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Pick race and location

Slime girls on an island!

lol, see you on page 10, OP.

I haven’t seen one of these civspam threads break 100 posts in five years.
Orc Forest
Cajun bugmen/insects in the swamp

>Queen is "Big Ma'ma"
Rolled 3 (1d3)


1 - slime
2 - orc
3 - insect
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In the swamp of Mokrul-Hoda your tribe of bugmen carved a home for themselves. Domesticating the fierce Shinana, a giant firebreathing beetle, your people have mastered the cultivation of several swamp crops and live your life expanding under the careful guidance of Big Ma'ma, the insect queen, mother of all bugmen. She looks like a giant snake with a big head and lays eggs which the worker bugmen take care of until they hatch and grow into more bugmen.

Big Ma'ma has some psyonic abilities and is able to influence the eggs into developing differently using said abilities. She can trigger them into developing instead of a worker into a warrior or another queen. It is possible to attempt to turn the eggs into something else, but there is a high chance of failure, so Big Ma'ma tends to avoid it. She can also communicate telepatically with any creature that is within sight.

In the swamp there is a tribe of orcs, the Zumbus, and a small tribe of slimes, the Azqas.

Beyond the swamp to the north there is a a savanna with roving bands of centaurs; to the south there is a desert populated mainly by ratmen who travel from oasis to oasis; to the east a race of reclusive dwarves built great fortifications along the mountain ranges but wage frequent wars against their neighbours and themselves; to the west a vast expanse of forests houses an ancient race of elves who have mysterious magical powers.

Year 1

Food: 6/10 (4% pop growth)
Morale: 8/10

Queen Big Ma'ma of Mokrul-Hoda
Population: 4000 Bugmen
Army: 20 Soldiers
Animals: 50 Shinanas
Food Sources: Fish, Fruits, Swamp Crops
Resources: Lumber
Technology: Fire

What do you wanna do?
> Improve Food
> Improve Morale
> Breed Faster
> Train Warriors
> Breed Animals
> Acquire Resources
> Research Technology
> Evolve
> Improve Culture
> Diplomacy/War
> Trade
> Write in
I will try to update everyday, more than once if possible.
Interbreed with slimes. Doesn't matter if they like it or not.
If we can secure the ability to eat basically anything like they do our spawn will not go hungry for a long time.
>Acquire Resources
>Acquire Resources
We need a strong foundation.
>Acquire Resources
I have hopes for this quest, but I am not certain of its endurance.
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Big Ma'ma sends out her workers to acquire resources in the swamp! They return to the nest carrying large boulders! With some effort, flint can be chipped away from them!

Resource acquired: Boulders!

Your warriors capture a slime girl. You attempt to interbreed with her but you fail. Your reproductive systems are too different. The slimes just eat a lot and then they duplicate their core and become two slimes. Their breeding patterns seem incompatible with your current reproductive capabilities. Maybe if you evolve your reproductive system first you would be able to breed with slimes.

Year 2

Food: 6/10 (4% pop growth)
Morale: 8/10

Queen Big Ma'ma of Mokrul-Hoda
Population: 4160 Bugmen
Slaves: 1 Slime Girl
Army: 20 Soldiers
Animals: 50 Shinanas
Food Sources: Fish, Fruits, Swamp Crops
Resources: Lumber, Boulders
Technology: Fire

What do you wanna do?
> Improve Food
> Improve Morale
> Breed Faster
> Train Warriors
> Breed Animals
> Acquire Resources
> Research Technology
> Evolve
> Improve Culture
> Diplomacy/War
> Trade
> Write in
> Improve Culture
Bugmen shall lift boulders the bigger the more food they get.
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You introduce boulder lifting culture with the bugmen! The population begins to become stronger! However, they start eating more and so the food situation degrades slightly.

The slime girl multiplies.

A bunch of orcs show up at our settlement. They kill a few workers and leave. Our warriors track them back to their tribe by scent. The orcs have more warriors than we do.
> Send a gift to the orcs seeking peace
> Launch a raid on the orcs
> Now is not the time

Year 2

Food: 5/10 (3% pop growth)
Morale: 8/10

Queen Big Ma'ma of Mokrul-Hoda
Population: 4260 Bugmen
Slaves: 2 Slime Girl
Army: 20 Soldiers
Animals: 50 Shinanas
Food Sources: Fish, Fruits, Swamp Crops
Resources: Lumber, Boulders
Technology: Fire
Culture: Weightlifting

What do you wanna do?
> Improve Food
> Improve Morale
> Breed Faster
> Train Warriors
> Breed Animals
> Acquire Resources
> Research Technology
> Evolve
> Improve Culture
> Diplomacy/War
> Trade
> Write in

it was year 3 I forgot to change
> Now is not the time

> Improve Food
Expand the fields. Use the Shinanas to clear the weeds.

> Diplomacy/War
Have Big Ma'ma talk with the slime girls and then release them.
> Now is not the time

> Acquire Resources
Probe for swamp gas and harvest at once

> Evolve
The bugmen of Mokrul-Hoda will adapt themselves to use swamp gas as a source of nourishment to drive accelerated metabolisms due to swamp gas's high caloric capacity
Invade the orc encampment, burn their shit their shit down and anyone in the way or inside with those fire beetles, kill anyone that fights, castrate every male that surrenders, and rape all captured females in front of them
I had a decent minotaur civ quest for a bit, but I suffer the curse as all QM's do. Sadly you are correct, no decent civ quests in like 4-5 years.

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