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Hello anons, and hello generous wizards. I'm looking for some creative outpainting or expanding to be done for a pic I'm about to post after this one (which is provided for context of you want it on how the shower looks. Feel free to ignore if that's impossible)

Thank you for reading, and for any attempts!

Pic 1
Pic 2 (the one to expand fully)
In the film Private School, the girl is showering and there's a guy spying on her (and taking Polaroids) through the window. She opens the shower door, notices him in the small mirror next to her, smiles to herself, and lets him take another picture of her before she exits the shower.

We see her full body through the frosted glass (Pic 1) while the door is closed and as she's opening it, but it cuts to the close-up of her face (Pic 2) as the door opens fully. I'd love to see what AI can do to recreate the view the guy gets when she's letting him take the photo. She has big tits (but not cartoonistly big) and a slim build.

Thanks wizards!
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Here you go anon. That film remind me of the Ghoulies 3 shower scene which is even better.
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This is amazing, do you have disc/session?
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Oops, improved the join line.
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this took me forever, fuck outpainting
These are fucking brilliant! I'm in awe of your work, both of you. Thank you so much!
Are ahy wizards able to outpaint this pic? I'd love to see her standing there nude, her fat tits out and proud, light colored nips.
Not sure which is the better shot due to pixels.and movement blur,.but this Friends scene could.be improved buy showing more of a young Jennifer Aniston's body naked

Pic 1a
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Pic 1b
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Pic 2
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I must have a shower kink I didn't know about before this, kek. Here's Sarah Michelle Gellar, would love to see her too if you're willing, wizard/s. Thank you!
And the scene inspired by Gellar's, Anna Faris from one of the Scay Movies.
Are *any wizards...
This was me too. Any chance of placing her next to a shower cubicle, so it stays on theme? It's Whitney Cummings, a big titted tease in my book.
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And here's Zooey Deschanel from Elf. She's a natural brunette so I'm gonna guess brown nips please.
Thanks again to any willing wizards
It's not part of the theme, but here's Molly Ringwald's upskirt from The Breakfast Club. Any chance a talented wizard could remove her panties so we can see her pussy with some modest ginger hair on top? Tyia!
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Damn, that's so good. Thank you!
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How about the second shot as well? >>19361961
Does it sound rude if I ask for both of them to be done?
I don't know how this is possible but I love it. Can you get the reverse shot too? >>19361944
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I love these so much, please continue with the others when you have time. You're the king of these.
tits are too big, their not that fat
Ok sure, but it's still great stuff.
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>>19363079 #
>>19363083 #
>>19363091 #
Damn, I love these so much, thank you Anonymous and Nigel! Your skills at this amaze me. Please feel free to do Sarah Michelle Gellar's pic again if you want to (with smaller, but not non-existent tits), or any of the others if you're willing. Thanks!
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Superb work as always Nigel, thanks!
Bump for this one if possible
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Is this one possible ?
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Next shower-themed outpainting/expanding for the talented wizards of my thread: Teà Leoni, thank you!
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I also have some of an '80s Kelly Lebrock. Would love to see her full pics of possible, wizards
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Pic 2

Don't let her arm block her tits though please.
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Pic 3

Again, please don't let her arm block the goodies if possible. Full body pic including her ass, I hope. Thank you again!
Could this be expanded enough to show her full body, including a light brown muff as well as her generous tits, all the way down to her feet? If so, that'd be awesome, cheers!
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This was surprisingly hard to do.
Sorry to hear that, but she looks great! I see that the arms kinda HAD to cover her tits, there's no way they couldn't, really. Hopefully the other two pics will be better in that regard. Are you able to try those next? I really love your work.
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What AI are you all using? Im interested in learning how and would be willing to pay for apps if need be.
>pay for apps
Don't pay for apps unless you have a shit pc, user stable diffusion, with any webui like automatic1111. Lots of tutorials. But like I said the main thing you need is a decent pc with a dedicated GPU
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These ones are hard for some reason, lots of mistakes..
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difficult one because of the pos she is in
Alright I’ll look into this thanks
Follow this guide to get it up and running, then you can look up how to outpaint in this webui.
Wow, Nigel! Great to see you back in the thread and making such great outpainted pics! Is that even the right term? Kek. You and the other anon (it feels to me like it's one other anon who keeps returning, like you) ... anyway, you both do awesome work with the pics I'm posting in this thread, and I really appreciate it. Thanks for these latest ones!
I wonder why those two of Kelly Lebrock in the shower (from Weird Science) were so particularly difficult and gave both of you such trouble.
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I'm gonna continue with my theme and hope you're both willing to keep doing these. I'm loving them and it seems for the most part you're both enjoying making them!

Here's Scarlett Johansson ...
Are you on discord Nigel? Please add mine aaronsnyper
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This is Kate Beckinsale, her tits are teased on her social media all the time, so let's see them here!
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A young Sharon Stone looking sultry as fuck. Hopefully her arms aren't covering up her tits too much, either.
This would be amazing
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Believe it or not, this is a young Meg Tilly, so her funbags should definitely be worth the outpainting for this one!
I have more ready to be requested, but four seems like enough for now. I'll wait and see what you think of these.

Ikr, she's a super sexy chick and doesn't look anywhere near her age. Wish she'd done more nudity in her career. Thankfully, my good friends Nigel and Anonymous are here to help us out with that! (I hope!)
Didn't realise how dark this one was when I posted it, sorry. If it's easy to brighten as you go, please do. If not, oh well. I'll check the pics more carefully from here on.

what do you use for these?? i already know how to use stable diffusion, just want to learn how to do what you do.
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Haha great stuff. These really do look perfectly real, thanks! How about full body? Fully shaven pussy would be nice.
The opening from Bring it On really needs this.
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Helps to add the pic
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Also from the back.
This one might be tricky because of the audience.
Agree with Nigel. I use Krita with the AI pluggin.
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Could you please try this one. Btw amazing thread
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Was finnicky but came out okay
i am impressed
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Thank you anon! Or anons. But I suspect you're the same anon who's been returning daily to help me out and show off your skills. I'm proud of this thread, and it's starting to gain some followers so that's cool. As long as I still get my pics done! Kek. Anyway, excellent work on these two. Beckinsale or Tilly next, pls?
Yes! As OP of the thread and poster of all requests thus far (the ones on theme anyway), I say Dunst was a perfect addition, anon. And superb execution, Risk! Thank you both for these!
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Another of SMG (if you don't limd removing the glimpse of towel first so she's fully naked)
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Or this one. Thank you!
Unfathomably based thread

what are you using for these? I already have some knowledge of stable diffusion, but not really about outpainting. any tutorials?
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2 things you can do, img2img at the bottom in scripts choose "outpaintingmk2" or you can edit the photo's canvas in paint to expand it manually then simply inpaint the blank area.
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More genius work, thank you so much!

Thank you, anon. I'm quite proud of it myself! I mean, I've done absolutely none of the actual work, it was just my idea and I've been feeding the wizards all the on-themed pics, but still ... I'm taking the compliment as partly mine, kek.

cheers mate!
Can I get something like this too please?

I love the big tits.

I'm ok with bigger if it comes out that way.
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Let's keep the thread going with a few more celebrities. First, we have two pics of Leslie Bibb, another famous non-nude tease. Let's remedy that, shall we wizards?

Pic 1
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And perhaps more hilariously, Pic 2. She's got small to medium tits, and I'd guess light nipps but not too pale.
I know it's probably more work than just topless,.but full body nudes would always be amazing if possible, thank you wizards! I'd love to see a small gift of blonde hair above pussy. Not too thick, I bet she keeps it trimmed for her man
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Also, while I recognize that it's probably more work, it'd be great to see a naked Katy Perry caught by the paparazzi with ther big tits and bare pussy out. Anyone able to make this happen? Cheers as always!
I'm ok with a huge tits outpaint or a full body if that's not too much to ask for

Thank you
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best i could do
Got more coming. Jessica Rothe from Happy Death Day. This pose ought to be interesting.
And from the back, thankfully there's a bit more to work with here.
As the one who did >>19364533, >>19362387, >>19363739, >>19362305, and >>19362044, I definitely will be trying
>>19365501, >>19365502, and >>19365156.
This is great to hear, thanks wizard! I'm very excited to see how those three come out.
OP of the thread here, I've posted most of the on-themed requests (the Happy Death Day pics being the only exception). Just wondering if Nigel, Risk, or any of the Anonymous wizards from this thread have Kik? I'd be interested in connecting there if so. I don't use disc or sess or anything else, so if you don't have Kik, that's cool. Just curious. Cheers!

And for >>19364140, I wanted to post a clearer pic of Meg Tilly, so you can use it as a frame of reference. This pic isn't a request, it's just something to go by for the shower pic of her from earlier.
I will pay for you to do some custom requests for me, please drop your contact great wizard!
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How about a Jeri Ryan double?

Pic 1, full body with towel around feet please. Big tits but natural looking, small blonde landing strip.
Pic 2, same scene but from behind, showing everything up to her ass at least. Thanks wizards!
Oops, forgot pic
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Perfect!! Thank you
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Maybe down to her stomache if possible full body
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Not OP, but anything with this? Pull dress up, thong, or bare ass? thanks in advanced wizards
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These are great, anon! So exciting seeing your work. Looking forward to more!
Would love to see a similar thing done with this, if you're willing, wizard: >>19365424
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More, you say? Ok then. More.

Here's Alyson Hannigan in the shower. Small tits, pinkish nips, and a light red patch of hair above her pussy, please wizards.
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And here she is, showered and made-up, ready for a night on the town. There's just one little problem ... she completely forgot to get dressed!!!

Head-to-toe nudity on the street, please!

do you have specific models ur using for these??
Why is there a toilet in the shower?
AI be very high a lot of the time.
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Very nice work! Can't wait to see her naked in the street ...
Mary Elizabeth Winstead here. aka Ramona Flowers
Oooh yes, a truly great addition to the thread, thank you anon!
What's the secret? Openpose?
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Please drop your discord for some custom requests for me!!!
Absolutely amazing.
Risk! These look great! Thank you so much!!
Would appreciate more detail, as it seems the plugin interfaces with ComfyUI, which is stable diffusion.
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What I do is I draw the outline I want and use and use SD 1.5 with realistcVisionV51 to smooth out what I drew and make the background. I'll then use that as a base and repeat the process until I think it looks good.
Her please...
How do you even do this?
I'm seriously trying to learn these things, do you have time to guide or chat with me about it?
Like I said, you have to draw the pose you want. The AI helps add in details and smooth out any tweaks you do on it. SD is really good if you can provide it good input and set it on medium/low strengths.
Kek, is that a gun? And skintight red plastic anklet boots? I love it, kek
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How about the full body treatment for Helen Hunt? Thank you, wizards.
And here's Star Wars a tress Ming-Na Wen. She has small-ish tits with brown nips, maybe slightly bigger than small, but not big. Obviously a little black pubic hair seems reasonable, but not too much of it. Cheers!
Star Wars *actress
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Not the typical request for this thread, but it'd be funny to lose this guy's underwear while these chicks are all staring at him. Normal dick size tho please. Or small, whatever you want except huge.
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Ahh, I see. In that case, excellent attention to detail, making it match the scene so closely, anon!
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Shot in the dark but since it looks like some non celebs have been done on here, hoping this one cam be done. Also to the anons who have done the edits on behalf of other anons thanks for yours works.
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This is perfect!! Great job, anon. Thank you so much
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Huge-titted redhead Christina Hendricks. Please show her fully naked, front and back.

Pic 1
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Pic 2
Too low quality, AI has a hard time matching the artifacts
Ah, ok then. Thanks for trying, Risk. (Still looks great, tho!)
Is there any hope for the back of Jeri Ryan? Or it is a picture quality issue again?
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damn thats what I do, except with openpose to make sure the pose is right. I also use SDXL sometimes. I use photoshop to paint.

recent example from #19367269 (didn't use name as it is not my finest work). I usually aim for one-to-one accuracy with the source in terms of breast size etc
>>19367269 should work
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The first step I do is copy the background layer and paint the rough colors on just like you did.
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Then I blend them together using a brush called "Blender Blur" on low (15-30%) opacity. I'm not sure if PS calls it something different but the icon looks like a cotton swab.
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I then add locations for the nipples, the tit outline, and pussy location. I'll also add a low opacity (~10%) SVL layer with random light and dark pixels to roughly match the noise of the original pic. Things to consider in this step: higher areas will be lighter colored than lower areas (elevation wise), bras/bikini tops will push up and bring the tits closer to each other so that needs to be accounted for, it is best to do these things in a separate layer and use blender blur to make it seamless.
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Run the AI. In this run I didn't like the nipples and her right hand got fucked up so I used a transparency mask to delete the parts I didn't like, the clone tool fill in some gaps, and shrunk the nipples using the transform tool.
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Finally, I ran the AI again and some minor uses and made this.
Nice work, and very much appreciated for the tutorial. Thanks, anon!
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Interesting that you guys go through all that extra effort beforehand. I just pop it in SD with the bikini masked and a denoising strength of 0.75 or 0.8 and it usually gets the general idea, then run again at lower CFG scale and denoising strength until it looks decent.

I'm on a1111 though, not sure what ComfyUI is like.

So that's how people get their generations not looking airbrushed.. I've always wondered how it's done.
Thanks for the tips :)
Getting back to the theme of the thread, can Helen Hunt get any joy?
Brooke Shields from That 70s Show, front and back. Full body please, small tits and landing strip.
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Couple of options for the ass pic, please choose whichever's best to use. Option 1.
Option 2
And we can't visit the 70s without a little red bushed, big titted Donna!
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How about emil Stone?
*Emma, kek
Front bump
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Nicely done
Bumping in hope an anon can work some magic
These are great -- thanks anon!
You're not getting any response cos it's not on theme
Figured but had seen 2 others that weren't on theme get something so figured I'd shoot the shot
Page 10 safety bump
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Oh I got a new one.
Megan Fox in Jennifer's Body
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An excellent addition, thanks anon! I still have a few up my sleeve waiting to.be posted, but I don't want to overburden the wizards with too many at once, so I only post a few once the ones before have been done. That's not to say I'm impatient, I'm loving the results so I'm happy to wait and post them in small batches every time the previous lot have been done.
Young and busty Jennifer Connelly. Full body pic, please wizards!
Bumping to keep the thread from dropping too far.
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nice one, i try it too...
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Fixed seam.
File deleted.
fixed a detail in the hand.
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These are great! I'm so fucking proud of this thread. Excellent contributions from everyone!

This is Ashton Kutcher and Natalie Portman. What could possibly be happening out of frame to get her to have that reaction? I'll let the wizards decide!
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Hailee steinfeld orgasm from Emily Dickenson show.(she's getting eaten out by lesbian lover). Don't much care for lesbian being added less you wizards or anons think you can make it work. But figure if where still adding this was a good picture to throw in the rinf
A great request! Maybe she's masturbating, maybe she's being dicked down. Can't wait to see what the wizards can do!

This is fantastic! Thanks anon

Last call, wizards, for Helen Hunt in the shower ...
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Margot Robbie, pic 1
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Margot Robbie, pic 2
Full body shower pics would be amazing, tyia wizards!
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couldnt get a good full body
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Thanks Nigel, fine work as always. Don't mean to sound ungrateful but any Chace you can dona small touch up so the books are same size? If you ain't up to it then again thanks for the result.
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>dona small
what? kek
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did you mean "do a small" "boobs"
No problem, these are great!
Superb work as always, Nigel! Thanks for returning to the thread!

I'll post some new requests in a few hours ...
I did not, lol. But I will admit the small size does sell the image more (think it makes it come across more natural). Upon comparing them back to back I think the left looks more rounder then the second, and just depends a lil bit more then the right in bothcases, however as mentioned the smaller size edit make it far less noticeable and looks (in my opinion) more natural to her body. As always a phenomenal job. And thank you for the the time and a the fantastic result. I genuinely mean it. Your works always a treat
Recognize this may be a pain cusse of the dragon claw but always thought since the trialed that this was a good sexy face (kinda the hailee steinfeld one, it just lends it self to an editor well). Hopefully yall can work some magic with it
The same goes for this face from gal gadot in terms of a left sexually drained type of expression (got a far shot that shows the body to if that makes things easier)
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Nicely done anon
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Hayden Panettiere naked in the locker room. I'll post a few options for our talented wizards can take their pick. Hopefully we get to see at least one from the front and one from the back. As always, if a full body shot isn't possible, at least getting her little tits out would be great!
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Thanks again nigel
Wow, still doing some awesome work in this thread, thank you Nigel!
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Can try to find a better angle but anyway to make this pic work?
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Sunday boop
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Coming trough as always nigel thanks. For the isabella moner should I find better photo? Also a y celeb in general I should look out for that you particularly like?
She's fully clothed, anon. Not really the purpose of the thread, but ok ...
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Emily Blunt, medium tits and a little blondish bush perhaps?
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Holly Hunter, medium tits and dark landing strip? Tyia wizards!
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Beverly D'Angelo naked from head to toe, please. She has big tits and short brunette pubes.
So where the wonderoman, kamala. And super girl ones I posted but he manged to make it work, so I figured I'd ask, only one I posted that wasn't clothed was the hailie steinfeild Emily dickinson one, figured that as head shots where they key component anyway it be feasible. Which it looked to be. But if it's supposed to be be just purely nude but cropped then my bad for the slip up. If I add anything else I'll keep it solely to that specification.
From the movie drive aways dolls. For reference. Character is tight laced lesbian who's having 2nd ever experience with her playboy type best friend after they have both admitted to having feelings for one another, she's getting eaten out in this scene
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The playboy lebsian in question, played by Margaret quailey (may post shower sex/ make out picture if I can find good quality photo.
OP says 'creative outpainting' so go easy on him, it complies :)
Page 5 bump
Let's get some full body nudes of Hilary Duff happening!
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That's excellent, thanks anon!
Can we get some of these done? Full body or upper half, whatever's possible. Thank you, wizards
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Can someone please make her nude
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That's really good, anon! I like how you've blended the shadow so naturally. Think you can try your hand at this one, too? >>19375628
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This one before photo limit
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Phenomenal job anon even got the hair fromt he other one right.
Any chance this one can be done as well?
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Hey OP, no idea what to expect, but would be cool to see this pic extended and she has no bottoms and her legs open
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Can we see what stes working with, tits, pussy and/ or ass?
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Please show her full naked body from behind
How you gonna did this? Is that possible with sd 1.5
A mixture of drawing and realisticVisionV51 (which works with SD 1.5).
Can you go into a little more detail, if that's ok
I describe it in >>19367882. If the AI has an idea of what you want, it's pretty good at things like matching color and noise. You just have to manually guide it to get details by drawing in what you want. It can then blend it in with the image. Some specific tools I use are described in >>19368634, >>19368637, >>19368645, >>19368652, and >>19368653.
Blonde girl naked in front of a crowd

Pic 1 is from the front. Fully body nude?
Pic 2 is from behind. I guess removing her underwear to make her nude will be necessary please
Pic 3 is an alternate angle from behind. No nudifying needed this time, just expanding the image to include her naked ass. Thanks wizards!
This is from degrading. Was she even legal at the time?
You mean DeGrassi. And yes.
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Can we see Diane Lane all the way down to her ass, please wizards?
This is genuinely the best shop I've ever seen, amazing skills anon. Have any contact info to reach you for shops ?
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Nicole Kidman. Can we see her full body showering, with tight little pink nips on her small (pre surgery ) tits, and a small amount of ginger bush? Tyia, wizards!
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Michelle Williams, fully nude in the shower, please wizards?
Kind anon, thank you very much for the information.

I got ComfyUI just because of you.

I have a question though. I understand that the tits or other parts of the body must be manually drawn by us with the pencil or something similar and then blur.

However, how should I draw the nipples? May be a stupid question though.

Also, when using ComfyUI do you after making the drawing and blending make a selection area using a rectangle or do you manually select each specific area?

I’ve tried but I can’t make the AI recognize the drawing I do as tits ( the drawing does not have tits). So the image the AI generates does not have tits that follow the line I’ve drawn.

Would really appreciate help for my dumb self
No problem. For drawing the nipples, I start with a separate layer, usually just a normal color layer, and draw a rough circle/oval where I want them and use the blender blur on the edges. For the nipples themselves, I draw a circle in the center and use the blender blur to smooth out the edges. To make it more realistic/adjust, use an SVL layer with lighter colors at higher elevations and darker at lower. Also, make the closest edge that you would be looking at slightly thicker. As far as the selection goes, sometimes I'll make a rectangle but I'll make a more specific selection if I want to get some specific detail without affecting the rest of the image. Your issue may be the checkpoints model. I use realisticVisionV51.
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This is perfect, thank you wizard! I hope you'll be back and some of the others not done yet will inspire you to give them a try as well.
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Can u give them a body and nude pls?
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Noticed a mistake.
Outpaint, expand?
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Thank you very much! I'll try this.
That's the model I've been using
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can you do this one Anon please ;)
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Is this one possible?
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Still hoping these can be done. Also:
Those would.be awesome too. Thanks for all the pics you do for us, wizards!
not op i have my own style but picture is bad quality
happy fap day
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Perhaps once more as the thread travels to page 10 and beyond.
Well I guess you've used up all the reply spots with those. As OP of this thread, I'm starting a new thread that's just for celebs. If you want to start one for amateur pics, be my guest.

New thread:
Oooh very nice, thank you! I've started a new thread so hopefully I ll see you in there, anon!

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