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Welcome to Cultural Civ, a civ game where your civilization's culture shifts with time !

players control a civilization through the years and decide its explorations, cultural and technological advancements, and diplomacy.

how to play:
1) choose a civ to play for. change your name to reflect your choice (ex: Bowtie Noble).
2)each turn, your civ has 1 action and a bonus action. You can choose a cultural, technological, or immediate acion, plus one bonus action based on your realms' bonus action(if your realm has a bonus tech action, you can do any action one time per turn, plus a tech action). (this part is subject to change if the game flow isn't right.)
3)discuss with your compatriots which actions you will take. Once you're done, reply to my recap anchor post with the recap of your actions.

Three tribes just landed on this island, for their own reasons. They will have to explore, and find somewhere to settle.

But first, we need to create and populate the tribes. And that's what thread 0 is for.
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This is your civ template. Feel free to make it your own, and try to get other players to join it! at least 2 players needed per civ.

Also, I will nerf/buff your civ for the start of the game, so don't hesitate just going for vibes.

Below, I will put 3 default civs, that you can pick or take inspiration from.
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a feudal society of strength and fancy neckwear.

lives in brick houses.
priests sacrifice valuables or cattle to get favors from the gods.
everyone wears bowties. colors define personal rank in society, with red being the highest, and green the lowest.
monthly, a fist fighting tournament is held to choose a chief. Government changes often unless a particularly strong fighter is around.
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come from far away, these engineers and scientists have come to this remote island following the rumor of ancient secrets to discover.
They are very few, and were dropped here with two armored all terrain vehicles.

Rusties live in their vehicles and have no concept of sedentarity. They go where there's things to discover.
Rusties believe in the superiority of previous civilizations and believe the study and preservation of the past to be of the utmost importance, more than their very lives!
Rusties believe strongly that there is much to learn from other civilizations. Upon discovering a civilization, alive or dead, they may immediately integrate one of their tenets into their own culture. However, they take twice as long to develop their own culture (two culture actions instead of one).
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A group of peaceful cultists of the sun, beached here long ago from the sea.
They dwell in clay houses and live spiritual existence, with powerful shamans protecting them.

The sun is their absolute god, and everything that comes from the sun or its sky is good; while the moon, and everything from its sea, is evil, made only to be killed and eaten at best.
The sunists believe spirits come down from the sun and bless them. Shamans stand in the stun, staring at it, for hours, to receive their powers.
The sunists have a special day in the week where they do nothing but relax. This is sacred and more important than any profane crisis.
(I'm saving magic for later, but 1 tier in a magic path is a big difference from the previous tier. I don't expect it to go past 5.)
if you're curious about civ threads:
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My people
Gimme a moment, gonna make myself an thirty years war based civ
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I blame the bowties
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Behold my proposal

A migratory people who swam across on horseback in search of new lands
lives in yurts
Has access to horses. Very skilled in using them in all aspects, being capable of rapid relocation to new homes, using them for war and for food
Worships the eternal sky. Fear nothing except the sky falling on them. But if the weather is bad they get upset
Only capable to converse in throat singing. Very cool, but almost impossible to communicate with others
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Independent cities, united by the desire to pillage and trade everything that exists. They live in stucco houses.

Leaguers have a culture of respected mercenary companies, warriors of fortune ready to answer the call for war at the expense of booty or plunder (usually both)
Leaguers love trade and are very skilled at it. They will annoy anyone they meet with endless trade requests.
Leaguers have found out about the existence of guns, and have decided they *really* like them.

You didn't see anything.
Yeah totally. Def didn't see anything
looking good nothing to add!
I'll kick down the pop to 30, unless they get a significant nerf that justifies having more pop than default?
also "age of gunpowder" sounds more like tech than culture to me. Maybe they hold sharpshooting as a societal value?

also none of those use magic, but you don't have to if you don't want to.
I wanted to give my guys +1 spirit due to shaman worshipping sky but that would make me look like a s*nist
Aint nothing wrong with worshipping our sky daddy bby
>I'll kick down the pop to 30, unless they get a significant nerf that justifies having more pop than default
I mean, my logic was that since they don't use magic, they'd get something else to make it up like pop, right? The same way rusties have armored vehicles and Khans have horses.

If anyone had another idea, I'd be all ears of course.
sure, magic isnt linked to a civ in particular anyways.

sure then I could bump them to 40
50 is almost double the base value it's just a bit much
btw, there's no rush. This thread is mostly to see if there's interest for the real thing, and setup
qst is slower than it used to be
such is life in the zone
Very well, I will gladly take them. As a suggestion however, I feel it would only be fair to have a higher population as the monthly fist fighting tournament often leave a dozen people seriously injured.
meh, I remember worse times.
So is this a reboot? I'm torn between going with the Rusties and remaking the tree people, but i felt like the tree tribe was always bogged down with dealing with the women as property trait.
you can make your own, I didnt put the trees the way I made them cause I feel it was doomed from the start. It's a reboot (I don't expect people to remember stuff from a thread 8 years ago). Which means for instance sunists arent naked... yet.

30 is the default value based on bowties/suns so I don't really want to change it, but it's not so much 30 people but more an arbitrary number, like 30 families.
>sure then I could bump them to 40
Sounds good to me, do i need to repost the sheet? I could also specify Age of Gunpowder as it's supposed to be more about having a gun-loving culture than a tech.

Well, i guess i still need someone else to be able to play. Anyone up for it?
it's fine, I'll be the one handling the sheets once the game starts
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>Which means for instance sunists arent naked
Yeah I can't think of anything to top this, so I'm joining you, Papa Khan
Huur huuur tu yuve yu hurmmmmm
Wait, should people with dynamic IPs be making an, horrible as it may be, trip, to prove they're the same?
Huuuuurrrr hum hum hum hurrrrrr
Look at this, c*ty boy is embarassed based KHANS achieved 2 anon mandate first
No, i meant *i* have an dynamic IP
Sounds like a really fun quest! I love systems like these, that clearly have years of niche history. Always a rare gem to see them pop up. Will be joining later on, how long do we have to make civs?
Hold on am I tripping or was there a concept for a renaissance civ a long time ago. Opee post that shit if you have it
I will pick up the Rusties for all my continent wide trucking needs.
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depends how long it takes to fill 3~4 civs, but I will be busy most of next week so we have time
you made me realize I have no idea which hdd those things are in. Digging twitter takes a looong time
fucking sunists lmao
Look at them. Enslaved to things like "basic decency" and "advancement in clothing". Unlike us. who are free
>depends how long it takes to fill 3~4 civs
So is there a limit on civs or is it just 'however many pairs of two players appear'?
there's a computing power limit (which is me not being able to handle 50 civs at once) so yes I don't think I'll go above 4 civs
Unless some pally decided to take care of half of the civs... But that's a question for when we get too many people.
Paladins arent real
Well, there's the Sunnists and the Khans completed, guess that means we only have 2 spots left.

No leaguer joiners? Please? We can steal all the spice and wear funky war hats.
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When did sunists get a second one?
Didn't they? I guess i got it wrong.
And here I thought the Sunists were the ones supposed to have their brains fried by the sun
All those grains you're eating have messed you up. Try some of this fermented hare milk bro.
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No undead?
bowtie queen plz go
Must be the helmet, brain fries in such stuffy enviroment
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I will join the annoying trade gunsmen
No village, however remote, will escape our trade.
what do you guys use to edit/draw ?
ms paint Be aware that I have six million hours of experience so your results may vary
OP, did you remember to post about the quest in qtg? I doubt most people even know the original one.
people use that? might as well
since we're still brewing here for a while, I wanna give the players an option.

The previous "game mode" was scenario, where a looming threat escalates until the resolution and end of the thread.

But well, it depends on my ability to make it worthwhile and I was always worried people would feel their choices didnt matter in the end (I tried to make them matter as much as I could.)

So I thought of some other game modes, tell me what you think
>sandbox: I simply plan nothing. I still hide secrets around for you to discover, but no ancient evil will awaken. The threads simply die when they do, or put in hiatus and able to come back to it later in the future.
>Survival: I ramp up the difficulty and make it tough to survive at all on the island. Jolly co-operation would be favored. Ends when the last civ dies, or when equilibrium is found
Honestly? It's my opinion, but I feel like a mix of the two is best. Survival is interesting, but if cooperation is basically mandatory it gets a bit boring, the best part is the rivalries and friendships developing naturally. If you just go "everyone needs to band together to defeat the evil" from the start, that makes it a bit obvious that everyone needs to keep the other alive. But if, for example, you have no idea whether someone might decide to side with the great evil or even become the great evil, there remains an fog of war.

But that's just what I think.
to make it clear, the original "scenario" mode is still an option.
In my humble single-post ID opinion:
scenario > sandbox > death to all but metal
Are you not playing?
Nope, just browsing the dynamite fishing forum at night because I need my hit of blue light before sleep. I suck with commitment and don't like pvp.
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I don't know if we're still adding tribes, but here's my suggestion input

a simple people, driven from their ancestral lands

lives in longhouses
Bigchins take good care of nature and get mad when someone else doesn't
Bigchins put their heart and soul into everything they do, and yours too if they can
Bigchins revere pretty people, they give them special treatment, and sometimes steal them from less appreciative tribes
Im gonna be honest, I think the people split amongst different civs alone probably will have to change if we want to get enough players.
bump, I'll be home tomorrow, we could start next week
We have 2 civs
COme one on of you fags jump into the Sunist camp and we will be good to go.
It's weird, i know. I think it's because most people are just expecting most civ quests to be abandoned.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

Screw it ill just let the dice decide
1 for rust
2 for chin
Alright time to go on the eternal road trip
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There's three open civs right now calling for a second member, we can start if one of them gets joined!


but it's not too late to create your own civ and try to get people to join in!

it seems we have a conundrum. i propose let's decide fate like gentlemen do: with die.
say we all roll 1d100. the lowest value joins another man's colony. what do you say old chaps?
I'm not one of them, but, you should remember, that this means the person who chooses the mid-ranked die isn't going to play. So it's really better for you to be either the highest or lowest, or just accept it and choose something else.
>I'm not one of them, but, you should remember, that this means the person who chooses the mid-ranked die isn't going to play.
well, unless of course (You) join them.
I already have a side. I just wasn't using my name because there wasn't any reason to.
2 people per civ is a minimum, it can get more players anytime through the game
yeah i think i'm gonna join the funny chin people, they speak to me on a spiritual level
Hopefully Opee will make the civs that dont get in ancient civs, so at least they can live on through the rusties
Hell yeah, with that we have 4 civs, right?

Khans, Leaguers, Rusties, and Bigchins. Seems like we've got a proper tech spread, Neolithic > Medieval > Early Modern > Modern
Time to join the happy sunny people!
Lets roll motherfuckers
Joining the suntards. May our nudity shine bright
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Alright! we got our civs and starting population for them. I'll get working on making that thread.
it is UP

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