your place and secure the mason jar in a safe area.
>Making sure it won't fall and break.
>You of course can still see the octopus inside still trying to find a way out, even underneath that tarp.
>Damn thing really was bioluminescent.
>It struggles trying to break itself free.
>Meanwhile Kuma was now waking up.
>He made a painful audible groan.
"Water.... need water."
"Agreed. Lead the way."

Do I roll something to follow Ursus/Kinny? Or is this just a transitional post?
Trasitional post.
Ursus immediately provided water for the bear with some attempt at hospitality for a bear who probably experienced something extremely terrible
Sorry anons, was feeling under the weather today. Here now.
Sorry for the late response. Had to check the mail.

>You give water to the bear.
>He slowly drinks it.
>Looks like he is in a very weak state.
"What happened.... I remember talking to a wolf then.... everything went blank."
>Mog and Maggie soon arrived.
>Maggie noticing how injured and pale the bear was.
"What happened to this guy Ursus?"
It's okay Kinny. Here's hoping we can entertain you with these posts.
Well that is something I can answer Ursus wanders towards the mason jar and grabs the tarp wrapped jar, so I’m going to need you to clear your thoughts and raise your mental defenses
Can I ask a list of the places in Canis Lupin that we've visited/know about so far? I have a REALLY blurred memory of what happened between Poco's bar with upstairs secure room and some safehouse that I think belongs to an old wolf and has an underground cryogenic chamber room and a tunnel that leads somewhere underneath said room?
No worries buddy. Your post from last week indicating you were finding a back exit was enough to carry us through to where we are now. Welcome to the party.

Mog rushed right over, laying his paw on Kuma's open head wound. Calling upon Luna's light, healing rays breached the inky darkness. Pale light pulsed, indistinguishable from natural moonlight. Just enough to stop the bleeding and prevent cranial swelling. Infection burned away, but hopefully strength would not return, not yet.

The holes in the dilapidated store made this place ill-suited for long term holding. If the alien's psychic emanations didn't attract attention, Kuma would.

The pack leader looked to Maggie, aiming to delegate "Maggie, round up the others, Bobby and her cats, get them to get out there and find some scrap lying about and patch those holes. Buy it if they have to, I'll reimburse them later. Get Jessica to keep a lookout outside as well, make sure no one checks up on this safehouse, then find Adler and Harold and report back with them when you're done. Kuma won't last long like this, and I don't have much moonsong left to spare."

>Use Lay on Hands to heal Kuma for 1 HP.
>Get Maggie to put the others to work while we interrogate and figure out the next steps.
>As you unveil the octopus the rabbit who is secretly a human jumped back in fear.
"The fuck is that thing?!"
>The mindflayer then looks over to all of you.
>Especially the rabbit.
"Dr Wallace? No. Too young. You must be related to her in some way. Still, it is hilarious to see you of all people still alive after 100 years."
>The cephlopod says as he then snickers.
"How do you know my aunt?"
>The cephlopod then laughs again.
"My master, The Incarnation of Hate, knows her really well."
You visited the following.
>Poco's Bar/hideout
>The old church
>A bar called Red Rooster
>A broken down shop (which you are using now)
>The bar you just fought in, which is now burned down.
Harold is already with you all you may use him now if you want.

>Maggie now ignoring the mindflayer follows Mog's orders.
>She immediately goes for her friends hoping she is quick enough in her rabbit form.
>The bear then looks towards the wolf.
"You're the wolf I talked to earlier. Do you know what happened?"
Forgot to mention to >>5997246
The cryochambers and the subway are in the old church.
Thank you. Who resides in the old church? I remember there being an old wolf as I said, but for some reason I think the church was Gawain's domain. Yes, my memory is this bad, I'm not happy about is either.
We've been to the following:

-The gatehouse, Poco's bar and upstairs room.

-Then the temple. Which holds at least a living/dining room, individual rooms for each of us, an office for Arsene, a long hall full of statues and plaques, probably various other rooms of religious purpose, a cryogenic basement level that holds humans, a hall/staircase leading to an subway where the spiders live which leads to outside the city.

-At least 3 bars, the one you and me first went to where we rumourmongered, the one Ursus and co went to, the bar which we were just at which burned down where I met Gawain and discovered the cephalopods. All of these are separate.

-We know of one bar where the ape generals and pig delegates are staying at. They stay there because they don't want to be near Lincoln (The lizard leader). Our final destination for the night, assuming we don't scout out the hotel.

-A hotel, where Lincoln and the forest cultists are staying at. Super high security plus probably two of the most individually dangerous characters are staying here.

-The walls. I think Jessica maybe went up here to spot the stuff involving the owlbears or something.

-A watchtower. Related to ^, may be mistaking the two.

-The castle. Queen lives here. Gawain too.

-Not seen, but mentioned by me as lore is the Senate house, not sure if the Assembly has a separate building.

-I mentioned a prison at some point.

-I mentioned a river at some point as lore

-Our current safehouse, a former vegetable seller/seedhouse, dilapidated in the extreme, holes everywhere. WE ARE HERE!

-Various stores

Probably some others I'm forgetting, but that is all I can remember on short notice.
So you are indeed the third party responsible for the war between draconians and humans huh? Your race takes advantage of crippled civilizations and takes them over to feed your ranks hmm? Is your race responsible for the draconian refugees landing on earth? Probably why they are in the state they are
That would be Arsene the old wolf.
As mentioned here >>5997265 Gawain lives in the castle.
Thanks again. I guess there's discrepancy about bars, but that's not important at all.
>The parasite then begins to laugh.
"Humans, Draconians, Animals? All trivial to me. They are just tools for my master who was created by their hatred. I am merely a tool myself. Created to help do his bidding. Collecting enough hatred to create a formula to help create more of what my master needs. But alas. You are all primitive to understand such complicated matters."
>Ursus has been writing this whole thing down so you have a master huh? Well you clearly have a high opinion of your creator so who and what is he since you are so chatty.
The wolf gingerly stroked the bear's neck, trying to soothe the warrior as he figured how to put this. Eventually he settled on "You remember me. So it wasn't all the demon talking. Good. I was worried about you, you seemed unwell. So, I don't know how to put this, so I'll just say it, I cast a spell of Detect Poison and Disease on you and immediately saw that creature-," Mog pointed to the jar with the mindflayer inside, "-inside you, inside all your friends, inside your head. I'm sorry, but I freaked out, killed all your friends. I-I'm sorry, they're gone. They were possessed. I recognized that thing for the demon of yore and legend that it was; a mindflayer. A demon from the Outer Dark, invaders from beyond the light of the sun, a brain eater that possesses people to do its dark bidding. We have to keep you restrained for now, make sure the exorcism is complete. You understand? After that, we have some questions for you."

Stepping away from the squid and Kuma, the old soldier whispered to his companions "Ursus, Kinny, I'm gonna step into Harold for a sec. Handle the interrogation for the next couple minutes, then we'll switch. Take turns healing, you know the drill. Keep that squid talking, and make sure to restrain Kuma well. I've healed him enough so that he probably won't die, but tried to prevent him from regaining his strength. He is a bear though, so don't let your guard down. I'll just be a minute."

Mog then stepped inside Harold, watching his fur to see if his fur returned to its original colour. He didn't want to have to dye his fur again.

>Using Harold.
No problem. Any other questions? Timeline issues, forgotten plotlines you need to be reminded of? I'm not the freshest on some of that myself, but I'll do my best to orient you.
(OOC Ya know I could use dib to act as the most annoying character to project as much annoying incorrect information as possible to radiate as much thaught energy to keep this being talking)
Actually HEHEHE caramel can you come over here and start talking about both verbally and mentally the book depicting those old ones in doing “interesting things”
>As Mog goes to heal himself with Harold, the octopus then laughs again.
"You will find out. Once my master send a bit of himself to the sky and then plummets himself to the earth, there will be a new lifeform. One that will give him the respect he deserves. One that will appreciate his existence. One that will treat him as a god. Yes only then will the Incarnation of Hate be known only as-"
>Suddenly the creature then popped.
>The mason jar was filled with nothing but blood and guts from the cephlopod prisoner.
>Though there was something still glowing inside it.
Check inside the jar.

Honestly, if we fail to get much out of the squid then locking those two in a secure room together with both restrained but looking at each other may as well be a form of torture for the mindflayer. We just have to find Dib again. I'm serious.

I'm glad I chose to freak out and attack Kuma and the boys when I did. Seeing as this guy's master is apparently literally Hate Incarnate. That doesn't make Gawain a good guy, but I KNOW these fuckers are evil. The fact that they are enemies can only be a good thing.

I'd laugh if Simon and Eugene are related to these squids.
There goes any possibility of bringing it to the summit, at least I kept it in the mason jar but hey information is information.
>Ursus carefully with tarp wrapped around his hands paws out the odd object
Oh fuck! A psychic elimination by his master?

Be careful, it could be an illusion! Though I'm not there to tell you that. He could be tricking you to get close and suck your brain!
"I am NOT willingly walking into a slime, Mog." Kinny hissed and quickly pulled out a tiny bottle with red liquid - a healing potion - and shook it with his mouth tellingly. "I have the fundsh to shave my fur from being utterly deshtroyed." He put the bottle down carefully. "If I ever FALL into Harold and subsequently pass out once the implications settle in, make sure to shave me while I'm unconscious. Being one of those sand-cats is preferrable to waking up and realizing my worst nightmare has come true."
"Oh FUCK!" Kinny flew into the opposite direction the cephaloxplosion came from. Once he realized there was no attempted assassination on his fur, the feline slowly approached the jar." "Holy shit, I was going to tie that jar down so the monster doesn't escape and possess Mog, but I guess that's settled now." He glanced at Mog, currently trapped without the gelatinous creature. "Riight."
>You then lift up the lid of the mason jar.
>What you find in there is... offputting to say the least.
>The flesh looked and felt like flesh.
>Then there was the blood.
>It looked like blood, but it didn't feel like blood.
>It was extremely thick.
>Almost like batter.
>Then the smell of the blood...
>It was almost like cotton candy in a way.
>Sugary but almost without scent unless you really focused on it.
>Then there was the shiny object itself.
>It was hard.
>Almost like a rock.
>It was completely red.
>It was then Maggie and Jessica then arrived with everyone else.
"Are you guys okay. I heard a popping noise an-..."
>Maggie then stopped talking and looked at the thing Ursus was holding.
>She froze.
>As if she was in both fear and astonishment.
>She took a closer look at the stone.
"Where did you get Nihm from?"
"Suit yourself." Mog replied nonchalantly with a shrug.

A blissful minute was spent in a damp and mouldy seed storage room, soaking in Harold's cleansing innards. He let himself float in the viscous fluid, closing his eyes. Suspended in the Goddess's most convenient creature, Mog dreamt of the Moon. He felt his wounds closing, the soot and ash from the fire washing away, the ache in his leg receding as the pressure was taken off of it. Absolutely perfect.


Alert at once, Mog's eyes shot open. He doggy-paddled helplessly, wading through the slime, slipped as he reached the dry floor, the mucus suddenly like frictionless lubricant. Struggling to stand, he awkwardly waddled into the other room.

Shouting "What's going on?!"
Kinny stays a safe distance from Slimog
>Ursus looks at Maggie then at the rock the purple being started to rave about his master he was about to say his name but then popped in the mason jar and this red rock was in the vicera maybe next time I should ask questions before asking his masters name huh?
"Say what? What the fuck is going on?"

Thinking fast as lightning, Mog reached a disturbing conclusion. It made perfect sense.

"Nihm comes from the mindflayers. It's their technology, not the Draconians. They probably tricked the dragons before, presumably they lost their planet and fled to ours, still holding onto their doom. The substance grants immortality, power, sentience, but it is a curse. That has to be it. It all makes sense."
I mean it is the reason we exist so it can’t be really that bad in moderation, although I’m suddenly thinking about what it said, I think it’s master is going to disperse more nihm in an attempt to get another species to become dominant, GOD this is becoming more complicated
He wants to make a race that will worship him properly as some sort of god which to me is the height of arrogance but I’m not some squids master
"I would agree, but there have no reports of anything resembling octopi or cephlopods that came with the draconians. Not even when people did autopsy reports on the fucker that ate a child."
>Jessica states to the wolf.
"But really it's our only theory at the moment. Because how the hell do you explain that?"
"Maybe some fish got exposed to Nihm."
"Can't be. The fish ended up mostly dying when exposed to Nihm when they first tried it out."
"Maybe someone created them?"
>Caramel suggests.
"I mean octopi are a thing but they were never semtient. So maybe this is the work of some sort of higher being."
"That can't be what higher being would create... this?"
>Jessica asks as she points at the remains of the mindflayer.
Roll a nature or medical check to see if Caramel might be onto something?
>Kinny stays a safe distance.
>Not wanting to touched by something disgusting at the moment.
Rolled 10 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Rolling nature
You don’t really need to do that depending on how well a person can be indoctrinated or paid not to mention it’s not difficult to prey upon someone’s ignorance and biases also being able to corrupt people within power is something these things would have experience with spades.
"What, like...terraforming? Cephaforming, aquaforming, I dunno? You know what I mean." Mog questioned, ignoring the apologetic about Nihm.

Thinking back to the flock of sheep and Gawain's prophesy, he wonder if it was all related. Then there was the mystery of Eugene.

Voicing his thoughts he said "Hey, guys, remember the flock of sheep and what they said about Gawain's prophesy? Hell, remember Simon and Eugene? Think any of that is related? Particularly the bits about the Goddess being reborn as a rabbit that can see the future. Though, hearing your thoughts Ursus, I'm more imagining a great flood, an endless ocean, suited for these squids to reside in as they continue their astral conquest."

Seeing Kinny standing away from him, Mog gave him a slanted stare "What? Do I smell?"
Rolled 16 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

>Medicine roll
oh I am certain it’s related, these things could probably kill somebody without even leaving a mark from their psionic blasts, that group hit me three times and I admit I was probably on the edge mentally, I probably have a concussion, any way an intact body and corrupt officers can probably deem heart attacks as a cause if death
You should probably roll too, since you're good at this. The NPCs too.
Rolled 13 + 7 (1d20 + 7)

Fair enough. Using Caramel since she suggested it.
Also Kinny you do need to roll as well.
"I didn't think of that, but you're absolutely right. They have a method of killing without leaving a mark. A perfect tool of assassination." Mog whispered in quiet contemplation.

"Harold's free, if you're hurt, then you should take a dip. Bathe a while, it's blissful." he followed up absentmindedly, his mind far away, whirring.
I’m going to opt out of a slime bath and have a hot water bath but in the mean time Ursus sets the rock down on a metal pan and slaps an adhesive paper strip saying NON EDIBLE BIO WASTE onto the mystery meat jam mason jar so no one one makes the mistake that this is edible then he wraps the frigid head of his axe in cloth and puts it to his head
Rolled 11 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

"You're slimed. I don't want any to get on me." The cat explained.
Medicine roll? Me? Alright.
Brb making lunch.
"I'll wash it off. There has to be a hose or something around here, for watering the plants..." Mog replied absently, mind still adrift in thought.
When Kinny's heard "hose", his eye flinched and a wave went through his fur from the head to his butt. The tail swished disapprovingly.
His mind still contemplating higher concepts, Mog went through the motions of finding a source of running water. Not finding a hose, he managed to a broken sprinkler leaking cold rivulets of water down into a flooded potted plant. Moving aside the tray, he stood underneath the trickle, as if it were a showerhead. His eyes locked on Kinny, but his head still in the clouds.

The body needed nothing but the memory of playfulness to act though. A raised arm redirected the spray towards the cat, though it fell just short. A reminder to the cat.

Tired residing in the present moment, the wolf let his mind full drift while he washed.

Going afk for 35 minutes.
>After many conversations on how to bathe, the group then went on to look at the remains of the cephlopod.
>It took a while but you did in fact manage to seperate it by blood, parts, and organs.
>Most of which still intact.
>Except for the nine brains.
>Fuck those were destroyed badly.
>But at least you now realize that's one thing normal about it.
>You all then analyze each part.
>There doesn't seem to be anything alien about it.
>Nor off.
>Just a normal octopus.
>Though you do notice two vital organs that are missing.
>The heart and the reproductive orgsns.
>Must have exploded along with the rest of the octopus' brain.
>Still nothing out of the ordinary.
>Though for such a small body, it carried way more blood than it would necessarily need.
>Especially for a creature that possibly had no heart.
>Looking back over to the pale lipped Kuma, you then realize what seems to be the problem.
>Most of that blood probably belonged to Kuma.
>Giving that blood back to him like that though seems highly dangerous.
>Especially with how thick it is and how sweet it smells.
>Too much of a risk.
"He needs food high in iron."
>Caramel suggested.
"Any of you got any fish or red meats?"
"I can send my boys to do that."
>Bobby says.
"Potato, Ord. Go get the foods on this grocery list."
>The two large cats then followed the orders.
"Alright. Bobby I am going to need you to stay here. I'll stay with the bear."
>Caramel then said.
>She then looked at the other three and the humans.
"You guys continue on doing what you need to. Dick Dick and I will take care of the bear."
>She said as she pointed at Adler.
"Di- dick dick?"
>Adler said in confusion.
"As for the cephlopod, I can assure you all it's a normal octopus for now. If you guys end up finding a live specimen though please capture and make sure it doesn't explode."
>Maggie then got up.
"That just leaves one question.... what do we do with this stone?"
>She said as she pointed at the Nihm.
What do you do with the Nihm?
I suggest keeping the sample but not doing anything with it for now, I have no clue what it would due to animals already exposed to a small amount and use rather not gain some psychosis
And i would rather not gain some nihm sourced psichosis
"Agreed. I say we keep it, but locked away. For now one of us should carry it until we can get it to safety, but keeping in close proximity to it could be hazardous to us in the long term."
"So.... Kinny and Einstein's magic bag then?"
>Maggie suggests.
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made another sour dough bread loaf
Definitely properly locked in some box, in the mean time that parasitic octopus corpse should probably be put back into the mason jar
Getting kinda tired, only got 4 hours sleep. May pass out. If I do, I'll be available Thursday.

"I'd rather not, we don't know how it'll react with the magic. Plus, that magic is tiny. The internal volume may be huge, but the opening may be too small for the stone. Maybe Jessica or Maggie should handle it until we get home, they're the most familiar with Nihm, after all."

"Agreed regarding the mindflayer corpse."

Mmm, tasty.
Yeah, I think that's it for me today, woke up before midnight, so I'm wiped out.
"Both are valid arguments. Rookie you keep the stone. In the meantime let's go recon some other things necessary."
>Jessica says to the group.

I think everyone is tired at this point. Hell with all the surprising stress I got all last week I think it's safe to say I'm also tired. Sorry for all the late posts friends. But I might be available on Thursday.
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It's all good. And Mog, please do try to sleep at night instead of howling, that could help.
"Right. Lets try and avoid getting into any tough fights. I may have taken a dip in Harold but until I've contemplated the Moon's grace in dreamspace, well...I'm afraid that I won't have my usual repertoire of spells." Mog responded coolly.

Looking at Ursus, he gave the bear a questioning look, then nodded over to Harold. The farmer had taken quite the mental beating from the demons, Mog wanted to make sure he was in tip-top shape.

Breaking out some rations, he settled down for a quick meal. All the drinking he'd been doing wasn't good on an empty stomach. There'd be more swill consumed by the end of the night.

In between bites, Mog put the matter of where to scout next to the table "So, where to next? More bars? The bar where the apes and pigs are staying at? That one is the most important, and there's nothing saying we have to leave it for last tonight, if anything it may be better to make sure we cross it off the list, maybe after a disguise change into our fancier attire. Still, whether we head there next or not, we still need more information beyond what we are likely to garner there."

He paused to eat and listen to what everyone else had to say.

When he was done he added "There's also the issue of Kuma. At the very least he'll need a guard, either one of the main party or Jessica, plus Adler and Harold to keep him stable. We can either all leave to scout and interrogate later, all stay to interrogate before moving on, or leave one of us behind to interrogate. If we split, the one who interrogates will need to eventually meet back up with us. Hopefully everyone understands by now that if you aren't stealthy or good at fast-talking your way outta bad situations then you'll need one of the sneaky or talky packmates to escort you. Personally my preference is to either get the interrogation outta the way, and my second preference after that would be to split the party. Leaving Kuma unattended with only one real guard, and lots of prying eyes does not sit well with me."

Mission failed. Got up even earlier somehow.
"We could get Ord and Potato to take of guarding Kuma. They aren't exactly doing anything important aside from shopping."
>Bobby points out.
"I know my cats aren't that smart but when they are given an order to guard something with their lives, they do so. Besides Caramel and Adler aren't that much of fighters. Sure Adler's armor looks strong but what good is excellent armor if you can't fight back? Plus two hench cats are better than one."
Take Bobby's offer?

I got some sleep at 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM, mostly to sleep through a tornado. Tried to go back to sleep. Couldn't. Not until like 3:00 AM. Woke up officially around 7:20 AM. Honestly... I wish I have gotten more sleep in a way.
Rough. I woke up around 7 PM. Couldn't fall back asleep.

"If we choose not to interrogate right away, I may take you up on that. Though I'll insist on having Jessica stay behind as well, as a lookout outside. If Kuma escapes, then the big guys can fetch her to put our ursine friend back to sleep, plus someone needs to keep a watch outside, she's already done it once, may as well again."
"I can do that. Just make sure the cadet doesn't do anything stupid with the stone."
>Jessica says.
>Causing Maggie to retort.
"You handed me the fucking stone!"
"Will do."

Just waiting on the others.
Ursus doesn’t really want sticky fur and he is already preparing a hot water bath at the side he is carrying hus frost axe around like an ice pack so any inflammation is minimized
I trust Maggie’s understanding that the stone could be adverse we could probably go get a lead lined lock box or something later after we have rested as for Kuma I would like to ask his position and possibly offer some way to join us against the current state of things
Hello and good god Mog. If you woke up at 7PM, then when did you go to sleep? Went to sleep at 2AM myself, woke up at 10-ish. On a train now. Kinda wish I could just stay on the train all day.
"So aside from me keeping watch, what's the plan now? You guys going to change disguises and then try and find where the pigs are?"
"See Mog. All civilized animals keep their fur clean." Kinny's eyes stared at the wolf's chest as if they wanted to penetrate the skin, flesh and bone to inspect his internal organs for illegal bacteria.
"Alas, not everyone can be perfect." Cat lowered his gaze and his tail and pulled off the red hood. He took mask off earlier when the player wasn't here to narrate. "So how do we do this? The ape-bar, that is. I could just... Pretend to be a rich investor, maybe? 'Hire' you Mog or Ursus as a bodyguard while drilling our target for information?" The cat pondered the approach. Might as well toss some gold around, see if it hits and rings any pig-shaped bells.
next post might take a while, i intend to stare out the window like a fucking dog
I’m up for both plans
"Wait... question. Do you need me to change looks as well?"
>Maggie asks.
Allow Maggie to change?
"Suit yourself."

Too late for sanity. Enjoy your train ride.

"Into our upscale attire, yeah."

"If there was proper plumbing in this place that had water clean enough to trust to be cleansed by a little fireheat, then I'd be right there with you guys. As is, the film of scum on the surface of some of the puddles and in some of the pots in this place have thoroughly dissuaded me. As for your idea...yeah, that works, good thinking."

Sorry for the late reply. Got distracted. New skirmish, low sleep, making food, etc.
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I'm off the train and in the sun, typing while body is dodging branches on autopilot. A genuinely fascinating mechanism.
>he plays trigger skrim
He is the least vile of them all and still, I could not. Fug skirmishimeshes.
>You all change into much better clothing.
>Making yourself look more regal and fancy looking.
>As you are doing so Kuma does start looking a bit better.
>He is groaning from the lack of blood a bit but he is still approachable.
Approach Kuma?
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It's time to get semitic.
Kinny makes sure he isn't seen without the disguise. Better safe than sorry.
Mog brought the others into a quick group huddle "What do we ask him? I personally want to know if he remembers what was in the cave he told me about, plus any details about the forest cultists we may not know. Their plans, organization, all that good stuff."
For the record, I haven't changed yet. I'm still in my old disguise. Will change after we're done interrogating.
im dont really care for interrogation, you do you
Alright then Kinny what is your next move? Want to just go to a bar?
I’m curious as to that 2 but I am lacking in creativity at the moment
Rolled 19 + 8 (1d20 + 8)

Fair enough.

With no further input from the group, Mog approached Kuma.

"Hey there, how ya feelin' buddy? Took a big hit there, but your well on your way to recovery. While we complete the exorcism and nurse you back to health, can you do something for me? Can you see if you can remember more about that cave? The one the otter asked you to move the boulder from?"

>Persuasion roll
I'll make this quick, will save the questions regarding the forest guardians for another time. I know everyone's eager to move on.
"Cave? Oh.... you mean the one the druid wanted open.... I... I remember there being.... a.... thing... standing on two legs.... said it was a goddess and the otter agreed. As I was about to ask what that thing was, she threw some strange creature into my face. I can't remember what else happened during that event... I feel so weak.... what happened exactly?"
"Like I said before, the creature you just mentioned possessed you. We had to exorcise you and your friends. They're all dead I'm afraid, only you survived. The being claiming to be a goddess is no goddess at all. Just an Old One with an alien presence in her heart, like you were. I'm afraid Sage and Persephone deceived you, Kuma. Yes, I know their names, I know all about them. I'm afraid I have to go now, but I'll be back. In the meanwhile, can you think on what your former associates are up to? I can assure you, they are up to no good, no one who relies on mind control to dominate their friends is. Just...think on it, when I return I'd like to hear all about them." Mog whispered soothingly, trying not to cause the bear a headache.

Honestly not his finest interrogation, but they had places to be. Better to let Kuma reeling in the shock of his absence of agency for the past however-long. Hopefully a sense of betrayal would persuade him to help the pack against his former comrades.

Turning to his companions he nodded "Alright, all done, lets go."

Sorry, got distracted again. We can move on now. I change into my new disguise and we can go with Kinny's plan.
Post wholly OOC. First let Mog/Ursus interrogate Cooma if they want. Then... >>5999496 >>5999421 which one of you guys wants to be Kimmy Cash's Kinny's bodyguard? I think Ursus would fit better since Mog insists on bathing in the puddles and that just won't work the rockefeller gimmick as well as a freshly-bathed bear with a minor in philosophy. Plan is basically to just barge in there and for Kinny to play a role of a very gray investor interested in funding big plays (weapons, tech, etc) with big return. Of course I leave most money behind with Jessica (or the most dependable animal) and only flash some platinum/gold coins from the pocket. Enough to sell the picture and fish for information about local planned/ongoing power moves by pigs or apes. And Kinny will absolutely keep a few daggers under his suit. Because of course some retards might be waiting in dark valley despite the 'bodyguard'.
I say just take both of us. What's the other person gonna do if we don't? We're all going.
Oh, I wasn't entire sure whether we're splitting or not. Besides I have no confidence, who am I to take two people along for shit I came up with? Welcome to my brain lmao.
Now, we were only going to split if one of us wanted to stay for a prolonged interrogation of Kuma.

It's your idea, may as well let you take the lead. Having extra muscle only sells the image more, if one is a tad shady...so much the better.

Sorry for the constant 30 minute delays. I'm ready to head to the bar now, I think the others are too.
If kuma is completely compliant and wants to get to the bottom of the situation with the squid parasites and nihm in general then he can join us
"We're not done with him yet. We'll see how he feels about that when we get back. It remains to be seen whether he'll cough up the cultist's plans. For now, we've got places to be."
Sorry for the late reply. So you guys are going to a bar now? Also if the text next to my name chages, I am over with family because they need my help real quick.
Hey man we understand
Take your time, no need for apologies. If anything just drop us a brb post beforehand so Mog can take 5 minute naps.
For the record: Kinny is wearing black round glasses to conceal his eyes and overall doing his best to change his facial features. Maybe some fur styling, trimming, cutting whiskers a little, that kinda thing. No gear or backpack, just a suit with some gold and platinum. And three electric daggers underneath.
I didn't mean disney-evil levels of shady, just to highlight the part where every real billionaire is a subhuman sociopath, Kinny will just be a more direct one (walking into a bar himself, rather than send henchmen). If anyone asks, Kimmy Cash is a narc who doesn't trust w*lves or d*gs to get anything done in his name, and instead wants the control.
>After doing what you need to, you all head out to the bar where you expect either the pigs or apes to be hanging out at.
>Wearing extremely fancy new duds to make you look like you came from some sort of high society.
>Along with some new aliases.
>Maggie decided to stay with Jessica, Adler, and Caramel.
>Mostly because 4 was a crowd.
>3 was better for this situation.
>You then enter the fancy bar and grill.
>Filled to the brim with the most spoiled and overpampered animals along with the biggest tables of blackjack and poker any hound has ever seen.
>Now the first step was to find an ape or pig.
Roll perception.
Rolled 15 (1d20)

Rolling perception
Rolled 8 + 4 (1d20 + 4)

Awh, I was gonna respond to Maggie back when I was still outside but got interrupted and forgot. Nothing important though.
Not bad, Henchman#1
Rolled 10 + 1 (1d20 + 1)


A reminder for tonight's objectives from last thread.

-Sneak into various bars, not just the one QM outlined as being plot relevant. We need to gather information on what is going on in the city, and what plays the factions are making and what their intentions are. A lot is being packaged into that sentence, this includes general info gathering on how the apes and pigs have subverted Canis Lupin and info on Canis Lupin's political parties and just general info of what is going on in the city and all stratas of society. Or even just random trivia info.

-If possible, get samples of the delegate's handwriting and their personal seals so that we can forge stuff from them more easily.

-If we are stalked by secret police, quietly isolate and kill/interrogate them.

-Talk to the delegates themselves while in disguise, gauge their intentions.

-Assess each factions personal security detail and their strength, we may need to fight at some point. We also need to know how much muscle they have at their disposal for their own operations.

-Scout out Father Gawain, root through his stuff. Find out if he is an agent of the factions or being bribed.

-Scout out the palace, see how likely it is for us to be able to sneak in to talk to the Queen.

-Bribe wolf Assembly members and Senators.

-Pay for our own army and staff. Pay random civilians to astroturf the political process and do street protests/mob violence and propaganda at our behest.

-Find out about the bandit wolves.

-Scout out the prison in case I lose my trial and end up behind bars, makes it easier to break me out later.

-Finally, scout out the Hotel. See how easy it is to break in. Later we'll need to bypass Lincoln and see if we can identify Persephone, also find our guns so we can steal them back.

Simplified version from last thread.

-Scout everything.

-Similar/part of/to the above above, find out why I'm wanted and how the Factions are subverting Canis Lupin.

-Kill/interrogate secret police if they follow us.

-Bribe everyone. We have 4755 platinum split three ways between us. Pay off politicians to vote our way when the time comes, buy mercenaries, buy off street protesters.
>You all scout out the area.
>Kinny and Mog just see slob of pigs being pigs.
>Betting money and bragging about how rich they are as they drink their finely aged whisky.
>Could still be worth talking to but you'll probably get nothing from them.
>As for Ursus however, he found himself a different target.
>A big boar in a fancy suit.
>Carries an axe with him.
>Seems to be in the VIP tables.
>Not somewhere you can go unless you have over 200 plat....
>Which you do.
Where do you go?
Ursus points out the figure to kinny he has no idea how to get passed the plat barrier
"Psst, hey, big boss! Mr.Cash, sir! Look where Ursul is pointing. We're flush with c-c-c-cash Ursul, don't worry." Mog whispered, affecting the mannerisms of a simpering brute.
Ursus silent nods with the efection of a cinder block to help sell the effect of henchmen
"Thank you, boys. Let's go see if we can do some business in this... fine establishment after all." Kimmy said and led his companions towards the boar as if he owned the place. Once they arrived, the cat plopped his suited ass at the boar's table and magicked a business card out of thin air. "Kimmy Cash, independent enterpreneur. Please pay no attention to my bodyguards, they know to keep their mouths shut." The small black cat introduced himself and gestured towards the towering bear and menacing wolf to his side, before adjusting the black glasses that concealed his orange eyes. Hopefully this would leave an impression. "See, I'm looking for new ventures to fund. I've heard there is a lot of things happening in Canis Lupin as of late and you, Sir, look like a fine and well-informed gentleman." Kinny spewed words at the boar before he could question the cat's unfamiliar name. "Wouldn't you happen to know of any operations in which a humble cat such as myself could allocate some capital with hopes of a small return? I don't have much coin, but I more than make it up in the nominals." With that, the cat pulled out some platinum from his suit and slid it across the table, towards the boar.
Hopefully this isn't too much of a cringe.
Do I roll anything?
>The boar doesn't seem to give you attention.
>He just gives a deep breath in his cigar and then puffs smoke at you.
>Seems he wants the seat for himself.
Try rolling a Charisma Check (Persuasion, Intimidation, or Deception will work).
Rolled 14 + 7 (1d20 + 7)

What do you say to this pig?
I think QM is saying that the boar initially rebuffs us, and he's asking for your roleplay write up to go along with your roll for how you smooth things over with the guy who doesn't see us as anything and who wants the chair for himself.
Then I have nothing.
Well, you can sleep on it, I certainly will. You're leading this scenario, so now's your time to shine. Have some confidence.

Going afk for a while.
last time i come up with anything
It was a good write up. You just need a follow up for initial resistance.

It seems like things are winding down for the day? Why don't we all call it a day and relax, see each other next week. At the very least, I am too tired to continue.
Sorry again guys for everything.
Should be available tomorrow.
I as well.
>The Boar decides to look you up.
>Stare at you for a bit.
>He then sniffs you.
"You smell like you have recently took a bath used some good smelling shampoo. You also have the scent of rich meats on you. Insect and turkey to be precise. For some reason I also smell some tiger on you. From what I can gather, you're either a hunter with some very lucky finds who sells his own meat who has fine taste on what to mate with, a merchant who finds good hunters to sell their prey, or maybe you're some pampered cat with a sugar mama tiger who just has a thing for small kittens like you. Either way.... I can smell that you are indeed rich with money."
>He then takes another smoke and then smokes it in the direction of the trio.
"So... what brings you to my table? I'm not interested in buying or selling anything. I am only in the business to kill. And I am in the middle of doing my job. Waiting for my target to arrive. So unless your name is Sunny Kong, I have no interest Mr Cash."
How do you respond Kimmy Cash?
Mog interjected, his simpering manner dulling his normally fearsome features "I-I-I handle matters o-of blood f-f-for M-M-M-Mr.Cash. W-While Mr.Cash i-is usually in the business of p-powders and the like, h-his s-sh-shininess is currently in the market for information. P-perhaps you can come to a deal with M-Mr.Cash, information f-for y-your services a-at a later date. We don't know where M-Mr.Kong is at the moment, b-but we can f-f-f-f-f-find out."
>Ursus stands granite determination to weather any storm
Yeah I've just completely lost ability to respond. We might just as well call it a night and leave.
Given the time limit we have of 4 days (and nights) before the summit, that probably isn't wise. We need to make the most of our time. This isn't the kind of guy we're looking for, we need information. I say we disengage with this guy, do another round of perception checks, look for someone else.

This guy's services could be useful, but I don't wanna spend a lot of time doing a side quest for him. Sunny sounds like an alright guy, no point helping him into an early grave.

I was gonna say this earlier in the week, but I think with your character's response last week to Kinny, you needed to give more to go off with him, otherwise Kinny wouldn't know what to say to go with his roll. At least now we know that while this guy is open to talking briefly, he just isn't the guy we want.
"I don't sell any information wolf and I already know he'll be here. As for you Mr Cash... you are smart. The battle here will be bloody. I am one of the top assassins here of Pig Home Turf. I can squish a monkey like him with complete ease."
>Suddenly you here the door slam open.
>You see three strong gorrillas enter the bar.
>Right behind them is an unusually tall monkey.
>He looks old.
>Very old.
>Using his walking stick to get where he needs to.
"That is my target."
>The pig then grabbed his axe.
"You may all stay here. But know it will be a bloody mess."
>The pig then went on to charge at the old monkey.
>The monkey then looks at his attacker.
>The pig then lands his axe onto him.
>Sunny is then bleeding out everywhere.
>The pig then looks at his kill.
"Easy enough work. And the pigs said you were unkillable."
Everyone roll a Wisdom (Perception or Medicine check)
Rolling medicine
Rolled 18 (1d20)

Thing didn’t roll
Rolled 7 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

Sorry, had to step away for a second.
Wait are you mad at me?
Rolled 7 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Rolling medicine, cat is not very perceptive now.
Just stumped. I might've jumped a gun on that pig, but it still felt like hitting a reinforced concete block. I hate to be that faggot, but I have an abhorrent social anxiety and defeatism, so putting myself in a "charismatic" position and then getting hit by "what did you say?" is enough to make me fold like paper.
>Mog, Kinny, and Ursus were shocked... but confused.
>How can a creature so old and small like that produce so much blood?
>The only thing that squirt out so much blood in such a fashion would be a dragon.
>It was an impossible feat to say the least.
>Ursus then realized something about this blood.
>After a bit got onto him he then noticed something was off.
>It felt too watery and smelt of tomato.
>Kinny and Mog also noticed that the gorillas didn't really respond to the death of one of the four ape kings at all.
>The boar was about to leave.
>Suddenly, something jumped out of the corpse of the dead monkey.
>A spry tall figure with a giant staff.
>He was in the air for a few seconds and then like a meteor fell to the earth in tremendous speed.
>Obliterating the big to absolute nothingness.
>Well no.
>There was a huge charred hole in the ground.
>All that remained of him was the fresh smell of bacon.
>The monkey then got up from the hole and then sighed.
"Another dumbass weakling. Fucking hell is it hard for any of you weak ass losers to actually put up a fight? I'm the monkey king for Buddha's sake!"
>He then sighs again.
>Looking deafeated.
>He then comes to your table.
>You can see the look of his eyes.
>He looks bored as hell.
>He then steals... or rather takes the boar's seat.
"Oh I'm sorry was this seat taken? Seems like you were making a deal or some shit. I don't interrupt but I really want the best seat this place has to offer. Maybe from here I can see if anyone is doing a good brawl and then join in."
Sorry if I put too much pressure on you Friend.
"W-we h-h-h-h-h-had n-n-n-nothing to d-d-do with that pig. M-Mr.Cash here was just looking for anyone in need of some c-capital in return for a fair share of equity. I-I-I-I s-s-swear to you M-M-Mr.Kong, we r-r-r-REEEAALLLYY had n-n-n-NOTHING to do with that b-boorish boor, a bore i-if you will. I-I swear! I really, really, do," Mog then made a show of sucking in air and gathering his courage, "We're also in the market for information, both buying and selling, i-if you're u-up for that."

Suddenly as if remembering his place, he shrank back from Kimmy Cash in fear. Letting the cat take the spotlight.
I really don't want to talk to this monkey now. I've had enough of spotlights for two weeks and I'm also busy.
Fair enough, I'll just act as if you gave me your assent to speak on your behalf when QM responds to me.
Thanks, and sorry for that
Your welcome, and no problem.
Ursus raises to the occasion curious about the monkey
>In a gruff bruiser accent he says:
Smart using tomato sauce as a supplement for blood, I knew something was up because even if they where frail it takes much more than that to crush bone and tissue
>The Monkey King then sighs again.
"Listen I'm going to be honest with you cat, you want information, I really don't have any. I just came here to see the fights."
>He then placed a finger on the cats mouth.
"And before you say, "But there is no fighting during summits", listen, we have wolves, lizards, pigs, apes, and some cult with their god here. There's gonna be a fight. And I not only want to observe it but also be a part of it.... well wanted to be a part of it. Aside from the god, which I don't even know where they are, I've seen everyone here... and they are a bunch of weak ass, pansy ass, rich ass, passive ass, ass kissing, bitch ass, horny ass losers. That's seven asses! Seven asses means this trip is not worth it at all! Can't even see a decent fight here. It's just nothing but, "nag nag nag nag nag nag nag!", you know!! I wanted a fucking fight! Not challenge pissing! But yeah Mr Cash you get what I am saying right? You probably look like the kind of guy who came here for a good time as well but now you are bored because something else is ruining your day. Only two things of interest happened today and that's that strange howl from earlier and seeing that rabbit being denied registering for the summit because he was a rabbit. Thought he would at least throw a punch. Still I am wondering if I should stick around. I mean it's not like Clayton wanted me to come here. I came here just to see and possibly be part of a fight. What do you think Mister Cash? You seem like the kind of guy that knows when to walk away from a bad deal. Should I walk away from this summit. Maybe drag Clayton's men out of it as well so I can just piss him off."
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>Ursus shows a bemused smile
If you are looking for a fight there are definitely some plays being made in the background of the summit I have already come across strangeness while operating with my clients
Waiting for Kimmy's nod of assent before stepping in to speak again, Mog began in a stuttering voice "W-W-W-Well, if it is a fight you want y-y-your highness, we h-happen to know where that goddess y-you c-couldn't find is. We even know h-her identity. S-sh-should you prove a t-trustworthy figure, we could share. If your m-majesty does not care, then Mr.Cash is still willing to share that the goddess resides at the hotel, the best f-fight is likely to be there, because L-L-L-L-L-L-Luh-uh-Li-Lincoln is also there, and b-believe me, he has reason to hate her. M-M-Mr.Cash is also in the market for muscle, n-n-n-n-NOT THAT w-w-w-we would presume y-y-your majesty would stoop to w-working for h-hire, but M-M-Mr.Cash has places he'd like access to, and h-he could use the distraction. T-True to h-his h-hallowed n-name, Mr.Cash would be willing to pay, of course, in platinum. S-Should none of these appeal to his majesty, w-well, you know cats are not fond of a-apes, y-y-y-YOUR PRESENT SELF NOT INCLUDED i-in such an opinion y-your majesty, but we'd very much appreciate y-you getting rid of C-Clayton's generals."
Apparently startled at the bear's interruption, Mog made a show of looking to the side at 'Ursul' surprised. As if rushing to cover up for a faux pas, he spoke in a reedy voice "T-this is Mr.Ursul, bodyguard and associate of Mr.Cash. Mr.Ursul is historian and purveyor of foodstuffs, luxury or otherwise. H-he also handles some of the l-legal matters."

As if his ego could not take being the only one not introduced, Mog bristled, seemingly growing more confident, but not quite dropping the reedy accountant act "I-I am Mr.Gommel. I handle matters o-of b-b-b-b-b-b-b-blood o-on behalf of Mr.Cash, as well as interactions with the church and state, I am h-his voice, at present, protector and speaker at the Business Associations Council downtown. P-pleased to make your acquaintance, Mr.Kong."
"So the cat has two offers.... alright. I'll bite. Who would be my opponent bear, and where are they located wolf. I know you speak for your boss and I like his offers."
A being with some form of mastery over life itself, she has made hybrids of bird and bear, and other interesting creatures she knows how to change her form from rabbit to dog to bear to ape she is capable of fading into the crowd we are currently attempting to discover her current location but she is a big threat possibly wielding some powerful old one magic do not let her get the drop on you
'Gommel' made a show of turning to the side and performatively covering his face as he whispered to 'Ursul' "Psst! Ursul, who do you think Mr.Cash would prefer dead first? The goddess, Lincoln, the generals, or that s-strange p-priest that has the ear of the Q-q-q-q-queen?"
"A-a-a-aaaaahhh, my friend, we may not know the goddess's location right t-this second, but as I said y-your m-majesty, we know she resides at the hotel, with her cult. Lincoln hates her, we are certain there will be a big fight soon, before the summit in all likelihood."
Hmm as much as he hates the priest the number one being that’s needs to be dealt with is that goddess, if she attacked she would leave too much collateral damage Lincoln is second the generals are third and that preist is at the bottom serving only as a mouth piece for some other party
"I concur on the would-be goddess and Lincoln, but the priest has the ear of many and i-is...very p-persuasive. I b-believe Mr.Cash would prefer h-him dealt with before the g-generals. T-the t-t-t-th-third party controls many with its t-tendrils, m-many of the behind the scenes acts c-can be attributed to their 'abilities'. I'm a-a-a-afraid I must disagree on one other point Mr.Ursul, I believe the priest is an independent. F-free from the third party, they were after all, after his life. Or at least his freedom."
"Or are y-you w-w-w-worried about him 'persuading' h-his majesty to his side?"
Hmm alright then still I suppose regardless once the chaos will begin she will most likely make her play and when that happens she’ll be under the attention of everyone
The queen has experience with politics and an understanding of dynamics such as third party mouth pieces she should know what the priests game is and make defensive moves accordingly should she not then maybe she should step down
Ursul takes a seat gommel
"I tire of talking! Why not come to a decision the old fashion way. Both of you, hit each other. Whoever hits the hardest is the one I will go with."
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Rolled 19 + 4 (1d20 + 4)

Ursus looks towards at the monkey then at mog, he then cracks his neck and smiles with a gangsters sneer
Ursul sidewinds moggel before he could make a decision (this is ursuls character)
Gommel mirrored Ursul, taking a seat, but leaving the two best chairs open for Sunny and Mr.Cash.

"I'm not sure she has a choice in the matter Mr.Ursul. I think our priest is kin to our third party, and thus possesses similar abilities. A rogue agent and exile perhaps. A-at the v-v-very least, he has something over h-her majesty."

Turning back to the king, Gommel said "Would a late night d-dinner party suit y-your majesty? Or early b-breakfast I s-should say. The main course will be the g-goddess's head, for dessert Lincoln, plenty of appetizers with the guards. We could begin now, though tomorrow night would be preferable to us, y-your majesty."
Rolled 17 + 6 (1d20 + 6)

"Eek!" Gommel screached, swiping back pathetically.
A surprisingly strong counterstroke clobbered Ursul upside the head before Gommel fell back, his chair falling over, seemingly out cold for a few seconds.
>You both made an equal blow to each other.
>Sunny looks very impressed.
>But he is wanting to see which one hurt more.
Roll for damage both of you.
Isn't unarmed damage just 1+STR? In which case I win. Or we could do 1d2+STR, but I probably still win that. Unless we use Claw damage, but I'm not sure if we ever made it canon that we have claw damage equal to DMG animals.
It’s typically equal to 1 plus your strength modifier and you are proficient in unarmed combat
So for me its 3
Bear claws do 2d6+STR, and wolf claws 2d4+STR in 5e for reference. I think.
Yeah, mine would be 5 damage.
True but this is a punch not a claw attack
Yeah, okay, so no rolls needed. I do 5, Ursul does 3. Kimmy gets to laugh to the banks as we clobber each other for Sunny's amusement.
(You are clearly the winner)
Ursul is slower to rise back into the seat, moggel you clearly need more confidence in yourself, that strength would make you more intimidating than that grovel
Ursus spits out a tooth
Gommel shoots back up cheering, apparently almost entirely unharmed in comparison to Ursul's missing denticulation. A line of blood works its way down the corner of his mouth a moment later.
"So the old frail man can punch well. Now that was entertainment! Alright. I'll fight the priest. Just send me to his general direction and I will get to kicking his ass. Hopefully he can entertain me with a good fight just like how I saw you two fight."
>Sunny Kong then went over to the cat.
"Thanks for helping me out Mr Cash. Here's a good reward for you."
>He then hands down 500 platinum to the cat.
>After telling him he lives at the castle, Sunny then went on his way.
"Well off to a good fight see ya."
>The gorrilla soldiers then caught wind of what the Monkey King just said, they soon try to stop him only to be swat away like flies crashing them onto the wall.
What do you guys do now?
If only all deals can be solved so easily eh gommel btw are you ok? I know you punched me harder but concussions are a serious matter
Gommel stood slackjawed at the chaos left in Sunny's wake as he left. Slowly he turned to the rest of the gang.

Meekly, his voice barely a whisper "I was gonna tell him to storm the hotel and kill the Persephone. He ran off...that frikkin monkey just ran off before I could tell him anything. Dude was just not listening to our conversation, now there's gonna be a diplomatic incident."

Mog lay his head down on the cool table, not feeling like feeling anything. What a night.
From his place lying down on the table, Mog replied "No worries champ, it'll take more than that to knock me out. I've seriously had worse, the falling over and playin' dead was just a bit of theatre for the king. I was fakin', in other words."
Ursus provides a paw to his companion to rise back up to his legs, lets retire for the day and plan after sunny entertains himself
"Yeah, that may be for the best. Kimmy seems a bit thunderstruck behind that cool mask of his, and I'm a bit amazed at all that went right and wrong tonight. Without my spells, I'm not up for much more this fine evening. We'll have to make up for the lost time during the morning and following night though, we didn't spend as much time in this bar or others as I would've liked. The hotel needs scouting too. Now which 'hotel' shall we retire to?"

*The hotel in ''s in this case referring to which safehouse we should sleep at. The temple is safest and has the best amenities, but Kuma needs guarding at the seedhouse, and I don't want to move him to the temple in case he ever escapes and blows our cover there. I say we sleep at the seedhouse and fix it up.
So you are all going to take a very long rest?
Unless Kinny disagrees. We'll set an alarm though, so we don't miss out on the daylight activities, sometime for the evening, so we have energy for both the afternoon and night. Personally I think we still need more information tonight.

Our time limit isn't just 4 days, but actually 2 because registration for the summit ends then. Meaning that if this is the night before the 'first' day, then we only have one more day and night to gather information and prepare for the trial. If this was the night of the first day and not the night before, then we HAVE to gather more info tonight, at least I feel like.

So, I'm on the fence essentially, but it seems like the natural end point for the night. So I'll acquiesce to calling it here.

I DO want to know where we are in the timeline though, it wasn't clear. Was this the night before the 1st of 4 days, or was this the night of the 1st day? In which case we really only had 1 night and 3 days until the summit if the latter is true, and Bobby fucked up conveying that to me.
96 hours will remain when it becomes dawn.
Thank the Goddess. Alright, I'm good with retiring for the night.
Now all we need is Ursus and Kinny's confirmation and where you guys will be staying.
I can confirm as for area I would suggest the seed house as it’s easier to exfiltrate and expendable
As I said, I prefer the seedhouse. Kinny seemed to be busy and wanted to call it for the night anyways, so I imagine he'd be fine with us retiring for the night.
>You all decide to rest at the seedhouse for the night.
>Surprisingly it was a good night.
>Maggie decided to take their rings off and let it charge for the rest of the night.
>Meanwhile, Caramel and Adler both were trying to help Kuma syay alive.
>Other than that you all took a very well deserved rest.
>That was when the town cryer then howled at 6:00 AM.
'Ah, now there's an unfamiliar sound, a nice awoooooo. It has been too long, got used to the roosters instead.' Mog thought, as he roused himself to wakefulness, as rosy fingers laced the sky with pinks and oranges, heralding dawn's arrival.

He was glad for being so well refreshed, it helped him handle the shock of the news of Arsene's death. Did Sunny kill the old man? Was the priest visiting Gawain? Or was it just a coincidence? Mog couldn't believe the king really managed it, he thought he'd handed Gawain an invaluable pawn on a silver platter, really he thought the same would occur with the goddess. It really highlighted what a missed opportunity it was that the pack couldn't get the king to go after Lincoln or Persephone. It sounded like he would have succeeded easily.

Now what to do for the morning? Should they finish off Gawain? Coerce him into a deal, now that he was vulnerable? There were many plays they could make.

Pah, better to leave that for the night, the morning was for relaxation. His nerves were bad, though the good sleep helped. He needed to see Arsene, put him to rest. But who had his body? Interring him would be Gawain's responsibility, a terrible thought.

First breakfast, then planning, probably strolling through the town after that. He had to relax somehow, break up the seriousness. By noon they should see what became of Arsene, then Gawain. He didn't know what they'd do after that. Certainly some of the afternoon and night ought to be dedicated to gathering information and preparing for his trial the next day. That was what he decided, after he brought his intended schedule to the rest of the group.

Mog walked outside his room to see if Ursus was awake, the bear was usually cooking breakfast by now.
Ursus was indeed preparing breakfast along with Maggie this time to ensure no mistake
Good morning mog
"Mornin'! What's for breakfast?" Mog asked, taking in a deep breathe of whatever was cooking.
>Maggie (as a rabbit) was more of an instructor today.
"We made some fresh eggs and hashbrowns from the potatoes we found here. Hope you don't mind."
Cinnamon egg toast or as the humans call it french toast
Along with potatoes and eggs
"What's a french? Sounds ape-ish. Whatever, smells delicious. I'll set the table. I'm glad Bobby and co were able to fix this place up last night." Mog said.

True to his word, the wolf did his best to set the table.
Sorry about sidewinding you last night, I had to sell the bruiser goon with some brain character
"I'm more surprised that this place has cinnamon."
>Maggie said as she helped set up plates with Ursus.
>Soon a very naked Jessica entered the room.
"You guys cook actual food. For a minute there I thought you guys only ate stuff completely raw."
>Jessica comments as she sits down in her seat.
"Put some clothes on or use your ring!"
"The clothes are over at the church Cadet."
>Jessica reminds Maggie.
"That reminds me... now that Arsene is gone... what happens to the old church and the rest of the humans sleeping in there?"
>Maggie freezes at this question.
"Oh shit... you're right."
>There was a solumn silence for a bit... that was until.
"Father Arsene wanted me to take care of it."
>Adler says to the group.
Well that’s not a bad idea, adler have a head for being a leader Adler just needs some experience, he’s been able to talk with cheiftans, leaders and local government pretty well and he’s a new face to the scene so any suspicion can just be chalked up to arsene being a strange hermit
"Likewise, I may have been playing a reedy accountant involved in some dark shit, but I'm still a wolf. That was a good punch by the way." Mog replied, laughing and slapping his chest as he did so.

"Of course we have cinnamon, we're not savage-oaoh" Mog started, before seeing the woman walk in naked as the day she was born.

Immediately Mog went to cover both Ursus and Maggie's eyes, but was too late.

Then the topic of Arsene was brought up.

"Adler, are you sure? I think at least one human should help, both for security and so whoever wakes up doesn't freak out. Plus, you weren't around for when we raided the Xenarus vault, how much did Arsene tell you about?" Mog asked, concerned the job would be too big for the ungulate to handle.

Didn't Arsene talk to Ursus about me taking over the temple? Or maybe Ursus? I can't remember, but I know this conversation happened before our planning meeting at night.
She did indeed but I also shared it with the party and I am still milling it around in my head, on hand I want to but on the other you might need me on your journeys also it’s up to adler if he wants to take the task but if he doesn’t I will after having as much experience with humans as I have and it can’t really be anyone else in the party because you’re too powerful to leave stationary
He requested for you, Adler, or Ursus to take care of it because he knew he was going to die soon.

>Adler then continues.
"He taught me a lot about your religion. Even gave me your bible. I plan on studying it as much as I can. As for humans though... I know nothing about them. I don't even know how to greet one or what even is a social norm. I don't even know why you are even reacting that way to her. She's not even attractive."
"Fair enough."
>Jessica said as she ate some french toast.
"Either way I could use some help. Maybe Jessica can help. She seems to know a lot about humans and is an expert with the rings. But Mog I got one question... do I have to be a wolf in order to be a priest for your religion."
Seeing as to how arsene had a bear apprentice I don’t think that’s a requirement
"Honestly we're all pretty important to the team. Assuming I don't end up in prison or that none of us die during this historical event, we'll all have things to do after the summit, there's still the mystery of Xenarus to solve, and depending on how the summit goes, we may end up fighting a war. I'd rather not lose you, Adler is a logical choice given his temperament and clerical skills, but his healing would be useful to us on the field for when I run out. We can't exactly hop into Harold into the middle of battle. I guess that's what potions are for. I'd love to take over the main temple and have a voice in the church, but like you said, I'm better off in the field." Mog replied diplomatically.

If you do take over the temple, are you gonna make a new character? Or is this just in character musings, and you really intend to just led Adler take over? Or are you assuming that the end of the summit will herald the end of the campaign?
"It's not about attractiveness, I'm not even sure one can feel attracted to one outside their own species...well unless you're Bobby of course, she's shown an interest in me...probably everyone else too. It's about modesty. I don't care personally, but Maggie sure didn't seem to like being without clothes. I just picked up on it, after Sage, or whoever she is, put us to sleep and put us in those cells. Oh, and that time outside Plato too. And to answer your question; no, Ursus has the right of it, anyone can be a priest or priestess of Luna. The herald's call can be heard or given by anyone, even rocks or bugs."
Depends on how the gm works it, if I do have to make a new character I will but I believe we would be well off should Adler decide to stay we have enough funds for healing potions and medical supplies anyway, as for if war begins it would be logical that Adler might end up being a refugee spot anyway because it is a temple/church
"Then I better start studying then."
>Adler said.
"Mind if I read with you Dick Dick?"
>Caramel asks.
"Um... sure."
>Adler agrees still unsure why he is called Dick Dick.
>The rabbit and deer soon begin to read their bible.
>Jessica soon gets up.
"Well might as well study with him. Gives me a chance to learn about wolf culture. Plus I might teach him a thing or two about humans."
>Jessica says as she joins the deer and bunny.
>Leaving everyone else at the table eating breakfast.
>Maggie then looks over to Mog.
"So guys what's the plan now?"
We have taken out one target now we should immediately take advantage of the chaos and start finding which targets are puppeteers orchestrating the mouth piece sunny just took out, I suggest speaking/ grilling the corrupt priest for information. Sunny has just tipped the rock over its up to us to pick out the wriggling bugs underneath
Speaking of has there ever been bug priests if so that opens some interesting dialogue
Fair enough.

Mog ate slowly, taking the time to just enjoy the rising sun leaking through the skylight...and the holes in the ceiling.

"Not sure, thought we'd just relax after a stressful night, at least during the morning. At some point we should attend to Arsene's body and figure out arrangements with regards to his funeral. Likewise, if Ursus or Adler takes over the temple, there may be legal difficulties if Arsene didn't leave a will. Did anyone go outside and ask the town crier where Arsene died? The first thing I thought when I woke up was if Arsene died peacefully in his sleep at the temple, or whether he was visiting Gawain and got caught up in Sunny's rampage. They were technically colleagues after all. Man, the thought of us...me really...being indirectly responsible for his death kills me."

Mog paused after saying those sobering words aloud, for a long time.
Eventually woken from his stupor by Ursus's question, Mog racked his memory for an answer. Eventually he said "Of Luna? Yes, but none have ever held higher office, so to speak. It is more common for them to be paladins, or for them to be clerics or paladins of Gaia, Luna's twin. In general they are very rare, bug-anything, I mean."

Realising his food would get cold, he began scarfing down his meal as fast as was palatable. 'A waste of a potentially relaxing moment' he thought.

"But yes, I agree we should follow up and coerce Gawain, then begin gathering information and laying the groundwork for my trial tomorrow. I did want to spend the morning mostly relaxing though. Kinny could probably benefit as well, he seemed to freeze up last night, though at least he kept his cool and maintained his mask of being above it all."
Guys want to call it a night? Sorry gotta cook supper among other things.
Sure, have a good night you two.
Have a good day
Sorry can't do RotA tomorrow.
Got called to do some cleaning.
Alright, take care. We'll see you next week. I would've been late tomorrow anyways.
Have a good day

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