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Big tits next to smaller ones
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im well traveled but ive never seen beasts like these. are they asian whites with their skin dyed to look mexican? what is this?
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I doubt there is much envy here.
Premium slampig, chef's kiss my man
That's a huge mogging.
This is one of those few cases where I choose the smaller one

That Tomboy style gets me (plus if she's really a Tomboy Too)
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mogging because youre obese isnt the samething
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I’ll take the smaller pair and those abs.
We’d all fuck left but let’s just take a step back and admire regardless of preference
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Forgot pic
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It’s an English thing
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The busty one is also drop dead gorgeous
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Damn she has them huge
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Mogged, but I bet the Asian has a prettier puss.
Maybe, left seems pretty fucking tight and pink
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There is; it just flows right to left.
Smaller titties can be nice, some women are thick and juicy while others are like tight little packages. Both can be beautiful in different ways. I think each woman is beautiful in her own special way, even HOES and THOTS.
>I bet the Asian has a prettier puss
It's brown
Holy shit, left is pure perfection. Would breed/wife.
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I prefer left when she agrees to simply be topless at the beach

Always the abs!!
Definitely uk slags
Not seeing what the smaller boobed women have to be envious about. IMO it's all about the shape and size comes second. Get too big and they just become bags of fat.
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I agree. Sometimes I like cute little nubs and sometimes I like big ponderous milkers.
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Adding in Height gap is even better.
LOL! Case in point…
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Two in one
with all that lace right should've just been the bra
Outstanding submission
This is great!
I prefer right chick >>21957026
Interesting tan line on right
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I love a height gap
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Nice. Hers should say TEAT.
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The thing on the right is a boy
Read the thread title faggot
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Here also
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What this thread was intended for
I like it with the boobies touch.
got more of the one on the left?
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more of the right one?
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Plenty big girls have no chest. If the blonde lost some weight she'd absolutely btfo the other
Whi is the one on the left?
More of her on the right?
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nice! I love when women get caught 'mirin superior cleavage.
ha ha
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damn, got any more
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In a group of females, is the largest chest the alpha of the group?
Who's supposed to be the pretty one here?
why are they in that one mall map from Spec Ops The Line
Guess ya gotta decide whether you like your cougars ugly… or fat.
Let’s play who if prettier
Equally meh
Both ugly
Smaller, miss big boobs is obese
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One of them is wrinkly and you can tell her flesh is all loose and saggy, and the other one is a whale
Do you think they were pretty once?
Dunno. They hit the wall though. Well, the one on the left she ATE the wall lol.
>If the blonde lost some weight
surprised this wasnt posted
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I envy whoever gets his cock between those lovely fat tits
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Moar of left?
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Late to the party sorry
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One of these is not like the others
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do you fap to the inferiority of the small girl. or the superiority of the big girl?
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I wouldn't say either is superior or inferior. Also, to answer your question, both. (or "all four" depending on what you're counting)
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You can't use a landwhale, that is no mog. Even OP is a wash, because the one with the small tits has an awesome body with abs, and the chick with the tits is kinda fat.
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Shut your dumb ass up
middle is perfection
Fuck more of left?
>we're ready to settle down now
What does that mean?
No, he's exactly right. Big tits due to obesity don't make up for obesity.
Fuck off retard, nobody thinks a landwhale mogs a girl with a tight athletic body. And there really are some great examples of actual titmogging in this thread too.

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hahaha yes! more?
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Me on the left 0_0
the girl was reportedly hospitalized from the brutal mogging

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