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A world where might makes right. A world of Jade and Gold, of Phoenix and Dragons, of Pills and Talismans, of Martial and Spiritual arts.
A world where diligent training yield strength, meaning freedom. A world where loneliness means death, meaning social chains.
A world still unfair, as the ones reaching the heavens are most likely born rich - be it political riches of the aristocrats, power of secret knowledges and hidden realms of clans, or lucky enough to be born one-in-a-thousand genius.
This is not the case of Quiet Word - that is, (You). This is the case of your friends Dhundan Kepa, the brooding dark intimidating and secretive young boy and Ai, which is stuck too deep in her inner world.
Alright, the assertion in the case of Quiet Word might be a bit challenge with recent development.
However, you might be one-in-a-hundred genius. The fear of falling behind made you push your boundaries times and times again, leading you to overtake from a slim margin the two geniuses by a combination of luck, hard work, and burn out.
You also motivated the other "gifted but not great" kids - the monkey-bound Yi Norm, the Horse specialist Sin Din and her twin jack-of-all-trade Man Din to follow along.
You have also fairly good relationship with other members of the sect : Kyo Ko, a 11 year old girl extremely secretive of her skills and Bathias, a 15 year old boy that took the role of Hawk Master after the older one got promoted.
Last, Ryota, the Branch Master at the Inborn Realm (Fourth Stage), is personally tutoring you.

In the end, you know a fair amount of technic for such a young cultivator, but your strength lies in the impressive amount of Bonded Spiritual Beasts - A Hawk spirit, a Horse spirit, a Snake spirit and a Wolf spirit.
Speaking of that last one, you didn't told a world about him to anybody. As a scion of the Primordial Wolf spirit, its father warned you of its worth and how people could want to rip it away from you.
Said worth comes from its ability to Fuse without restriction - fusion being a secret of the higher ranking of your sect, secret you have almost completely rediscovered on your own.
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You're back from a mission involving betrayal from a subordinated village, shattered your Nose Aperture Breakthrough, and secluded to stabilize your realm.
While circulating your Meditation Technique, you of course came to a breakthrough, and your soul is swallowed in the Spiritual Beast realm of Hawk.
An opportunity to fuse your Ascending Golden Hawk Spirit? Take care of the risk of Soul Backlash...

>Special Puzzle-minigame event!
All player can roll 1d100. Write-in what you're looking for in the special realm!
You are at a real and serious risk. Huge rewards awaits.

Character sheet : https://pastebin.com/FQqQDEa9
Archive : https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Cultivator%2C+Strategy%2C+Wuxia (Don't forget to vote)
Rolled 45 (1d100)

I want soul Items aspected to HAWK and gold and stuff, things to mitigate the soul hit.

Failing that [ie they don't exist here], what's related to gold and fire?
A hawk with those aspects. Or a Golden heat hawk, so there's still some strong overlap.

But no soul bonding! We have capture balls for a reason.
We've also got big ass connection with Poison and Earth, Decent with Jade and wood, Thunder and mist is a bit shit but we could improve it.
Don't try with liquid. At all.

we are bad at sword, so so with saber and bow, gifted with spear.
Shit at illusions, bad with water and Darkness, Okay at beast taming.

and as of last thread.
>You're gifted with Wolf, Horse and Meteor-Hammer
>You're exceptionally good with Hawk, Snake, Astral Self, Spear and halberd

Putting all this here for future compilation.
Rolled 6 (1d100)

I want a PAIN item
Rolled 18 (1d100)


> Insights on how to improve our movement techniques
Fuck. We're blowing this and that's gonna give us an injury.

Rolled 9 (1d100)

A spear
Rolled 57 (1d100)

>Good Luck
Rolled 17 (1d100)

Looking for raw materials we can use to stabilize after fusion or buy favor with the sect.
Rolled 61 (1d100)

Rolled 1 (1d100)

I must cultivate the ability to into rollan.
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Rolled 39 (1d100)

>Write-in what you're looking for in the special realm!
Oh man, tough to come up with something when it's so open ended
Maybe a flying technique? Or a way to grow our hawk spirit so we can ride on its back as it flies?
Alright anons, this isn't a trap. The design goal is to push participation and player agenda.
The most roll they are, the more likely you'll have good effect. Plus, you're purging away bad luck.
For instance, >>6006131 roll is enough to avoid >>6006300 to fucking you up (affinity +5 OP, really.)

What do you want?
Rolled 40 (1d100)

>Give a plant

I want a sentient sarcastic plant that insults us
In the hawk real-

A hawking plant.
It just wants to sell us its berries.

Also guys, pros and cons of telling ryota about this secret?
Leaving it open for now - I want all players in all timezone a chance to shine and push lurkers to engage. So latecomers and lurkers, vote, roll, and try to salvage this!

Also, you guys are officially, mathematically cursed
Rolled 29 (1d100)

Hmm what about a sure fire way to grow our primordial wolf
Doesn't matter much as you fail, but you're in the HAWK realm, thus it would have been a waste of an attempt.
So blue sky thinking.

Ww tell him, we ask to be supported with soul protection items until we leave. He gets to transcend to golden core.

But. Surely the sect above us has some rules on not breaking omerta. This is the carrot to stop their disciplws moving up without paying their dues. But they cannot fault us for discovering the secret.

Con is that Ryota transcends and then leaves us high and dry. The sect competition IS yearly. He could just leave, having gotten the secret 6 months earlier instead of years.
>The sect competition IS yearly
No. It's decenial - once in 10 years
Then the value definitely increases.

Its the lotus harbour thing that is yearly.
Something to help protect our soul from backlash when doing fusions would be nice. Not sure if that's available, but failing that, the ability to see through our bonded hawk's eyes sounds like a cool thing to get from the Hawk Realm.
Rolled 68 (1d100)

Some sort of Divine protection would be nice, methinks
>Help protect your soul from backlash when doing fusions
as >>6006131 stated and your insight from last thread, you'll need spiritual materials attuned to your current spirit (and the spirit being merged) to avoid backlash.
well, divine protection as a soul protection array would be nice.

Or grabbing a bird, then it's feathers to use in the same ritual would be nice.
But I'm just pushing you to be more specific.

we can get that from Bathias. If we rescue him.
Rolled 71 (1d100)

Let's try to find a stash of rare mystical feathers!
Rolled 18 (1d100)

I'll go for some mystical weapon that could have a great synergy with our Hawk spirit and techniques
May I convince you to support an animal to trap or a soul array
Holy fuck... For real this posts rolls are fucking cursed
Rolled 44 (1d100)


More steps for the Hawk's wide ballet to increase it's effectives at cultivating
You overreach yourself, junior.
On aecond thought, retarded.

We need an array made of items for our spirit, hawk, gold and growth. AND the other spirit. So we need a target spirit first before making the array.
This is wildly entertaining.
Write up a good part of the update, but won't post tonight to make sure everyone that wanted to join the fray did.
Rolled 96 (1d100)

>What about some type of magical seeds to grow plants to feed our spiritual animals to help them improve or something like that. Kinda like the pills but for spiritual animals.
Although I just remembered hawks are carnivorous so this is really stupid dammit.
I'm afraid I'll have to reject that exact write in.
You're in the wrong realm for that to work
I won't ditch your roll though; you can come up with another write-in, including overlapping other suggestions.
Oh good appreciate it QM in that case looking through past suggestions

>a feathered spear that synergies with our hawk spirit and techniques
sounds pretty cool.
This does nòt support our FOUNDATION REEEEEEEEEE.

But it will be a decent weapon.
But may I point out thay we already have a spear bound weapon.
Maybe a. . Bow weapon would be, a bit more helpful. Since we dont got one of those. And just got a technique that will benefit from it?
Actually yeah sure a bow sounds better forgot we already had a spear (wish ya pointed this out to the first anon who suggested a spear)

>a feathered bow that synergies with our hawk spirit and techniques

Final answer not gonna change it again.
Speak about being on the gong - was researching an illustration for the weapon right now.
Locked, writing.
You freefall. You wish you could step on thin air. But this kind of techniques are the prerogatives of the 4th stage.
The world you're in is a cluster of feather-shaped island, with such sparse island presents in all directions. Of course, you see a fair amount of Hawks flying from island to island.
You see such a spirit flying far away. Too far, too away. Nothing you can do. And you're still falling.

>I want a PAIN item
You crash down with nothing to be down to avoid the fall. Your strenghten legs thanks to your Movement technique absorb the hit, but the height still send you rolling.
>6 : granted for PAIN.
A sharp, shooting bite of ache smash your midsection. Your breath is drawn short, but you can still pick yourself up.
Alright. Deep breath in - dire mistake. Your Hawk spirit circle around you, and chirps.
There are several feather-rock island nearby, at reach of your Unlimited Rising Star Kick. Some have spirits.
You close your eye, and chose to rely on your nose. The goal is to find what is hidden under the Hawk omnipresent aromas. Left-up. Water, Copper. Second stage, anathema to your own hawk. Too dangerous. Down-behind. Earth, Jade. But the smell is strong. Third stage? Better avoid it.
Front-right, around the same height. Gold traces, under a stronger current of leaves. There you will go.

You run along the feather-island, and Jump, your legs overcharged by your Qi and Blood.
Your momentum builds up as you're getting carried in the diagonal-up motion of your Unlimited Rising Star Kick
>Insight on how to improve your movement technique : 18
What comes up must eventually come down. You're still advancing, but each second makes you fall more for each meter forward.
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Wait. You'll be too short. And next feather down your trajectory is quite far away. Panic is settling.
>Caught up by 45 : cleared success threshold by 0 (thanks to your spirit giving +5 to all Hawk related rolls)
A strong push in your back sends lance of pain in your wounded midsection. It's enough for you to grasp stone of the almost-missed feather-island.
You muster your strenght, grit your teeth, and pull yourself up. Raw strenght is not your forte. Never have been. But you remain a Nose-Aperture cultivator. It is enough for your feets to reach a ledge. You cautiously let a bit of weight on your toes, shifting said weight left and right.
It will do. You close your eyes, draw-in the abundant Spiritual energy with a breath, send it through your aperture, transform it into Qi and Blood thread attuned to your needs. Energy gather in your legs, starting from your toe, rising through your foot sole, ankle, splitting in the shin and calf, mergin again on the knee, separating again following aductors, quadriceps and glutes.
All those carefully spinned and collected threads instantly explose, letting you rise once again thanks to your Unlimited Rising Star Kick.
You undershoot a bit, with both your arms on the top of the ledge and your body dangling under it - cutting your breath once again when you belly collides with the rock.
Coughing and weezing, you pull yourself back up. You're glad no one witnessed the shortcoming and less-than-gracious recovery.
Hands on your knees, panting, your gaze lingers on the treasure prize of the island
>Found a Golden Hawk Feather (2nd stage)
That will certainly be useful. You smile. Luck might not have completely abandonned you today.
>57 : Good Luck + 68 : Divine Protection?
A gut feeling makes you gaze up, from where you came down. Where exactly does this spiritual realm end?
Where spiritual realms are, to begin with? Far away from Eastern Harbor, but reachable by foot or flying? Or somewhere completely different?
Why do you let your body behind during Spiritual Realm explorations - as you've seen Snake Mistress meditating body while her spiritual self was in Snake realm - but you can still bring physical items back?
You're blinded by a golden sight, far away - farther than you'd have charted the artificial limit of what belongs in Hawk realm and what doesn't.
You reconize instantly the avian figure shrouded in a golden light and flames, shining with all colors of the rainbow. You bring a hand to shroud your eyes from the bright light.
Said light instantly disappeared - you feel there is a deeper meaning. Wait, a firefly remains.
It's going down, with a side-to-side motion. You extend your hands, cuped ready to receive the precious spark.
You take a deep breath. Sure, there are hints of Gold and Fire energy. But they are not separated - mingled together, forming a greater whole.
Your hunch was correct. This feather belonged to a Phoenix.
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You blink a couple time. There was another smell on that island. There it is : what appears to be a bush - boxwood? cut in the shape of an Hawk.
It's immobile, but you won't let this bait you.
"A plant-aligned spirit beast? You're mine!"
>40 : Missing (by 25)
You send the spiritual bead. Which bounce uselessly against the feather-leaves.
"Kawk! That won't work sucker!
- What?
Imma not a plant spirit beast!
- And I'm a salted fish and not a human.
That explain the stench. Smell ya later.
- Wait, so what are you?
Your worst nightmare. You're not impressed?
Alright, Imma beast Spirit plant!
And he flew away. Universe sure is full of wonder.
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A question lingers : your Hawk-aligned body tempering technique... This is the perfect place to practice and improve it, right?
>Improve Hawk's Wide Ballet : 44 (miss by 41)
This is indeed a good place. But your unstabilized realm doesn't let you reap the heavy gains expected of such a practice, and the pain distract you too much to come with a new technique.
Better use the time you have in this realm to better use.

Letting your nose guide you, a hanful more isles are visited, adding feathers to your trove.
>71 : Stash of Rare, Mystical Feathers
Light, Mist and Jade-elements according to your nose. But your real prize was found just before getting pulled back to the sect's meditation chamber.
This feather-isle is small. The smell is extremely alluring - but complex. At the same time familiar and unknown.
You Jump, and do your best to cushion the fall. The shock repercuting in your abdomen is still enough to make you wince.
There it is. A staff, planted in ground. Made of wood, feather attached on both side, it is perfectly balanced and have a strange, grippy texture.
You grab it. Spin it. It naturally flows in your hands while you're stepping the motions of Hawk's Wide Ballet.
You hear a crack. You turn around, the bow at the ready.
Wait, Bow? It was a staff just a second ago!
Granted, you have no arrow. The weaon is also bit too big for you, but you appreciate the versatility provided.
You smile to yourself while nodding when your Astral Self is pulled back to your body.

>Obtained Feathered Twirling Bo(w)!
Not a bad haul, all in all
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You spend the upcoming week stabilizing your realm. You cross way with Ai on your way out - her turn in.
Daily life start again, with the fair share of mundane beast tending amidst daily shared cultivation and meals.

It's been one year and five month since you joined the Eastern Province branch of Tamers of Hundred Beasts.

Because of the time necessary for stabilizing your realm, you can only CHOOSE TWO

>Ask Bathias about his Innate Eye Ability [Unchosable, Bathias is not back from his Mission]
>Improve your Potential Estimation Contraption with Gold lodestone [You'll need other cultivator to go under test for calibration]
>Ask Ryota about Ear Aperture Breakthrough
>Maybe one specific technique of yours should be improved? [Choose in addition to said technique. More chances of breakthrough]
>Attempt to mend things between Ai and Dhundan [Unchosable, Ai is stabilizing]
>Dan Rol seems distraught and not fitting in. Spend time with him.
>Train Squad Tactics
>Work on your Foundation
>Work on your Unlimited Rising Star Kick
>Work on your Mental Energy with Dhundan
Weapon skills
>Work on your Windy Cavalier's Halberd [Pills available]
>Work on your Spear style : Blood-Shadow Wolf Painful Assault [Pills available]
>Work on your Mounted Archer’s Wind-Gliding Phoenix Arrow [Pills available]
Spiritual Beasts
>Investigate on the talking Spiritual Beasts[How?]
>Investigate Body Shifting with your Spiritual Animals
>Try reading on your own "The true Story of Gar Ruk, Realm Wanderer"
The sect
>Continue to learn how to read with Ryota
>Help the Poor-talented batch of new kids
>Ask Gro Ta how things went in Water Bushes Cove
Strengthening the Jar
>Slack off [this will be bad for your mental health]
>Improve Immortal Cave - Home Expansion
And, as always...
>Write-in allowed!
>Spend time with Dan Rol.
Come on buddy. Focus up, work up. One of our rocks is connections. And he's gonna be out in with the village.

>Dhun mental energy
Lets do some prep work, for vs the people who use pressure.
And as a side note, we can just catch up with him and try to socialise the brat a bit more.
Maybe. . mix the two? It won't end well, it never does, but hey.
>Continue to learn how to read with Ryota

>Ask Gro Ta how things went in Water Bushes Cove
>Dan Rol seems distraught and not fitting in. Spend time with him.
>Work on your Mental Energy with Dhundan
>Dan Rol seems distraught and not fitting in. Spend time with him.
>Work on your Mental Energy with Dhundan
>Work on your Windy Cavalier's Halberd
Maybe one specific technique of yours should be improved? Hawk's double talon
>>Investigate on the talking Spiritual Beasts[How?] Talk to the Hawk Master. This is the perfect time, perhaps a gift could encourage his time investment.
>Work on your Mental Energy with Dhundan

Whoops gotta choose 2
The hawk master is Bathias. And Bathias still hasnt turned up.
He's been gone for a while. Might be some trouble being covered up.
I'll switch to
>>Dan Rol seems distraught and not fitting in. Spend time with him.
Maybe mention it to Ryota when we see him next?
>Work on your Foundation
>Work on your Mental Energy with Dhundan
>Dan Rol seems distraught and not fitting in. Spend time with him.
>Work on your Mounted Archer’s Wind-Gliding Phoenix Arrow [Pills available]
We have a bow now, and if it's too bigger for us to use then we can ask for one.

>Go with Ryota nad ask about Bathias, and offer for us to go and check up on his mission.

I'm worried someone like him and who's the strongest of his age hasn't come yet
>Investigate body shifting. Might as well do it while our soul is in flux.
>Work on your Mental Energy with Dhundan
Also, guys.

Im trying to think of what aspects would fit together. Our hawk is Gold and Growth and Fire.
We have materials for jade, mist, light and fire/gold.
But our spirits like eating food of related elements. Which is what makes the scion special is he has no restriction.
Maybe if we just get another golden fire hawk, the benefits will double down?

Because I've pared down the beasts to realise that we are just stealing their affinities to make it our own
Very wise, anon.
Locked; writing
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Of course, you cultivate your foundation every day in the alloted time by the sect. Your progress are abysmally slow.
You chose not to focus on it anyway. Despite how fundamental foundation is, you have to bring up to level other skills.

>Work on Mental Energy with Dhundan
Your first priority is to strengthen your mental energy with Dhundan again.
It's been long - maybe more than one year - since you undertake this exact practice. You don't miss the dung-shoveling punishment of the previous Hawk master that lead you to work with Dhundan in a contest of will.
"Oh? You're challenging me again? Scared of facing me during the tournament?
- I can't beat the shit out of you in final round if I can't approach you. What kind of showing would it be for the sect?
- For the sect? No idea. For me? I'll appear very strong.
- It will appear fake. After all, I surrendered last year.
- ... You might be right. Come forth, if you can!
His menacing aura flares. You take a step back. Another. You kneel.
Dhundan's mental energy is already at the opened Nose Aperture level.
However, The difference of skill is not crushing, more like an overwhelming but still bearly bearable weight. Maybe one of your technique have tempered your mental energy? Still, you can train your specific resistance to mental pressure by undertaking the rough sessions.
You decide to weather the storm. At the end of the week, you have marginally improved - like a layer of brick taller for the 3 time too short wall attemtping to block a tsunami.
>Time with Dan Rol
"Hello little brother. How do you feel?
- Oh? Esteemed Big Brother? I feel I haven't seen you since we came back from Golden Skystone Village!
- Yes, sorry for that. Had to organize the next step regarding your village and I just broke through : I opened the Nose Aperture!
- As expected from Esteemed Big Brother!
- How are thing going?
- Well, good enough..."
His mouth say so, his gaze flees yours. You don't push the matter, and act extra nice with him at every opportunity.
Two days later, at the snake pens...
"Well, I feel lonely. At home, there was mom, the aunt-moms, Father and Brother of course and Sister - which was more an annoyance to be honest.
The group I'm in is made half of younger kids really dedicated as they feel they're on a timer to be noticed by the sect, and denying they've already missed it, while the older bunch is quite sad : the gloom of their mediocrity have settled in, they just try to slack off and enjoy themself in their bystander life.
You smile compassionately. Dhundan, Ai, Norm Yi, Sin and Man Din... They're all dear friends.
Your daily life will be way sadder without the shared daily experience of your dormitory.
The disastrous taste of Man Din garlic dumpling attempt. That time Yi Norm, Dhundan and you had a three-way stick-sword battle at the Koi pond; Dhunda made both of you fall in the water but the twin rushed and push him from behind too (remainding he lost as well as you two is a sure way to trigger a tantrum), Ai storytime before bed and of course the daily morning challenge of who can relieve themself the farthest.
Alright, The real challenge is who can be the second one behind the unbeatable Man Din. Feeling a bit bad for Dan Rol, you keep hanging up with him.
That, and the fact you feel there's more to his distress. As expected, he opens up later in the week.
"Truth is... My cultivation have not moved by an inch.
I have less time to cultivate than at home, where I could spend my days doing just that. And energy here...
Energy here is weird. There's more than home, but somehow I spin two to three time less threads of Qi and Blood.
So he'll have to overcome his struggle, by diligent training or lucky encounter. Outright help can also be an option.

>Go with Ryota and ask about Bathias, and offer for us to go and check up on his mission.
Good write-in and short enough to be accepted as a free action
Concerned by Bathias' prolonged absence, you go see Ryota.
"I'm concerned about Bathias. May I go search for him?
- I'm concerned too. I'll leave after Stable Lotus Yearly Tournament, in two weeks...
You want to come along? ... I'll think about it.
It's the final stretch before the yearly tournament.
You've refrained from the temptation of using your now-recharged wondrous Teapot so far. It is shining in gold again.
Free Teapot action :
>Use the Teapot on yourself alone
>Share the Teapot with someone of the sect [Who?]
>Wait for Yearly Tournament to share
>Write a letter to Marketer Golden Eye to sell the teapot use [Takes 1 action; write in what you want to sell for]

Choose 3 :

>Ask Bathias about his Innate Eye Ability [Unchosable, Bathias is not back from his Mission]
>Improve your Potential Estimation Contraption with Gold lodestone [You'll need other cultivator to go under test for calibration]
>Ask Ryota about Ear Aperture Breakthrough
>Maybe one specific technique of yours should be improved? [Choose in addition to said technique. More chances of breakthrough]
>Attempt to mend things between Ai and Dhundan
>Help Dan Rol with his lagging cultivation.
>Help Man Din with her lagging cultivation.
>Train Squad Tactics
>Work on your Foundation
>Work on your Unlimited Rising Star Kick
>Work on your Mental Energy with Dhundan
Weapon skills
>Work on your Windy Cavalier's Halberd [Pills available]
>Work on your Spear style : Blood-Shadow Wolf Painful Assault [Pills available]
>Work on your Mounted Archer’s Wind-Gliding Phoenix Arrow [Pills available]
Spiritual Beasts
>Investigate on the talking Spiritual Beasts[How?]
>Investigate Body Shifting with your Spiritual Animals
>Try reading on your own "The true Story of Gar Ruk, Realm Wanderer"
The sect
>Continue to learn how to read with Ryota
>Help the Poor-talented batch of new kids
>Ask Gro Ta how things went in Water Bushes Cove
Strengthening the Jar
>Slack off [this will be bad for your mental health]
>Improve Immortal Cave - Home Expansion
And, as always...
>Write-in allowed!
>Sell A teapot cup for a golden-Fire-Jade hawk and on condition we are present to drink the other cup. If he refuses our first offer, we can settle for an abundance of materials for ear apature. Maybe score some nose stuff enough for Dan and Man? I'm just throwing out ideas.

Just a thought.

>Ask about ear apature.
>Train mental Energy with Dhun.

We can cultivate foundation when we get the tea sold. And if the tea stuff is supplied by the other party or the tea house
>Share the Teapot with someone of the sect [Who?]
Since Dan Rol and Man Din are having trouble, no reason why not kill 3 birds with one stone. Get that resolved (hopefully), and strengthen some bonds in the meantime.
While we're at it
>Attempt to mend things between Ai and Dhundan
This has been a long time coming. Hell, we can invite them to the Tea Party.
>Investigate Body shifting with our spiritual animals
>Improve Immortal Cave - Home Expansion
Maybe we can put combine these two, eventually? Like, if we learn animal shifting, we can turn into Wolf to dig more space, and design various rooms or spaces for our beasts based on their affinities. Say, for instance, the Hawk has fire and metal affinity-- it might have some insights on how the kitchen should be built.
>>Work on your Mental Energy with Dhundan
>>Attempt to mend things between Ai and Dhundan
>>Train Squad Tactics
>Work on your foundation
>Investigate Body Shifting with your Spiritual Animals
>Attempt to mend things between Ai and Dhundan
>I have less time to cultivate than at home, where I could spend my days doing just that.
Really? I thought he was a guest (hostage) with nothing to do here but cultivate. I guess we got him doing chores.

>Use the Teapot on yourself alone
mmmm shlurp delicious tea

>Work on your Foundation
Our own lagging cultivation

>Work on your Unlimited Rising Star Kick

>Work on your Spear style : Blood-Shadow Wolf Painful Assault [Pills available]
All the drugs
This is md. Forgot to teapot.
>Share the Teapot with someone of the sect [Who?] Ai
>Work on your Foundation
>Attempt to mend things between Ai and Dhundan
>Help Dan Rol with his lagging cultivation.
>Share the Teapot with someone of the sect Dan Rol
>Train Squad Tactics
>Work on your Windy Cavalier's Halberd
>Ask Gro Ta how things went in Water Bushes Cove
When pouring the tea, you're in a trance-like state and will pour 2 cups in one go. No more, no less.
So you want to give the two of them to Man Din and Dan Rol?
>Ask about ear apature.

>Help Dan Rol with his lagging cultivation.

>Work on your Foundation

Can we please please please start working on our foundation. This is getting insane we're going to lag behind.
Oh wait already voted got confused since my sleep schedule is so ass i assumed a new update after i woke up
>Wait for Yearly Tournament to share

>Work on your Foundation
>Help Man Din with her lagging cultivation.
>Work on your Windy Cavalier's Halberd [Pills available]
>Tally status

Opening window for tiebreak, buyer remorse and all the usual; nothing locked for now.

Teapot vote is too dispersed right now.
Guys. We get one free shot per minor realm to buy something from the guys who own basically everything treasure related.

Why should we not exploit this?
Ear apature materials to let us cultivate fast, like our friends.
Nose/mouth apature materials to give to our friends like Man din and company.
Whatever we like.

And if we make condition that the tea itself is supplied by the buyer, we can double dip!
If we are helping Dan Rol, try asking Ryota to allow him to train near spiritual gold or in a gold aligned location. If he did better at home, his spiritual energy is likely aligned with his homeland. Allowing him access to a golden beast so he can start to develop his beast-mastery while here with us would also be good, but probably not something that we can do at the moment (or likely ever with our schedule unless we luck into a beast we don't need). Maybe some gold aspected technique so that he can crosstrain?
>Be me
>Want to post to complain about the lack of tiebreak
>Figured I haven't attached picrel

Still, I'd love for a tiebreak to try and push an update.
Ear aperature materials seem wasteful uses of actions, just vote to cultivate foundation.
Now if you have a specific technique to purchase say like a Golden Illusion Liquid Kick to overcome our weaknesses, I could consider that. Or something like an ki gourd that works as a replenishable pill I could see that paying for itself over time.
We would want an earth, Poison, Misty Jade axtually.

But yes, that is also very acceptable as an idea.
Maybe another form of body tempering? Or hell, work on mental pressure or soul strength?

I appreciate the discussion and ideas, but I still can't write because of a lack of tiebreak.
I'll roll for it in one hour if no consensus
I can swap from working on the kick to asking about ear apeture breakthrough
aw, come one. Let's try to shapeshift. Very versatile power shapeshifting.
Maybe next time. Beast talking too, goodimtel to be had there.
>Mend things between Ai and Dhundan
You try to improve how things are going among the two true genius of your age. That mean getting them to talk.
The main challenge is preventing Dhundan Kepa to abscond as you swear the kid is sleeping less than five hour every night.
To do that, you remind Dhundan he owes you for opening his Nose Aperture.
"Didn't needed your help!
- Easy to say once you already took it. Now, stop being as stuborn as stupid and grit your teeth for the next half an hour."
You turn around and leave. You know this would be efficient, and you have the proof when he waits for you in the dormitory. You drag Ai, sit the three of you in a circle.
"Why... what are we playing? Why does the third player have to be me?
- It's not a game. We'll try to voice the problem among the two of you. The goal is not to make you two the bestest friend of all time.
Just, make the two of you on good enough term that if you have to work together, you actually work and not fight each other.
- Won't be a long fight anyway.
- Like you'll be able to catch up with to start with.
- And that's exactly the problem. Why can't you two sit and not insult each other for two minutes? Nuh-hu. I'm seeing you blame each other already.
Ai. We'll start with you. Why don't you like Dhundan?
- He's scary, always wants to fight, never wants to play.
- Dhundan?
- She's an airhead that does not know what truly matter. It's necessary to be strong in that word, she could be but waste her potential by never even wanting fighting!"
And things devolve into insults quickly again.
You didn't knew you could shout so loud.
"In the future, we might have to fight together. Ai, I know you don't want to, but the sect have enemies. If they attack, we'll defend.
When that happens, I'll most likely be the one in charge of coordinating our little group. Dhundan, I don't know why you feel like we're in a warzone.
Ai, I don't know why I never saw you picking a weapon. Both of you are wrong and the world is a middle way among your two viewpoints.
Ai, you'll need to learn at least self defense. Dhundan, you'll need to find something else to spend your time than antagonizing everything and everyone and pick a hobby sooner or later. No, no. NO. BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP. NO WORDS ALLOWED BEFORE YOU TOOK A FEW DAYS EACH TO THINK ABOUT YOUR BEHAVIOR!"
There's a bit of awkwardness among them the next few days. Awkwardness that dissipate, leading to less bad blood among them.
>Ask Ryota about Ear Aperture
You also spend a bit of time looking for Ryota and request his teaching about Ear Aperture.
You frustatingly get sent away a couple time for a lack of time from the Sect Master. Until he finds a spot in his schedule
"So anything special with Ear aperture? Things I should know, like the wall of Nose Aperture?
- Not really. Of course, the biggest change is related to the sheer amount of Qi and Blood you'll have to gather.
- Any plants like Purple Bamboo Shoots that can help?
- A few actually. Echo Vine comes to mind - a collection of thin strings liana that reproduce nearby noise a couple second later.
Taste is bland, but it's effective. Bronze-petal Bellflower also comes to mind. Plants are not the only enabler : some geological treasures can also help. When I was young, I was gifted Harmonical Crystal Rods. In a lesser extent, treasures related to music are known to help with Ear Aperture.

The hindsight granted by Ryota, coupled with your diligent practice, yields progress this week.
First, your body and soul got stronger. Then, you start feelling the Qi and Blood threads accumulated slushing in the cylinder forming the Ear aperture. One more step on the road of cultivation.

It's been one year and six month since you joined the Eastern Province branch of Tamers of Hundred Beasts.
You broke open your Heart aperture, your Eye Aperture and Your Nose Aperture - remains your in-progress Ear Aperture and Your Mouth Aperture
Quick calculation. If you keep your current rhythm, you'll have open your Mouth Aperture next year around this time. That's giving you a real and serious chance to break through second realm around the end of the third year with the Sect; around your 8th birthday.
But those are matter for the future. Right now, the tournament is coming - in four days.
Of course, you registered. You are relieved of your chores, and have time set aside to prepare to the fullest.

What Weapon will you use?
>The Feathered Twirling Bo(w)
>A Training Spear
>A Training Halberd
What skill do you train in that final stretch?
>Work on your Windy Cavalier's Halberd [Pills available]
>Work on your Spear style : Blood-Shadow Wolf Painful Assault [Pills available]
>Work on your Mounted Archer’s Wind-Gliding Phoenix Arrow [Pills available]
>A training spear.
>Our spear style.

With maturity comes growth I guess.
Glad we have their respect.

Now then. With this knowledge, I think we can improve our immortal cave by asking for items to construct an array/formation around our cave to help our ear apature open.
Which we can use as a reward for orhtwr people later.

That or a technique would be good use of the teapot. Though I am starting to worry about having too mnay techniques to properly train
>The Feathered Twirling Bo(w)

>Work on your Mounted Archer’s Wind-Gliding Phoenix Arrow [Pills available]

We're going to be the leader so maybe working from the back and shooting people will be better.
>>A Training Spear
>>Work on your Windy Cavalier's Halberd [Pills available]

If we merge our spear snake with a halberd snake... oh we might be able to synergize and switch styles better.
My man, Please do not show off our special relic weapon in a yearly contest for effectively spectator sports.

Keep that card hidden. We are also most and best trained with a spear now.
>Spear x2
I agree that holding the bow as a trump is better than showing it now. Also, it's better for us in mass combat and we are most well trained in the spear.
>The Feathered Twirling Bo(w)

>Work on your Mounted Archer’s Wind-Gliding Phoenix Arrow [Pills available]
>Training Spear
>Work on your Spear style : Blood-Shadow Wolf Painful Assault [Pills available]
Backing >>6010360
>A Training Spear
>Work on your Spear style : Blood-Shadow Wolf Painful Assault
>Tally status

Nothing locked yet.
We better win this one. We gotta show our focus on leadership actually matters in y’know team-based battles. We should be specialized in it, really.
>A Training Spear
>Work on your Spear style : Blood-Shadow Wolf Painful Assault [Pills available]
You know, the Stable Lotus Harbor Tournament format is Single.
Of course, you chose quite rationally to pick the weapon you're the most trained with, coupled with training said weapon a bit more, keeping your Feather Twirling Bo(w) hidden as a trump for now. This was easily, and objectively, the best decision you could take.
Ryota wants maximise chances of the stronger disciples in each age group. All of you are invited to show your technique behind close door.
"Ah, Quiet Word. I made sure you wouldn't meet Dhundan before finals this time.
What is your strategy this year?

- Using the spear style taught from the Wolf Master at the Tamers of Thousand Beasts Conclave.
- Good. Show me."
You display the practice routine of the style you appropriated.
"Good. It's a step behind your current cultivation, but except Dhundan, I'll be surprised to see that amount of skill and mastery matched.
Any Fighting Technique you discovered?

- Three of them. One allows a double strike, another let me retaliate when suffering a blow, a third one let me turned spill blood in a summon.
All are ill-suited to the ruleset of the tournament.
- For this few days, you'll train with Deer Master and Marten Master. They'll provide specific pointers."

The deer master is on the older side, a strong woodland man wielding a spear shining with a faint silvery light. He have valuable insight regarding your posture and your strikes.
"The spear's shaft is supple like a tail, its head is pointy as an antler but also cuts like a sharp incisor - you might turn a missed hit into a scoring one by pulling your weapon back, slashing the opponent!"
The Marten mistress might be the prettiest master of your sect's branch. Cultivation increase both physique and charm, turning everyone beautiful.
The Snake mistress is athletic, lithe and nimble. The wolf mistress have strong motherly vibes. You could discern a bit instinctively who was strong and who was struggling among the adults of the sect only based on attractiveness before learning Ryota's level-reading skill.
But the one beautiful to begin with? They turn stunning. Gorgeous. Still, you feel a cultivator courting Marten mistress would be courting death herself.
She seem to have little to no restraint, and her style relies on Blood technique. She was always intimidating. Thus, you're not really comfortable with her teachings.

"Our dear Master told me you have techniques that should be of my liking... Show me..."
She grasp your arm, run a sharp nail alongside, drawing blood, then suck on her blood-wet finger. Of course she would do that. You're uncomfortable.
"Acrid. Your blood affinity is worst than bad. You really have a blood-linked fighting technique?"
You refrain a shudder, and spin the Qi and Blood thread still in the gushing wound. The blood-shadow wolf rise, growling and in a low, threatened posture.
"... I see why they're calling you Quiet Word. So I *might* teach you... more... in the future. But for now, take this.
This vial can Qi and Blood threads - or True Qi - spinned in a few drops. That mean you can fuel a technique of yours without needing to take a hint.
Oh, this item name is "Give it back after the Tournament"

You're not sure you'll want to use that trump, but better have the option than not. You pocket the blood vial.
In the end, your practice improved. However, your reserve of pills for working on your Spear style is concerningly low : two remains, with two being consumed on your intense training of the last days.

And just like that, it's time for the Yearly Stable Lotus Harbor Tournament again.
You wake up, group, and go to the Stadium. First are the 5-year old bracket.
>Watch with greater attention the younglings - maybe you'll face them at some point, and you'll be happy to know more about them
>Talk with someone! [Write-in who, every named kid is around excluding Ai and Bathias, write-in what you talk about]
>Watch the younger bracket.

We can talk to the others later.
So we have.
Ster ling, to worry about.
Dhundan, who is in our sect anyway, so thats fine.
I think the rest aren't so completely shitfucked, but we trained this style to the best of our abilities. Dhundan probably trained above his cultivation level, because he is Dhundan, but we just need to get to the semifinals for a good reward.
>Talk to Ster Ling
I bet we can get inside his head
An advantage if we run into him
>Watch with greater attention the younglings - maybe you'll face them at some point, and you'll be happy to know more about them
>Talk with someone! [Write-in who, every named kid is around excluding Ai and Bathias, write-in what you talk about]
Talk to LienWen YanEr about how progross has gone since the fortuitous encounter
Talk to Ping Jun about the differences between versatile harmony and Hundred Beasts, if he has a girlfriend
Chat with LienWen YanEr. How are things?
Group request: Should we share some tea with her to make amends? We could sell it of course, but she seems like a girl would would like tea.

Make a bet with Ster Ling. If the two of you battle, whoever loses owes the other a favor.

Check in with Ping Jun and see if his life has become a little more rich. Be discreet, we don't want to share his secret before he reveals it.
>Talk with Ai
Reach out.
She isnt here, she dislikes fighting
>Tally status
Right. Got distracted. I'll change to:
>LienWen YanEr
File: Arena.png (1.92 MB, 1024x1024)
1.92 MB
1.92 MB PNG
Younger kids are at best middling. Better spend your time wisely - the matches are short.
You creep into the section of the stands hosting the Military Youth.
"Eeek! A stinky Dung Cultivator!"
That older girl makes an exagerated nose-pinching motion. Looks like all member of this organization follow the Dao of Jerkness.
You ignore her, and go toward Ster Ling.
"It's smelly Shrimp Man!"
Better ignore Xiao Niar. That works at getting on his nerve and getting him all worked up.
"Ster Ling.
- Oh, You're the loser that surrendered instead of going into finals and that messed up the Stable Lotus secret realm opportunity?
- The opportunity you missed on your own because you chose to fight with your teammate?
- What matter is I won. Forebodding for this year, right? Rejoice, I asked for the matchup to be rigged so that I can wreck Dhundan in half-finals and you in final. Assuming you can win half-final, that is. Loser.
- Bold words targeted to an undefeated fighter. If you're so sure winning, wanna bet?
- You're on."

Before you could cement the bets terms and condition, the other child rush down the stands.
A big paper sheet, displaying this year's bracket, is being displayed by the organizers - that you recognize wear the garments of the All Seller's Merchant Sect. You join the movement, and make it fast in front of it - most of those suckers can't read after all.
Your reading comprehension is partial, but enough to figure out a few names.
You're not on the same side of the bracket than Dhundan, and Ping Jun. Assuming to what Ster Ling said, you won't face him either.
"Kekekeke this Meying Youling will have a chance to defeat both first and second of last year before final? How lucky for me to let them sample the bitter taste of death!"
Oh, it's the creepy girl that was very skilled at killing ants back at the skill apraisal day. Still look insane, and you won't face her before finals - assuming she can indeed take Ping Jun, Dhundan and probably Ster Ling in that order.
What's for you?
Quite a few recognizable names. Sin Din, Man Din, Norm Yi are on your side - most certainly agreed previously by Ryota, the military commander and the merchant as the price to pay to field both you and Dhundan on separate trees, making sure Dhundan won't face less-skilled sect-mates before finals.
Sadly, you don't know how to spell LienWen YanEr name. Her position on the chart stays a mystery.
Quickly, the matches start. They are mostly one-sided - starting with Dhundan's half of the bracket, all those whom you know the name of win.
Your turn is next. You step in the arena.
The words of the Horse Master, said when he gifted your Silver Warrior Horse one year ago, echoes in your ears.
"We are trusting you with precious resources. Now, you'll have to be worthy of them."
You spin your spear. In front of you, a shivering archer wearing the colors of Prolific Valley City.
Barely opened her Heart Aperture. It will be easy.
"This match oppose the second cultivator undefeated in this arena! Strategically surrending to last year champion's Dhundan, let a thunder of applause for Quiet Word, of Tamers of Hundred Beasts!"
You didn't registered the farm girl's name.
>First round : Auto-success
Your legs empowered with Qi and Blood threads, you rush her as soon as the signal is given. The gap in raw ability is too wide. She's down before even notching an arrow.
"Winner : Quiet Word!"
You leave, letting the green-dressed girl stained in brown paint around the chest.

Soon, the First Round is over. Two sects made a surprisingly good showing : both the Military Youth and Beast Tamers had 7 kids proceeding to next round.
Prolific Valley City kids, however, where all defeated. You don't know well the lesser-skilled kids your age, starting with your own sectmates.
Second round is similar. But this time you know your opponent.
"This Xioa Niar will defeat Stinky you!"
Neer opening of his Eye aperture. Better grip on his sword than last time. You'll treat him seriously.
>1 roll of 1d100, DC 10
Available trumps :
- Spirits (Horse, Hawk, Snake, Wolf)
- Unlimited Rising Star Kick
- "Give it back after the Tournament" vial of blood (Summon Shadow-Blood Wolf, one time consumable use)
Both Horse and Hawk have been revealed to all Stable Lotus Harbor during past year tournament.
However, you surrendered in half-finals - good chances most kids haven't really registered them.
We already gave her some tea. No tea for her, unless we get more exchange.

I still think a meteor hammer jade illusion technique for mental pressure would be good.
But again, concern over spreading ourselves too thin.

Ster Ling is an ass, so do you really want to owe the guy a favour? He is quite talented you know.

Ping, I hope he improved by leaps and bounds.
Sorry mate, saw your vote while I already wrote like 90% of the update.
Rolled 66 (1d100)

Missed an update. Whoops.

Please dont duck up
How do you want it to go? (roller privilege)
>A single Spear thrust. End his misery while sparing his pride as much as possible.
>Ask the judge to coat your hand instead. Punch him in the shit-spitter thing which acts as his mouth
>Let him strike, trip him, hit him with his own sword
>A single spear thrust.
>Xioa Niar, That is my last kindness. Insult me again and next time won't be so graceful.

This bitch has been on our case for two years, last chance to stop being a dick.
(one and a half, anon)
Hate so strong, it feels the double, QM...
I learned cultivator math, in case of half an incriment of time a grudge has been going up, round up to the nearest whole incriment of time.

Year and a half? Two years.
Five years and six months. A decade.
15 years. Best believe its two decades.

Grudges are serious biz!
A single spear thrust ends the match, mirror of last year's strike.
"Xiao Niar, That is my last kindness. Insult me again and next time won't be so graceful."
He's really starting to unnerving you. You step out of the arena.
Next match is one LienWen YanEr is fighting. You'll fight this match's winner, so better watch.
"And her opponent... LienWen JiaLin!"
Wait, what? Oh. She's in the stands, watching anxiously. The likeness is uncanny. But the girl is using a sword - YanEr fights unarmed.
She's slightly less pretty, but this is mostly due to her tense, frowning expression. The Versatile Harmony girl is quickly dispatched.
YanEr doesn't seem happy about that win from her clan.

Barring Ster Ling, the Military Youth kids have all been defeated. The most represented sects are Beast Tamers and Stable Lotus, both with 5 remaining participants.
Dhundan quickly qualifies for quarter-finals. Next fight oppose Ping Jun to Meying Youling.
The girl fight while madly lashing out with empowered strike looking buzzling with eerie ghost energy. Another cheater bypassing the natural limits of True Qi? Smells like it. So unfair.
Ping Jun is wise enough and doesn't block the probably-untangible strikes with his shield. Instead, he dodges, waiting, bidding its time.
Overexertion. Retaliation. Ping Jun wins - that was close.

"And next match will oppose the young mistress LienWen JiaLin of Stable Lotus clan, to one of this year's favorite... Quieeeet Woooord!
- Let me warn you : I'm not as weak as my cousin!"
Recently opened Nose Aperture. She's meaning business. And rushing you immediately as the fight starts.

>1 roll of 1d100, DC : 60
A/N : tourney status
Rolled 72 (1d100)

In the interest of speed. Again I go.
Please dont insult our rival. Only we can do that.
Won't have time to write immediately.
In the meantime, who do you support?
>Cheer Yi Norm or Sin Din?

>Cheer Man Din or YanEr?
>Yi Nom

>Man Din

I doubt man din will win. But we have to show sect solidarity.
QM blogpost shitposting time
RQM is racemixing QM. Bananas is oil on fire QM. I don't recall who is abortifient QM. What is my QM own brand?
"How are you suitable for that?!" QM
From this quest anyway
>Let me warn you : I'm not as weak as my cousin!
Tell her she's even weaker lmao

Don't cheer for either in the first
Man Din in the second sect support

what the fuck
I don't know if you've blogposted enough to get a brand. I wasn't aware of any for RQM BananasQM, and Narrator/schizoQM as his second alias suggests tends to make long off topic rambling posts about abortion. With that as an example I don't think you want a brand.
Didn't got it; care to clarify?
Turns out the players of Minor Xenos have their own take on the matter. They made me laugh. >>6012255
You once remarked that we 'kept getting away' with behind the scenes rolls to be really good at techniques.

Nothing else really occured in the quest to warrent a specific moniker.
No worries :)>>6012018

Big cast qm
"If you think that's the only thing that matters, then you've already lost."
"If you think it's the only thing that matter, you already lost."
That seemed to deeply anger the girl. And she's not losing her calm : more like channeling it into determination.
"Jade Lotus blade arcana : three petals!"
Three curved sword strike, pressing on while moving forward. You barely dodge the first, block the second with your spear's shaft, duck under the third.
It's not good : the training spear's shaft is heavily notched after that strike. At least, the public's cheers indicate they enjoyed the refined sword technique demonstration.
"I thought you were a Beast Master? Or do I surpass you in what should be your specialty too?
Jade Lotus blade arcana : two petals!
She spoke too much. Revealed her trump before even showing it. Channeling your energy in your strengthen legs, you simply leap over her and her attack.
"You felled for it, fool! victory is mine!"
Here's her spirit. You'd say Jade Lotus Hawk. It does not matter, as your spear, coiled like a snake, pounce as a biting wolf dispelling the soul-binded beast.
It is always a shock when a soul-bound beast gets hit. Especially the first time. She staggers. You crouch, and hit in a upward thrust.
She turns too late, protecting too high.
"Touch! This match goes to disciple Quiet Word, of Tamers of Hundred Beasts!"
The crowd cheers. That was a true display of skills : you didn't used any secret arts or trick. Just your brain and your spear.
Said spear is good to go - good thing the sect brought spares.
Not that it matter much : your spear breaking is part of your battle plan, surprising a sure-to-win adversary with a strike from the Cosmic Spear Snake.
Of course, that won't work with Yi, the Din sisters and Dhundan - they have seen you fight with your snake spear at the Conclave.
You step out of the Arena while Sin Din and Yi Norm gets in.
Seems like they immediately give their all, Sin Din summoning her Unstoppable Mist Stallion mist while Yi Norm, a bo staff in each hand, summons the Wise Jade Monkey, send him a staff, and both take mirror poses.
"This fight oppose two Tamers of Hundred Beast cultivators! The horsewoman Sin Din against the one man squad Yi Norm!"
The fight starts.
"Charging Cleave!
- Monkey See, Monkey Do!"
They both progressed. No doubt Sin Din mastery of the Windy Cavalier Halberd's style surpass yours; Yi Norm is in perfect Sync with his spirit, launching joined attacks. Your heart swell with pride - the fight is quite flashy, worth of last year's final, and it's to figure out who the third-best of your sect is.
They both progressed. No doubt Sin Din mastery of the Windy Cavalier Halberd's style surpass yours; Yi Norm is in perfect Sync with his spirit, launching joined attacks. Your heart swell with pride - the fight is quite flashy, worth of last year's final, and it's to figure out who the third-best of your sect is.
In the end, Sin Din won the bout thanks to her superior mobility and higher level of raw cultivation, letting her overspeed and strike down first the monkey, then her close friend. The contrast is striking with next fight, opposing a stable lotus kid to a Temple of Abyssal Waters one.
Boring. Stable Lotus boy is on the verge of opening his eye aperture, so is Temple of Abyssal Water, but both lack skills. Eventually the Stable Lotus boy wins. The Quarter-finals of the other side will most certainly be won by the winner of next match.
"And now, competing for the last place in quarter-finals, the young Mistress, Daughter of Venerable Stable Lotus, LienWen YanEr!
Opposing the twin of the impressive Beast Tamer Showdown Horsewoman Sin Din, Man Din! Ready? Fight!
There is a whole minor realm gap among the two girls - Man Din have filled a few of her Eye Aperture, YanEr seems halfway through filling her Nose Aperture.
Man Din seems stressed - after all, her twin qualified. She flails her chain.
"Go Man Din! You can do it!"
Sadly, she's outskilled. Her opponent seems to dance around the flexible strikes while closing the distance? YanEr is mesmerising in the way she moves, avoiding strike walking as casually as she would if she was walking you through her sect's bridges over ponds and canals, until she simply tags Man Din.
"Strike! LienWen YanEr wins!"
Man Din, defeated, lowers her weapon, leave the arena while showing you a sorry smile. You have no doubt you'll face the young mistress in half-finals if you win against Sin Din.
Man Din, defeated, lowers her weapon, leave the arena while showing you a sorry smile. You have no doubt you'll face the young mistress in half-finals if you win against Sin Din.
"Quiet Word? I thought you would cheer for me!
- Sect loyalty matters.
- Anyway, you have my greater thanks for defeating JiaLin so early. But I'm not sure how good it is if I lose against you in half-finales.- Well we'll both have to qualify first.
- Come on, both of us is expecting that both of us will win the next round."
That is true. But that is also too cocky for you to voice.
"Anyway... I really hate having to ask you this... I need to win our fight. I'll owe you big time."
You quickly piece things. She missed out on the realm exploring opportunity with you and Ping Jun. Her cousin was probably in the team of Ai - the bounded Jade Lotus Hawk spirit explaining how Ai came back without being forced to trade that Nimble Mantis Shrimp spirit of her.
JiaLin's cultivation, boosted by the bounded spirit, leaped forward while YanEr struggled. Maybe the ressource allocated to the heiress are more evenly split with her cousin?
"That is... for you to win your standing back as the most gifted youngster?
- Exactly! I knew you would understand I'm not just bribing you!
- I won't promise anything to you right now. First, we'll have to both qualify. Second, I'll have to think."
>You will refuse. If she needs the win so much, she'll only have it if she deserves it.
>It is a way to reinforce your ally and rival and get her to owe you. You'll put a great show, but will volontarily lose against her.
While you talk, Ping Jun and Dhundan step on the Arena
"First Quarter-final matches the most promising disciple I've seen from Versatile Harmony Quest sect... Ping Jun!
His opponent is last year's winner... Dhundan!
Dhundan have his prized saber still covered in cloth at his belt, holding a practice one.
Ping Jun is smiling, holding his strangely shaped shield in left hand and his sword in the right one.
"Reeeady? Fight!"
Dhundan leaps, with a mighty vertical cleave stepped sideways by Ping Jun. Dhundan follows with an horizontal slash, met up with the wooden shield.
You hear the crack.
"Alright, time to give my all! Come Forth, Golden Talismanic Horse Spirit!
- And for the second time today, a bounded spiritual beast of an outsider of the Beast Tamers? This new generation is indeed promising!
Looks like emulation among those skilled young cultivator drive them strongly to be better!
Sadly for Ping Jun, his bonded spirit and mounted fighting style is not enough for Dhundan to take him seriously. A sweeping saber strike dissipate the Horse spirit, sending your Versatile Harmony friend tumbling down, stucked by Dhundan's feet and a wooden saber against his throat.
"I yield."
Warm applaudes for the good showing of Dhundan. You are glad he didn't stroke the fallen boy - better for both his own and the sect he represents image.
Next match is boring : Ster Ling shot his opponent at the split second the referee launched the fight.
At least your careful observation granted you some hindsight : his systematic shooting down of rivals comes from a skill - Qi and Blood threads brimming before the fight even started, letting him notch and shoot at an incredible speed. Strange he isn't shouting the name of his attack though.

And you're on again. This time, you face Sin Din.
"This is my chance to prove I'm the best Halberdier and Cavalier!
- Most certainly. This is why I'm using a Spear."
Your cultivation is superior. You're pretty sure you know all her tricks.
>1 roll of 1d100! DC : 20(Autoreveal of Horse to win)/30!

Available trumps :
- Spirits (Horse, Hawk, Snake, Wolf)
- Unlimited Rising Star Kick
- "Give it back after the Tournament"
Both Horse and Hawk have been revealed to all Stable Lotus Harbor during past year tournament.
Rolled 2 (1d100)

>You will refuse. If she needs the win so much, she'll only have it if she deserves it.
Guess we have to reveal our horse spirit.

Hmm. Lets see.
Our standing in the sect is secure, and we would still be in top 4, same as last year.
I'm perfectly content to bow out here. We continue to put on a good show, our sect has half the spots in the top 4.

We guuchi.
>Make it a good display, But let her take the win.
We gain more than we lose.
Yeah, you'll have to reveal a trump.
Efficient trumps in that match :
- Wolf Spirit
- Unlimited Rising Star Kick
- "Give it back after the Tournament" vial with enhanced blood (one time use)

Horse spirit isn't a viable option as Sin Din expects it.
>Give it back after trump.

We cant use it again after so why not?
You want the d100 now or after the vite?
After the vote. If it's consensual enough I'll cut the waiting time, but please don't roll unprompted.
I aint wasting a good roll on a best of 1 system, tis why I ask.
>Give it back after the Tournament" vial with enhanced blood (one time use)
Ok voting for
>It is a way to reinforce your ally and rival and get her to owe you. You'll put a great show, but will volontarily lose against her.
Since we're going with the vial
If we choose to try to win against YanEr, we're probably going to reveal more trumps after the vial and that would look bad, so vial is the last trump we reveal and then we throw
I'll take this as a vote for the vial in addition I guess?

One more roll of 1d100!
Rolled 91 (1d100)

Speedy ninja
And like that, another breakthrough is probably imminent.

Yeah, we're gonna be good to step down against YanEr. top 4 once again.
Tally status about whether
>Throw-in the towel

>Fight it out

Didn't voted

>>6013311 Anon I'm a QM on 4chan, of course I'm deranged, we all are

>It is a way to reinforce your ally and rival and get her to owe you. You'll put a great show, but will volontarily lose against her.

But push her hard. Make her show her trumps to give our sect an advantage in the finals.
>It is a way to reinforce your ally and rival and get her to owe you. You'll put a great show, but will volontarily lose against her.
>Throw in the towel
We'll get a reputation as a quitter if we throw the fight to Lotus chick.
Would we? It's a fight in the semi finals, same round we made it to in the last tournament. We know she's strong, she gave us a tough time in the last tournament and dumpstered Man Din easily. It wouldn't be a surprise if we lost to her even if we were trying to win, this is a good opportunity to do her a solid.

That said, I might be willing to change to fight her if we vote to use the kick trump card instead of the vial, because we'll almost certainly need to burn a trump in the finals and making the vial our first one burned is a good way to get the marten mistress really damn pissed at us.
"Readyyy? Fight!"
And she's already on you.
"Cleaving Strike!"
You jump, only avoiding meeting your simulated demise thanks to your superior cultivation. You want to retaliate, but she's already at the other side of the Arena.
- I didn't stayed idle! I learnt from the Conclave's master a secret movement technique!"
Indeed, she turned more than slippery. As one with her horse, her raw speed might be worst than your mount enhanced with Hawk's Alacrity but her mobility, ability to turn sharply at high speed and follow complex curves lead to unpredictable attack angles and perfect harassing strikes without putting herself on danger.
"So you're forcing my hand so soon in the tournament? Come Forth, Blood Shadow Wolf!"
One hand inside your hanfu-cut shirt, you grab the concealed trump that you sew a small for. You pop the vial open. The empowered drop of blood spins, rise.
"What! How long have you been bounded with a Wolf Spirit?"
You just shrug while smiling knowingly.
You and your summon circles your prey, doing your best to be on opposite side of a circle with Sin Din at the center.
Of course, she still moves and try to cleave you. But you focus on keeping her in the circle, letting the wolf step closer to her at each of her attempt. The wolf pounce. She spins, performing a half turn standing on her saddle with a shadow-dispelling cleave.
She felled in your trap, as your spear pierce and dispel the horse spirit. You grab her with your left hand - an easy feat at your current strength, breaking her fall while menacing her chest with your spear.
"You won. I yield.
- And that remarkable prowess is won by Disciple Quiet Word! An admirable fighter doubled with a gentle man!"
The small amount of energy gathered in your ear aperture is enhancing your audition. Not much, but enough to let you discern some comments about how romantic that catch was, and how close you two sweethearts seems to be. Your cheek are flush in red, and you put down Sin Din.
"For the first Half Final, we have a rematch of last year's final! Dhundan won, Ster Ling wants his revenge. Both have immensely trained.
Ready? Fight!
You can feel the tension in the air and animosity between Ster Ling and Dhundan.
Ster Ling immediately shoot an arrow, blocked by Dhundan's impossible shield.
"That didn't worked last year, that won't work this year!
Dhundan charges, cutting down a second arrow mid-flight. The pressure is rising, although Ster Ling seems to resist more than well to the intimidating friend of yours.
Arrows are raining, while Dhundan is walking irremediably onward a quite static Ster Ling. So, motion is not a strength of the future bowmaster?
The match is settled. Dhundan strikes, his treasured saber - last year's first prize, still bounded in cloth at his belt.
Your hand goes instinctively at your own belt cloth-bundle. You don't think the Teapot have much use in fight, but it can keep them sucker guessing - except your next opponent, which have seen your precious item exposed. Not that it matters much as you don't plan to reveal your trumps in the upcoming fight.
It is time. You walk on the arena one last time today. You bow as the referee is hyping the fight, not betraying your intent even to LienWen.
Now, you'll have to sell the act...
1 roll of 1d100!
DC : 30(Convince laymen)/50(Convince your friends)/70(Convince your Masters)/90(Secret Good Stuff)
You can use the Hawk Spirit and the Horse spirit as "trumps" to improve the show. However, as you didn't used them this year, those trumps might be forgetten next year if you keep them hidden.
Rolled 29 (1d100)

Lets see
I suggest using a horse, since Sin din already said we were a cavalier
Ahhhg, yeah, get out the horse, jeeze. I'd really like to push for as high as we can honestly.
Alright. One more roll!
>Get me 1d100+10!
You can take this one man. Remember, 40% chance to make the cut, 20% chance to get the goods
Rolled 79 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

Tch. At least we looked good for the sect.
We got what we set out to do. Shame that it's one off the mark, but oh well.
God damnit
One short of the most basic DC and then one short of the secret good stuff

Oh well, as long as Marten Mistress isn't out for our blood after this
We've also done a fun little trick.

We've convinced people that our wolf spirit is Blood Shadow Wolf.
What's better than utter surprise? Misinformation.
File: SpearSpin.gif (1.28 MB, 500x280)
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1.28 MB GIF
"Ready? Fight!"
You start by twirling your spear - it's a good trick, supposedly to maintain a foe at distance while keeping the pressure.
The idea behind using this move is, in fact, avoiding using the full length to let YanEr come close, where she have a chance to tag you with her fists.
But you will make her work for it. She steps in, you step out with a circular strike aimed at the head.
On a flowing motion, she ducks and barely dodge. Vertical strike. She sidesteps, spinning gracefully. She's breaking the distance.
You turn around her, while she launches a right-legged roundhouse kick, that you met with the bottom of your shaft in her shin. Left hook, blocked by the staff an arm under the spear's blade. She's open, all you have to do is...
>29 : Almost inadvertently won the fight
You pull back your spear, fast enough to prevent anyone in the public seeing fear and defeat in your friend's gaze.
Quick, you need to salvage this. A hint of shake in the voice, sprinkled with false overconfidence.
"Impressive, young mistress! Almost falled in your trap.
That won't happen twice! I'm going all out! Come forth, Silver Warrior Horse!"
You get the spirit horse running once around the arena. She doesn't have any trump - she was good as gone just before.
Her strategy is based on raw excellence. But she's been overtaken in sheer cultivation by a few participants of this turnament, including her cousin.
Alright, Stable Lotus heiress. The Lotus won't help you today. Let's see if you can pull something with the stability.
You charge, sending a wide circular strike. Again, with a vertical one. Come on, YanEr. Read the pattern.
You ready your strike attempting to turn yourself just a little bit more predictable. You thrust.
>89 : Wonderfully played it. Everybody bought your act.
The spear bites in the arena's ground. LienWen YanEr dashes, steps on the shaft, follows with a rising jumped kick right in the chin.
You let yourself fall loudly on the ground.
"And the bold move of the young mistress pays up! With a clean hit taking away one of last year's undefeated Beast Tamer, LienWen YanEr qualifies for the finals! Will she achieve to win against the second one? We'll find out in the finals, after a short break!"
You're swarmed by your friend, telling you you fought very well. The Deer Master even stressed that such a gauntlet have a single winner amidst several very skilled contestants, and reaching half finals is a feat in itself.
The finals start, and ends almost immediately. Dhundan didn't played nice or showed restraint, rushing and slashing LienWen YanEr down in half a second.
Was he attempting to avenge you? Or maybe defeating you is a deed worthy enough to get Dhundan's full consideration? It seldomely matters. Fight for your age group are over.
You were not really impressed by your senior of one and two years at the last tournament. This year's showing cement your viewing of them. You have better to do.

>Free Interraction time!
Everybody can write-in stuff to say to any present named kid.

>Teapot sharing!
Just in case, you loaded up with tea leaves, a waterskin, and firewood.
Will you Share your once-per-minor-realm special tea with someone or Keep it (for yourself, for selling...)

>Tournament rewards!
At the end of the day, some kids are brought apart. You feel a fair deal of favoritism, as most rewarded kids are the winners of their age class, you also see a few kids that lost closely in their final match... and all half-finalist of your age.
Senior Daoist of all the city sects are gathered. Venerable Stable Lotus steps onward, and repeat word-for-word last year's little speech.
"You gifted children are the future of our town. In those dire times, we have to stay united. Closer than we used to be. If it takes a village to raise a kid, it takes a town to nurture a Cultivator.
Thus, we will teach you as if you were all our own disciples, unless your prefer a material reward?
>Training in another sect.
You'll spend a couple week away from home.
Propositions :
- Stable Harbor Military - Polearm Mastery :
Due to protag Superior skill in all of Martial, Staff, Spear and Halberd, you can benefit from any style with any weapon.
Limitation : you'll get the lowest level of style and weapon match.
Explanation : for now, you have no proficiency with staff, pinacle of no-open-aperture Halberd, pinacle of opened Eye Aperture Spear.
Using the spear for the Windy Cavalier's Halberd will get mounted bonus, but its level would be pinacle of no-opened aperture.
- Adorators of the Sun - A training Meteor Hammer and teaching of a Meteor Hammer style
This exotic weapon have very few practitioners. A skill to work that weapon is extremely hard to find.
- Prolific Valley City -
One of the biggest village around. They are specialized in growing treasure spiritual plants.
Those where the merchant that selled the Spiritual Fruits on the market, and the Purple Bamboo Shoot.
Of course, you can also...
Write-in! [Remainder of other sects - School of the Stable Lotus, Versatile Harmony Quest, Death Harvester Cult, Temple of Abyssal Waters, Buddhist Temple]
>Material Reward
I don't really care about the meteor hammer skill, because we can innovate our own. Tie it to our body tempering skill and get double bubble.

>Material reward: A hawk spirit with related Attributes to gold and fire. Or just a Gold and fire hawk.
Alternative ideas, that I think are of secondary importance but eh, is another supply of tailored drugs again.

>Keep the Teapot to sell
For items to make an ear apature training area in our immortal cave. And if there is any credit left over, aspected materials so we can make our array.

>Talk to: Ping jun, see how he's doing. The young mistress to publicly congradulate her. Dehun to congradulate him. And congradulate Sin Din, she did really well.
Oh and remember for my vote.
I only want to sell one teapot. And would quite like if the tea itself had extra beneficial effects.

Addendum: "Tell YanEr about the nose apature and how you dont neccerily have to fill it to the top to break through it."

If she didnt know.

>Material Reward
What was it that helps the ear aperture? Echo roots or something?
>Death Harvester Cult
Teach us how to properly harvest defeated spiritual beasts.
>Prolific Valley City
We’re not a genius cultivator we need to take as many (drugs) herbs and pills as possible to assist in our cultivation to keep up. Let’s stock up on as many as we can and hopefully start a mini-farm of our own when we get back

>Sell Teapot

>Reward: Book of spiritual herbs and how to grow them
Oh wait just reread and we don’t get a material reward if we want training ignore that.

>Write in to kid
>LiWan Yer something: Tease her for getting so badly beat by Dhudan and let her know we threw the fight for her.

>Dhudan: Tease him for fighting so forcefully for his “senior brothers” honor.
>Congratulate Dhundan on his victory.
>SHARE the tea with Dhundan - to the victor go the spoils.
>Death Harvester Cult
Teach us how to properly harvest defeated spiritual beasts.
This is pretty metal.
Backing >>6014743
Drugs are always the answer
Also did Ster Ling lose the exact same way as last time to Dhundan? Lmao

We'll have to do super well in the next one, though I'm not sure we can beat Dhundan no matter what we do
>I don't really care about the meteor hammer skill, because we can innovate our own
Anon, I might rule something preventing doing that about "legendary" and "exotic" keywords, requiring a good amount of mastery and special condition to include them in techniques
>Free Interraction time! LienWen YanEr
>Teapot sharing! Keep it
>Training in another sect. - Adorators of the Sun
Tally Status

As an important vote, I'll of course let it run longer.
I'm seriously considering a 2-turns vote for the reward. So please don't vote "strategically" for the first turn, just let your heart speak, you can amend your vote with another option that would be of your liking too, etc.
Prolific valley city has two votes not one
With that in mind.

>Change material reward to Sun cult people, I want that meteor hammer. And I would quite like jade/earth aspected technique with it. Or maybe some mental pressure type dealie.
nice catch. Thanks.
Why not leverage our relationship with wanEr and have Uncle soulgaze hook us up with the drugs after the fact.

Works best after we have practiced with any new techniques we get so he can get a look at em.
Max benefits for minimal imput.
Why do we need to do super good next time.
We have, two years in a row, scored as either 3 or 4 for our age group.

We are still doing excellent and our intentional failure here was a political stratergy rather than a tactic.
We even gave Dhun a softball for his final.
tea with lienwan
Adorators of sun
hawk spirit
For Dhun's sake
I want to give him a fight fit for the final round rather than a statstomp he wins in less than a second.
that's pride speaking, not politics nor skill.

No matter what, we are still doing things to his and our benefit. Pride can come later when it has a value.
I don't think you know what pride means
Pride is to intentionally do a stupid or pointless thing for personal [though not always your own] vanity.

Like saying that Dhun deserves a worthy opponent, rather than a fight he'd win easily.
>Actualised Tally Status

I might lock in 2/3 hours. If no changes, Adorators of the Sun wins.
So time for strategic voting have come.
Oh wow you actually are wrong
Let me help you out here anon, straight from wikipedia

Pride is defined by Merriam-Webster as "reasonable self-esteem" or "confidence and satisfaction in oneself".[1] Oxford defines it as "the quality of having an excessively high opinion of oneself or one's own importance."[2] Pride may be related to one's own abilities or achievements, positive characteristics of friends or family, or one's country. Richard Taylor defined pride as "the justified love of oneself",[3] as opposed to false pride or narcissism. Similarly, St. Augustine defined it as "the love of one's own excellence",[4] and Meher Baba called it "the specific feeling through which egoism manifests."[5]

Taking action may be motivated by pride, but pride itself is actionless. You probably should have looked that one up.

As for the point you're trying to make, no. My desire to give Dhundan a good fight is not motivated by pride. I want to keep our friendship and rivalry close and prevent him from feeling isolated due to the gap between his prowess and everyone else's. Try rereading the first scene of us shoveling dung together to get an idea of what I'm talking about.
I'll also use a bit of my "Word of God" power to force my filthy world view on you players.
In the setting, Pride is a good thing. Gives confidence and ambition. A lack of pride will result in a lack of opportunity - the world is dangerous, and not being confident enough in your ability can lead to a bad estimation of risk/reward.

However, it is less dangerous than an excess of Pride. Hubris is often linked to a cultivator's demise. Angering the wrong person, getting angered by the wrong person, pushing too far in an opportunity, taking the wrong fight against a spiritual beast... All those stem from an overabundance of pride. But this death are perceived better than living a life of mediocrity.
I will opt to switch from Ear Aperture Materials to Meteor Hammer Training.
That has value.
I simply disagree with the venue. We can do it after or before one of our mental energy training sessions with him. Nice and private.
This is a valuable action though.
Sorry fellas.
It's close to midnight, haven't started writing, and I'm out of home tomorrow from 9 to 19.
>Current Vote still open!

Also, let's open up the discussion.
>What do you see as short-term goals for protag? (a few month)
>What do you see as mid term goals? (one to 5 year)
>What do you see as long term goals ? (6 to 100 years)
>What do you see as short-term goals for protag? (a few month)
Open ear aperture, acquire legendary weapon, expand cave
>What do you see as mid term goals? (one to 5 year)
Become a master
>What do you see as long term goals ? (6 to 100 years)
Thousand beasts sect, maybe million beasts if possible
>Short term.
Aquire the resources to fuse spirit beasts. We have hawk, Horse and Snake to go, in increasing difficulty to manage.
Open the ear apature, naturally.
Train mounted style, hammer style and spear style to our cultivstion level.

>Mid terms
Break through to second stage before the mouthful of true Qi wears off. We are at a year and 7 months, I think. We have about half the time left.
I would like to also keep up our friendship with Dhun. Might have to make a point of that. Doing more training with us or just hanging out.
Ai is cool but . . . She isnt really our friend like Dhun is. Wonder if those comments about romantic holding with Sin din wil come up again.

>Long term goals
Reach the 5th core stage with 9+ dragon marks. Once we have done that, we might finally be able to relax and celebrate.

I also want to take over from Ryota and form a robust and capable allaince between the sects present.
Maybe go to beast of a thousand tamers to get tutoring to advance our cultivation, then get sent back to continue practicing while doing our sect duties?

Just a thought.
>What do you see as short-term goals for protag? (a few month)
Finish learning to read god damn
>What do you see as mid term goals? (one to 5 year)
Find a primordial snake spirit, learn more about spirit mechanics
>What do you see as long term goals ? (6 to 100 years)
Become the very best like no one ever was

>What do you see as short-term goals for protag? (a few month)
Fuse remaining beasts. Open Ear aperature.
>What do you see as mid term goals? (one to 5 year)
Learn to read. Learn eye skill for power levels. Get halberd, spear, unarmed, and bow skills up to ear level. Break through to the second realm. Make at least an single action effort at learning to speak to beasts, beast shifting, better mental heath through our sanctum, and maintaining relations.
>What do you see as long term goals ? (6 to 100 years)
Realm travel improvement, try to find our origins, 4th core realm, get some money and some travel equipment, better our horse travel, flight skill, shore up weaknesses, and explore skills we are suited to.
Short-term: Upgrade spirit beasts
Mid-Term - Breakthrough to 2nd stage
Long Term - Ascend to immortality.
You spend a fair amount of time talking to the kids of your age group.
First, going to see Ping Jun and see how he's doing.
"Pretty good. Your sectmate is damn strong. I can get behind losing to the tournament's winner.
But I'd have enjoyed if you won your match against that Stable Lotus young mistress... Now I can't say I only lost to undefeated people.
Also, thank for the spirit! You won't believe how much it's helping with my cultivation!"
Then, the young mistress. Her cousin seems deeply seething, sitting as far in their part of the stands as able.
"LienWen YanEr, this Novice Quiet Word wishes to congratulate you for your deserved win.
- This Young Mistress accept your praise."
Chin eye, the perfect arrogant gaze dawn, you completely ignoring JiaLin... You feel the masters completely bought the act.
"Would you be so gracious to give this Disciple pointers on how to improve?
- Such diligence? Alright. Let's discuss quietly."
She majestually leaves; you follow to an empty part of the Beast Tamer's stand. After checking she's both out of sight and attention of her sect, her mask fall away. From the arrogant gifted mistress to your friend.
"Thank you so much! And sorry for last year... I was a bit of a brat, wasn't I?
- In the end, it did come true. You won this time, and I didn't lose to anyone other than you before.
- Oh, you didn't forget? Well, this one doesn't count, obviously.
- I didn't forget. And I won't forget how easily Dhundan handled you. Seriously, it made me look bad!
- Oh? Well of course, you had serious chances to win the tournament... I asked for a lot...
- Don't worry, I'm messing with you.
- Anyway... Next time, next time... I'll be stronger! In the future I'll be so strong you will be the one having to ask for a win!"
her gaze burns with determination.
>Your relationship with LienWen YanEr deepened.
For appropriateness sake, you didn't stayed too much just the two of you - you're still a bit disturbed by the "romantic catch" of Sin Din.
You prevented her to get hurt, and this is romance? How strange. You don't like it very much. Plus, Sin Din and Man Din are indeed dear to you, but closer to what you'd expect among brother and sister, or maybe cousins, of non-sect living people.
The thoughts soonly vanish - after all, you're too young for this considerations. Still, you take some time to praise Sin Din about how well she's done.
"You too! I really thought you had that young mistress early in the match!
- It was a trap. I saw she was readying some kind of counter skill.
- Really? That mean I would had fell for it... Yeah, better lose to you than to another sect's disciple, it's better face."
Of course, a fair share amount of your time is given to Dhundan.
"Congratulation, mister twice-champion. Wait, what's wrong?
- It was too easy.
- What?
- Finals. Too easy. The hardest of my matches was against the Golden Horse boy. And then against that bow-jerk. Finals where third. Too easy.
- I don't think so? LienWen YanEr is strong. She won against me. Maybe you were angered at her staining this senior brother of you honor?
- What senior brother? Nonsense! I'm the one to be called senior brother! I'm strongest! Tournament proves it.
- Tournaments prove you're stronger than LienWen YanEr, and that LienWen YanEr is stronger than me.
- That's what I said! I'm stronger!
- Come on. Fire melt Metal. Metal cut Wood. Wood roots pierce Earth. Earth absorb Water. So do Fire beat Water?
- ...So... You think you're an harder fight for me? I'll need to fight you in final next year!
- We'll see about that?"
This time, you felt like you had roughly one chance out of three to win the confrontation. Way better odds than the maybe one out of ten of last year.


You didn't went back to Beast Tamer's compound tonight. You walk South instead of West, toward the Temple of Sun's Adorator sect.
"Alright, boy. We have still a couple of hours of Sun left before hiding in the False Sun's embrace before the return of salvation."
The compound you've been brought in is made of big sand courts with low walls, with little shadows barring the sun dial sitting in the middle said courtyard.
"With what talent you displayed, and you coming from the Beast Tamers, here are the Meteor Hammer skill we can teach you."

The style that seems more suited for you is...

>Ethereal Heliocentric Meteor-hammer - The weapon strike is empowered by one's Astral Self
>Sunbright Silver Comet - Embuing silver material-energy in the weapon, delivers fast strikes akin to comets reflecting the sun's brightness
>Meteor Hammer Style : Silk Tiger Sun-Seer - A beast-styled martial art said to gives insight on your opponent's next moves.

You'll spend two weeks among the Sun Adorator. In that time, you will... [chose 2]
>Make friend with kids your age!
>Ask insights about the Sun!
>Search for spiritual beasts!
>Search for spiritual plants!
>Write-in! [especially encouraged]
>Ethereal Heliocentric Meteor-hammer

>Make friend with kids your age!
>Write-in! [especially encouraged]
try read book to friends, teach them what we know as practice
>Ethereal heliocentric meteor-hammer
Best for us. And only 3 words to boot.

>Make friends with kids our age.
>Ask for insights about the sun
I'll think of some decent write ins when my brain isn't fried.
>Meteor Hammer Style : Silk Tiger Sun-Seer - A beast-styled martial art said to gives insight on your opponent's next moves.

Mmmm insight

>Make friend with kids your age!
>Search for spiritual plants!

I don't think we're gonna focus on the sun, but I bet sun cultivators grow some great plants
Actually I'll back this write in, I want that reading ability already
>Ethereal Heliocentric Meteor-hammer - The weapon strike is empowered by one's Astral Self

>Ask for insights about the sun
>Write-in! [especially encouraged]
try read book to friends, teach them what we know as practice

We got to boost our reading,
Found somw decent ones.
We can search for magic beasts related to space, if we are lucky we can get a snake.

Ask for insights into space/distance.

Drugs for that effect too.
We dont have a good or strong foundation for any of those styles.
>Meteor Hammer Style: Silk Tiger Sun-Seer
We don't know how good we are at silk, tiger, and I think that we are bad a sun-seer, but I like reading opponents. I don't mind ethereal, but I'm an explorer.

I don't think that the teach our friends to read write in is good since we're living at the foreign sect right now rather than the home sect.
>Ask for insights about the Sun. (It should help our move, whatever we get)
>Seek spiritual lodestones. We don't get access to this location often, might as well grab what we can while we are here.
Thats a better call.

>Change from insights to spirit lodestones.
>Meteor Hammer Style : Silk Tiger Sun-Seer - A beast-styled martial art said to gives insight on your opponent's next moves.
>Search for spiritual plants!
>Ask other students about eyeskills
>Tally status
Vote remains open for now, won't close before at least 4 hours
>Meteor Hammer Style : Silk Tiger Sun-Seer - A beast-styled martial art said to gives insight on your opponent's next moves.
>Seek spiritual lodestones. We don't get access to this location often, might as well grab what we can while we are here.
>Ask for insights about the Sun. (It should help our move, whatever we get)
>Meteor Hammer Style : Silk Tiger Sun-Seer - A beast-styled martial art said to gives insight on your opponent's next moves.

>Seek spiritual lodestones. We don't get access to this location often, might as well grab what we can while we are here.

>Search for spiritual plants!
I"ll lock.
Using my QM's faggotpower to tiebreak toward what I find the most interesting/aligned for protag to do.

In the meantime...
>1 roll of 1d100
Rolled 52 (1d100)

whoo mystery roll
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14 KB
The next two weeks are spend by living to the rhythm of the sun.
Cowering with multiple lights on, sleep is difficult - especially with how much other disciples are shivering and moaning in fear and discomfort for the sunless stretch of time.
As dawn rise, so does the other disciples, flood of tear drying. Where in your sect, turn by turn disciples check on the beasts' wellbeing, feeding and watering, making sure no emergency takes hold before calithenics, then breakfast, the Sun Adorators sing in trance with the rising heavenly body.
It usually hurts your head. Such that you haven't noticed before the second guest of the sect, the 11 year-old boy from Stable Lotus that won in his age category, points it out to you with a weird smile.
Most of the sect's member above second realm ditches their robe in that morning ritual, naked under the friez frocks.
That's at the very least surprising : under the robes hide completely smooth, hair-less tanned and muscular bodies.
This discovery makes you uneasy, but (You) had a couple glance at fully formed bodies of the unnatural fitness and charm of cultivators.
You know the implication about a certain process - helping beasts mate, calve and wean tends to do that. Linking this to the circumstance, you were unsettled the most by...
>By the nakedness and process implication. Might be good for beast, but you find it gross.
>By your enticement toward the women's body
>By enticement toward the men's body
>By every attractive person's body.

Then, you are taken apart for personal lessons with the woman that displayed a Meteor Hammer skill last year.
"I'm glad to teach you. Few, among my own sect, have displayed such an exceptional disposition toward the Twin Stars.
My name is Inborn Suntouched Twin Star
She was not one of the naked person you saw - avoiding you much embarassment. Said Mistress possess an impressive array of techniques.
Among them, she gauges you fair and square, before picking one for you.
>Meteor Hammer Style : Silk Tiger Sun-Seer
"The slight variations of the sun are an ancestral tool used for divination.
It is said the first Sun-Seer was an ascended Tiger walking and talking like a man, clad in silk robes in the presence of society.
This style is inspired by this past's story : Your Meteor-Hammer will reflect the sun's celestial mechanic.
Glance rightly at it, and future will shroud its veil.
The most obvious use will be anticipating your opponent's next move mid-battle. This is already not a trivial feat.
But the style can be taken further, and let you meditate on the location of something or someone.
Such possibilities!
Fate is in your favor : the resulting technique seems quite suited for you.
Granted, it takes you most of your waking time to learn the movements and the basis of the weapon's manipulation.
You're even gifted your own training version of the weapon - two weighted wooden balls linked by rope.
Of course, you're also given a fair amount of leeway. You capitalize on the opportunity by walking in the sect's vicinity, looking for things out of the ordinary.
You found such a thing in the form of a Sun lodestone. This was a wildly lucky find, as you were actually looking for spiritual plants.
Moreso that the lodestone is so poorly attracted to you and your energy.

Last, better use the opportunity to learn more about the Sun itself. Inaptitude is not an excuse for complacency about inculture.
"What can I tell you about the sun? Well, it's big. Huge. Bigger than our planet.
- What? No way! he's so small in the sky!
-Because it's unbelievably far away. The wretched Eye of the Night is small - one quarter of our planet's size."
In your mind, bunch of nonsense. The Master told you the earth was round like a ball, the sun and moon apparent identical size are falseties, and their danse around Earth could fail at any point in time, thus their fear of the night.

You were much more interested in the down-to-earth knowledge about cultivation.
The Sun is such a vast concept various scholar disagree what it encompass exactly. Light, Fire, Steel and Gold might come to mind.
But all of those are controversial. The only thing agreed upon by scholar : gravity, the curse weighting on bodies and preventing cultivator to directly rise from Earth into Heavens.
That doesn't make much sense either.
However, there is one more takeaway from Mistress Suntouched Twin Star :
"It is extremely hard to change a technique to include a concept as strong as the Sun.
Also, those intricate concepts take longer to learn.
It is a bit similar for the Meteor-Hammer. You can't just change any weapon skill to fit the Meteor-Hammer.
However, fitting the Hammer first is feasible - working from there to then include the twin*star weapon.

The two weeks are over, and you're frankly relieved from leaving the harsh sun's gaze in the never-cloudy Sun Adorator compound.
You're back to the comfort of your sect. First, you want to report to Ryota - but he's nowhere to be found.
Same can be said of several masters. You piece it together - taking the opportunity of you being away, he left preventing all your nagging to be taken into a dangerous mission.
That's well played, but you remain bitter.
Daily life starts again. Over the next couple week, you...

Choose 3 :

>Ask Bathias about his Innate Eye Ability [Unchosable, Bathias is not back from his Mission]
>Improve your Potential Estimation Contraption with Gold/Sun lodestone [You'll need other cultivator to go under test for calibration]
>Maybe one specific technique of yours should be improved? [Choose in addition to said technique. More chances of breakthrough]
>Attempt to mend things between Ai and Dhundan
>Dan Rol have been wrecked in tournament. Check how he's going.
>Train Squad Tactics!
>Work on your Foundation
>Work on your Unlimited Rising Star Kick
>Work on your Mental Energy with Dhundan
Weapon skills
>Work on your Windy Cavalier's Halberd [Pills available]
>Work on your Spear style : Blood-Shadow Wolf Painful Assault [Pills available]
>Work on your Mounted Archer’s Wind-Gliding Phoenix Arrow [Pills available]
>Work on your Meteor Hammer Style : Silk Tiger Sun-Seer
Spiritual Beasts
>Investigate on the talking Spiritual Beasts[How?]
>Investigate Body Shifting with your Spiritual Animals
>Try reading on your own "The true Story of Gar Ruk, Realm Wanderer"
The sect
>Continue to learn how to read with Ryota [Unchosable, Ryota is away]
>Help the Poor-talented batch of new kids
>Ask Gro Ta how things went in Water Bushes Cove
Strengthening the Jar
>Slack off [this will be bad for your mental health]
>Improve Immortal Cave - Home Expansion
And, as always...
>Write-in allowed!
>Dan Rol have been wrecked in tournament. Check how he's going.
>Investigate Body Shifting with your Spiritual Animals
>Improve Immortal Cave - Home Expansion
>>By your enticement toward the women's body

>Work on your Foundation
>Improve Immortal Cave - Home Expansion
>Work on your Meteor Hammer Style : Silk Tiger Sun-Seer
>By the nakedness and process implication. Might be good for beast, but you find it gross.
uuh we're still like 6 years old?

>The Master told you the earth was round like a ball, the sun and moon apparent identical size are falseties, and their danse around Earth could fail at any point in time, thus their fear of the night.
Huh, a standard solar system rather than the weird ass nonsense cultivator settings normally have

>Dan Rol have been wrecked in tournament. Check how he's going.
>Work on your Meteor Hammer Style : Silk Tiger Sun-Seer
>Try reading on your own "The true Story of Gar Ruk, Realm Wanderer"
>Work on your Foundation

>Investigate Body Shifting with your Spiritual Animals

>Help the Poor-talented batch of new kids
>Body Shifting
Sell Tea: Seek a spiritual item linked to horse. Something to help us bind another hawk spirit when the time comes. If the merchant doesn't have that, then
What made you uncomfortable?
>The unnatural hairlessness.
>Dan rol
>Meteor hammer.

>The nakedness
Hes 6, gonna find it very gross.
It occurs that this might be a decision on Sexuality rather than the present Quiet Words impulse.

In which case, I'd change it to womens. But if not then remain as it is. Because currently, Girls icky.
>By your enticement toward the women's body
>Improve your Potential Estimation Contraption with Gold/Sun lodestone [You'll need other cultivator to go under test for calibration] Dhundan Kepa
>Work on your Windy Cavalier's Halberd No pills
>Try reading on your own "The true Story of Gar Ruk, Realm Wanderer"
NOTHING WILL HAPPEN to the boy as he will remains a boy. But this is construction and development for long term.
>Sell tea
Voluntarily kept out of the vote - Most masters are gone, so you won't be able to do just that right now.
>Tally Status
As often, we're deeply tied.
Second round of 'strategic votes' officially starts.
Locking Foundation, you're allowed to switch your opinion to pick among :
>Dan Rol check
>Meteor Hammer Skill
>Body Shifting
>Home Expansion

New voters can only pick two among said list.

For my sanity's sake, please backlink

My vote here, I shall remain a Hammer and Dan fan.

Because weaponry and skill is one of the things that makes us intrinsically valuable. Learning our weapons and mastering them is of some importance after all.

Dan, meanwhile, is to ensure his mental state isnt danaged. Because we want to keep that safe and fixed, rather than be unable to fix it later.
Also appears to be 3 for women, 1 for nakedness and one guy is disturbed by a lack of hair. Go figure.
>Meteor Hammer Skill
>Home Expansion

Switching from Meteor Hammer to Reading
We are about 2 years off from this (plus writing) becoming something relatively trivial to learn to an absolute pain in the ass. Best to finish up those skills before it becomes an actual challenge. Rest I don't really care much about.

Also backlink
Tally status (& Knuckles)
Too late to write. Either it's untied when I wake up or I'll untie myself.
There are 4 votes for Foundation, Reading, and Cave Expansion. Does that mean the tie is broken?
Okay, Honwst question to everÿbody.

What exactly do you intend to expand about the cave?
To what good does this do us, Rather than the mental health and physical condition of our friend cum vassal, Practicing our new weapon art, or even reading.

Its not even focusing our affinity machine. What goal are you aiming for? What good is served by using our very limited time this way?
Bettering mental health. Setting up a fallback point for if there is violence and it goes poorly.
I suppose it would also serve as a training area for super secret wolf stuff and a storage area for anything super illegal we pick up.

That's my thought. Every young daoist has a point in his life where he finds the sect temple on fire, his girlfriend dead, and his master crippled for life.
Everybody gets all surprised when it doesn't happen a few years in a row.
The bets are currently on it being centered around Dhundan, juuust after he realizes Ai is super hot.
Uh, if shit of that scale goes down I want to get far fucking away, not hide out in our tiny ass cave within spitting distance.
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The Sun Adorators are the ones with the good tracking technique.
All the more reason to run far enough that they won't or can't follow, rather than a cave they will easily track us to? I thought you were arguing in favor of the cave.
I'm just saying don't piss off the Adorators of the Sun. They will find you, and they will be coming with their dicks out.
Maybe making the hideout better hidden could be an upgrade we should consider? Its all really just to boost our mental health and Strengthen the Jar without Slacking Off. If you have a superior Strengthening the Jar idea, I would be very willing to entertain it.
The Dan Rol checkup is my jar strengthener. Hang out with friends and build up social links.
This doesnt help our mental health.
Spending time with ai, Hekping animals and WINNING help our mental health.

See above. But also yeah, >>6019054
Making friendships and not "failing" or stalling are how we stay grounded.
True, they are good for mental health, but do the Strengthen the Jar?
You seem to be right, was tired yesterday.
Locking, will write when I have time;


Appreciating the discussion.
Can you explain how making iur cave bigger strengthens the jar, without just saying "it is under the jar strengthening section".

Id argue that yes, mental health is making us more resillient to the stresses of life. Having a retreat is fine but we dont need it made bigger. There is nothing to store there besides our machine. There is enough space to practice there.
We are just. . I cannot see the value in it yet, and only see the oppertunity cost
It's good to resume working on your raw foundation in the comforting daily life made of beast taming instead of the madness going on at the Sun's Adorator temple. You're also delighted seeing rain and clouds again. Those guys are seriously lunatics.
While practicing the Hawk's Wide Ballet, the tournament comes back to your mind, delving on the "fight" with LienWen YanEr.
You're pretty sure the mix of you being trained in both fight and dance allowed you to pulled of better the choreographed fight in the tournament.
Progress are painfully slow, but this is expected after a Minor Realm Breakthrough.

>Immortal Cave Expansion
You spend a good part of the week working on your so-called "Immortal Cave"
From a small space just big enough for you and your four beast, you keep digging the hill in several rooms, the biggest letting you practice your Body Tempering dance Technique and your spear style - but unfit for Archery or Mounted fighting practice, of course.
You have ample private space, to retract when you need time for yourself.
All in all, despite the desastrous luck at the Stable Lotus secret realm, you multiplied favorable encounters.
You have an ample collection of skill highly suited to you. You have deep and meaningful connections with friends, from in and out the sect.
You feel life is lived on your own terms, and manage to hold up with the two genius that are Ai and Dhundan.
You feel your mental health significantly got better. The specter of collapsing due to pressure have receded. Not disappeared, but still far away.
Your tolerance for failure increased. But so did your taste for risk and wants for greatness.
First, you feel your Body Tempering technique is too limited. Too weak. With what you're pulling of, you need something giving you more with each practice.
Second, you reassess priorities. Making the right choices, you should break through second realm before your 8th Birthday.
This matters as this is a prerequisite shared by genius, capitalizing on the True Qi granted at birth, preventing all cultivation practice bottlenecks - already more than half depleted. You will also need to fuse your beasts before breaking through.
You have Hawk and Gold related materials for your Hawk Spirit Fusion. Growth could be easily provided - any cup of tea brewed from your Treasured Teapot will do. Remains finding a suitable spirit for fusion, as well as at least fire-aligned material. A Gold Fire Hawk spirit? Intuitively, you think this would work but would be an opportunity loss.
The spirit have to share properties with your current spirit, but having an exact subset is not it.
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>Attempt reading "The true Story of Gar Ruk, Realm Wanderer"
You do your best to piece together the words you know, deduce the meaning of those you don't.
You're really engrossed in the story, despite struggling to decipher it and missing a fair share of words.
Son of a woodcutter, which parents died tragically after a madden spiritual wolf attacked.
The teenage grew in harmony with the woodlands, including plants and beasts, creating his own techniques.
Gar Ruk is now a young adult. Tall, strong, wielding is late fire double-edged axe, tracking the madden spiritual wolf which came back.
The Madden Wolf is tracked, found, fought. Feeling the danger, the losing wolf is strangely fading away - but Gar Ruk manage to follow suit.
This is the awakening of Gar Ruk's innate Planeswalking ability - not that he realized.
Gar Ruk hunts and kill the wolf, making a coat with the beast's fur. The world he's in is corrupted by men's madness - the reason of the wolf's anger.
Men attack the earth, dig with metal construct deep in the leylines, burning forests, poisoning earth, air and water.
Gar Ruk is deeply out of place. His cultivation staggers as the source necessary for his recovery is gone. He revolts. Fails to change things.
He breaks. Gives up. Turns into some kind of outcast, but you don't quite grasp how and why.
Until he reaches lowest of low, fells asleep in the ditches of a huge city, wake up in another. Next city is more realistic in your eyes, in a world where nature is wild and the land itself animates into spirits - land-spirits? That's a new one.

There are some insights to be taken from those story. The ability of Gar Ruk to simply find himself in another realm seems stronger than your Astral visit of beast plans. More problematic, too - having your body staying behind is good for anchoring yourself back.
You also remember the Snake mistress' ritual used to bring a few students with her in the mythical realm.
This book seemed to describe things in a way resonating with you - bringing new perspective to your own technique.
You'll need to work on it, sure. But with a bit of effort, you might easily improve your Meditation into the Way of the Wandering Spiritual Beast Whisperer
It's been one year and seven month since you joined the Eastern Province branch of Tamers of Hundred Beasts.
Ryota is expected to come back in the week.

Teapot :
>Sell the Once-per-realm special infusion (cost 1 action, write-in what you want)
>Drink by yourself
>Share with one person (free in sect, one action for Ping Jun or LienWen)

>Ask Bathias about his Innate Eye Ability [Unchosable, Bathias is not back from his Mission]
>Improve your Potential Estimation Contraption with Gold/Sun lodestone [You'll need other cultivator to go under test for calibration]
>Maybe one specific technique of yours should be improved? [Choose in addition to said technique. More chances of breakthrough]
>Use your Gar Ruk storybook to improve your Meditation Technique [Works best by also picking Foundation]
>Attempt to improve things between Ai and Dhundan
>Dan Rol have been wrecked in tournament. Check how he's going.
>Man Din is struggling. Help her catch up!
>Sin Din is thriving. Can she become a fourth genius?
>Train Squad Tactics!
>Work on your Foundation
>Work on your Unlimited Rising Star Kick
>Work on your Mental Energy with Dhundan
Weapon skills
>Work on your Windy Cavalier's Halberd [Pills available]
>Work on your Spear style : Blood-Shadow Wolf Painful Assault [Pills available]
>Work on your Mounted Archer’s Wind-Gliding Phoenix Arrow [Pills available]
>Work on your Meteor Hammer Style : Silk Tiger Sun-Seer
Spiritual Beasts
>Investigate on the talking Spiritual Beasts[How?]
>Investigate Body Shifting with your Spiritual Animals
The sect
>Deepens your learning ability with Ryota
>Ask Gro Ta how things went in Water Bushes Cove
Strengthening the Jar
>Slack off
And, as always...
>Write-in allowed!
>Drink by yourself

>Use your Gar Ruk storybook to improve your Meditation Technique [Works best by also picking Foundation]

>Work on your Foundation

>Maybe one specific technique of yours should be improved? [Body Tempering Technique]

It's time for some self-improvement after the reflection.
>Sell One teacup for materials relating to Heat/Metal/Change?

I want to sell one tea cup for materials. Ask Ryota for a hawk of suitable nature to consume.

But since he won't be back till next turn.

>Gar ruk storybook to improve mediatation
>Work foundation
>Improve Body tempering technique.

Right guys. Question. What's to be done about our lagging friends?
I've also got a cunning plan.

Next turn, when ryota is back properly, We take HIM to calibrate the machine properly, and use that time to gift it to the sect in theory and principle, then ask for the Hawk spirit in return. And any more we can spin from him, but such is life.

While we have Ryota there, we can maybe slip in some other questions, that are short and simple, like "any suggestions on improving body tempering"? or "HEY, What's the deal been with the golden plains place?"
Clarification :
Ryota will be back reasonably early enough for allowing 1 or 2 Ryota-options this turn (like discussing, reading, going to town...)
Well with that in mind, scrap my earlier notice here >>6019487


>Align our potential contraption [With Ryota]
>Work on foundation

>Write in: While we have Ryota with us here, ask for advice on Improving our body tempering technic and for the Sect to provide a Hawk spirit of [heat/metal/change]

I am OPEN to other people helping out here on good elements to aquire.

>Sell one of the cups for materials relating to our new hawk friend.
>Drink by yourself

>Use your Gar Ruk storybook to improve your Meditation Technique [Works best by also picking Foundation]

>Work on your Foundation

>Investigate on the talking Spiritual Beasts[How?]
Try and commune with Gold Fire Hawk with meditation and see if we can contact the hawk realm.
Hey guys.

Ryota is back soon.
But we still can't talk to Bathias. Should we be worried.
>Drink by yourself
>Dan Rol have been wrecked in tournament. Check how he's going.
>Man Din is struggling. Help her catch up!
>Work on your Spear style : Blood-Shadow Wolf Painful Assault [Pills available]
Guys, >>6019671

Teapot drinking gives us +!0 to training growth aspected techniques.
We have 1 growth aspected technique.

We can do better than drinking it, by selling it.
Correction :
Even mundane drink made from teapot enhance your growth aspected technique, to reward an excellent past write in. The difference between "empowered" and "mundane" to your technique is yet to be found.
Ok, I'll swap to selling, but keep the money
Why not get useful, immediately to be used resources? Especially if rare.
wait for opportunity, save up to get an actual hawk spirit
We can ask the sect for that, Which is my plan with Ryota this turn.

And our sect had the monopoly. Anything they get, we let go.
>Align our potential contraption [With Ryota]
>Work on foundation

>Write in: While we have Ryota with us here, ask for advice on Improving our body tempering technic and for the Sect to provide a Hawk spirit of [gold/giant/change]
A giant hawk could fly us around in style.

I am OPEN to other people helping out here on good elements to aquire.

>Sell one of the cups for materials relating to our new hawk friend.
This is the way.
>Gar Ruk Meditation
>sell the tea for fire materials. We know that will boost the bird fusion. We'll probably have to rely on luck for the bits we don't know.
>improve body tempering by incorporating multiple spirits in the training at once. Flying horse. Fanged wolf. Steel Hawk.

A magic of the teapot is that it doubles the tea. It makes sense to share or sell with someone. I believe that we normally get the benefit of the drink when we sell as well, but I'm willing to double sell here since we aren't training growth at the moment and don't know what we'd be getting. We do want to use the tea before breakthrough though, which could be imminent.
Three things friend.

Selling is an action, you had 4.
Next, we have the materials for the hawk we already have, namely fire, gold and growth with the teapot infusion. What we need are materials for are those aspected to the hawk spirit we are gonna consume. Which we need to know to prepare for.

Lastly, can you elaborate on body tempering?
Oh and another.

We arent going to break through soon. We are just broken through and ear apature requires a lot of energy
For clarification, these are both me. Didn't want my belated comment to look like an additional vote.
Fair enough. No sell then I guess.
>Sell the Once-per-realm special infusion (Fire-related material)
>Use your Gar Ruk storybook to improve your Meditation Technique [Works best by also picking Foundation]
>Work on your Foundation
>Tally status

I'll EXCEPTIONNALLY allow 4 actions this turn.
Mainly because I feel some of the actions are "compressible", thus realistically letting you do all of that over the next week.
I'll also ask you guys to roll for good stuff
>3 anon roll 1d100
Rolled 31 (1d100)

Time to fuck everything up
Rolled 50 (1d100)

Rolled 68 (1d100)

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This week, you keep your diligent practice of your foundation, while studying extensively the storybook.
You have mixed result. On one hand, you make no progress on improving your Meditation Technique of the Way of the Spiritual Beast Whisperer.
On the other hand, the sheer amount of time dedicated to the practice of your Body Tempering Technique paid of twice.
First, in term of accumulated Qi in your Ear Aperture - although it's still less than one tenth filled.
Second, you're finally confident enough to improve the Hawk's Wide Ballet
>Body Tempering : Breakthrough!
You can add or replace one keyword in Hawk's Wide Ballet
Limitations : you can't add keywords of weapons or mythical keywords.
Of course I'll clearly tell you about the feasibility of said keyword. You can also express the idea of what you want and I'll try my best to word it in the system.
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This reveal was even done by yourself, quite early in the week. Which, turns out, is quite lucky.
Ryota is back from Mistrock lake village, with the masters taken in his tow. They seem physically fine - except the Turtle Mistress presenting a still bleeding wound. However, their face are blackened in grim - as they managed to bring back the squad that went on a mission at the same time you left for Golden Skystone Village - missing Bathias.
It seems deeply unreal to you. Those boys and girls, senior brothers and sisters, were familiar figures which you crossed path everyday.
Granted, you don't know their names. They never teached you along one of the master, their Animals Affinities wildly differents from yours.
But it seems unreal. How could five third-rank cultivator get utterly crush in a remote location like that? They seem only sleeping. You know they won't wake up, for their body are sickingly pale - you overhear something about a cultivator's body strong enough to fight off the rot even after death.
You're deeply shaken. You've seen them fight - and win the Beast Tamer's gathering crown for their age group.
They were a well trained, complementary, effective squad. And they're gone.
To your greater shame, you feel more anxious than sadden. Bathias was not among the taken-back corpses.
Once the funeral was over and the bodies where taken away of the sect, you went to see Ryota.
"Master... Any hope for Bathias?
- I sincerely don't know."
Both of you remains silent. Your mind spins. You don't know much about the whole affair, but the only possibilities are him slain by the sect's ennemies at a further location, or him taken captive.
"It might not be the best of time... But I have something to sell to Marketer Golden Eye, Silver Tongue.
The market doesn't have anything interesting me... Can I grant you the reward for the deal against a spirit from the sect's treasure?
I also might need a little bit more - a third string of spare coins from the deal should be enough...
- Well, with what Marketer Golden Eye, Silver Tongue told me, this can certainly be beneficial for all parties involved.
But tell me : you have already an Hawk spirit. Why do you want a second one?
>To gift someone [lie]
>For yourself to experiment [half-truth]
>You think you figured out the secret of Spirit Fusion [full-truth]

Whatever your answer is, the sect have several Hawk spirit suited for your... experiment.
You decided to pick...
>Shrewd Fire Hawk Spirit
>Golden Halberd Hawk Spirit
>Flame Saber Hawk Spirit
>Hawks Wide Earthly Ballet.

If I understand correctly, if we add another word, the technique is stronger but harder to cultivate.
So this is my rec.

>Its for an experiment, with possible massive gains.

Once it works, I am fine to reveal it to him.

>Golden Halberd
Bit disappointing but eh. Halberd should give us an easy access to a halberd for our mounted style.
Since it isnt in favour right now, less useful but still cool. And Halberd materials should be easily found
Also, holy shit.

Less than 10% filled with dilligent efforts.

We need drugs, or for this hawk to double up in power from the affinity gain.
And our technique to increase. Holy shit. Time is crunching on us, so fast.
Little precision : with your experience with cultivation and aperture, you know the filling-aperture speed is non-linear (meaning a late nose-aperture cultivator can fill in one day as much as he was in 2 weeks while just opening said aperture)
> Hawk's Wide Fiery Ballet
>For yourself to experiment [half-truth]
>Flame Saber Hawk Spirit
>You think you figured out the secret of Spirit Fusion [full-truth]

>Golden Halberd Hawk Spirit
>You think you figured out the secret of Spirit Fusion [full-truth]
>Shrewd Fire Hawk Spirit
I also think that we should try and score some more out of Ryota for the secret.

War is politics after all.
No full truth. Not yet.

>Be me
>Read replies
>Sees one option is not voted for first one
>The second voter didn't picked either
>Turns out I'm a massive faggot which forgot a part of the update

So here is what was missing :

One question remains about the tea.
>Sell one cup, consume the second - search for special properties by your own
>Sell one cup, give the second to Ryota - you haven't found any properties of this special tea yet, maybe Ryota will?
>Sell two cups [Ryota will owe you an undisclosed yet amount of money]

To attone for my blatant faggotery, here's a freebie : The way you're answering Ryota will have repercussions greater than any of you imagine. I won't let you weasel out of the choice easily, even if you change your mind in the future. You KNOW your method works.
Fuck you Qm, I know. But for the threat, the threat that we are undermining the foundations of the sect we are apart of, and the benefit it can bring Ryota, I still want a garentee of support.

>Change my reply to "If I tell you, Do I have your support?"
This is super dangerious territory.

>Give the other cup to Ryota.
>Sell one cup, give the second to Ryota - you haven't found any properties of this special tea yet, maybe Ryota will?
I voted >>6020531 on mobile
I am changing my vote's part from that, to backing >>6020554

so my vote is
>Hawks Wide Earthly Ballet.
>"If I tell you, Do I have your support?"
>Golden Halberd
>Sell one cup, give the second to Ryota - you haven't found any properties of this special tea yet, maybe Ryota will?
> Adding the word "Spear" to your technique (that I will probably rename something like "Hawk Lancer Wide Ballet" will make cultivation a bit harder (number of word impact your chances of result behind the QM's screen) but will train you in the art of the Spear, improving your raw fighting ability while you work on your body tempering.
I am just bad at cultivation stuff then. I simply wandered into this thread thinking it looked cool and because I was bored at the time so I'm getting caught up

So I might as well change the first vote part to
>"Hawk Lancer Wide Ballet"
Because irregardless of elements, our main character is a spear lad at his best
We already have a spear technic, you would be better served by picking another weapon like a saber, to train with.

Doubling up on technique training isnt a productive use of our time.
Though I will explain that my proposal for earth was to play to our affinity strengths to draw more energy from the techniques to speed our filling rate.

I openly invite anyone else to correct me on this logic or lack thereof.
Then I want somebody else to tiebreak it and not go with Lancer, because I changed vote enough and I don't want to be wishy-washy further on this one. I'm still keeping my other 3 votes as they are.

>Full truth
>Hawks Wide Fiery Ballet
>Shrewd Fire Hawk Spirit
Actually. There is a thought.

We have a lot of affinity for weapons. If our path wasnt of the stratergist, we could have become a weapons master.

Present round up is
1 for lancer, yours.
2 for earthly ballet.
And 1 for firery Ballet.

Presently its earth thats gonna win.
If you would like to shift Lancer to Saber [A weapon we have middling/so so affinity for, but no technic for] then I'd support it.
Or you can remain as you are, which fair enough, easier to count the vote. I win either way.
Gah, Curse you last second posts before I post!

Now equal on firey hawk balletwith earthy ballet
>Spirit Fusion [full-truth]
>Shrewd Fire Hawk Spirit. What is more important than intelligence?
>Adding 'Earth' is good.

I probably would have gone with 'Silk' myself, since it's an elegant dance move that synergizes with Hammer, but I also like the Earth proposal. How do you see the Earth Hawk Ballet? Heavy jumping and landings with outspread arms?

>Give a cup to Ryota. He seems cool and not at all a secret evil master. Plus, I'm voting for sharing knowledge and he seems like he'll reciprocate. He already knows about our magic teapot.
Silk might have worked, but again, got no clear view of how high our affinity for it is, vs our defined very good earth connection.

As for the actual motions, I think that while our current ballet is very light and gentle dance like, the addition of earth is going to make it more dynamic? Like the dancing you see in Polkahontis with the red skins.

Stomps instead of taps, leaping instead of hops and swings rather than lashes of the arms. Make everything have a bit more force, Give it extra weight.

Ryota, from all we have seen, doesnt seem. . Well, evil.
Canny and cunning, but thats a good thing when he is your ally.
I think we're already spreading ourself too think weapon-wise. Maybe an unarmed technique would be good, just as a last resort/holdout in case disarmed.
>>Sell one cup, give the second to Ryota - you haven't found any properties of this special tea yet, maybe Ryota will?

Its not a bribe its a gift. Maybe Ryota is the only one who can stop whats coming but only if he gets a powerup?
>Sell one cup, give the second to Ryota - you haven't found any properties of this special tea yet, maybe Ryota will?
>You think you figured out the secret of Spirit Fusion [full-truth]
>Shrewd Fire Hawk Spirit
>Hawk's Wide Fiery Ballet
>Sell one cup, give the second to Ryota - you haven't found any properties of this special tea yet, maybe Ryota will?
Glad to meet you anon. Hope playing is as cool as it looked.
Added one limitation for that vote : you can't add keywords of weapons or mythical.
Meaning this is incorrect. This is a balancing act of mine because Body Tempering is one basis of cultivation and is unfit with martial fighting as a training technique. It helps building the foundation for further fighting, but this would compress too many functions. Thus the ban of weapons in body cultivation.
For complete disclosure, your stacked bonus on such a simple 3 words technique turned it in constant auto-success (thus a bit of a waste, you're good to had a 4 or even a 5th word on this one)

>Tally status

Loving the engagement.
I think for next turn we should continue with foundation, which we should always really be doing.

But next I honestly suggest checking on Dan Rol.
Man din is a forever problem child, not making good use of the resources she is given. At some point you just have to let them fail.

So lets change tact and see if Dan is also a failed investment.

Got an awful lot of shit to do, but I think we are at the limits of what time allows with three actions. Unless we can condense each action down to a week, with with ULTRA BURNOUT
Thanks. Still on thread 1. I love the occasional lewd innuendo going completely over this 5 year old's head, and he just reacts so innocently as you'd expect. I like how one of the first things established about the main character is he loved shrimp from the moment he had some the first time in his life, and he has a child's curiosity and fascination with the ocean, but his Water affinity SUCKS. Dhundan is an edgy bro, and I look forward to when they get older and our boy fondly reminisces about the time he had his animals shit on his best friend the first time they met.

The 'earth' vote here is a vote for Hawks Wide Earthly Ballet. I believe that ties earth ballet and fire ballet at 3.
Nice catch.
Have wrote at least half, at most two third of the update already; won't finish tonight anyway. Wrote up with Fire as a winner, but can redo that section.
Im.happy with whichever option keeps us at autosuccess levels honestly.

Can just add the other word on the next breakthrough.
Though what do you guys think fits the dance word? Choreograph? Improve our understanding of patterns perhaps. Work well with sun seer.
"But tell me : you have already an Hawk spirit. Why do you want a second one?"
You feel the world slowing down while your mind's cogs grind at twice the speed.
You feel the danger of what you're about to said - danger laced with opportunities.
You're about to word out a threat - menacing to undermine the whole structure of your sect, flip it down.
Masters of the Trainers of Hundred Beasts do so for an opportunity to rise as a Trainer of Thousand Beast, and learn the secrets to further cultivation after third stage.
Actually, the threatened one would be the Thousand Beasts structure, not the Hundred one.
And despite the favorable impression of the storytelling Fairy Wise Crane and your previous Hawk Master, you felt quite threatened by a few of your mother sect's master - the long white-bearded elder that ran the spirit evaluation, the Wolf cultivator that taught you the blood shadow wolf technique...
"If I tell you, do I have your support?"
Your mastery over social situation let you hold control over your voice, not trembling the slightest despite the terror holding you.
Focus. Calm down. You deeply trust Ryota - from the first day. Ryota deeply trusts you - entrusting you the mission at Golden Skystone village and third realm talismans. Breath in. Breath out.
"I pierced the secret of the Spirit Fusion."
The silence between the two of you is heavy. You feel like the position inverted - you're the one waiting in heavy tension; Ryota is pondering deeply.
"Alright. For now, don't tell anyone. I'm not even sure I want to know the process.
We'll see how we'll deal with that and how we can leverage it for your best interest...
Your best interest. Not the sect in its globality, not the branch's interact, not even Ryota's.
You feel like you gave a push to a pebble at the top of a mountain. Pebble setting in motion rock, then turning into a whole landslide.
A small event, triggering a chain of reaction with tremendous consequences in the future.
Not a word is spoken while going to the treasury.
In front of the sect's coffer, the answer to "which spirit pick" question is far from trivial.
On one hand, the Golden Halberd Hawk Spirit would fit well your Mounted Fighting style.
On the other hand, what is more important than intelligence?
Three pillars create a cultivator : Body, Soul and Mind. Every cultivators work their body tempering and their soul cultivation; most neglect sharpening their intellect.
You are on a path preventing this mistake. Chosing a spirit improving slyness is one more step on the way.
Wait. Picking the bead yourself might be courting death already - you feel the Hawk Spirit in your soul already rousing, ready to fight the unbouded ones.
"Master, I'll chose this one. But for safeness sake... can you hold it for me before I conduct the fusion ritual?"
That makes Ryota laugh, defusing slightly the tension. Both of you gets back at his office, writing to Marketer Golden Eye, Silver Tongue before going back to your chore and diligent cultivation.

The next day, you're in the market.
"Welcome honored guest. You're lucky : I found a client ready to buy at such a short notice your... unique product.
Now, if you'll follow me...

- My Master is coming with me.
- Of course, of course."
You're brought once again in the closed room with paper doors, which close on the three of you.
On a table, a pot of hot water is waiting with tea leaves and two cups.
"Alright master... Here's what I'm selling."
You unfurl the rags layered around the teapot, its shine soonly filling the room.
You brew the tea, almost in trance. You wait for the perfect moment, and pour two cups. The Marketer takes one of the cup, smiles, have a short bow and takes his leave.
You and Ryota stare at the steaming hot cup. Your nose skill let you know the drink is overcharged in Growth energy.
Your teapot have dimmed in return.
"I see. Where does the Teapot comes from?
- I was lucky enough to fall into Growth realm.
- Really? What does this empowered tea do?
- I have completely no idea. But this cup is for you."
Ryota smiles, takes the cup, drink it down.
Around fifteen minutes later, the Marketer is back with your money.
"I'm devastated to anounce you this special drink didn't met our client's expectation. Thus, I'll rescind my offer to buy more in the future."
That seems like a bad news. Is the teapot enchanted to make tea look important?
Anyway, you hand most of the money to Ryota to settle your Hawk-spirit debt, and go for a stroll in the market.
Following your nose, you pick up Fox-dragonfly wings - an insect apparently known for its cunning - and a Tulip with petals made of fire.
It's time to go back to the sect - you have much to do, although the loss of opportunity bother you. Ryota notice, as he engage the conversation while you stare at the pebbles on the road.
"Looks like Marketer Golden Eye hates money.
- What?
- I think he completely misjudged the worth of his drink.
- But... It was for a client...
- No. He took it for himself. And failed to percieve the hidden worth.
- What hidden worth?
- I'll tell you another time. After all, are you certain we are not heard right now?"
You spin your head left and right. The road seems empty; what is your Master meaning?

In your expanded Immortal Cave, you sit in your drawn formation. You prepared the golden hawk feather, the cup of tea, the fox-dragonfly wing and the fire tulip. Beads of sweat wet your forehead, as you've been pulling back your roused and startle Hawk spirit while you transported the beaded Shrewd Fire Hawk spirit.
Everything seems ready. You release your bounded Spirit as the Shrewd Fire Hawk agitates in the cracking bead. You won't salvage that one.
Your Hawk circle the outsider. Flames rise, gold shine. The cunning spirit soonly realize it's trap, and lashes out in desperation.
A talon cut in your bounded spirit flank, which retaliate by pecking the neck of its foe. You feel the fire rising, the two sources melting in each other.
The resulting fire turns golden. The angry ball of feathers, beaks and claws turn too bright to see. Where two hawks standed, one remained.
Bounded to your soul, you feel the familiar growth, fire and gold among your link. But a new smugness shines in the eye of the Hawk.
The fusion is a success. Spirit to be fused seems to have to share elements with the already bounded spirit, and materials have to provided.
But what you didn't anticipated after the Primordial Wolf fusion is the exhaustion felt after the whole matter.
It's exhausted, but happy that you report to Ryota, showing him behind closed wall the proof of your success.
>Then resume your foundation training
Including "Fire" expression in your dance is an evidence - your main inspiritation is your Ascending GoldeIt's really a good thing you already broke through...n Flame Hawk Spirit after all.
For now, the movement have slightly changed. Your dance is slightly more erratic, including now a few flickers and sharp turns.
As all cultivations techniques, there is an internal pendant to the technique at least as important as the external form.
The External moves can be copied, the Internal have to be understood. Of course, pointers and words describing meridians help, but nobody ever showed you how to circle your energy inside. Including "Fire" as one of the technique's tenents have invisible repercussions.
Inside, your Qi and Blood pattern adapt and change. Nothing discernable for now. But you can't wait to experiment this technique with True Qi.

This was a good week, filled with a fair amount of progress. What should you do next? Work on your movement? Or your weapons skill maybe? Wait, keeping up foundation is where it's at, right? And you still haven't even glanced at the Phoenix Arrow technique...
"Come with me. We're going away."
Wait, what? Unexpected trip? Your suspicion flares up. You calm when you realize you'll travel with Ryota, the Snake Mistress and Dan Rol.
"So, we're getting back at Golden Skystone Village?
- yes we are."
This time, you'll get there using a flying cart, with Ryota's Flying Golden Boar harnessed.
Like last time, it's illusory to hope cultivating while travelling. But you have more than ample time for discussion.
>Write-in : what ask/discuss with Ryota?
>Write-in : what ask/discuss Maya Tao, the braided lithe snake mistress?
>Write-in : what ask/discuss with Dan Rol?
>Ask every single of one them why we felt “funny” seeing naked women.

Will be really really funny to see them awkwardly explain this to us.
While funny, we are disturbed by it.

>Ryota: "Are we anticipating an attack? What else is expected of me? Any operative instructions?"

>Maya: "Hello again snake mistress! How is Senior Kyo kyo, [Option to be embarrassed or confident at using the pet name], did you get that snake you were hunting? I've discovered I have a good affinity for poison, do you have any advice?"

>Dan rol "How have you found the outside world? Did you learn anything? How did you find the competition?"
Shame we only spent one month with him. Tenous relationship rather than a strong one.
Cest la vie.
>Has to share an element.

Interesting. So the primordial wolfs benefit is that it can eat ANY "wolf".
Our other animals, Like the snake, can eat any "Snake" + "Space/Spear" + "Free space" but not "Snake" + "unrelated to either spear or space" + "free space"?

Did I get that right?
You're utterly and completely right. You don't know, however, how much elements you have to share to eat - relevent for rarer, higher-levelled spiritual beast : can you eat a lotus strong-legged cosmic snake?
Still reading thread 2 and the thought occured to me that, if the Tamers/Trainers of Hundred/Thousand/Million Beasts sect overall has spiritual beasts at their core, and it's basically ancient chinese Pokemon... then is there a secretive demonic or heretic sect out there that fuses or sacrifices spiritual beasts to power up others or create new ones of their own, which makes them ancient chinese Shin Megami Tensei?
>the primordial wolfs benefit is that it can eat ANY "wolf".
It counts as infinite free spaces itself but only requires "wolf" on the target to be eaten. Very interesting. No wonder with prime potential like that fitting of the title of Primordial, would so many people murder our 6 year old to steal it from him if they knew. That wise loresage lady was correct about that
>the greatest of the spirits, the world itself. This is what the legend call the Primordial Spirit - a spirit made of all the spirits, pulling in its grasp cultivators with an affinity.
Well my working theory, and guideline, is thus.

rank 1 spirit beasts, like we have, all seem to possess 3 words. [ANIMAL] [TWO] [THREE].
Exception we have is Golden Flame Hawk [secret growth aspect], which is four words and Nimble Spiritual Guardian Snake. Which in hindsight we probably should have gone for, with 4 words so probably second realm.
Anyway, these seem like they are a higher quality, but still at the first realm.

Working theory is that you need 2 minimum matching words, and every realm above, an additional matching element. So it's compatable.
I think that if a 2nd tier beast, Like NIMBLE SPIRITUAL GUARDIAN SNAKE tried to eat a 1st tier beast, like say WIND SHIELD SNAKE, it probably could. It would get less out of it, but it *would* absorb the related word guardian is related to shield.

that's my theory.
Oh and by the way.

If we can get another animal with the "warrior/martial proficiency" word. . . that'd be fucking great. The horse is already doing us so much good.
Backing >>6021889
but please not >>6021846
+1 to these sentiments
Ask Ryota for tips on how to circle your energy inside
Another question for snake mistress and ryota can be "Do you have any eye skills or nose skills suitable for me?"

And maybe ask Dan to keep Kyo kyos nature secret. She likes being secret.
Just to be clear : this is a free lore/discussion vote.
Will include everything discussed - barring >>6021846 because a bit out of character and more vote against than for
So yeah, go wild. Talk about everything with everybody. Wildest questions and theory.
Well if you insist. Apply these to whoever it makes sense to ask.

>Hey so, what advice do you have for mouth apature cultivation? What's the breakthrough for second major realm like, what's the most aspects a spiritual beast you have ever seen, Do you have many friends in the sect of a Thousand beast tamers? How long do you have to be a teacher before you get elevated, every 10 years? How long HAVE you been the sect master/snake master? What was the previous Snake master/Boar master/Sect master like? Are they still alive? What do you know about Symphony of Gilded waters sect? Who was responsible for the grove and other village attack? is this an alliance against us or one sects schemeing?
It's pretty funny and in-character for a little boy to be told he can ask anything, and he just spouts lots of questions exactly like how you'd expect a kid his age to do
>How do the elements and beasts interact with each other? Do some elements defeat other elements? Do some empower other elements? Is there a rock-paper-scissors effect among beast spirits? Do some beast types have natural affinity or aversion to some elements? Can beast spirits feed on plant spirits? Why is the sky blue? How do you figure out which shapes and forms channel which elements and techniques?
>Oh, and can beast spirits talk with us? How to hold a conversation with them?
>Can you tell me more about beast shifting? Is it hard and whatis the purpose?

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