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You're Mazela a proud transgender witch. Sadly you're forced to work as an unlicensed hedge witch because the principal of wogharts and notorious transphobe Jeker Owlings denied your application making the hurtful claim only ciswomen can be witches. You'll prove her wrong by being the best witch ever!
Your current goal is to
>acquire more psychic powers
>help as many people as you can
>defeat a terrible monster
>get a boyfriend
>get rich
>defeat a terrible monster
Better grammar would sell the bait mrke effectively.
sorry I'm chinese
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>New quest: defeat a terrible monster
A strange fairy creature called the Gondola has been seen in the nearby woods. The peasant folk are scared they want you to defeat this terrible monster driving it away.
You use the
>killing curse (avada kadavra)
>torture curse (crucio)
>mind control curse (imperio)
>mind control curse (imperio)
>mind control curse (imperio)
Rolled 5 (1d20)

>Combat: the Gondola
You find the Gondola deep in the woods. It's a brown furry monster with no arms only a head and two long legs. "Imperio!!" you use the mind control curse on the Gondola.
>rolling d20 for the enemy's mental defense
>roll d20 to beat the enemy's number
>bragging about chasing away the Gondola Quest QM
Dude, fuck off.
Rolled 12 (1d20)


That quest lasted 11 days and had less than 11 updates. It's almost as lame as this one.
So the mazela fag & the tranny fag are the same person, surprise, surprise. Join the 40+% already & kill yourself. Or just run your dogshit qst ideas on fiction . live or some other AIDS-riddled board. DOTR can't come soon enough.
The weak should fear the strong
How rude
>So the mazela fag & the tranny fag are the same person, surprise, surprise.
It hit me as soon as he began posting about Gondola in this thread.

Not as lame as pretending to be other users to keep your thread on page 1.
>Roll: Success
The Gondola's mental defenses aren't strong enough to resist your psychic powers. "Go away and never return!!" you chase away the Gondola saving the peasant folk from its evil.
>Good deed +1
After chasing away the Gondola you return to your witch's hut contemplating your next quest. You
>practice new spells
>write a letter to your friends
>visit the nearest village
>acquire a familiar
>write a letter to your friends
We did it! We defeated a great evil! Can we go back to school yet? Are we a woman?
You write a letter to your friend Jane. She's a ciswoman witch so she was allowed into the Wogharts while you were turned away for being transgender. In your letter you
>gush about chasing away the evil monster
>ask how she's doing in school
>express sadness for not being there with her
>curse the transphobe headmistress for denying you
>gush about chasing away the evil monster and speculate if this is enough to get you into school
Please don't spam its very rude
In your letter you gush about chasing away the evil monster saving the peasant folk and speculate if this is enough to get you into school. A month later a letter arrives from Wogharts but its not from Jane. Its from headmistress Owlings "Imperio is one of the three Unforgivable Curses. By admitting to use you've proven yourself to be irredeemably evil. I hereby ban you from Wogharts forever. You will never be a witch". Your dreams and hopes are crushed. You
>feel mad at Jane. How could she report you to the headmistress?
>curse headmistress Owlings for her transphobia
>feel depressed and suicidal
>vow to keep moving forward until you're the best witch ever
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>>feel depressed and suicidal
use retard strength and beat her
Please don't post such things. This is a work safe board with many children
You feel depressed and suicidal. You're being denied your hopes and dreams just because you're transgender. The transphobes hate you just for existing. "You'll never be a witch" Owling's hateful remark fills you with sadness. While you're feeling depressed a little boy from the nearest village comes to your hut. "Thank you for saving us from the evil monster, Miss Mazela! I want to be a great witch like you when I grow up"! You
>tell him he'll be a great witch
>tell him only ciswomen are allowed to be witches
>decide you don't need Owling's approval! Trans witches are witches!
>will save more people and earn their acceptance
Of course you would post this shit knowing that, pedophile.

>Verification not required.
>Curse him and turn him into a roach
Trans witches are witches
No that's out of character Mazela is a good witch she would never do that
>immediately commit suicide by Bombarda Maxima for ultimate dismemberment
>Commit suicide due to depression
>decide you don't need Owling's approval! Trans witches are witches!
You decide you don't need Owling's approval! Trans witches are witches! The children you saved from the Gondola's evil don't care that you're transgender. They validate your existence as a witch. "You're welcome" you hug the little boy. The approval of innocent children is what matters not the approval of bigots whose hearts have been corrupted by hate and darkness. You're Hedge Witch Mazela your adventures are just beginning!
>to be continued
Do you really need validation this badly? Absolutely pathetic
>>to be continued
>implying he's going to post this diarrhea again and again and again just as he has been before
I can't believe this thread is still taking up space in the catalog.
Don't forget to archive, if this is the end of the thread. You have plenty of time before it falls off the board to continue, though.
By complaining, you're just encouraging him to make more
Continued >>6022577

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